9 research outputs found

    Design for environment with aluminium extrusions

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    Extruded aluminium sections have many features that make them suitable for use in environment-friendly products. Still there are much to be done to reduce the variability of section properties and to optimize the processing route from extruded section to finished and assembled component in order to meet cost, quality and performance goals, minimizing adverse environmental impacts and maximizing the conservation of valuable resources. Another important question taken up in this paper, however, is the problem of ensuring that aluminium sections are used in products and technical systems that are contributing to a sustainable development during their total life cycle. In order to ensure this, it is claimed that the it is necessary to carry out a product system diagnosis that combine ecological and competetive considerations. Further one has to promote design for environment that ensures functionality completely fitting into sustainable societies and innovatins based on a multidisciplinary approach, searching for synthesis of technology, the arts and the humanistic disciplines. The universities should take active part in this process, by creating new areas of competence and establish new alliances with the industry and the society

    P2005-industriell økologi : Sluttrapport

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    Produktivitet 2005 Industriell økologi er et prosjekt for tverrfaglig kompetansebygging ved NTNU, på problemstillinger som er utviklet og gjennomført i samarbeid med bedrifter innen norsk vareproduserende industri og med ledende fagmiljø i utlandet. Ved prosjektets avslutning er det utført 8 bedriftscase på tematikk som miljøansvar, livsløpsvurderinger, miljøvaredeklarasjoner, økodesign, lukkede materialsløyfer, forlenget produsentansvar og øko-effektivitet. Casene har involvert to kjernebedrifter i hele prosjektperioden, Tomra Systems AS og HÅG ASA, som også har vært sentrale i prosjektledelsen. I tillegg til kjernebedriftene har en rekke norske bedrifter fra ulike bransjer vært involvert. Prosjektaktivitetene har ført til økt fokus på miljøaspekter både innen ledelse, produktutvikling, innkjøp og avhending. P2005-IØK har finansiert 6 doktorgradsstipendiater, 2 post doc og 1 professor II. To av stipendiatene disputerte i 2004, de øvrige disputerer i 2006 og 2007. Fra 1.juli 2004 startet en sjette stipendiat, finansiert delvis fra P2005 delvis fra SINTEF teknologiledelse. Prosjektet har produsert viktig kunnskap som også benyttes inn mot master- og PhD-programmet i industriell økologi ved NTNU. 49 studenter har skrevet masteroppgave innen prosjekttemaene, og en lang rekke studentprosjekter og sommerjobber har vært avviklet. Forskningsresultater fra P2005-IØK har også vært sentrale i utviklingen av 9 fag på laveregrads- og masternivå, samt gjennomføringen av 9 doktorgradskurs. Prosjektet har hatt stor publiseringsaktivitet, og dette har overgått de suksesskriteriene som ble satt ved oppstart av prosjektet. Innen internasjonal publisering ble ambisjonene satt til 14 publikasjoner i internasjonale tidsskrift med referee, mens resultatet ble hele 29 artikler. Internasjonale konferansepresentasjoner teller i alt 95, mens suksesskriteriene satte som mål å nå 21

    Role of temperature on sliding response of aluminum on steel of a hot extrusion

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    In the present investigation, a series of sliding and tensile tests were conducted to simulate interactions at the bearing surface. A spherical tipped aluminum pin was slid against a polished steel ring. Results showed that the friction coefficient at all test temperatures of sliding exhibited a near similar pattern of peak followed by a gradual drop and stabilization. The steady state friction coefficient was 0.2 for temperatures up to 423 K, and greater than 1.0 for temperatures above 423 K. The transfer layer evolution was dependent on friction force. The ultimate tensile strength decreased at temperatures higher than 423 K

    Ecodesign education and activities at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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    Ecodesign education and activities at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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    TALAT Lecture 2102.01: A Floodlight for an Offshore Oil Platform, Special Study: Extruding Aluminium

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    This lecture offers an example of product development. It imparts knowledge about the design possibilities inherent in aluminium sections and the choice of alloy. It gives insight into how to develop a product using the general specifications and the interaction between form, material and processing chain; the importance of being thoroughly familiar with the different design materials, their processing possibilities and properties. The lecture is recommended for those situations, where a brief, general background information about aluminium is needed as an introduction of other subject areas of aluminium application technologies. This lecture is part of the self-contained course "Aluminium in Product Development", which is treated under TALAT lectures 2101 and 2102.

    TALAT Lecture 2110.02: Product information structure, business concept and LCA

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    This lecture gives a brief introduction to the product information structure, a sustainable business concept and Life Cycle; it presents the product and process "Generic Code" - the chromosomes; it generates interest about the concept of "Know Your Product", "Life Cycle Logistics", "Universal Virtues" and "Material/Component Hierarchical Structure" and their use creating a sustainable business concept; it imparts knowledge about Life Cycle Assessment. Some familiarity with QFD (Quality Functions Deployment) principles is assumed.