6 research outputs found

    On-chip mesoporous functionalized magnetic microspheres for protein sequencing by extended bottom-up mass spectrometry

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    Limited amount and extreme concentration variability of proteomic-related samples require efficient analyte preconcentration and purification prior to the mass spectrometry (MS)-based analysis. Preferably, these steps should be coupled on-line with chosen fractionation and detection techniques for the minimization of the sample loss. To realize such sample pretreatment, herein, an on-chip solid-phase extraction – gradient elution – tandem mass spectrometry (SPE-GEMS/MS) is introduced. This technique combines in a microfluidic format on-line sample preconcentration/purification on SPE sorbent with further fractionation and MS/MS analysis. C8-functionalized mesoporous magnetic microspheres are chosen as a sorbent, spatially-confined with an applied magnetic field. They assure a selective enrichment and analysis of large hydrophobic peptides (2.5-7 kDa), matching the desired mass bin of the extended bottom-up proteomic (eBUP, 3-7 kDa) approach. Within less than 35 min and without additional sample purification, SPE-GEMS/MS provided 66.5 % of protein sequence coverage from 75 fmol of BSA tryptic digest. Analysis of only 33 fmol of a single monoclonal antibody, digested with secreted aspartic protease 9 (Sap9) to large peptides, yielded 80 % of its sequence coverage. More complex equimolar mixture of six antibodies (55 fmol each), submitted to Sap9 proteolysis, was also successfully processed by SPE-GEMS/MS, resulting in 50-67 % of the total antibody sequence coverage. Importantly, for all antibodies, unique peptides containing complementarity determining regions were detected for both heavy and light chains, leading to a correct identification of mixture components despite their high sequence homology. Moreover, SPE-GEMS/MS microchip and chosen magnetic sorbent are cost-effective, can be produced and operated in a disposable manner. Therefore, present technique could be potentially suitable for a high throughput sequencing of monoclonal antibodies and rapid eBUP-based structural protein analysis, especially when only limited sample amount is available

    Structural Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies with Top-down and Middle-down Electron Transfer Dissociation Mass Spectrometry: The First Decade

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    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are protein biotherapeutics with a proven efficacy toward fighting life-threatening diseases. Their exceptional healing potential drives the annual increase in the number of novel mAbs and other antibody-like molecules entering clinical trials and the number of approved mAb-based drugs. Mass spectrometry (MS) offers high selectivity and specificity for the potentially unambiguous identification and comprehensive structural characterization of proteins, including at the proteoform level. It is thus not surprising that MS-based approaches are playing a central role in the biopharma laboratories, complementing and advancing traditional biotherapeutics characterization workflows. A combination of MS approaches is required to comprehensively characterize mAbs’ structures: the commonly employed bottom-up MS approaches are efficiently complemented with mass measurements at the intact and subunit (middle-up) levels, together with product ion analysis following gas-phase fragmentation of precursor ions performed at the intact (top-down) and subunit (middle-down) levels. Here we overview our group’s contribution to increasing the efficiency of these approaches and the development of the novel strategies over the past decade. Our particular focus has been on the top-down and middle-down MS methods that utilize electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for gas-phase protein ion fragmentation. Several approaches pioneered by our group, particularly an ETD-based middle-down approach, constitute a part of commercial software solutions for the mAb’s characterization workflows

    Proteome Digestion Specificity Analysis for Rational Design of Extended Bottom-up and Middle-down Proteomics Experiments

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    Mass spectrometry (MS)-based bottom-up proteomics (BUP) is currently the method of choice for large-scale identification and characterization of proteins present in complex samples, such as cell lysates, body fluids, or tissues. Technically, BUP relies on MS analysis of complex mixtures of small, 15 kDa (TDP). Because of instrumentation-related considerations, we first advocate for the extended BUP approach as the potential near-future improvement of BUP. Therefore, we chose to optimize the number of unique peptides in the 3-7 kDa range while maximizing the number of represented proteins. The present study considers human, yeast, and bacterial proteomes. Results of the study can be further used for designing extended BUP or MDP experimental workflows

    Monitoring Membrane Lipidome Turnover by Metabolic N-15 Labeling and Shotgun Ultra-High-Resolution Orbitrap Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry

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    Lipidomes undergo permanent extensive remodeling, but how the turnover rate differs between lipid classes and molecular species is poorly understood. We employed metabolic N-15 labeling and shotgun ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry (sUHR) to quantify the absolute (molar) abundance and determine the turnover rate of glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids by direct analysis of total lipid extracts. sUHR performed on a commercial Orbitrap Elite instrument at the mass resolution of 1.35 x 10 (6) (m/z 200) baseline resolved peaks of C-13 isotopes of unlabeled and monoisotopic peaks of N-15 labeled lipids (Delta m = 0.0063 Da). Therefore, the rate of metabolic N-15 labeling of individual lipid species could be determined without compromising the scope, accuracy, and dynamic range of full-lipidome quantitative shotgun profiling. As a proof of concept, we employed sUHR to determine the lipidome composition and fluxes of 62 nitrogen-containing membrane lipids in human hepatoma HepG2 cells

    Multiplexed Middle-Down Mass Spectrometry as a Method for Revealing Light and Heavy Chain Connectivity in a Monoclonal Antibody

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    Pairing light and heavy chains in monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) using top-down (TD) or middle-down (MD) mass spectrometry (MS) may complement the sequence information on single chains provided by high-throughput genomic sequencing and bottom-up proteomics, favoring the rational selection of drug candidates. The 50 kDa F(ab) subunits of mAbs are the smallest structural units that contain the required information on chain pairing. These subunits can be enzymatically produced from whole mAbs and interrogated in their intact form by TD/MD MS approaches. However, the high structural complexity of F(ab) subunits requires increased sensitivity of the modern TD/MD MS for a comprehensive structural analysis. To address this and similar challenges, we developed and applied a multiplexed TD/MD MS workflow based on spectral averaging of tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) across multiple liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS runs acquired in reduced or full profile mode using an Orbitrap Fourier transform mass spectrometer (FTMS). We first benchmark the workflow using myoglobin as a reference protein, and then validate it for the analysis of the 50 kDa F(ab) subunit of a therapeutic mAb, trastuzumab. Obtained results confirm the envisioned benefits in terms of increased signal-to-noise ratio of product ions from utilizing multiple LC-MS/MS runs for TD/MD protein analysis using mass spectral averaging. The workflow performance is compared with the earlier introduced multiplexed TD/MD MS workflow based on transient averaging in Orbitrap FTMS. For the latter, we also report on enabling absorption mode FT processing and demonstrate its comparable performance to the enhanced FT (eFT) spectral representation