85 research outputs found

    Perception auditive, visuelle et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales par les adultes devenus sourds. Lecture labiale, implant cochléaire, implant du tronc cérébral.

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    This thesis focuses on the visual, auditory and auditory-visual perception of french nasal vowels [ɑ̃](« lent »), [ɔ̃] (« long ») and [ɛ̃] (« lin ») by Cochlear Implant (CI) and Auditory Brainstem Implant(ABI) adults users. The study on visual perception of vowels, with 22 deafened adults, redefines thelip configuration of french nasal vowels and provides an update of the classification of vocalic visualphonemes. Three studies on auditory identification of nasal vowels with 82, 15 and 10 CI usershighlight their difficulty in recognizing the three nasal vowels, which they perceive as oral vowels.Acoustic and perceptual analyzes suggest that adults with CI rely on frequency informations of thefirst two spectral peaks but miss the informations of relative intensity of these peaks. The study with13 ABI users show that some linguistic acoustic cues are transmitted by the ABI but the fusion ofauditory and visual features could be optimized for the identification of vowels. Finally, a survey of179 Speech Language and Hearing Therapists show the need of an update on the phonetic articulationof french nasal vowels [ɑ̃] and [ɛ̃].Cette thèse porte sur la perception visuelle, auditive et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales [ɑ̃] (« lent »),[ɔ̃] (« long ») et [ɛ̃] (« lin ») par des adultes devenus sourds, implantés cochléaires et implantés dutronc cérébral. L’étude sur la perception visuelle des voyelles, auprès de 22 adultes devenus sourds,redéfinit les sosies labiaux des voyelles nasales et propose une mise à jour de la classification desvisèmes. Trois études sur l’identification auditive des voyelles nasales auprès de 82, 15 et 10 adultesimplantés cochléaires mettent en évidence leur difficulté à reconnaitre les trois voyelles nasales, qu’ilsperçoivent comme des voyelles orales. Les analyses acoustiques et perceptives suggèrent que lesadultes implantés cochléaires s’appuient sur les informations fréquentielles des deux premiers picsspectraux mais négligent les informations d’intensité relative de ces pics. D’après l’étude menéeauprès de 13 adultes implantés du tronc cérébral, des informations acoustiques linguistiques sonttransmises par l’implant du tronc cérébral mais la fusion entre les informations auditives et visuellespourrait être optimisée pour l’identification des voyelles. Enfin, une enquête auprès de 179orthophonistes pointe le besoin d’une information sur la définition phonétique articulatoire actualiséedes voyelles [ɑ̃] et [ɛ̃]

    Trichomonas gallinae infections in the naïve host Montifringilla nivalis subsp. nivalis

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    Infectious diseases bear a great risk for populations of naïve host species. In the present article we inform about the first microscopic and molecular detection of the bird pathogen Trichomonas gallinae in the White-winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis subsp. nivalis). The emergence of trichomonosis in this highly specialised alpine bird species may pose a serious threat to its already declining population. Interspecies transmission of T. gallinae most likely occurred at a bird feeder in a Swiss mountain village. Monitoring of the disease and immediate measures to prevent its spread are urgently needed

    First European report of Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica isolation from a domestic cat

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    Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica is a select agent causing life-threatening tularemia. It has been isolated from humans and animals, mainly lagomorphs and rodents, rarely other wild carnivore species. Increasing numbers of human tularemia cases have been reported during the last 5 years in Switzerland. Here we report the first isolation of Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica from a domestic cat in Europe and compare its genome sequence with other Swiss isolates. The cat isolate shows a close phylogenetic relationship with a contemporary hare isolate from close geographic proximity, indicating a possible epidemiological link

    Genetic identification of an oxyurid from a captive, black-handed spider monkey—implications for treatment and control

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    Parasites are of major clinical significance in captive primates in zoos, particularly those with direct life cycles. Oxyurid nematodes can be a persistent problem, as infection intensity and environmental contamination with infective eggs are usually high. Observations at the Basel Zoo in Switzerland have revealed that particularly black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) exhibit continuous oxyurid nematode infection(s), despite regular deworming with anthelmintics. In the present study, using a molecular approach, we were able to identify the nematode (Trypanoxyuris atelis) causing this ongoing problem, and we are now evaluating a practical treatment and control regimen to tackle this parasite problem

    Rehabilitation and release of orphaned Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe: Implications for management and conservation.

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    Rehabilitation of injured or immature individuals has become an increasingly used conservation and management tool. However, scientific evaluation of rehabilitations is rare, raising concern about post-release welfare as well as the cost-effectiveness of spending scarce financial resources. Over the past 20 years, events of juvenile Eurasian lynx presumably orphaned have been observed in many European lynx populations. To guide the management of orphaned lynx, we documented survival, rehabilitation and fate after the release and evaluated the potential relevance of lynx orphan rehabilitation for population management and conservation implications. Data on 320 orphaned lynx was collected from 1975 to 2022 from 13 countries and nine populations. The majority of orphaned lynx (55%) were taken to rehabilitation centres or other enclosures. A total of 66 orphans were released back to nature. The portion of rehabilitated lynx who survived at least one year after release was 0.66. Release location was the best predictor for their survival. Of the 66 released lynx, ten have reproduced at least once (8 females and 2 males). Conservation implications of rehabilitation programmes include managing genetic diversity in small, isolated populations and reintroducing species to historical habitats. The lynx is a perfect model species as most reintroduced populations in Central Europe show significantly lower observed heterozygosity than most of the autochthonous populations, indicating that reintroduction bottlenecks, isolation and post-release management have long-term consequences on the genetic composition of populations. The release of translocated orphans could be a valuable contribution to Eurasian lynx conservation in Europe. It is recommended to release orphans at the distribution edge or in the frame of reintroduction projects instead of a release in the core area of a population where it is not necessary from a demographic and genetic point of view. Rehabilitation programmes can have conservation implications that extend far beyond individual welfare benefits

    Surdités de l'enfant et de l'adulte: Bilans et interventions orthophoniques

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    Multisystemic emphysema (gas bubble disease)-associated acute mass mortality in a free-ranging population of common frog (Rana Temporaria) in Switzerland

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    In April 2020, nearly 5,000 free-ranging common frogs (Rana temporaria) were found dead on the surface of the water in a retention pond in the Swiss Alps. Macroscopic and microscopic lesions revealed multisystem emphysema, affecting multiple organs. The most severe lesions were seen in the skin, eyes, and blood vessels of internal organs and were secondary to the sudden massive distension of the skin and other affected organs. All frogs had similar lesions consistent with those described associated with gas bubble disease. No obvious pre-existing conditions potentially priming the occurrence of the observed lesions could be detected. All the examined frogs were negative by PCR for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Ranavirus and Ranid Herpesvirus 3 (now Batravirus ranidallo 3). The proposed etiology is considered to be an undetermined physical event, leading to an abrupt change in the molecular or physical characteristics of the water (namely pressure and oxygen or other gas supersaturation), resulting in the occurrence of the observed lesions in the frogs. No obvious pumping system malfunction was recorded in the Mägisalp ponds before the mass mortality, but a sudden and temporary undetected change in the water flow, which then quickly rebalanced, cannot be excluded. Other hypotheses include weather conditions, such as lightning strikes in the water, or a device detonating in the water

    Etude des confusions de voyelles chez les adultes porteurs d'un implant cochléaire

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    Mémoire de Master de Recherche Sous la direction du Pr. Jacqueline VaissièreCette étude s'intéresse aux erreurs de reconnaissance de voyelles faites par les adultes porteurs d'un implant cochléaire depuis un an maximum. Un test d'identification comprenant dix voyelles orales et trois voyelles nasales, en contexte consonantique consonantique oral et nasal a été proposé à quatorze sujets implantés et quatre sujets normo-entendants. Les résultats ont montré davantage de difficultés pour les sujets implantés à reconnaître les voyelles nasales et les voyelles arrondies. De façon générale, les auditeurs implantés ont reconnu plus facilement les voyelles extrèmes, c'est-à-dire avec F1, F2 ou F3 minimaux ou maximaux. la guidance de la rééducation auditive post-implantation, ainsi que l'élaboration d'un test d'identification de voyelles étalonné sont les applications cliniques possibles de cette étude


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    L'entraîneur de l'Equipe de France de Voltige avait besoin d'une étude cinématique des mouvements du cheval dans cette discipline pour mieux les comprendre. Par ailleurs, aucune étude n'avait été réalisée sur le cheval au galop sur le cercle. Ainsi, neuf chevaux de l'Equipe de France de Voltige ont été filmés dans leur condition habituelle de travail, à l'aide de deux caméscopes placés autour d'une piste. Des marqueurs ont été placés sur la peau de chaque cheval en regard de repères anatomiques déterminés. Grâce à un logiciel particulier, les enregistrements 2D obtenus sur cinq passages ont été dépouillés et les mouvements 3D ont été reconstruits. Ainsi, le mouvement global du cheval au galop sur le cercle a pu être observé, et pour chaque animal, sa vitesse, les mouvements pendulaires de ses membres, les mouvements de sa tête et de son encolure et ceux du tronc ont pu être analysés. La précision des mesures a été vérifiée et est satisfaisante. L'étude montre que certains chevaux engagent plus leur postérieur externe que d'autres, certains génèrent une amplitude plus grande dans leurs mouvements de balancier. Mais seuls les mouvements du côté droit de l'animal ont été analysés et ce sans le voltigeur. Toutefois, cette étude a participé à l'élaboration de critères de jugement du cheval de voltige en compétition.MAISONS-ALFORT-Ecole Vétérin (940462302) / SudocSudocFranceF