48 research outputs found

    Property and Empire: The Law of Imperialism in Johnson v. M’Intosh

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    Chief Justice\u27s Marshall\u27s opinion in Johnson v. M\u27Intosh, 21 U.S. (8 Wheat.)543 (1823) has long been a puzzle, both in its doctrinal structure and in long, strange dicta which are both triumphal and elegiac. In this Essay, I show that the opinion becomes newly intelligible when read in the context of the law and theory of colonialism, concerned, like the case itself, with the expropriation of continents and relations between dominant and subject peoples. I examine several instances where the seeming incoherence of the opinion instead shows its debt to imperial jurisprudence, which rested on a distinction between two bodies of law: one governing relations between civilized nations, the other relations between civilized governments and the imperfect sovereigns of other nations. I then show how Marshall\u27s long dicta reflect the then-prevalent view of the hsitorical progress of societies from hunter-gatherer to commercial orders, with each stage corresponding to a particular set of property institutions.This historical theory lent intelligibility to the legal distinctions between civilized and lesser or imperfect sovereigns by claiming that the latter occupied earlier stages of development and that civilized nations were legally permitted to overrride the property institutions of primitive societies in order to induce progress. The dicta, then, provide the frame for the reasoning of this case, just as the theory of historical progress framed the jurisprudence of colonialisn in general

    Gene expression profiling in primary breast cancer distinguishes patients developing local recurrence after breast-conservation surgery, with or without postoperative radiotherapy

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    Introduction Some patients with breast cancer develop local recurrence after breast-conservation surgery despite postoperative radiotherapy, whereas others remain free of local recurrence even in the absence of radiotherapy. As clinical parameters are insufficient for identifying these two groups of patients, we investigated whether gene expression profiling would add further information. Methods We performed gene expression analysis (oligonucleotide arrays, 26,824 reporters) on 143 patients with lymph node-negative disease and tumor-free margins. A support vector machine was employed to build classifiers using leave-one-out cross-validation. Results Within the estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) subgroup, the gene expression profile clearly distinguished patients with local recurrence after radiotherapy (n = 20) from those without local recurrence (n = 80 with or without radiotherapy). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area was 0.91, and 5,237 of 26,824 reporters had a P value of less than 0.001 (false discovery rate = 0.005). This gene expression profile provides substantially added value to conventional clinical markers (for example, age, histological grade, and tumor size) in predicting local recurrence despite radiotherapy. Within the ER- subgroup, a weaker, but still significant, signal was found (ROC area = 0.74). The ROC area for distinguishing patients who develop local recurrence from those who remain local recurrence-free in the absence of radiotherapy was 0.66 (combined ER+/ER-). Conclusion A highly distinct gene expression profile for patients developing local recurrence after breast-conservation surgery despite radiotherapy has been identified. If verified in further studies, this profile might be a most important tool in the decision making for surgery and adjuvant therapy

    Characterisation of human soft palate muscles with respect to fibre types, myosins and capillary supply

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    Four human soft palate muscles, and palatopharyngeus, the uvula, the levator and tensor veli palatini were examined using enzyme-histochemical, immunohistochemical and biochemical methods and compared with human limb and facial muscles. Our results showed that each palate muscle had a distinct morphological identity and that they generally shared more similarities with facial than limb muscles. The palatopharyngeus and uvula muscles contained 2 of the highest proportions of type II fibres ever reported for human muscles. In contrast, the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles contained predominantly type I fibres. A fetal myosin heavy chain isoform (MyHC), not usually found in normal adult limb muscles, was present in a small number of fibres in all palate muscles. The mean muscle fibre diameter was smaller than in limb muscles and the individual and intramuscular variability in diameter and shape was considerable. All palate muscles had a high capillary density and an unusually high mitochondrial enzyme activity in the type II fibres, in comparison with limb muscles. No ordinary muscle spindles were observed. The fibre type and MyHC composition indicate that the palatopharyngeus and uvula muscles are functionally involved in quick movements whereas the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles perform slower and more continuous contractions. The high aerobic capacity and the rich capillarisation suggest that the palate muscles are relatively fatigue resistant. Absence of ordinary muscle spindles indicates a special proprioceptive control system. The special morphology of the palate muscles may be partly related to the unique anatomy with only one skeletal insertion, a feature consistent with muscle work at low load and tension and which may influence the cytoarchitecture of these muscles. Other important factors determining the special morphological characteristics might be specific functional requirements, distinct embryological origin and phylogenetic factors

    Stiffness and thickness of fascia do not explain chronic exertional compartment syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic exertional compartment syndrome is diagnosed based on symptoms and elevated intramuscular pressure and often is treated with fasciotomy. However, what contributes to the increased intramuscular pressure remains unknown. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: We investigated whether the stiffness or thickness of the muscle fascia could help explain the raised intramuscular pressure and thus the associated chronic compartment syndrome symptoms. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed plain radiography, bone scan, and intramuscular pressure measurement to diagnose chronic compartment syndrome and to exclude other disorders. Anterior tibialis muscle fascial biopsy specimens from six healthy individuals, 11 patients with chronic compartment syndrome, and 10 patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic compartment syndrome were obtained. Weight-normalized fascial stiffness was assessed mechanically in a microtensile machine, and fascial thickness was analyzed microscopically. RESULTS: Mean fascial stiffness did not differ between healthy individuals (0.120 N/mg/mm; SD, 0.77 N/mg/mm), patients with chronic compartment syndrome (0.070 N/mg/mm; SD, 0.052 N/mg/mm), and patients with chronic compartment syndrome and diabetes (0.097 N/mg/mm; SD, 0.073 N/mg/mm). Similarly, no differences in fascial thickness were present. There was a negative correlation between fascial stiffness and intramuscular pressure in the patients with chronic compartment syndrome and diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of difference in fascial thickness and stiffness in patients with chronic compartment syndrome and patients with chronic compartment syndrome and diabetes compared with healthy individuals suggests structural and mechanical properties are unlikely to explain chronic compartment syndrome. To prevent chronic exertional compartment syndrome, it is necessary to address aspects other than the muscle fascia. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level II, prognostic study. See the guidelines online for a complete description of level of evidence

    Effects of long term supplementation of anabolic androgen steroids on human skeletal muscle

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    The effects of long-term (over several years) anabolic androgen steroids (AAS) administration on human skeletal muscle are still unclear. In this study, seventeen strength training athletes were recruited and individually interviewed regarding self-administration of banned substances. Ten subjects admitted having taken AAS or AAS derivatives for the past 5 to 15 years (Doped) and the dosage and type of banned substances were recorded. The remaining seven subjects testified to having never used any banned substances (Clean). For all subjects, maximal muscle strength and body composition were tested, and biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle were obtained. Using histochemistry and immunohistochemistry (IHC), muscle biopsies were evaluated for morphology including fiber type composition, fiber size, capillary variables and myonuclei. Compared with the Clean athletes, the Doped athletes had significantly higher lean leg mass, capillary per fibre and myonuclei per fiber. In contrast, the Doped athletes had significantly lower absolute value in maximal squat force and relative values in maximal squat force (relative to lean body mass, to lean leg mass and to muscle fiber area). Using multivariate statistics, an orthogonal projection of latent structure discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) model was established, in which the maximal squat force relative to muscle mass and the maximal squat force relative to fiber area, together with capillary density and nuclei density were the most important variables for separating Doped from the Clean athletes (regression  =  0.93 and prediction  =  0.92, p<0.0001). In Doped athletes, AAS dose-dependent increases were observed in lean body mass, muscle fiber area, capillary density and myonuclei density. In conclusion, long term AAS supplementation led to increases in lean leg mass, muscle fiber size and a parallel improvement in muscle strength, and all were dose-dependent. Administration of AAS may induce sustained morphological changes in human skeletal muscle, leading to physical performance enhancement

    Inhibitors of endopeptidase and angiotensin-converting enzyme lead to an amplification of the morphological changes and an upregulation of the substance P system in a muscle overuse model

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    BACKGROUND: We have previously observed, in studies on an experimental overuse model, that the tachykinin system may be involved in the processes of muscle inflammation (myositis) and other muscle tissue alterations. To further evaluate the significance of tachykinins in these processes, we have used inhibitors of neutral endopeptidase (NEP) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), substances which are known to terminate the activity of various endogenously produced substances, including tachykinins. METHODS: Injections of inhibitors of NEP and ACE, as well as the tachykinin substance P (SP), were given locally outside the tendon of the triceps surae muscle of rabbits subjected to marked overuse of this muscle. A control group was given NaCl injections. Evaluations were made at 1 week, a timepoint of overuse when only mild inflammation and limited changes in the muscle structure are noted in animals not treated with inhibitors. Both the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles were examined morphologically and with immunohistochemistry and enzyme immunoassay (EIA). RESULTS: A pronounced inflammation (myositis) and changes in the muscle fiber morphology, including muscle fiber necrosis, occurred in the overused muscles of animals given NEP and ACE inhibitors. The morphological changes were clearly more prominent than for animals subjected to overuse and NaCl injections (NaCl group). A marked SP-like expression, as well as a marked expression of the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R) was found in the affected muscle tissue in response to injections of NEP and ACE inhibitors. The concentration of SP in the muscles was also higher than that for the NaCl group. CONCLUSIONS: The observations show that the local injections of NEP and ACE inhibitors led to marked SP-like and NK-1R immunoreactions, increased SP concentrations, and an amplification of the morphological changes in the tissue. The injections of the inhibitors thus led to a more marked myositis process and an upregulation of the SP system. Endogenously produced substances, out of which the tachykinins conform to one substance family, may play a role in mediating effects in the tissue in a muscle that is subjected to pronounced overuse

    Localized histological changes in the muscle.

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    <p>Muscle sample stained with H&E from the exercised gastrocnemius muscle after 1 w of EMS/E. The figure shows a typical pattern of morphological changes and inflammation in local areas of the muscle tissue (bottom part). (Bar = 50 µm).</p

    Histological changes in the gastrocnemius muscle after 1

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    <p> <b>w and 6 </b><b>w.</b> Muscle samples from the exercised (left column, A, C) and non-exercised contralateral (right column, B, D) sides of gastrocnemius muscles after 1 w (A, B) and 6 w (C, D) of unilateral EMS/E. The sections are stained with H&E. Note the presence of atypical muscle fibers indicating muscle fiber regeneration in the exercised muscle (A) and fibers with internal nuclei (arrow) in the non-exercised muscle (B) after 1 w of EMS/E. Note also the large variation in the fiber size (A–D), the presence of small rounded fibers (C, D) and the marked fibrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration with extended duration of EMS/E (asterisks) (A, C, D) in both the exercised and non-exercised sides. Figure B and D shows presence of internal nuclei (arrows). (Bar = 50 µm).</p

    Serial sections of nerve fascicles.

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    <p>Cross-sections of a nerve fascicle from soleus muscle (non-exercised side) after 6w of unilateral EMS/E. The sections are stained with H&E (A), mAb S-100beta (B) and mAb S-100beta and DAPI (C). Note the marked presence of connective tissue and a high number of cell nuclei within the nerve fascicle (A). In (B), mAb S-100beta stains Schwann cells. Figure (C) shows two patterns of stained nuclei, one bluish and one pink, where the bluish nuclei are stained only for DAPI. Some of the nuclei located in cell cytoplasm are devoid of S-100beta reaction (small arrows) whilst others nuclei in the cytoplasm exhibits a S-100beta reaction around the nuclei (arrowheads). The cells with pink nuclei showed immunoreaction in the cytoplasm for mAb S-100beta (large arrows). (Original magnification×200).</p