23 research outputs found

    Back-propagation of constraints from consumer to producer

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    International audienceIn the context of intelligent instrument network, i.e. intelligent sensors and actuators, Producer-Consumer pattern facilitates design and intelligent instrument networking. The connection between producer and consumer can be checked (i.e. type of data) and filtered (condition of exchange). We propose to extend the producer-consumer approach to allow the consumer to define and change constraint parameters: frequency of refreshment and maximum of tolerance. We consider especially interval confidence model of data and refreshment capability. A prototype is presented to illustrate and validate the approach on the OSGI platfor

    From group work to team work: comparative analysis in three european institutions

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    Addressing the complex challenges of sustainability demands for good teamworkabilities for future technicians and engineers. In our three institutions we adoptedproject-based learning to facilitate the development of these skills – but is thisenough? Since group project-based learning involves dealing with complex technicaltasks and at the same time learning to work as a team, we wondered how studentshandle this double challenge. By analysing their perceptions, we attempt to identifywhat teaching practices could be helpful to shift their experience from groupwork toeffective teamwork.In this paper, we present the differences and similarities in the way we implementgroup projects in our respective institutions. A common questionnaire was proposedto our students capturing their perception 1) of the value of group project learning, 2)of their ability to carry out such projects in the future, 3) of the group perception of ashared goal and 4) of the quality of interpersonal relations within their group. Finally,we present the results of this first iteration of data collection showing different groupprofiles. We discuss the teaching practices that may contribute to sustain students'motivation for group-work and their confidence in their ability to achieve complexteam projects, first in their academic context and then when facing challenges intheir future employment within a changing world

    Constraints driven subscription using Confidence Interval model

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    6 pagesInternational audienceIn the context of intelligent instrument network, i.e. intelligent sensors and actuators, the user or the designer has to manipulate variable network functions. Service model allows the designer to formalize and manipulate information access. Service model also permits to, check, control and react from instrument data and this approach is web-enable. Producer-Consumer pattern facilitates design and intelligent instrument networking. The connection between producer and consumer can be checked (i.e. type of data) and filtered (condition of sending). We propose to extend the producer-consumer approach using service model for variable subscription service where conditions of subscription constraint could be expressed. We consider interval confidence model of data and several consumers to produce the event or data to be subscribed. A prototype is presented to illustrate and validate the approach on the OSGi platform

    Etude de la synthèse et de l'auto-assemblage de copolymères CO2-philes comportant des motifs complexants (application à la décontamination en milieu CO2 supercritique)

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    Dans le cadre du développement durable, réduire le volume de déchets nucléaires est devenu prioritaire. L'utilisation du dioxyde de carbone supercritique (CO2 sc) peut résoudre cette problématique. L'objectif de cette étude est d'extraire une contamination en cobalt, particulaire ou ionique, déposée sur des blouses textiles. La stratégie repose sur des copolymères CO2-philes/CO2-phobes particulièrement solubles dans le CO2 sc, comportant des groupements complexants. Cette approche couple l'utilisation de polymères pour la stabilisation stérique de particules, de tensioactifs capables de s'auto-assembler pour faciliter l'extraction, et de ligands. La polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée a été utilisée pour synthétiser des copolymères fluorés à gradient ou à blocs. Les courbes de points de trouble de ces copolymères ont été déterminées expérimentalement dans le CO2 sc. La prédiction des diagrammes de phases polymère/CO2 sc a également été abordée par modélisation Perturbed-Chain Statistic Associating Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT). Les copolymères à gradient sont plus avantageux que les copolymères à blocs car ils sont solubles à des pressions et températures plus modérées. La diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles a permis de montrer que l'agrégation des copolymères à gradient est induite par la pression. Leurs propriétés aux interfaces ont ensuite été démontrées: ils peuvent former des microémulsions eau/CO2 sc et stabiliser des dispersions d'hydroxyde de cobalt dans le CO2 sc. Finalement, en présence d'une très faible quantité d'eau, les ions Co2+ ont été extraits avec un taux de 37 % d'une matrice coton/polyester par un copolymère à gradient.In the frame of sustainable development, a priority is to decrease the volume of nuclear wastes. The use of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) could allow to solve this problem. The aim of this study is to extract an ionic or particle cobalt contamination deposited on textile lab coats. The strategy uses copolymers soluble in scCO2 and containing complexing groups. This approach couples the use of amphiphilic copolymers for steric stabilization of particles, of surfactants able to self-assemble to promote extraction and of ligands. Controlled radical polymerization is used to synthesize fluorinated gradient or block copolymers. Cloud point curves of the copolymers are determined experimentally to determine the parameters affecting their solubility in scCO2. Prediction of polymer/scCO2 phase diagrams was approached by Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT) modeling. Gradient copolymers appear more advantageous than block copolymers due to their solubility in much milder conditions of pressure and temperature. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) allowed us to evidence the pressure-induced aggregation of the gradient copolymers in CO2. Their interface properties were demonstrated: they allow to form water-in-CO2 microemulsions and to stabilize cobalt hydroxide dispersions in scCO2. Lastly, thanks to a low amount of gradient copolymer, Co2+ ions were efficiently removed from a cotton/polyester matrixMONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF