9 research outputs found

    Detection of luminescent nanoparticles in plants by laser spectroscopy

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    Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá vyhodnocením toxicity a bioakumulace foton-upkonverzních nanočástic (UCNPs) v modelové rostlině kukuřici seté (Zea mays). V této práci byly testovány lanthanoidy dopované UCNPs lišící se složením nebo velikostí a to ve třech různých koncentracích. Jako pozitivní kontrola byla použita směs odpovídajících chloridů. Expozice probíhala hydroponicky po dobu 168 hodin. Toxicita byla vyhodnocena na základě čtyř makroskopických toxikologických endpointů (mortalita, délka podzemní části rostliny, délka nadzemní části rostliny a délka celé rostliny). Prostorové rozložení prvků yttria, ytterbia, erbia a gadolinia v modelové rostlině bylo stanoveno metodou spektroskopie laserem buzeného plazmatu s prostorovým rozlišením 100 a 26 m. Distribuce UCNPs v rostlinách byla dále stanovena metodou foton-upkonverzního mikroskenování s prostorovým rozlišením 40 m. V práci byla diskutována stabilita UCNPs v průběhu a po ukončení expozice rostlin.This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of toxicity and bioaccumulation of photon-upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) in model plant maize (Zea mays). Lanthanide-doped UCNPs with different composition and size were tested in three different concentrations in this work. The exposure took place for 168 hours. Toxicity was assessed based on four macroscopic toxicological endpoints (mortality, the length of belowground part of the plants, the length of aboveground part of the plants and whole plants length). Spatial distribution of elements yttrium, ytterbium, erbium and gadolinium in model plants was determined using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with spatial resolution of 100 m and 26 m. Distribution of UCNPs in plants was further studied with photon-upconversion microscanning with spatial resolution of 40 m. Stability of UCNPs during and after the plant exposure was also discussed in this thesis.

    Analysis of biotic matrices by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá možností využití metody spektroskopie laserem buzeného plazmatu (LIBS), v oblasti biologických aplikací. Metodou LIBS byla stanovena prostorová distribuce vybraného prvku, kadmia, ve zvoleném modelovém organismu, hořčici seté (Sinapis Alba L.). Expozice rostlin probíhala v hydroponických podmínkách po dobu 72 hodin, jednalo se tedy o akutní test toxicity. Testovány byly tři různé zdroje kadmia, kvantové tečky stabilizované kyselinou merkaptopropionovou (CdTe QDs), silanizované kvantové tečky, tedy s vnějším obalem oxidu křemičitého (CdTe/SiO2 QDs), a jako pozitivní kontrola byl použit chlorid kademnatý. Po ukončení expozice rostlin a před samotným stanovením prostorové distribuce kadmia v rostlinách, byla velká část práce věnována optimalizaci vybraných parametrů LIBS měření (např. energie laseru a čas měření po laserovém pulzu). Následně bylo stanoveno prostorové rozložení kadmia a získané výsledky byly diskutovány s ohledem na testovanou látku, její stabilitu či tendenci k agregaci/aglomeraci ve vodném médiu při kontaktu s testovacím organismem v průběhu expozice. Závěrem práce byla také zhodnocena vhodnost metody LIBS pro stanovení prostorové distribuce vybraných kontaminantů v rostlinách.This bachelor thesis discusses the possibility of using Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for biological application. The LIBS method was used to determine spatial distribution of a chosen element, cadmium, in selected model plant, white mustard (Sinapis Alba L.) The exposure took place in hydroponic conditions and lasted for 72 hours, therefore it was an acute toxicity test. Three different sources of cadmium were tested, mercaptopropionic acid stabilized quantum dots (CdTe QDs), silica coated quantum dots (CdTe/SiO2 QDs), and cadmium chloride, which was used as a positive control. After the exposure and before determination of the spatial distribution of cadmium in plants, a significant portion of the thesis was devoted to optimization of selected parameters of LIBS measurement (laser energy and gate delay). Subsequently, the cadmium distribution was determined and the obtained results were discussed with regards to the tested substance, its stability and its tendency to aggregate/agglomerate in water medium in contact with testing organism during exposure. In the final part of the work, the suitability of the LIBS method for the determination of spatial distribution of chosen contaminants was evaluated.

    Detection of luminescent nanoparticles in plants by laser spectroscopy

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    This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of toxicity and bioaccumulation of photon-upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) in model plant maize (Zea mays). Lanthanide-doped UCNPs with different composition and size were tested in three different concentrations in this work. The exposure took place for 168 hours. Toxicity was assessed based on four macroscopic toxicological endpoints (mortality, the length of belowground part of the plants, the length of aboveground part of the plants and whole plants length). Spatial distribution of elements yttrium, ytterbium, erbium and gadolinium in model plants was determined using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with spatial resolution of 100 m and 26 m. Distribution of UCNPs in plants was further studied with photon-upconversion microscanning with spatial resolution of 40 m. Stability of UCNPs during and after the plant exposure was also discussed in this thesis

    Analysis of biotic matrices by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

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    This bachelor thesis discusses the possibility of using Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for biological application. The LIBS method was used to determine spatial distribution of a chosen element, cadmium, in selected model plant, white mustard (Sinapis Alba L.) The exposure took place in hydroponic conditions and lasted for 72 hours, therefore it was an acute toxicity test. Three different sources of cadmium were tested, mercaptopropionic acid stabilized quantum dots (CdTe QDs), silica coated quantum dots (CdTe/SiO2 QDs), and cadmium chloride, which was used as a positive control. After the exposure and before determination of the spatial distribution of cadmium in plants, a significant portion of the thesis was devoted to optimization of selected parameters of LIBS measurement (laser energy and gate delay). Subsequently, the cadmium distribution was determined and the obtained results were discussed with regards to the tested substance, its stability and its tendency to aggregate/agglomerate in water medium in contact with testing organism during exposure. In the final part of the work, the suitability of the LIBS method for the determination of spatial distribution of chosen contaminants was evaluated