34 research outputs found

    Towards a Framework for Generating Tests to Satisfy Complex Code Coverage in Java Pathfinder

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    We present work on a prototype tool based on the JavaPathfinder (JPF) model checker for automatically generating tests satisfying the MC/DC code coverage criterion. Using the Eclipse IDE, developers and testers can quickly instrument Java source code with JPF annotations covering all MC/DC coverage obligations, and JPF can then be used to automatically generate tests that satisfy these obligations. The prototype extension to JPF enables various tasks useful in automatic test generation to be performed, such as test suite reduction and execution of generated tests

    Coverage Metrics for Requirements-Based Testing: Evaluation of Effectiveness

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    In black-box testing, the tester creates a set of tests to exercise a system under test without regard to the internal structure of the system. Generally, no objective metric is used to measure the adequacy of black-box tests. In recent work, we have proposed three requirements coverage metrics, allowing testers to objectively measure the adequacy of a black-box test suite with respect to a set of requirements formalized as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties. In this report, we evaluate the effectiveness of these coverage metrics with respect to fault finding. Specifically, we conduct an empirical study to investigate two questions: (1) do test suites satisfying a requirements coverage metric provide better fault finding than randomly generated test suites of approximately the same size?, and (2) do test suites satisfying a more rigorous requirements coverage metric provide better fault finding than test suites satisfying a less rigorous requirements coverage metric? Our results indicate (1) only one coverage metric proposed -- Unique First Cause (UFC) coverage -- is sufficiently rigorous to ensure test suites satisfying the metric outperform randomly generated test suites of similar size and (2) that test suites satisfying more rigorous coverage metrics provide better fault finding than test suites satisfying less rigorous coverage metrics

    A Flexible and Non-instrusive Approach for Computing Complex Structural Coverage Metrics

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    Software analysis tools and techniques often leverage structural code coverage information to reason about the dynamic behavior of software. Existing techniques instrument the code with the required structural obligations and then monitor the execution of the compiled code to report coverage. Instrumentation based approaches often incur considerable runtime overhead for complex structural coverage metrics such as Modified Condition/Decision (MC/DC). Code instrumentation, in general, has to be approached with great care to ensure it does not modify the behavior of the original code. Furthermore, instrumented code cannot be used in conjunction with other analyses that reason about the structure and semantics of the code under test. In this work, we introduce a non-intrusive preprocessing approach for computing structural coverage information. It uses a static partial evaluation of the decisions in the source code and a source-to-bytecode mapping to generate the information necessary to efficiently track structural coverage metrics during execution. Our technique is flexible; the results of the preprocessing can be used by a variety of coverage-driven software analysis tasks, including automated analyses that are not possible for instrumented code. Experimental results in the context of symbolic execution show the efficiency and flexibility of our nonintrusive approach for computing code coverage informatio

    The Effect of Program and Model Structure on the Effectiveness of MC/DC Test Adequacy Coverage

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    Test adequacy metrics defined over the structure of a program, such as Modified Condition and Decision Coverage (MC/DC), are used to assess testing efforts. However, MC/DC can be “cheated” by restructuring a program to make it easier to achieve the desired coverage. This is concerning, given the importance of MC/DC in assessing the adequacy of test suites for critical systems domains. In this work, we have explored the impact of implementation structure on the efficacy of test suites satisfying the MC/DC criterion using four real-world avionics systems. Our results demonstrate that test suites achieving MC/DC over implementations with structurally complex Boolean expressions are generally larger and more effective than test suites achieving MC/DC over functionally equivalent, but structurally simpler, implementations. Additionally, we found that test suites generated over simpler implementations achieve significantly lower MC/DC and fault-finding effectiveness when applied to complex implementations, whereas test suites generated over the complex implementation still achieve high MC/DC and attain high fault finding over the simpler implementation. By measuring MC/DC over simple implementations, we can significantly reduce the cost of testing, but in doing so, we also reduce the effectiveness of the testing process. Thus, developers have an economic incentive to “cheat” the MC/DC criterion, but this cheating leads to negative consequences. Accordingly, we recommend that organizations require MC/DC over a structurally complex implementation for testing purposes to avoid these consequences.</jats:p

    The ABC130 barrel module prototyping programme for the ATLAS strip tracker

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    For the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector, its Inner Detector, consisting of silicon pixel, silicon strip and transition radiation sub-detectors, will be replaced with an all new 100 % silicon tracker, composed of a pixel tracker at inner radii and a strip tracker at outer radii. The future ATLAS strip tracker will include 11,000 silicon sensor modules in the central region (barrel) and 7,000 modules in the forward region (end-caps), which are foreseen to be constructed over a period of 3.5 years. The construction of each module consists of a series of assembly and quality control steps, which were engineered to be identical for all production sites. In order to develop the tooling and procedures for assembly and testing of these modules, two series of major prototyping programs were conducted: an early program using readout chips designed using a 250 nm fabrication process (ABCN-25) and a subsequent program using a follow-up chip set made using 130 nm processing (ABC130 and HCC130 chips). This second generation of readout chips was used for an extensive prototyping program that produced around 100 barrel-type modules and contributed significantly to the development of the final module layout. This paper gives an overview of the components used in ABC130 barrel modules, their assembly procedure and findings resulting from their tests.Comment: 82 pages, 66 figure

    The Influence of Multiple Artifacts on the Effectiveness of Software Testing

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    Associated research group: Critical Systems Research GroupThe effectiveness of the software testing process is determined by artifacts used in testing, including the program, the set of tests, and the test oracle. However, in evaluating software testing techniques, including automated software testing techniques, the influence of these testing artifacts is often overlooked. In my upcoming dissertation, we intend to explore the interrelationship between these three testing artifacts, with the goal of establishing a solid scientific foundation for understanding how they interact. We plan to provide two contributions towards this goal. First, we propose a theoretical framework for discussing testing based on previous work in the theory of testing. Second, we intend to perform a rigorous empirical study controlling for program structure, test coverage criteria, and oracle selection in the domain of safety critical avionics software

    Towards a Framework for Generating Tests to Satisfy Complex Code Coverage in Java Pathfinder

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    Associated research group: Critical Systems Research GroupWe present work on a prototype tool based on the JavaPathfinder (JPF) model checker for automatically generating tests satisfying the MC/DC code coverage criterion. Using the Eclipse IDE, developers and testers can quickly instrument Java source code with JPF annotations covering all MC/DC coverage obligations, and JPF can then be used to automatically generate tests that satisfy these obligations. The prototype extension to JPF enables various tasks useful in automatic test generation to be performed, such as test suite reduction and execution of generated tests

    Parallel Symbolic Execution for Structural Test Generation

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    Associated research group: Critical Systems Research GroupSymbolic execution is a popular technique for automatically generating test cases achieving high structural coverage. Symbolic execution suffers from scalability issues since the number of symbolic paths that need to be explored is very large (or even infinite) for most realistic programs. To address this problem, we propose a technique, Simple Static Partitioning, for parallelizing symbolic execution. The technique uses a set of pre-conditions to partition the symbolic execution tree, allowing us to effectively distribute symbolic execution and decrease the time needed to explore the symbolic execution tree. The proposed technique requires little communication between parallel instances and is designed to work with a variety of architectures, ranging from fast multi-core machines to cloud or grid computing environments. We implement our technique in the Java PathFinder verification tool-set and evaluate it on six case studies with respect to the performance improvement when exploring a finite symbolic execution tree and performing automatic test generation. We demonstrate speedup in both the analysis time over finite symbolic execution trees and in the time required to generate tests relative to sequential execution, with a maximum analysis time speedup of 90x observed using 128 workers and a maximum test generation speedup of 70x observed using 64 workers

    Partial Translation Verification for Untrusted Code-Generators

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    Associated research group: Critical Systems Research GroupWithin the context of model-based development, the correctness of code generators for modeling notations such as Simulink and Stateflow is of obvious importance. If correctness of code generation can be shown, the extensive and often costly verification and validation activities conducted in the modeling domain could be effectively leveraged in the code domain. Unfortunately, most code generators in use today give no guarantees of correctness. In this paper, we investigate a method of leveraging existing model checking tools to verify the partial correctness of code generated by code generators that offer no guarantees of correctness. We explore the feasibility of this approach through a prototype tool that allows us to verify that Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) safety properties are preserved by C code generators for Simulink models. We find that the approach scales well, allowing us to verify that 55 LTL properties are maintained when generating 12,000+ lines of C code from a large Simulink model