913 research outputs found

    Bottom and charm production at LHC and RHIC

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    We study bÂŻb and cÂŻc production and the influence of nuclear shadowing at LHC and RHIC energies. We find a significant reduction in the production cross section of both charm and bottom at RHIC and LHC. Bound states such as and J/psi are suppressed by this reduction in the charm production cross sections. Therefore, J/psi suppression may not be useful as a signature for the quark gluon plasma. PACS: 12.38.Mh, 25.75.-q, 24.85.+p, 14.65.D

    Transport calculation of dilepton production at ultrarelativistic energies

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    Dilepton spectra are calculated within the microscopic transport model UrQMD and compared to data from the CERES experiment. The invariant mass spectra in the region 300 MeV < M < 600 MeV depend strongly on the mass dependence of the ρ\rho meson decay width which is not sufficiently determined by the Vector Meson Dominance model. A consistent explanation of both the recent Pb+Au data and the proton induced data can be given without additional medium effects

    Excitation Function of Energy Density and Partonic Degrees of Freedom in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We estimate the energy density pile-up at mid-rapidity in central Pb+Pb collisions from 2 - 200 GeV/nucleon. The energy density is decomposed into hadronic and partonic contributions. A detailed analysis of the collision dynamics in the framework of a microscopic transport model shows the importance of partonic degrees of freedom and rescattering of leading (di)quarks in the early phase of the reaction for lab-energies > 30 GeV/nucleon. In Pb+Pb collisions at 160 GeV/nucleon the energy density reaches up to 4 GeV/fm^3, 95% of which are contained in partonic degrees of freedom.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Partonic scattering cross sections in the QCD medium

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    A medium modified gluon propagator is used to evaluate the scattering cross section for the process gg - gg in the QCD medium by performing an ex- plicit sum over the polarizations of the gluons. We incorporate a magnetic sreening mass from a non - perturbative study. It is shown that the medium modified cross section is finite, divergence free, and is independent of any ad-hoc momentum transfer cut-off parameters. The medium modified finite cross sections are necessary for a realistic investigation of the production and equilibration of the minijet plasma expected at RHIC and LHC PACS: 12.38.Mh; 14.70.Dj; 12.38.Bx; 11.10.W

    Color current induced by gluons in background field method of QCD

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    By using the background field method of QCD in a path integral approach, we derive the equation of motion for the classical chromofield and for the gluon in a system containing the gluon and the classical chromofield simul- taneously. This inhomogeneous field equation contains a current term, which is the expectation value of a composite operator including linear, square and cubic terms of the gluon field. We also derive identities which the current should obey from the gauge invariance. We calculate the current at the leading order where the current induced by the gluon is opposite in sign to that induced by the quark. This is just the feature of the non-Abelian gauge field theory which has asymptotic freedom. Physically, the induced current can be treated as the displacement current in the polarized vacuum, and its e ect is equivalent to redefining the field and the coupling constant. PACS: 12.38.-t,12.38.Aw,11.15.-q,12.38.M

    Creation of strange matter at low initial m/T

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    We demonstrate that the creation of strange matter is conceivable in the midrapidity region of heavy ion collisions at Brookhaven RHIC and CERN LHC. A finite net-baryon density, abundant (anti)strangeness production, as well as strong net-baryon and net-strangeness fluctuations, provide suitable initial conditions for the formation of strangelets or metastable exotic multistrange ( baryonic) objects. Even at very high initial entropy per baryon SyAinit ÂŻ 500 and low initial baryon numbers of Ainit B ÂŻ 30 a quark-gluon-plasma droplet can immediately charge up with strangeness and accumulate net-baryon number. PACS numbers: 25.75.Dw, 12.38.Mh, 24.85.

    Microscopic calculations of stopping and flow from 160AMeV to 160AGeV

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    The behavior of hadronic matter at high baryon densities is studied within Ultrarelativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (URQMD). Baryonic stopping is observed for Au+Au collisions from SIS up to SPS energies. The excitation function of flow shows strong sensitivities to the underlying equation of state (EOS), allowing for systematic studies of the EOS. Effects of a density dependent pole of the ρ\rho-meson propagator on dilepton spectra are studied for different systems and centralities at CERN energies.Comment: Proceedings of the Quark Matter '96 Conference, Heidelberg, German
