44 research outputs found

    Mechanical quality of leather in Texel lambs and their crossbreds

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    High quality leather of small ruminants is a valuable raw material for various industrial sectors. Sheep breeding system was significantly re-oriented and focused on meat breeds in the Czech Republic during last 15 years. Therefore, the objective of work was to evaluate effect of Texel blood share and body part on selected quality traits of sheep leather as an additional product of its breeding. A total of 10 leathers of purebred Texel lambs (T100) and 10 leathers of Merino x Texel crossbred (T50) were analysed. The basic indicators of leather quality namely leather thickness (LT, mm), yield strength (YS, μm), tensile strength (TS, MPa), and breaking point (BP, μm) were measured and evaluated in relation to selected factors. LT of cross-breds with 50% share of Texel blood was by 0.1616 (P < 0.001) mm thicker than in pure-bred Texel lambs. Body part of leather significantly (P < 0.05-0.01) affected all characteristics evaluated except BP. Hypothesis stated was confirmed and initial results documented necessity of more detailed further research focusing on leather quality of meat breeds of sheep


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    The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between calving year and season, parity, number of AI, day of lactation, milk production in the 1st 100 lactation days or diseases occurrence (retained placenta, endometritis or cysts), sperm motility (SM) during 30, 60 and 90 minutes of the cervical mucus survival test, cervical mucus crystallization (CMC) and their infl uence on days to fi rst insemination (interval), open days (SP), inseminations number for pregnancy (index), and pregnancy rates (PR) in Holstein cows (n=284). Signifi cant differences of interval, SP and index were detected also in relation to number of AI and day of lactation (P < 0.001). Cows without reproduction diseases (healthy) had better results of interval, SP (P < 0.01), index and PR. Pregnancy rate of healthy cows was by 11.43% higher, but without statistical signifi cance. The higher results of PR (62.74%) were discovered in relation to ferny-like crystallization of cervical mucus (P < 0.001). CMC affected results of cervical mucus survival test, the highest motility of sperms after the 60 and 90 minutes was assumed in the case of club moss – ferny (14.80% and 7.96%) and ferny-like crystallization (13.82% and 8.47%) with statistical signifi cance (P < 0.05). The choice of these characteristics and defi nition of their relations allows assuming their using for detailed study and determination of the cows´ biological ability to conceive, the one of the main components of effi ciency of cows´ reproduction.Cílem práce bylo vyhodnotit vztahy mezi rokem a ročním obdobím otelení, pořadím laktace, dnem laktace, mléčnou užitkovostí za sto dní laktace, výskytem reprodukčních poruch (zadržení lůžka, endometritida, ovariální cysty), aktivitou spermií během testu přežitelnosti v cervikálním hlenu, krystalizaci cervikálního hlenu a vliv těchto faktorů na délku inseminačního intervalu, servis periodu, inseminační index a zabřezávání ve stádě holštýnských dojnic (n=284). Vzorky cervikálního hlenu (CM) byly získávány sterilní pipetou rektovaginální metodou v den inseminace u skupiny krav během března 2002 až prosince 2005. Arborizace CM byla hodnocena pod mikroskopem po rozředí a zaschnutí na podložním sklíčku. Mikroskopicky byl posuzován podíl spermií s progresivním pohybem (aktivita) během testu přežitelnosti po 30, 60 a 90 minutách inkubace v cervikálním hlenu ve vodní lázni při teplotě 38+1oC. Byl zjištěn statisticky významný (P<0,001) vliv pořadí inseminace a počtu laktačních dní na délku intervalu a SP. Zdravé plemenice dosahovaly lepších výsledků v délce intervalu (rozdíl 8,82 dne), SP (rozdíl 42,72 dní, P<0,01), indexu (rrozdíl 0,44) i zabřezávání (rozdíl 9,44%) v porovnání s kravami s reprodukčními poruchami zjištěnými po otelení. Nejlepších výsledků (P<0,001) v zabřezávání (62,74%) dosahovaly dojnice, u nichž v testu arborizace CM byla zajištěny kapraďovitá krystalizace (tzn. optimální doba pro inseminaci). Nejvyšší aktivita spermií (P<0,05) byla zjišťována v případě plavuňovito-kapraďovité a kapraďovité krystalizace CM v čase 60 (14,8 a 13,82%) a 90 (7,96 a 8,47%) minut. Testy arborizace byly zvoleny pro posouzení vhodnosti doby inseminace a testy přežitelnosti v CM pro posouzení schopnosti oplození, resp. pro predikci zabřeznutí. K hodnocení výsledků byl využit statistický program SAS STAT8,0 GLM, lineární model

    Povezanost između razine proizvodnje mlijeka, duljine intervala teljenja, parametara laktacijske krivulje i ekonomskih rezultata u holstein krava

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    The objective of work was to evaluate effects of milk production level (MY1≥9500 kg, n=23; MY2 = 8000-9499, n=28; and MY3≤7999 kg, n=29) and calving interval length (CI1≥440 days, n=22; CI2 = 400-439 days, n=33; and CI3≤399 days, n=25) on the lactation curve parameters calculated using MilkBot® Model and economic profitability of Holstein dairy cow breeding. Data were obtained from 80 Holstein cows on 1st to 4th parity calved between January and August 2012 on the dairy farm of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in Czech Republic. Lactation curve parameters differed more in relation with milk production level compared to calving interval length. Lactation curve in cows with the highest MY was characterized with significantly higher overall magnitude (scale parameter) of milk production (P<0.01), higher peak yield (P<0.01) which occurred later (P<0.05) and higher persistence (P<0.05). Due to combination of higher persistence and total yield, average milk yield per day of calving interval was significantly (P<0.05) higher in cows with middle CI than in short CI. Optimal calving interval length should be assessed in relation with lactation persistence and milk production level. The highest individual profitability was reached by cows in MY1 and CI2 group.Cilj rada bio je procijeniti učinke razine proizvodnje mlijeka (MY1≥9500 kg, n = 23; MY2 = 8000-9499, n = 28, i MY3≤7999 kg, n = 29) i duljine intervala teljenja (CI1≥440 dana, N = 22; CI2 = 400-439 dana, n = 33, i CI3≤399 dana, n = 25) na parametre laktacijske krivulje, kod holstein krava, koji su analizirani MilkBot® modelom. Također su praćeni parametri ekonomske isplativosti. Podaci su dobiveni za 80 holstein krava koje su bile u proizvodnji od prve do četvrte laktacije, a sezona teljenja bila je između siječnja i kolovoza 2012. godine. Istraživanje je provedeno na farmi mliječnih krava Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Parametri laktacijske krivulje razlikovali su se više u odnosu na razinu proizvodnje mlijeka nego u odnosu na duljinu intervala teljenja. Laktacijsku krivulju u krava s najvećom količinom mlijeka karakterizira značajno veća ukupna proizvodnja mlijeka (P<0,01), viša maksimalna proizvodnja (P<0,01), koja dolazi kasnije (P<0,05) i visoka perzistencija (P<0,05). Zbog kombinacije visoke perzistencije i ukupne količine, prosječni prinos mlijeka na dan intervala teljenja bio je značajno (P<0,05) veći u krava sa srednjim intervalom teljenja (CI) nego s kratkim CI. Optimalnu duljinu intervala teljenja treba procijeniti u odnosu na perzistenciju laktacije i razinu proizvodnje mlijeka. Najveća pojedinačna profitabilnost utvrđena je u krava MY1 i CI2 skupine

    Osnovni sastav mlijeka i slobodne masne kiseline kao parametar lipolize mlijeka holstein krava

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate in detail the relationship between the basic milk components (fat and protein percentage) and the free fatty acids (FFA) content, as indicators of spontaneous and/or induced lipolysis. The additional aim of the study was to compare the FFA content of milk with respect to spontaneous and induced lipolysis. Milking was carried out in herringbone parlour twice a day. In total, 540 milk samples were obtained for evaluation of spontaneous (n=240) and induced lipolysis (n=300). The milk samples for determination of basic milk components and FFA (li¬polysis) levels were collected during four subsequent lactation weeks. Milk samples for spontaneous lipolysis detection were taken directly in parlour immediately after milking using the ICAR methodology and subsequently grouped. Induced lipolysis was observed from bulk milk in time 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after milking (T0-T4). The evaluation of basic components and FFA content was carried on MILKOSCAN F120 (Foss Electronic; Denmark). Statistical evaluation was carried out using SAS 9.3. (SAS/STAT® 9.3, 2011). An increase of one percentage of milk fat was equal to 0.318 mmol x 100 g-1 FFA decline (spontaneous lipolysis) or from 0.232 to 0.370 mmol x 100 g-1 FFA decline (induced lipolysis T0-T4) respectively. One percentage increase of milk protein was equal to 1.219 mmol x 100 g-1 FFA increase (spontaneous lipolysis) or 0.421 to 1.531 mmol x 100 g-1 FFA decrease (induced lipolysis T0 - T4) respectively. Significant differences (P<0.01) were detected among FFA content in relation to spontaneous and induced lipolysis evaluated during storage and cooling after milking. The minimal differences were detected between the FFA content during 4 hours cooling and storage of milk in the tank.Cilj istraživanja bio je detaljno ispitati odnose između osnovnih sastojaka mlijeka (udjela masti i proteina) i sastava slobodnih masnih kiselina (SMK), kao pokazatelja spontane i/ili inducirane lipolize. Dodatni cilj bio je usporediti sastav SMK mlijeka s obzirom na spontane i inducirane lipolize. Mužnja je provedena u izmuzištu tipa riblja kost dva puta dnevno. Analizirano je 540 uzoraka mlijeka, od čega za ocjenu spontane (n=240) i inducirane (n =300) lipolize. Prikupljeni su uzorci mlijeka za određivanje osnovnih sastojaka mlijeka i SMK (lipoliza) tijekom četiri uzastopna tjedna mužnje. Uzorci mlijeka za otkrivanje spontane lipolize uzeti su izravno u izmuzištu odmah nakon mužnje korištenjem ICAR metoda i nakon toga su grupirani. Inducirana lipoliza uočena je u uzorcima mlijeka u vremenu 0, 1, 2, 3, i 4 sata nakon mužnje (T0-T4). Procjena osnovnih sastojaka mlijeka i sadržaja SMK utvrđena je pomoću MILKOSCAN F120 (Foss Electronic; Denmark). Statistička analiza provedena je korištenjem programa SAS 9.3. (SAS/STAT® 9.3, 2011). Utvrđeno je da je povećanje udjela mliječne masti za 1 % jednako smanjenju SMK od 0,318 mmol x 100 g-1 (spontana lipoliza) ili smanjenju SMK od 0,232- 0,370 mmol x 100 g-1 (inducirana lipoliza T0-T4). Povećanje udjela proteina za 1 % jednako je porastu SMK od 1,219 mmol x 100 g-1 (spontana lipoliza) ili smanjenju SMK od 0,421-1,531 mmol x 100 g-1 (inducirana lipoliza T0-T4). Utvrđene su značajne razlike (P<0,01) između sadržaja SMK u odnosu na spontane i inducirane lipolize tijekom skladištenja i hlađenja mlijeka nakon mužnje. Minimalne razlike utvrđene su između sadržaja SMK tijekom 4 sata hlađenja i skladištenja mlijeka u spremniku


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    The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between calving year and season, parity, number of AI, day of lactation, milk production in the 1st 100 lactation days or diseases occurrence (retained placenta, endometritis or cysts), sperm motility (SM) during 30, 60 and 90 minutes of the cervical mucus survival test, cervical mucus crystallization (CMC) and their infl uence on days to fi rst insemination (interval), open days (SP), inseminations number for pregnancy (index), and pregnancy rates (PR) in Holstein cows (n=284). Signifi cant differences of interval, SP and index were detected also in relation to number of AI and day of lactation (P &lt; 0.001). Cows without reproduction diseases (healthy) had better results of interval, SP (P &lt; 0.01), index and PR. Pregnancy rate of healthy cows was by 11.43% higher, but without statistical signifi cance. The higher results of PR (62.74%) were discovered in relation to ferny-like crystallization of cervical mucus (P &lt; 0.001). CMC affected results of cervical mucus survival test, the highest motility of sperms after the 60 and 90 minutes was assumed in the case of club moss – ferny (14.80% and 7.96%) and ferny-like crystallization (13.82% and 8.47%) with statistical signifi cance (P &lt; 0.05). The choice of these characteristics and defi nition of their relations allows assuming their using for detailed study and determination of the cows´ biological ability to conceive, the one of the main components of effi ciency of cows´ reproduction

    Utjecaj rednog broja laktacije na omjer važnih zdravih masnih kiselina u sirovom mlijeku krava holstein pasmine

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    The objective of this study was to determine and evaluate the effect of parity on the fatty acids groups’ proportion in Holstein cows’ milk during the first phase of lactations, with an emphasis on its potential importance for consumer health. A total of 25 Holstein cows, 9 primiparous, 9 in the 2nd, and 7 in the 3rd and subsequent parity, were observed and sampled at 7-day intervals through the first 17 weeks of lactation. The percentage proportion of saturated (hypercholesterolemic and volatile as its components) and unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated as its components) fatty acids in the samples of milk fat (n=425) was determined. The effects of parity and negative energy balance, as well as regression, on the lactation week and the fat to protein ratio were evaluated using SAS 9.3. A significantly (P<0.01) lower proportion of unhealthy hypercholesterolemic fatty acids was detected in primiparous cows (-2.67 %) and those in the 3rd and subsequent lactation (-2.94 %) compared to the 2nd lactation, as well as a simultaneously higher proportion of healthy unsaturated fatty acids (+2.07, respectively +3.08 %). The determined relationships corresponded to organism stress evoked by the initiation of milk production and its maintenance in higher parities. Therefore, the generally required prolongation of dairy cows’ longevity can influence on the quality of raw milk, especially considering composition of fatty acids.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi i procijeniti utjecaj rednog broja laktacije na udio pojedinih skupina masnih kiselina, u mlijeku holstein krava tijekom prve faze laktacije, s naglaskom na njihovu potencijalnu važnost za zdravlje potrošača. Ukupno 25 holstein krava, devet prvotelkinja, devet u drugoj, i sedam u trećoj i naknadnim laktacijama, promatrane su i uzorkovane u sedmodnevnim intervalima tijekom prvih 17 tjedana laktacije. Utvrđivan je udio zasićenih (unutar te skupine hiperkolesterolemičnih i hlapivih masnih kiselina) te nezasićenih (unutar te skupine mononezasićenih i polinezasićenih) masnih kiselina u uzorcima mliječne masti (n=425). Utjecaj rednog broja laktacije i negativne energetske bilance, kao i regresija, na tjedne laktacije i omjer masti i proteina procijenjeni su pomoću SAS 9.3. Značajno (P<0,01) manji udio po zdravlje nepovoljnih hiperkolesterolemičnih masnih kiselina utvrđen je u prvotelkinja (-2,67 %) i onih u 3. i naknadnim laktacijama (-2,94 %) u odnosu na krave u drugoj laktaciji, kao i istodobno veći udio po zdravlje povoljnih nezasićenih masnih kiselina (2,07 %, odnosno 3,08 %). Utvrđena veza objašnjava se stresom organizma prouzrokovanim početkom proizvodnje mlijeka i održavanjem te proizvodnje tijekom kasnijih laktacija. Dakle, općenito dulji životni vijek mliječnih krava može utjecati na kvalitetu sirovog mlijeka, osobito s obzirom na sastav masnih kiselina

    Influence of selected factors on growth performance of Suffolk lambs and their crossbreds

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    The monitoring was performed in one year period in selected population of Suffolk sheep (SF, n = 257) and their crossbreds with Merinolandschaf (SF × ML, n = 87). Total of 627 lambs (SF, n = 463; SF × ML, n = 164) were observed in breeding conditions of two semi-extensive flocks. Lambs’ live weight at 100 days of age (LW100); musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT100) depth and backfat thickness (BT100) at the same age were assessed. Effects of breed, ewes’ live weight at mating, litter size, sex of lambs and ewe’s age as linear regression were evaluated using SAS 9.1. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in LW100, MLLT100 and BT100 between SF and SF × ML were observed. All the evaluated traits of growth performance were also influenced (P < 0.05) by ewes’ live weight at mating. The highest lambs’ growth performance traits were detected in lambs of ewes with highest live weight at mating (group of ≥ 80.7 kg). Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed among singles, twins and triplets lambs as well. Significantly higher LW100 was marked in ram lambs compared to ewe lambs (P < 0.05)

    Muzna svojstva krava Jersey pasmine tijekom razdoblja laktacije i utjecaj na produljenje sisa izazvano mužnjom

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    The aim of this study was to monitor milkability traits of Jersey cows over the course of lactation, and to investigate how milkability characteristics affected milking induced teat prolongation (MITP; %). For the purpose of the experiment, milkability parameters and teat length of 43 Jersey cows were monitored throughout the lactation. The effects of milk yield, milking time, lag time, average milk flow, and milk flow during various stages of milking on milking induced teat prolongation were evaluated. Jersey cows in this study achieved an average daily milk yield of 16.8 kg with an average milking time of 5 min. The average milk flow was 1.73 kg min-1 and the occurrence of bimodal milk flows was 23.8 %. Milkability characteristics significantly affected MITP. Milk yield, lag time and milk flow at the beginning of milking affected the MITP of both pairs of teats, while average milk flow and milk flow during the second minute of milking showed significant differences only for MITP of front teats. Furthermore, MITP was not dependent on milking time nor milk flow after the second min of milking, but was strongly affected by milk yield and milk flow disturbances at the beginning of milking. Higher MITP was observed for high milk yields, low lag times, normal milk flows at the beginning of milking, and fast milk flows during the milking. Thus, the desired milkability characteristics caused higher MITP. The findings of this study suggest that the high teat prolongation during milking might be interpreted as a positive sign for milking efficiency.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je praćenje muznih svojstava krava Jersey pasmine tijekom razdoblja laktacije te utvrditi utjecaj parametara muznih svojstava na produljenje sisa izazvano mužnjom uzrokovano mužnjom (MITP; %). U tu svrhu su tijekom razdoblja laktacije određivani muzni parametri i duljina sisa u 43 krave Jersey pasmine. Pritom se određivao utjecaj količine mlijeka, vremena mužnje, brzine otpuštanja mlijeka, prosječnog protoka mlijeka te protoka mlijeka u različitim stadijima laktacije na produljenje sisa izazvano mužnjom. Jersey krave na kojima je provedeno istraživanje imale su prosječnu dnevnu količinu mlijeka od 16,8 kg uz prosječno trajanje mužnje od 5 min. Prosječan protok mlijeka iznosio je 1,73 kg min-1, a pojava bimodalnog protoka mlijeka bila je 23,8 %. Muzna svojstva pokazala su statistički značajan utjecaj na MITP. Količina mlijeka, brzina otpuštanja mlijeka i protok mlijeka na početku mužnje utjecali su na MITP oba para sisa, dok su prosječan protok mlijeka i protok mlijeka tijekom druge minute mužnje značajno utjecali samo na MITP vrijednosti prednjih sisa. Nadalje, nakon druge minute mužnje, MITP se nije pokazao ovisnim ni o trajanju mužnje, niti o protoku mlijeka, ali je bio pod jakim utjecajem količine mlijeka te varijacijama u protoku zabilježenim na početku mužnje. Više vrijednosti MITP zabilježene su kod viših količina mlijeka, bržeg otpuštanja mlijeka, normalnog protoka mlijeka na početku mužnje i brzih protoka mlijeka tijekom mužnje. Stoga se može reći kako su poželjna muzna svojstva uzrokovali više MITP vrijednosti. Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja visok stupanj produljenja sisa tijekom mužnje bi se mogao protumačiti kao dobar znak za procjenu učinkovitosti mužnje