26 research outputs found

    In anticipation of new migration crises : resilience and anticipatory governance in the EU's migration management framework

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    The concept of resilience has been commonly recognized as a new leitmotif of security governance in the European Union. In the aftermath of the so-called ‘migration crisis’, resilience has spilled over migration and border management, promoting the notions of resilient Schengen and broadly understood technologization of border management, to name a few. This trend has been only strengthened during the COVID-19 pandemic and the most recent border and refugee crises on the EU eastern border, which have mainstreamed the notions of anticipation, preparedness, and the ability to withstand shocks and disturbances external to the EU as a whole. Building on these developments, this article discusses how anticipatory governance interlocks with resilience within the newly proposed EU migration crisis management framework. In doing so, it provides a more nuanced picture of the EU’s post-2015 and 2016 approach to human mobility, asylum, and border protection. Such a take will also allow us to see how exactly the EU has adapted to new migratory circumstances, while conceptualizing the uncertainties related to increased migratory flows and operationalizing specific anticipatory and resilience-centered policy responses

    EU crisis management and conflict prevention : identifying institutional constrains for early warning analysis utilization

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    Early warning systems are responsible for monitoring crisis situations and generating warning signals of situations which escalate and pose a threat to international and human security. The application of this instrument often determines the success of preventive measures and efficiency of further crisis management. Being aware of the importance of this mechanism, the EU invested substantial resources for its development within the CFSP/CSDP framework. Nonetheless, the faulty institutional design and insufficient analytical capabilities of the EEAS put the applicability of the system in question. The article analyses a set of early warning institutional arrangements embedded in CFSP/CSDP institutional structure. In doing so, it describes and examines the main institutional and systemic constrains of early warning utilization in the EU conflict prevention framework

    Surveillance and security in immigrant detention centres in Poland : an overview of key technologies and practices

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    Guarded Centres for Foreigners are the key instrument of detention policy in Poland. They are often considered as one of the key and at the same time most secretive forms of securitization and criminalization of foreigners. With panoptical practices of (in)direct observation and robust electronic surveillance the centres are tasked with containing and producing a (self)disciplined, knowable, governable and deportable immigrant, who can be swiftly expelled from the Polish territory. Building on ethnographic research, including interviews and photographic material, this article explores specific practices and technologies of surveillance in Polish detention centres by describing and discussing how they are deployed by detention personnel. It overviews different types of direct surveillance (e.g direct observation, counting, inspection), at the same time discussing the role of monitoring technologies, which have significantly influenced the practices and spaces of detention. The article concludes that further development of electronic surveillance in the Polish guarded centres may be inevitable and lead to further "panopticonization" of detention in Poland

    EU-UN coordination in peace operations in Africa : the case of Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Since 2003 the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) have been trying to develop operational cooperation in the field of conflict management. The basic assumption of the partnership was to link legal and institutional capacity of the United Nations, with military operational capabilities of the European Union in order to effectively contribute to global peacekeeping. This however turned out to be a challenging task, which put a strain on both organizations. Since the beginning of the EU-UN cooperation many studies has been focusing on the legal and institutional analysis of the EU and UN peacekeeping units, their institutional-political discourse, practices and inter-operability (Brosig 2014). Not much attention has been devoted to in-depth critical analysis of EU-UN cooperation already conducted under the framework. That is why this article focuses not only on the institutional overview of the cooperation, but also reflects upon operational ability of both organizations to coordinate its efforts in the field and cooperate on a larger scale. The article investigates the case of three missions: EUFOR DRC and MONUC and Artemis and evaluates their performance and tasks carried out under the framework of EU-UN strategic conflict management

    Consolidating Europeanization : a communication-development perspective

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    This paper discusses a conceptual relationship between Europeanization and communication-development. It analyses the theories and methods of diffusion of knowledge and information in Europeanizing and developing societies. More precisely, it focuses on the exact elements of communication-development which coincide with Europeanization, and to what extent they could be extrapolated to the studies on internalization of the EU-driven social change. In this regard, the article aims to identify the focal points for possible application of such a perspective and sanction further analyses of communication as a consolidating factor in the process of Europeanization

    Szacowanie ryzyka : krytyczna perspektywa wobec systemów wczesnego ostrzegania przed konfliktami

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    Systemy Wczesnego Ostrzegania przed Konfliktami (SWOK) tworzą analizy ostrzegawcze, mające na celu zwrócić uwagę decydentów na potencjalne kryzysy międzynarodowe oraz uruchomić akcje prewencyjne. Dlaczego jednak w wielu przypadkach systemy nie spełniają swojego zadania? Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje się krytycznego przeglądu teorii wczesnego ostrzegania oraz koncepcji wyjaśniających ich niepowodzenia. Pozwoli na lepsze zrozumienie roli SWOK w zapobieganiu konfliktów oraz przybliży modele wykorzystywania specjalistycznych ekspertyz na poziomie międzynarodowym.Early Warning Systems produce conflict prevention analysis, that are to take the claim of surprise from the high-level decision makers’ hands and supplement it with a comprehensive and advanced security analysis. This however, on numerous occasions, proved to be problematic. This paper addresses these issues, providing a critical review of the early warning concept and its practical application. In doing so, it will offer a better understanding of the specific nature the warning-response gap and expertise utilization in the high-level political environment

    Identifying Security Logics in the EU Policy Discourse

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    This open access book investigates the complexity and the modalities of securitization of migration and border control at the EU level. It discusses and compares how different EU institutions and agencies have been deploying different logics of security, e.g. humanitarianism or management of risk, while framing increased migratory flows and so called migration crisis as a security problem. The book argues that the (re)development of EU migration and border control policies in response to increased migratory flows of 2015 have revealed an increasingly tangled nature of securitization of migration in the EU. This is reflected in the intertwining of security logics where migrants and human mobility tend to be securitized through different, sometimes multiple, interpretative lenses at different stages of policy framing. From a theoretical point of view, the book develops a fresh analytical perspective that further contributes to burgeoning discussion on securitization theory. By bridging the literature on policy framing and securitization it makes a significant contribution to the debates on both securitization and migration. As such this book is of great interest to students, academics, policy makers and all those working in the fields of EU politics, migration, security, and international relations

    The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Another Step in the EU Migration-Security Continuum or Preservation of the Status Quo?

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    In 2020 the New Pact on Migration and Asylum was presented as a normalization of EU migration, asylum and border management policies in the EU, a much-needed reform which is supposed to strike a balance between security, solidarity and protection of human lives. The aim of this article is to investigate to what extent the proposed reform is changing the modes and trajectories of the securitization of migration in the EU. In doing so, it focuses on specific security logics promoted in the text, discussing how different iterations of security are strengthened and/or marginalized in the EU securitizing framework. Building on the approach of ‘securitization as the work of framing’, the article indicates that the pact has strengthened the risk-management and resilience-centred security logics while at the same time downplaying the role of humanitarianism. It also reveals a strong role for ‘exceptionality’ as a security logic, which has gained prominence especially in relation to crisis management and a wider application of militarized and robust [email protected] University of Krakow, PolandBaele S., Jalea D., Twenty-Five Years of Securitization Theory: A Corpus-based Review, ‘Political Studies Review’ 2022, online edition, https://doi.org/10.1177/14789299211069499, pp. 1–14.Balzacq T. (ed.), Contesting Security: Strategies and Logics, New York/London 2015.Boräng F. et al., Identifying Frames: A Comparison of Research Methods, ‘Interest Groups & Advocacy’ 2014, vol. 3, pp. 188–201.Bourbeau P., Resiliencism: Premises and Promises in Securitization Research, ‘Resilience’ 2013, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 3–17.Commission recommendation (C (2020) 6469 final) on an EU mechanism for preparedness and management of crises related to migration (Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint) https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/commission_recommendation_on_an_eu_ mechanism_for_preparedness_and_management_of_crises_related_to_migration_migration_ preparedness_and_crisis_blueprint_0.pdf.Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, COM/2020/609 final, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/PL/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52020DC0609&qid=1607428374739.Corry O., Securitisation and ‘Riskification’: Second-Order Security and the Politics of Climate Change, ‘Millennium – Journal of International Studies’ 2012, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 325–258.Côté A., Agents without Agency: Assessing the Role of the Audience in Securitization Theory, ‘Security Dialogue’ 2016, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 541–558.Doliwa-Klepacka A., The New Pact on Migration and Asylum as a Response to Current Migration Challenges: Selected Issues, ‘Białostockie Studia Prawnicze’ 2021, vol. 26, no. 1, ppFijałkowski Ł., Jarząbek J., Between Emergency and Routine – Securitisation of Military Security in Iran and Indonesia, ‘Third World Quarterly’ 2019, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1670–1688.Fijałkowski Ł., Teoria sekurytyzacji i konstruowanie bezpieczeństwa, ‘Przegląd Strategiczny’ 2012, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 150–161.Huysmans J., The Politics of Insecurity: Fear, Migration and Asylum in the EU, New York/London 2006.Huysmans J., What’s in an Act? On Security Speech Acts and Little Security Nothings, ‘Security Dialogue’ 2011, vol. 42, no. 4/5, pp. 371–383.Kużelewska E., Piekutowska A., The EU Member States’ Diverging Experiences and Policies on Refugees and the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, ‘Białostockie Studia Prawnicze’ 2021, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 23–36.Massari A., Visual Securitization: Humanitarian Representations and Migration Governance, Cham 2021.Munster R. van, Securitizing Immigration: The Politics of Risk in the EU, New York/London 2009.Niemann A., Zaun N., EU Refugee Policies and Politics in Times of Crisis: Th eoretical and Empirical Perspectives, ‘Journal of Common Market Studies’ 2018, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 3–22.Paul R., Roos C., Towards a New Ontology of Crisis? Resilience in EU Migration Governance, ‘European Security’ 2019, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 393–412.Press statement by President von der Leyen on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_20_1727.Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council addressing situations of crisis and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum, COM(2020) 613 final, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/en/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52020PC0613.Stępka M., Identifying Security Logics in the EU Policy Discourse: The ‘Migration Crisis’ and the EU, Cham 2022.281233

    Migration and security in the European Union in times of crises : the dynamics of securitisation of human mobility in the political thought of Bronisław Geremek

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    In this text, the securitisation of migration in the European Union, which has become one of the most important themes in academic and political debates in recent years, is juxtaposed with Bronisław Geremek’s values and views on security, migration and border protection. Bronisław Geremek strongly believed in a liberal international order, human security, solidarity and the need to protect refugees and protecting borders without erecting walls and barriers to mobility. The analysis shows that the policy and discourse of the European Commission has largely diverged from the views propounded by Geremek, focusing mainly on security at the expense of mobility, humanitarianism and responsibility for refugees. The text also identifies some positive aspects in the development of the EU’s approach to migration, primarily related to the reception of refugees from Ukraine, which could represent an opportunity to develop a more humane approach to migration and asylum in the EU

    Local spoilers and pathways to reconciliation : the Polish perspective on the Polish-Ukrainian relations in the Borderlands

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    In the last three decades Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation has taken a structured and regular form of an international dialogue dominated and controlled by central governments, which simultaneously diminished the importance of the local perspective. Yet, it is the regional level where the Polish-Ukrainian tensions have originally escalated at, and the local borderlands' communities have always played a crucial role in the inter-ethnic relations. That is why this article tackled the topic of Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation as framed by the Polish borderlands’ elites, framing it with three dimensions of reconciliation: encounters, relationship, and innovation. It critically addressed the intractable tensions between Poles and Ukrainians in the borderlands, exploring the contemporary dynamics of distrust, narrowness and historical resentments which are continuously present in the local Polish narrative and stand in the way of reconciliation. The role of the European integration was viewed as an important context and a double-edged sword in the Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation. The article contended that it is crucial to look at Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation beyond the state-level and consider that without the involvement of the borderlands and their perspective, the process is still on a rocky road. The findings were based on primary and secondary sources, including semi-structured interviews conducted in the Polish-Ukrainian borderlands