89 research outputs found

    Localization of Components of the RNA-Degrading Machine in Bacillus subtilis

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    In bacteria, the control of mRNA stability is crucial to allow rapid adaptation to changing conditions. In most bacteria, RNA degradation is catalyzed by the RNA degradosome, a protein complex composed of endo- and exoribonucleases, RNA helicases and accessory proteins. In the Gram-positive model organism B. subtilis, the existence of a RNA degradosome assembled around the membrane-bound endoribonuclease RNase Y has been proposed. Here, we have studied the intracellular localization of the protein that have been implicated in the potential B. subtilis RNA degradosome, i. e. polynucleotide phosphorylase, the exoribonucleases J1 and J2, the DEAD-box RNA helicase CshA, and the glycolytic enzymes enolase and phosphofructokinase. Our data suggests that the bulk of these enzymes is located in the cytoplasm. The RNases J1 and J2 as well as the RNA helicase CshA were mainly localized in the peripheral regions of the cell where also the bulk of messenger RNA is localized. We were able to demonstrate active exclusion of these proteins from the transcribing nucleoid. Taken together, our findings suggest that the interactions of the enzymes involved in RNA degradation in B. subtilis are rather transient

    The protein tyrosine kinases EpsB and PtkA differentially affect biofilm formation in <em>Bacillus subtilis</em>

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    The Gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis is able to choose between motile and sessile lifestyles. The sessile way of life, also referred to as biofilm, depends on the formation of an extracellular polysaccharide matrix and some extracellular proteins. Moreover, a significant proportion of cells in a biofilm form spores. The first two genes of the 15-gene operon for extracellular polysaccharide synthesis, epsA and epsB, encode a putative transmembrane modulator protein and a putative protein tyrosine kinase, respectively, with similarity to the TkmA/PtkA modulator/kinase couple. Here we show that the putative kinase EpsB is required for the formation of structured biofilms. However, an epsB mutant is still able to form biofilms. As shown previously, a ptkA mutant is also partially defective in biofilm formation, but this defect is related to spore formation in the biofilm. The absence of both kinases resulted in a complete loss of biofilm formation. Thus, EpsB and PtkA fulfil complementary functions in biofilm formation. The activity of bacterial protein tyrosine kinases depends on their interaction with modulator proteins. Our results demonstrate the specific interaction between the putative kinase EpsB and its modulator protein EpsA and suggest that EpsB activity is stimulated by its modulator EpsA

    Recent advances and perspectives in nucleotide second messenger signaling in bacteria

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    Nucleotide second messengers act as intracellular ‘secondary’ signals that represent environmental or cellular cues, i.e. the ‘primary’ signals. As such, they are linking sensory input with regulatory output in all living cells. The amazing physiological versatility, the mechanistic diversity of second messenger synthesis, degradation, and action as well as the high level of integration of second messenger pathways and networks in prokaryotes has only recently become apparent. In these networks, specific second messengers play conserved general roles. Thus, (p)ppGpp coordinates growth and survival in response to nutrient availability and various stresses, while c-di-GMP is the nucleotide signaling molecule to orchestrate bacterial adhesion and multicellularity. c-di-AMP links osmotic balance and metabolism and that it does so even in Archaea may suggest a very early evolutionary origin of second messenger signaling. Many of the enzymes that make or break second messengers show complex sensory domain architectures, which allow multisignal integration. The multiplicity of c-di-GMP-related enzymes in many species has led to the discovery that bacterial cells are even able to use the same freely diffusible second messenger in local signaling pathways that can act in parallel without cross-talking. On the other hand, signaling pathways operating with different nucleotides can intersect in elaborate signaling networks. Apart from the small number of common signaling nucleotides that bacteria use for controlling their cellular “business,” diverse nucleotides were recently found to play very specific roles in phage defense. Furthermore, these systems represent the phylogenetic ancestors of cyclic nucleotide-activated immune signaling in eukaryotes.Peer Reviewe

    SPABBATS: A pathway-discovery method based on Boolean satisfiability that facilitates the characterization of suppressor mutants

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    BACKGROUND: Several computational methods exist to suggest rational genetic interventions that improve the productivity of industrial strains. Nonetheless, these methods are less effective to predict possible genetic responses of the strain after the intervention. This problem requires a better understanding of potential alternative metabolic and regulatory pathways able to counteract the targeted intervention. RESULTS: Here we present SPABBATS, an algorithm based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT) that computes alternative metabolic pathways between input and output species in a reconstructed network. The pathways can be constructed iteratively in order of increasing complexity. SPABBATS allows the accumulation of intermediates in the pathways, which permits discovering pathways missed by most traditional pathway analysis methods. In addition, we provide a proof of concept experiment for the validity of the algorithm. We deleted the genes for the glutamate dehydrogenases of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis and isolated suppressor mutant strains able to grow on glutamate as single carbon source. Our SAT approach proposed candidate alternative pathways which were decisive to pinpoint the exact mutation of the suppressor strain. CONCLUSIONS: SPABBATS is the first application of SAT techniques to metabolic problems. It is particularly useful for the characterization of metabolic suppressor mutants and can be used in a synthetic biology setting to design new pathways with specific input-output requirements

    Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis Strain ∆6

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    Bacillus subtilis ∆6 is a genome-reduced strain that was cured from six prophages and AT-rich islands. This strain is of great interest for biotechnological applications. Here, we announce the full-genome sequence of this strain. Interestingly, the conjugative element ICEBs1 has most likely undergone self-excision in B. subtilis ∆6

    Prevention of cross-talk in conserved regulatory systems: identification of specificity determinants in RNA-binding anti-termination proteins of the BglG family

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    Each family of signal transduction systems requires specificity determinants that link individual signals to the correct regulatory output. In Bacillus subtilis, a family of four anti-terminator proteins controls the expression of genes for the utilisation of alternative sugars. These regulatory systems contain the anti-terminator proteins and a RNA structure, the RNA anti-terminator (RAT) that is bound by the anti-terminator proteins. We have studied three of these proteins (SacT, SacY, and LicT) to understand how they can transmit a specific signal in spite of their strong structural homology. A screen for random mutations that render SacT capable to bind a RNA structure recognized by LicT only revealed a substitution (P26S) at one of the few non-conserved residues that are in contact with the RNA. We have randomly modified this position in SacT together with another non-conserved RNA-contacting residue (Q31). Surprisingly, the mutant proteins could bind all RAT structures that are present in B. subtilis. In a complementary approach, reciprocal amino acid exchanges have been introduced in LicT and SacY at non-conserved positions of the RNA-binding site. This analysis revealed the key role of an arginine side-chain for both the high affinity and specificity of LicT for its cognate RAT. Introduction of this Arg at the equivalent position of SacY (A26) increased the RNA binding in vitro but also resulted in a relaxed specificity. Altogether our results suggest that this family of anti-termination proteins has evolved to reach a compromise between RNA binding efficacy and specific interaction with individual target sequences

    Redundant potassium transporter systems guarantee the survival of Enterococcus faecalis under stress conditions

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    Enterococcus is able to grow in media at pH from 5.0 to 9.0 and a high concentration of NaCl (8%). The ability to respond to these extreme conditions requires the rapid movement of three critical ions: proton (H+), sodium (Na+), and potassium (K+). The activity of the proton F0F1 ATPase and the sodium Na+ V0V1 type ATPase under acidic or alkaline conditions, respectively, is well established in these microorganisms. The potassium uptake transporters KtrI and KtrII were described in Enterococcus hirae, which were associated with growth in acidic and alkaline conditions, respectively. In Enterococcus faecalis, the presence of the Kdp (potassium ATPase) system was early established. However, the homeostasis of potassium in this microorganism is not completely explored. In this study, we demonstrate that Kup and KimA are highaffinity potassium transporters, and the inactivation of these genes in E. faecalis JH2-2 (a Kdp laboratory natural deficient strain) had no effect on the growth parameters. However, in KtrA defective strains (ΔktrA, ΔkupΔktrA) an impaired growth was observed under stress conditions, which was restored to wild type levels by external addition of K+ ions. Among the multiplicity of potassium transporters identify in the genus Enterococcus, Ktr channels (KtrAB and KtrAD), and Kup family symporters (Kup and KimA) are present and may contribute to the particular resistance of these microorganisms to different stress conditions. In addition, we found that the presence of the Kdp system in E. faecalis is strain-dependent, and this transporter is enriched in strains of clinical origin as compared to environmental, commensal, or food isolates.Fil: Acciarri, Giuliana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio de Fisiología y Genética de Bacterias Lácticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Gizzi, Fernán O. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio de Fisiología y Genética de Bacterias Lácticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Torres Manno, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio de Fisiología y Genética de Bacterias Lácticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Blancato, Victor. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio de Fisiología y Genética de Bacterias Lácticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Magni, Christian. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio de Fisiología y Genética de Bacterias Lácticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Torres Manno, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Área Bioinformática. Departamento de Matemática y Estadística; Argentina.Fil: Stülke, Jörg. Georg August University. Department of General Microbiology; Germany.Fil: Blancato, Victor. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio de Biotecnología e Inocuidad de los Alimentos. Área de Biotecnología de los Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Magni, Christian. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio de Biotecnología e Inocuidad de los Alimentos. Área de Biotecnología de los Alimentos; Argentina

    Unchaining miniBacillus PG10:Relief of FlgM-mediated repression of autolysin genes

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    Cell chaining in Bacillus subtilis is naturally observed in a subset of cells during exponential growth and during biofilm formation. However, the recently constructed large-scale genome-minimized B. subtilis strain PG10 displays a severe and permanent defect in cell separation, as it exclusively grows in the form of long filaments of nonseparated cells. In this study, we investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the incomplete cell division of PG10 by genomic and transcriptomic analyses. Repression of the SigD regulon, including the major autolysin gene lytF, was identified as the cause for the cell separation problem of PG10. It appeared that SigD-regulated genes are downregulated in PG10 due to the absence of the flagellar export apparatus, which normally is responsible for secretion of FlgM, the anti-sigma factor of SigD. Although mild negative effects on growth and cell morphology were observed, deletion of flgM could revert the aberrant cell-chaining phenotype and increased transformation efficiency. Interestingly, our work also demonstrates the occurrence of increased antisense transcription of slrR, a transcriptional repressor of autolysin genes, in PG10 and provides further understanding for this observation. In addition to revealing the molecular basis of the cell separation defect in PG10, our work provides novel targets for subsequent genome reduction efforts and future directions for further optimization of miniBacillus PG10. IMPORTANCE Reduction of the size of bacterial genomes is relevant for understanding the minimal requirements for cellular life as well as from a biotechnological point of view. Although the genome-minimized Bacillus subtilis strain PG10 displays several beneficial traits as a microbial cell factory compared to its parental strain, a defect at the final stage of cell division was introduced during the genome reduction process. By genetic and transcriptomic analyses, we identified the underlying reasons for the cell separation problem of PG10. In addition to enabling PG10 to grow in a way similar to that of B. subtilis wild-type strains, our work points toward subsequent targets for fine-tuning and further reduction of the genome of PG10. Moreover, solving the cell separation defect facilitates laboratory handling of PG10 by increasing the transformation efficiency, among other means. Overall, our work contributes to understanding and improving biotechnologically attractive minimal bacterial cell factories

    Protein complexes in cells by AI-assisted structural proteomics

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    Abstract Accurately modeling the structures of proteins and their complexes using artificial intelligence is revolutionizing molecular biology. Experimental data enable a candidate‐based approach to systematically model novel protein assemblies. Here, we use a combination of in‐cell crosslinking mass spectrometry and co‐fractionation mass spectrometry (CoFrac‐MS) to identify protein–protein interactions in the model Gram‐positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. We show that crosslinking interactions prior to cell lysis reveals protein interactions that are often lost upon cell lysis. We predict the structures of these protein interactions and others in the SubtiWiki database with AlphaFold‐Multimer and, after controlling for the false‐positive rate of the predictions, we propose novel structural models of 153 dimeric and 14 trimeric protein assemblies. Crosslinking MS data independently validates the AlphaFold predictions and scoring. We report and validate novel interactors of central cellular machineries that include the ribosome, RNA polymerase, and pyruvate dehydrogenase, assigning function to several uncharacterized proteins. Our approach uncovers protein–protein interactions inside intact cells, provides structural insight into their interaction interfaces, and is applicable to genetically intractable organisms, including pathogenic bacteria