21 research outputs found

    The Study on Influence of the Method of Handling of Measuring Head on Measurement Results Obtained with the Use of a Portable Profilometer

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    Portable profilometers are very common in industrial practice. In particular, they are useful if one wants to perform in-situ inspection of surface roughness under industrial conditions. They are usually small and light and owing to that they are portable and this is why they can be applied under industrial conditions. However, there are numerous factors that influence results of in-situ surface roughness measurements. One of such factors is a human error, since the measuring head is usually controlled manually by an operator. The paper presents results of the research aiming at establishing if there is statistically significant difference between results obtained for mechanical or manual handling of measuring head. In the experiments the following parameters were analyzed: Ra, Rq, Rt and RSm

    Państwo a gospodarka w koncepcjach programowych głównych ugrupowań politycznych III RP

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    "Zagadnienie roli państwa w gospodarce, jak to pokazuje choćby przykład planu Balcerowicza, można rozpatrywać w dwóch płaszczyznach. W pierwszej przedmiotem analizy może być zakładany przez dane ugrupowanie kształt ustroju gospodarczego i sprawowane w nim funkcje państwa, zaś w drugiej, rola jaką ma ono do spełnienia w procesie budowania nowego ładu społeczno-ekonomicznego. W tym ostatnim przypadku wchodzimy w problematykę teorii transformacji systemu socjalistycznego w kapitalizm, teorii, której przed 1989 rokiem nie było. Ożywiona dyskusja na ten temat rozpoczęła się dopiero wówczas, gdy zmiana systemowa stała się zadaniem praktycznym. Uczestniczyli w niej głównie intelektualiści, a nie siły polityczne. W niniejszym tekście zajmiemy się przede wszystkim spojrzeniem na funkcje państwa wynikające z postulowanego przez poszczególne siły polityczne kształtu systemu gospodarczego."(...

    Microbial properties of soil fertilized by sewage sludge and cultivated with energy crops

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    The microbial activity of soil enriched with sewage sludge and cultivated with energy crops, is little known. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of sewage sludge fertilization on selected microorganisms in soil cultivated with the following crops: Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus Greef et Deu), Virginia mallow (Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby) and Common Osier willow (Salix viminalis L.). Sewage sludge was used in two rates 10 and 20 t/ha dry weight (DW). The numbers of total coliforms bacteria, sulphate-reducing spore-forming bacteria, Proteus sp., saprophytic, thermophilic and aerobic spore-forming bacteria were examined. Sewage sludge increased the number of coliforms and sulphate-reducing spore-forming bacteria, and stimulated the growth of saprophytic and thermophilic bacteria. Cultivation of Miscanthus limited the number of coliforms bacteria, while Virginia mallow and Miscanthus reduced the number of sulphate- -reducing spore-forming bacteria. Common Osier willow stimulated the growth of saprophytic bacteria in the soil, while Virginia mallow the number of spore-forming bacteria. Our results revealed that microbial activity of soil expressed as the number of selected bacterial groups, depends not only on the applied rate of sewage sludge fertilizer, but also on the cultivated energy crop

    Люблинский государственный переворот. Создание Временного народного правительства Польской Республики в Люблине

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    Tekst przybliża genezę powstania Tymczasowego Rządu Ludowego Republiki Polskiej, który powołano w Lublinie w nocy z 6 na 7 XI 1918 r. Szczegółowo prezentuje wypadki, jakie miały miejsce w Lublinie w pierwszych dniach listopada, ale także szeroko nakreśla wcześniejsze wydarzenia, umożliwiające powstanie „rządu lubelskiego”. Artykuł omawia ponadto skład rządu, na czele którego staną wówczas Ignacy Daszyński, jego program oraz postulaty, syntezuje również opinie na temat roli rządu Daszyńskiego dla dalszego biegu historii Polski.This text describes the genesis of the Provisional People's Government of the Republic of Poland, which was established in Lublin on the night of 6-7 November 1918. It details the incidents which took place in Lublin in the first days of November, but also broadly outlines the earlier events which made it possible to form the “Lublin Government”. The article also discusses the composition of the Government, headed at the time by Ignacy Daszyński, and its programme and postulates, and synthesises opinions on the role of the Government of Ignacy Daszyński in the further course of Polish history.Текст раскрывает генезис создания Временного народного правительства Республики Польша, которое было создано в Люблине в ночь с 6 на 7 ноября 1918 г. В нем подробно представлены события, произошедшие в Люблине в первые дни ноября, а также в общих чертах описаны более ранние события, которые позволили сформировать «Люблинское правительство». В статье также рассматривается состав правительства во главе с Игнацием Дашиньским, его программа и постулаты, а также обобщаются мнения о роли правительства Дашиньского в дальнейшем ходе польской истории


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    The politicians of the Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (PPS) believed that the adoption of the Constitution was one of the most important and the most urgent tasks of the Polish Seym (Polish Parliament) elected on 19 January, 1947. Immediately, in the spring of that year, the authorities of the PPS started the inner-PPS works to get ready the party’s politicians for the constitutional debate and to help them to develope a position on important issues of the future of the Polish political system. The party officials asked the theorists of the constitutional law and the practitioners dealing with the social and state problems to prepare elaboration concerning chosen political issues which were part of their interests. Konstanty Grzybowski and Michał Szuldenfrei wrote articles about freedom of founding and functioning of political parties which had key importance in regard to the system existence. The authors of both texts supported the constitutional regulation of the status of political parties what was not positively accepted among the contemporary liberal groups. Both Grzybowski and Szuldenfrei believed that in the situation in Poland in 1947, which was a transitional period characterized by the existence of strong antisystemic opposition, it was necessary to regulate political parties and restrict the freedom of their founding and functioning

    The cycle of broadcasts about explorers of the natural history living in 19th and 20th centuries

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    Short profiles of researchers, educators and activists interested in natural sciences and tourism became presented as broadcasts over the radio station – Radio Krakow. At 2013 they were edited by the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, as a compact disc entitled „Worth the memory – known and unknown”, which contains 114 such records. Each broadcast was elaborated and noted as one page by the first co -author (SWA), prepared to presentation by the second co -author (JS) and recorded in the radio-studio as a conversation led by both of them. Four diagrams illustrate selected att ributes of broadcasts: the date of birth of presented persons, their age, the main field of interest or activity and the year of broadcasting. The edited programme aroused a great interest and in consequence the cycle of broadcasts was not fi nished and is still continued

    The problem of credibility studies on deformations of engineering objects in the geologically unstable area of Szczecin

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    The location of reference points in deformation studies of engineering objects is often associated with low reliability of the obtained measurement results. This concerns the lack of proper diagnosis of the geological structure of the area. The reliability of deformation measurements is also low when we obtain data that only characterize the effects and not the cause-and-effects. The authors reviewed the influence of geological conditions on the formation of deformations of some engineering objects. The reference points were located in the immediate vicinity of the facilities, without taking into account the geological structure of the areas where the facilities were located. The proposed test method is based on a three-segment control and measurement system. An example of such considerations is the engineering facilities on the Grodzka and Ostrów Grabowski Island in the Szczecin area. The basic issue is to locate geologically stable areas in the vicinity of monitored engineering objects on the basis of geological substrate assessment and to analyse archival materials concerning periodical measurements of class 1 and 2 levelling lines in the Szczecin area. Reference points are located, which constitute the first segment of the control and measurement system. Subsequent segments of the system are organized with reference to the points of the first segment. This method provides reliable data on deformations of engineering objects