489 research outputs found

    Évaluation de l'applicabilité d'une méthode statistique aux variations saisonnières des relations concentration-débit sur un petit cours d'eau

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    Les paramètres chimiques jouent un rôle important dans l'équilibre des écosystèmes aquatiques. De nombreuses études ont déjà démontré que les caractéristiques chimiques d'un cours d'eau peuvent changer avec les saisons. Cette étude a pour but de revoir les relations débit- concentration sur un petit cours d'eau, dans le contexte des variations entre deux périodes climatiques. Pour ce faire, une analyse de régression entre le débit et six paramètres de qualité de d'eau (sodium, magnésium, conductivité, pH, azote total et le carbone organique dissous) provenant d'un petit bassin versant forestier (ruisseau Catamaran, N.-B., Canada) a été réalisée afin de déterminer la différence entre la saison sans glace et la saison avec glace. Des échantillons mensuels d'eau ont été récoltés sur le ruisseau Catamaran depuis 1990. Les analyses chimiques faites sur ses échantillons ont permis de déterminer les concentrations des paramètre étudiés. La plupart des variables de qualité ont démontré une relation significative avec le débit, sauf l'azote total. Les coefficients de détermination variaient entre 0.752 et 0.898, exception faite du carbone organique dissous dont le r2 était de 0.294. La conductivité était le paramètre dont le débit expliquait le plus la variance. Une étude des rapports des sommes des carrés des résidus a permis de déterminer que seul le pH requiert un modèle différent pour la période sans glace et la saison avec glace. Les variations saisonnières de la relation débit-pH revêt une importance significative pour les ruisseaux comme celui de Catamaran, qui incluent de nombreux habitats pour le saumon de l'Atlantique. Les résultats des analyses de régressions indiquent que lorsque la géochimie est plus complexe, comme c'est le cas pour le pH, il faut diviser les séries temporelles en sous-composantes saisonnières avant de tenter d'établir une relation débit-concentration.The chemical composition of water is of great importance to ecosystem functioning and in habitat management. Many studies have already shown that the chemical characteristics of a stream change with seasons. These variations have a strong impact on the ecosystem, especially on fish populations. The objective of this study is to quantify the relationship between the logarithm of discharge and six water quality parameters (sodium, magnesium, conductivity, pH, dissolved organic carbon and total nitrogen) for a small forested catchment (Catamaran Brook, N.B., Canada) and to verify the importance of seasonality. Monthly water samples have been gathered at Catamaran Brook since 1990. Detailed water chemistry performed on these samples provided a data base for this project. Various linear regression models were tested to verify if regressions were required for the winter season. The criterion used was the ratio of the squared sum of residuals for each data set, which follows a Fisher distribution. Of the six water quality parameters, all except total nitrogen showed a significant relationship with discharge. On an annual basis, the coefficient of determination (r2) varied between 0.752 and 0.898, except for dissolved organic carbon which showed a r2 of 0.294. Of the studied parameters, conductivity was the parameter for which discharge explained the most variance. Ratios of the squared sum of residuals were analyzed to verify the need for different regression models for the ice-covered and ice-free seasons. Only streamwater pH required 2 different models. This is of specific importance and interest because of an important salmon population in Catamaran Brook. Other researchers have shown that salmonids can be negatively impacted by pH depressions during snowmelt events.These results show that most dissolved ions which follow simple geochemical reactions can be modelled year-round with only one linear regression. When the geochemistry is more complex, such as in the case of pH, linear regression models can sometimes be used, provided that the annual time-series is divided into seasons with relatively homogenous hydrological and geochemical functions

    Farm-level returns and costs of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) aquaculture in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, China

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    AbstractFreshwater aquaculture in China is expanding and intensifying as this country experiences rapid economic growth, and understanding farm-level profitability is necessary if farmers are to make reasonable decisions about their production plans. We conducted a survey of yellow catfish farmers in 2014 in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces in order to estimate farm-level profitability of pond aquaculture. We selected representative prefectures from the 2 provinces as study areas and used convenience sampling. Eighty-seven farmers were interviewed between April and May 2014 and the questionnaire collected detailed information on: (1) farmers’ demographics (age, gender, education, training, and experience); (2) production inputs (land, labor, fingerlings, feed, chemicals, machinery, and other miscellaneous costs); and (3) outputs (weight and revenue of harvested fish). Responses of 61 farmers included in the data analysis were post-stratified into 3 categories of farm size (<1.47ha, 1.47–3.67ha, and >3.67ha). We calculated production cost components, returns, and returns-costs ratios by farm size in each province. The overall returns-costs ratio was 1.31 in Guangdong and 1.17 in Zhejiang. Farmers in Guangdong invested more in land and machinery and had higher percentages of labor costs and chemical expenditures, but achieved better returns-costs ratios than farmers in Zhejiang. Higher land rent might be associated with greater yields of yellow catfish in Guangdong, which were almost twice those of Zhejiang

    Open Access

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    Background and methods: Idiopathic autism, suspected to be caused by exposure of genetically susceptible individuals to unknown environmental triggers, has increased dramatically in the past 25 years. The objectives of our study were to determine, using a linear regression model, whether the county prevalence of autism in the Pacific Northwest of the United States was associated with the source of drinking water for that county and whether this relationship was dependent on the level of environmental pollutants and meteorological factors in the county. Results: We found the previously reported relationship between precipitation and autism in a county was dependent on the amount of drinking water derived from surface sources in the county. We also found a positive association between the EPA’s risk of neurological disease and autism, but this relationship was only present in warm areas. Conclusions: Our study provides evidence for the hypothesis that environmental factors are associated with autism and that meteorological factors play a role in this relationship

    La régionalisation des précipitations : une revue bibliographique des développements récents

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    L'estimation de l'intensité de précipitations extrêmes est un sujet de recherche en pleine expansion. Nous présentons ici une synthèse des travaux de recherche sur l'analyse régionale des précipitations. Les principales étapes de l'analyse régionale revues sont les méthodes d'établissement de régions homogènes, la sélection de fonctions de distributions régionales et l'ajustement des paramètres de ces fonctions.De nombreux travaux sur l'analyse régionale des précipitations s'inspirent de l'approche développée en régionalisation des crues. Les méthodes de types indice de crues ont été utilisées par plusieurs auteurs. Les régions homogènes établies peuvent être contiguës ou non-contiguës. L'analyse multivariée a été utilisée pour déterminer plusieurs régions homogènes au Canada. L'adéquation des sites à l'intérieur d'une région homogène a souvent été validée par une application des L-moments, bien que d'autres tests d'homogénéité aient aussi été utilisés.La loi générale des valeurs extrêmes (GEV) est celle qui a le plus souvent été utilisée dans l'analyse régionale des précipitations. D'autres travaux ont porté sur la loi des valeurs extrêmes à deux composantes (TCEV), de même que sur des applications des séries partielles.Peu de travaux ont porté sur les relations intensité durée dans un contexte régional, ni sur les variations saisonnières des paramètres régionaux. Finalement, les recherches ont débuté sur l'application des concepts d'invariance d'échelle et de loi d'échelle. Ces travaux sont jugés prometteurs.Research on the estimation of extreme precipitation events is currently expanding. This field of research is of great importance in hydraulic engineering not only for the design of dams and dikes, but also for municipal engineering designs. In many cases, local data are scarce. In this context, regionalization methods are very useful tools. This paper summarizes the most recent work on the regionalization of precipitation. Steps normally included in any regionalization work are the delineation of homogenous regions, selection a regional probability distribution function and fitting the parameters.Methods to determine homogenous regions are first reviewed. A great deal of work on precipitation was inspired by methods developed for regional flow analysis, especially the index flood approach. Homogenous regions can be contiguous, but in many cases they are not. The region of influence approach, commonly used in hydrological studies, has not been often applied to precipitation data. Homogenous regions can be established using multivariate statistical approaches such as Principal Component Analysis or Factorial Analysis. These approaches have been used in a number of regions in Canada. Sites within a homogenous region may be tested for their appropriateness by calculating local statistics such as the coefficient of variation, coefficient of skewness and kurtosis, and by comparing these statistics to the regional statistics. Another common approach is the use of L-moments. L-moments are linear combinations of ordered statistics and hence are not as sensitive to outliers as conventional moments. Other homogeneity tests have also been used. They include a Chi-squared test on all regional quantiles associated with a given non-exceedance probability, and a Smirnoff test used to validate the inclusion of a station in the homogenous region.Secondly, we review the distributions and fitting methods used in regionalization of precipitation. The most popular distribution function used is the General Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. This distribution has been recommended for precipitation frequency analysis in the United Kingdom. For regional analysis, the GEV is preferred to the Gumbel distribution, which is often used for site-specific frequency analysis of precipitation extremes. L-moments are also often used to calculate the parameters of the GEV distribution. Some applications of the Two-Component Extreme Value (TCEV) distribution also exist. The TCEV has mostly been used to alleviate the concerns over some of the theoretical and practical restrictions of the GEV.Applications of the Partial Duration Series or Peak-Over-Threshold (POT) approach are also described. In the POT approach, events with a magnitude exceeding a certain threshold are considered in the analysis. The occurrence of such exceedances is modelled as a Poisson process. One of the drawbacks of this method is that it is sometimes necessary to select a relatively high threshold in order to comply with the assumption that observations are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). The use of a re-parameterised Generalised Pareto distribution has also been suggested by some researchers.Research on depth-duration relations on a regional scale is also discussed. Empirical approaches used in Canada and elsewhere are described. In most cases, the method consists of establishing a non-linear relationship between a quantile associated with a given duration and its return period to a reference quantile, such as a 1-hour rainfall with a 10-year return period. Depth duration relationships cannot be applied uniformly across Canada for events with durations exceeding two hours. Seasonal variability studies in regionalization are relatively scarce, but are required because of the obvious seasonality of precipitation. In many cases, seasonal regimes may lead to different regionalization approaches for the wet and the dry season. Some research has focused on the use of periodic functions to model regional parameters. Another approach consists of converting the occurrence data of a given event in an angular measurement and developing seasonal indices based on this angular measurement.Other promising avenues of research include the scaling approach. The debate over the possibility of scale invariance for precipitation is ongoing. Simple scaling was studied on a number of precipitation data, but the fact that intermittence is common in precipitation regimes and the presence of numerous zero values in the series does not readily lead to proper application of this approach. Recent research has shown that multiple scaling is likely a more promising avenue

    Holding solution pH and composition consistently improve vase life of rose, lily and gerbera

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    We assessed the influence of postharvest pulsing solutions pH and composition on cut flower quality of rose (Rosa hybrida cvs. Avalanche and Black Magic), gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii cv. Beaudine) and lily (Lilium × elegans cv. Fangio) under room (20±2 °C) and cold storage (4±1 °C) conditions. Cut flowers were placed in different acidic (pH, 3.5 - 4) or basic (pH, 7.0 - 7.5) preservative solutions containing water, sugar 5% (flower food), 100 mg/L silver nitrate (AgNO3 act as a bactericide), or a commercial product (2% sugar + bactericide and fungicide). Acidic solutions had higher or similar (never lower) vase life at both room and cold storage conditions and across species. In addition, vase life was 3-4 times longer in cold storage when compared to room conditions. Leaf chlorophyll concentrations for rose and lily were inconsistent or not significant across the species at both conditions (room and cold storage). The commercial preservative solution consistently and significantly had higher vase life than water for all tested cut flower species and under both room and cold storage environments. AgNO3 ranked second in terms of vase life enhancement. Overall, the use of only flower food (sugar) or bactericide (AgNO3) had a positive impact on vase life but only the combined use of a preservative substance (specifically at pH, 3.5 - 4.0) consistently guaranteed a high cut flower quality across flower species

    Control of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (AHPND strain) and improvement of water quality using nanobubble technology

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    Nanobubble technology is used in wastewater treatment, but its disinfectant properties in aquaculture have not been clearly demonstrated. This study investigated the ability of nanobubbles to reduce Vibrio parahaemolyticus (AHPND strain) and to improve water quality. Two laboratory experiments were conducted over a one‐week period, that is (a) assessing the effects of air and oxygen nanobubbles for 60 minutes per day and (b) comparing effects of ozone nanobubble treatments for 2, 4 and 6 minutes per day. Experiments were done in triplicate 100 L tanks with 15‰ saline water, inoculated with an initial bacterial concentration of 106 CFU/ml. At the end of experiment 1, the bacterial concentration of the air and oxygen nanobubble groups was counted for 69% and 46% of the control group respectively. At the end of experiment 2, the bacterial concentration of the 2‐, 4‐ and 6‐minute ozone nanobubble groups were counted for 23%, 2.2% and 0% of the control group respectively. Oxygen and ozone nanobubbles significantly increased oxygen reduction potential and oxygen values. Results indicate that under effective dosages nanobubbles can be used in the production farms to control V.parahaemolyticus and increase oxygen levels

    A case study of time-series regression modeling: Risk factors for pond-level mortality of farmed grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) on a southern Chinese farm

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    Limited research has been done using multivariable statistical methods to assess factors associated with fish mortality in warm-water finfish aquaculture in China. We carried out a case study to test the hypothesized association between pond-level daily mortality of farmed grass carp and predisposing environmental and husbandry factors. Based on logbook data from a single farm in Guangdong province (China) in 2013, two-stage time-series regression (TSR) analyses were conducted to estimate the lagged effect of these predisposing factors on grass carp mortality. Factors assessed included temperature fluctuations, movement of fish into and out of ponds, and 3 types of treatments (antibiotics-antiparasitics, traditional Chinese medicine-probiotics, and chemicals to improve water quality). First, coefficients were estimated using a generalized linear negative-binomial model for each pond, and these coefficient estimates were combined using meta-analytic techniques. Sensitivity analyses were done to compare effects of changes in the 3 modeling components: distributional forms, number of spline knots, and types of autocorrelation terms. Model results in the case study indicated 2 risk factors might be associated with increased mortality of grass carp: (1) movements-in of new fish during the previous 14 days; and (2) increasing water temperature during the previous 7 days. Sensitivity analyses indicated good consistency of the estimates with different modeling components. Our findings highlight the utility of assessing daily farm records using TSR to develop hypotheses about potential risk factors for grass carp mortality in China

    Considering Fish as Recipients of Ecosystem Services Provides a Framework to Formally Link Baseline, Development, and Post-operational Monitoring Programs and Improve Aquatic Impact Assessments for Large Scale Developments.

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    In most countries, major development projects must satisfy an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process that considers positive and negative aspects to determine if it meets environmental standards and appropriately mitigates or offsets negative impacts on the values being considered. The benefits of before-after-control-impact monitoring designs have been widely known for more than 30 years, but most development assessments fail to effectively link pre- and post-development monitoring in a meaningful way. Fish are a common component of EIA evaluation for both socioeconomic and scientific reasons. The Ecosystem Services (ES) concept was developed to describe the ecosystem attributes that benefit humans, and it offers the opportunity to develop a framework for EIA that is centred around the needs of and benefits from fish. Focusing an environmental monitoring framework on the critical needs of fish could serve to better align risk, development, and monitoring assessment processes. We define the ES that fish provide in the context of two common ES frameworks. To allow for linkages between environmental assessment and the ES concept, we describe critical ecosystem functions from a fish perspective to highlight potential monitoring targets that relate to fish abundance, diversity, health, and habitat. Finally, we suggest how this framing of a monitoring process can be used to better align aquatic monitoring programs across pre-development, development, and post-operational monitoring programs

    The UK risk assessment scheme for all non-native species

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    1. A pest risk assessment scheme, adapted from the EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation) scheme, was developed to assess the risks posed to UK species, habitats and ecosystems by non-native taxa. 2. The scheme provides a structured framework for evaluating the potential for non-native organisms, whether intentional or unintentional introductions, to enter, establish, spread and cause significant impacts in all or part of the UK. Specialist modules permit the relative importance of entry pathways, the vulnerability of receptors and the consequences of policies to be assessed and appropriate risk management options to be selected. Spreadsheets for summarising the level of risk and uncertainty, invasive attributes and economic impact were created. In addition, new methods for quantifying economic impact and summarising risk and uncertainty were explored. 3. Although designed for the UK, the scheme can readily be applied elsewhere