3 research outputs found

    Czech-German (Austrian) language relations

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    NÁZEV Česko-německé (rakouské) jazykové vztahy - možnosti jazykové interference ABSTRAKT Předkládaná diplomová práce zkoumá jazykovou interferenci mezi češtinou a němčinou v oboru gastronomie. Tento jev se projevuje v mluvnické stavbě, výslovnosti a slovní zásobě. Pro výzkum byla vybrána poslední oblast. Rozhodla jsem se analyzovat 180 jídelních lístků z devíti rakouských spolkových republik. V nich jsem se snažila objevit 13 předem určených výrazů. Tato slova byla dle Newerkly užívána ve Středoevropském jazykovém areálu. Výskyt těchto pojmů v jídelních lístcích dokládá vzájemný jazykový vliv mezi češtinou a němčinou ve všech spolkových zemích Rakouska. Realizovaný výzkum ukázal, že nejvíce ovlivněnými oblastmi jsou Vídeň, Dolní Rakousko a Horní Rakousko. Pravděpodobně hlavním důvodem tohoto výsledku je intenzivní politická a hospodářská spolupráce mezi Čechy a Rakušany, která v minulosti probíhala na tomto území.TITLE Czech-German (Austrian) language relations - possibilities for language interference SUMMARY This diploma thesis examines the language interference between the Czech and the German in the field of gastronomy. This phenomenon is reflected in the composition of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. The last area has been selected for a research. I decided to analyze 180 menu cards in the nine states of Austria. In those menu cards I tried to discover 13 in advance chosen words, which have been used in the Central-European language area according to Newerkla. Appearance of those 13 words in menu cards proves mutual language influence between the Czech and the German in each state of Austria. The research, I conducted, shows that the most influenced states are Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria. Probably the main reason for the result is that in these areas the most intensive political and economic cooperation between Czechs and Austrians took place.Katedra germanistikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Czech-German (Austrian) language relations

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    TITLE Czech-German (Austrian) language relations - possibilities for language interference SUMMARY This diploma thesis examines the language interference between the Czech and the German in the field of gastronomy. This phenomenon is reflected in the composition of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. The last area has been selected for a research. I decided to analyze 180 menu cards in the nine states of Austria. In those menu cards I tried to discover 13 in advance chosen words, which have been used in the Central-European language area according to Newerkla. Appearance of those 13 words in menu cards proves mutual language influence between the Czech and the German in each state of Austria. The research, I conducted, shows that the most influenced states are Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria. Probably the main reason for the result is that in these areas the most intensive political and economic cooperation between Czechs and Austrians took place

    Czech-German (Austrian) language relations

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    TITLE Czech-German (Austrian) language relations - possibilities for language interference SUMMARY This diploma thesis examines the language interference between the Czech and the German in the field of gastronomy. This phenomenon is reflected in the composition of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. The last area has been selected for a research. I decided to analyze 180 menu cards in the nine states of Austria. In those menu cards I tried to discover 13 in advance chosen words, which have been used in the Central-European language area according to Newerkla. Appearance of those 13 words in menu cards proves mutual language influence between the Czech and the German in each state of Austria. The research, I conducted, shows that the most influenced states are Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria. Probably the main reason for the result is that in these areas the most intensive political and economic cooperation between Czechs and Austrians took place