539 research outputs found

    Collapse of Flow: Probing the Order of the Phase Transition

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    We discuss the present collective flow signals for the phase transition to the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and the collective flow as a barometer for the equation of state (EoS). We emphasize the importance of the flow excitation function from 1 to 50A50 A GeV: here the hydrodynamic model has predicted the collapse of the v1v_1-flow at ∌10A\sim 10 A GeV and of the v2v_2-flow at ∌40A\sim 40 A GeV. In the latter case, this has recently been observed by the NA49 collaboration. Since hadronic rescattering models predict much larger flow than observed at this energy, we interpret this observation as potential evidence for a first order phase transition at high baryon density ρB\rho_B.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, To appear in the proceedings of 4rd International Workshop of Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement 200

    Shock waves in nuclear matter : proof by circumstantial evidence

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    In the present paper we develop the essential theoretical tools for the treatment of the dynamics of High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions. We study the influence of the nuclear equation of state and discuss the new phenomena connected with phase transitions in nuclear matter (pion condensation). Furthermore we investigate the possibility of a transition from nuclear to quark matter in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions. In this context we discuss exotic phenomena like strongly bound pionic states, limiting temperatures, and exotic nuclei

    Summary: current theories and directions of strangeness signals for quark matter

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    A summary of the theory part of the Strangeness and Quark Matter Symposium is given

    Summary of theoretical contributions

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    Results from various theoretical approaches and ideas presented at this exciting meeting (summary talk at the 5th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP - 2005)) are reviewed. I also point towards future directions, in particular hydrodynamic behaviour induced by jets traveling through the quark-gluon plasma, which might be worth looking at in more detail

    Mini black holes in the first year of the LHC : discovery through di-jet suppression, mono-jet emission and ionising tracks in ALICE

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    The experimental signatures of TeV-mass black hole (BH) formation in heavy ion collisions at the LHC is examined. We find that the black hole production results in a complete disappearance of all very high p_T (> 500 GeV) back-to-back correlated di-jets of total mass M > M_f ~ 1 TeV. We show that the subsequent Hawking-decay produces multiple hard mono-jets and discuss their detection. We study the possibility of cold black hole remnant (BHR) formation of mass ~ M_f and the experimental distinguishability of scenarios with BHRs and those with complete black hole decay. Due to the rather moderate luminosity in the first year of LHC running the least chance for the observation of BHs or BHRs at this early stage will be by ionizing tracks in the ALICE TPC. Finally we point out that stable BHRs would be interesting candidates for energy production by conversion of mass to Hawking radiation

    Stable TeV - black hole remnants at the LHC : discovery through di-jet suppression, mono-jet emission and a supersonic boom in the quark-gluon plasma

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    The production of Large Extra Dimension (LXD) Black Holes (BHs), with a new, fundamental mass scale of M_f = 1 TeV, has been predicted to occur at the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, with the formidable rate of 10^8 per year in p-p collisions at full energy, 14 TeV, and at full luminosity. We show that such LXD-BH formation will be experimentally observable at the LHC by the complete disappearance of all very high p_t (> 500 GeV) back-to-back correlated Di-Jets of total mass M > M_f = 1 TeV. We suggest to complement this clear cut-off signal at M > 2*500 GeV in the di-jet-correlation function by detecting the subsequent, Hawking-decay products of the LXD-BHs, namely either multiple high energy (> 100 GeV) SM Mono-Jets (i.e. away-side jet missing), sprayed off the evaporating BHs isentropically into all directions or the thermalization of the multiple overlapping Hawking-radiation in a eckler-Kapusta-Plasma. Microcanonical quantum statistical calculations of the Hawking evaporation process for these LXD-BHs show that cold black hole remnants (BHRs) of Mass sim M_f remain leftover as the ashes of these spectacular Di-Jet-suppressed events. Strong Di-Jet suppression is also expected with Heavy Ion beams at the LHC, due to Quark-Gluon-Plasma induced jet attenuation at medium to low jet energies, p_t 50 GeV jets at the LHC in 2-3 fm yields nonlinear high density Mach shocks in he quark gluon plasma, which can be studied in the complex emission and disintegration pattern of the possibly supercooled matter. We report on first full 3-dimensional fluid dynamical studies of the strong effects of a first order phase transition on the evolution and the Tsunami-like Mach shock emission of the QCD matter

    Anisotropic Flow in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    The analysis of anisotropic flow of particles created in high energy heavy-ion collisions gives insight into the early stage of these reactions. Measurements of directed flow (v1), elliptic flow (v2) and flow of 4th and 6th order (v4 and v6) are presented. While the study of v2 for multi-strange particles establishes partonic collectivity the results for higher order anisotropies constrain the initial conditions of hydrodynamic model calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the Lake Louise Winter Institute, held in Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada in February 200

    Distillation and survival of strange quark matter droplets in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Recently it has been suggested that rather cold droplets of absolutely stable or metastable strange-quark matter may be distilled in heavy-ion collisions during the phase transition from a baryon-rich quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to hadron matter. Here we present a model describing the hadronization of the QGP through particle emission, which is based solely on thermodynamical arguments. Pions and K+’s and K0’s carry away entropy and antistrangeness from the system, thus facilitating the cooling process and the strangelet formation. Our results are supported by revised more sophisticated rate calculations. Two rather unexpected results are obtained when this model is applied to the investigation of strangelet production. The strangeness separation mechanism and the formation process works well even for higher initial entropies per baryon, tantamount to higher bombarding energies. The surviving strangelets have a rather high strangeness content, fs∼1.2–2 [i.e., Z/A∼(-0.1)–(-0.5)]. Hence droplets of strange-quark matter with a baryon number of ∼10–30 and with a negative charge may be produced. They may serve as a unique signature for the transient formation of a quark-gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions

    Decay of instable Li, Be, and B fragments and the distortion of temperature measurements in heavy ion collisions

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    The recent attempts to extract the temperature in the late stage of medium energy (20–60 MeV/nucleon) heavy ion collisions from the yields of γ- and particle-instable fragments are discussed. The quantum statistical model is employed to demonstrate that feeding from instable states distorts the yields used for the temperature determination severely. Some particle instable fragments are only moderately affected by feeding. These selected species can still be useful for determining the temperature. The breakup temperatures of the fragment conglomerate extracted with this method are T≃4–8 MeV, much smaller than the corresponding slope factors, which indicate T∼15 MeV

    Further evidence for a stiff nuclear equation of state from a transverse-momentum analysis of Ar(1800 MeV/nucleon) + KCl

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    The novel momentum analysis technique introduced by Danielewicz and Odyniec can be used to detect and exhibit collective flow in the light system Ar(1800 MeV/nucleon) + KCl where the usual kinetic energy flow analysis fails. The microscopic Vlasov-Uehling-Uhlenbeck theory which includes the nuclear mean field, two-body collisions, and Pauli blocking is used to study this phenomenon. The resulting transverse momentum transfers turn out to be quite sensitive to the nuclear equation of state. From a comparison with experimental data, evidence is presented for a rather stiff nuclear equation of state. The cascade model is unable to describe the data
