5 research outputs found

    Stlačitelnost intermetalické sloučeniny

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    Názov práce: Stlačiteľnosť intermetalickej zlúčeniny Autor: Daniel Staško Katedra: Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látok Vedúci bakalárskej práce: RNDr. Jiří Prchal, Ph.D. Abstrakt: Predmetom tejto práce je štúdium metódy určenia zmien objemu materiálu pôsobením hydrostatického tlaku pomocou miniatúrnych tenzometrov. Medená vzorka s vysokou čistotou bola použitá ako referenčný materiál na zistenie tlakových a teplotných korekcii pre konkrétny typ tenzometra použitého v tejto práci. Na demonštráciu tejto metódy bola zmeraná tlaková závislosť predĺženia vzorky CeCuAl3 pozdĺž 2 kryštalografických osí v rozsahu do 2,3GPa. CeCuAl3 je intermetalická zlúčenina už dlho študovaná kvôli jej zaujímavým magnetickým vlastnostiam. Táto práca je súčasťou komplexného štúdia tohto materiálu. Zároveň bola zmeraná teplotná závislosť predĺženia v nízkom a vysokom tlaku. Kľúčové slová: vysoký tlak, stlačiteľnosť, tenzometer, CeCuAl3Title: Compressibility of an intermetallic compound Author: Daniel Staško Department: Department of Condensed Matter Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Jiří Prchal, Ph.D., Department of condensed matter physics Abstract: This work focuses on the method of using miniature strain gages for the measurement of volume change and strain in hydrostatic pressure. Two state variables are involved in the changes - temperature and pressure. A copper reference material was used to determine the pressure and temperature corrections for the specific type of strain gage used it this work. To demonstrate this method, a pressure dependence of strain was measured up to 2.3GPa for the CeCuAl3 single crystalline sample along particular crystallographic directions. It is studied for its interesting magnetic properties and this work aims to contribute to its complex study. Temperature dependencies of strain under low and high pressure were also measured. Keywords: high pressure, compressibility, strain gage, CeCuAl3Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látekDepartment of Condensed Matter PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Compressibility of an intermetallic compound

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    Title: Compressibility of an intermetallic compound Author: Daniel Staško Department: Department of Condensed Matter Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Jiří Prchal, Ph.D., Department of condensed matter physics Abstract: This work focuses on the method of using miniature strain gages for the measurement of volume change and strain in hydrostatic pressure. Two state variables are involved in the changes - temperature and pressure. A copper reference material was used to determine the pressure and temperature corrections for the specific type of strain gage used it this work. To demonstrate this method, a pressure dependence of strain was measured up to 2.3GPa for the CeCuAl3 single crystalline sample along particular crystallographic directions. It is studied for its interesting magnetic properties and this work aims to contribute to its complex study. Temperature dependencies of strain under low and high pressure were also measured. Keywords: high pressure, compressibility, strain gage, CeCuAl

    Pressure effects on physical properties of a selected Ce-based compound

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    Presented thesis focuses on the study of transport properties of two intermetallic compounds, CeRhSi3 and CeCuAl3, under high external pressure. High-pressure dependence of previously reported pressure induced superconductivity in CeRhSi3 is studied closely up to 4.6 GPa, focusing on the, so-far-unstudied, pressure region above 3 GPa. After reaching maximal value at 2.9 GPa, the critical temperature of superconducting transition is gradually suppressed by further pressure application. Extensive search for possible pressure induced superconductivity in CeCuAl3 is conducted, employing solid-pressure-medium Bridgman anvil cells with theoretical pressure limit of 12 GPa. No pressure induced superconductivity is observed up to 4.5 GPa and down to 8 mK. Additionally, a calibration study of three liquid pressure exchange media from Daphne Oil 7000 series is carried out in order to advance high pressure experimental techniques. Comprehensive results about hydrostaticity, solidification, pressure drop and compressibility of individual pressure media are presented

    Vliv tlaku na fyzikální vlastnosti vybrané cerové sloučeniny

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    Diplomová práca je zameraná na štúdium transportných vlastností dvoch intermetalických zlúčenín, CeRhSi3 a CeCuAl3, pod vysokým vonkajším tlakom. Vysokotlaková závislosť tlakom indukovanej supravodivosti pozorovanej v CeRhSi3 je podrobne študovaná v tlakoch do 4,6 GPa, pričom sa zameriavame na zatiaľ nepreskúmanú oblasť nad 3 GPa. Po nadobudnutí maximálnej hodnoty na 2,9 GPa je kritická teplota supravodivého prechodu postupne potláčaná ďalšou aplikáciou tlaku. Pátranie po možnej tlakom indukovanej supravodivosti v CeCuAl3 je vykonané v obsiahlom rozsahu tlakov s použitím tlakových ciel Bridgemanovho typu s pevným výmenným médiom a teoretickým tlakovým limitom 12 GPa. Žiadna tlakom indukovaná supravodivosť nie je pozorovaná v tlaku do 4,5 GPa a teplote vyššej než 8 mK. Ďalšia pozornosť je venovaná kalibračnému štúdiu troch tekutých tlakových výmenných médií zo série Daphne Oil 7000 s cieľom vylepšenia vysokotlakových experimentálnych techník. Prezentujeme detailné výsledky o hydrostaticite, tuhnutí, tlakovom spáde a stlačiteľnosti individuálnych médií.Presented thesis focuses on the study of transport properties of two intermetallic compounds, CeRhSi3 and CeCuAl3, under high external pressure. High-pressure dependence of previously reported pressure induced superconductivity in CeRhSi3 is studied closely up to 4.6 GPa, focusing on the, so-far-unstudied, pressure region above 3 GPa. After reaching maximal value at 2.9 GPa, the critical temperature of superconducting transition is gradually suppressed by further pressure application. Extensive search for possible pressure induced superconductivity in CeCuAl3 is conducted, employing solid-pressure-medium Bridgman anvil cells with theoretical pressure limit of 12 GPa. No pressure induced superconductivity is observed up to 4.5 GPa and down to 8 mK. Additionally, a calibration study of three liquid pressure exchange media from Daphne Oil 7000 series is carried out in order to advance high pressure experimental techniques. Comprehensive results about hydrostaticity, solidification, pressure drop and compressibility of individual pressure media are presented.Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látekDepartment of Condensed Matter PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic