248 research outputs found

    Strategies of Reducing Poverty in Jordan

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    This study aimed at identifying the proposed strategies and polices of the Jordanian government in order to reduce poverty in Jordan for recognizing overlaps in legislation, programs and projects of public and private institutions, which are working directly in the field of poverty in Jordan, and identifying the goals of governmental and private institutions. The study is consisted of all official and non-official institutions working directly in the field of poverty, and also shows the lack of variable strategies and policies for reducing poverty, and finally in the light of the study findings, the researcher recommends a number of recommendations.

    Proposed Educational strategy to reduce the impact of social and economical factors in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society

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    This study aimed at developing an educational strategy to reduce the impact of social and economical factors in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society, and to achieve this goal, the study posed the following two questions: What's the impact of the social and economical factors in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society? Secondly: What is the proposed educational strategy of reducing the impact of social and economical factor in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society? The study population consisted of (294) faculty members in the Colleges of Educational Sciences in the following Jordanian universities: University of Jordan, Yarmouk University, Hashemite University, (83) was chosen randomly to form the study sample. A questionnaire was designed, as the study tool to collect the data related to the questions of the study, and consisted in its final form of (35 paragraphs), distributed on four areas: the first area argues the causes of violence within families (7 paragraphs), the second area argues the causes of violence within the educational institutions (11 paragraphs), the third area argues the causes of violence at work places (8 paragraphs), and the fourth area argues the causes of violence in society (9 paragraphs).

    Social and Economical Characteristics of Poor Families in Jordan

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    This study aims at investigating social and economical characteristics of poor families in Jordan; by analyzing the characteristics of the poverty pockets population in Jordan, for recognizing the difference between poor and non-poor families from the perspective of economic, social in order to develop proposals and solutions to alleviate the problem of poverty in the poor areas through the design of preventive programs and early intervention and subsequent to the problem of poverty and improve the performance of existing ones. A random representative sample of poor and non-poor families in the poverty pockets spreading over three regions in Jordan (north, central, and south) was chosen,  and by taking into account the rate of poverty in the three regions, reaching a size of (265) poor families, and (229) non-poor familie

    The development of the methodology and measurement of poverty indicators in the Jordanian Social Studies (1973-2013)

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    This study aimed to identify the local experiences of determining the most important index of poverty in Jordan by reviewing the international literature. It also aims to summarize a sample of the major studies dealing with poverty in Jordan, identify the methodology and ways of measuring poverty and its indicators to coordinate efforts and reach to a clearer picture of poverty than the one provided by the studies of poverty in Jordan during four decades : 1973-2012 . To achieve these objectives, this study summarizes the methodologies and global methods of measuring poverty in Jordan, and clarifies the pros and cons of each methodology. The most important findings of the study include that there are several ways and methodologies pursued by the previous studies in Jordan that led to a difference in the results of these studies and a difficulty in interpreting its findings and recommendations and making comparisons over time and comparisons with other countries.

    Análisis de la fauna menor del sitio Piedras Blancas (Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina)

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    Este trabajo analiza la fauna de porte menor del sitio Piedras Blancas (valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina), con el propósito de indagar acerca del rol que tuvo dentro de la economía de los habitantes del lugar, al igual que su participación como agentes tafonómicos en la conformación del sitio. Piedras Blancas es un emplazamiento al aire libre que se ubica en el sector deprimido del valle de Ambato, al cual se le adjudicó la funcionalidad de unidad residencial de elite. Sobre la base de los fechados radiocarbónicos se puede ubicar el período de ocupación del sitio entre el 574 y 1225 (1σ) AD, durante momentos Aguada. A partir de la identificación anatómica y taxonómica de los restos faunísticos y su consiguiente cuantificación, se logró constatar la presencia de una diversidad considerable de especies, entre ellas didélfidos, dasipódidos, carnívoros, roedores (Cricétidos, Cávidos, Ctenómidos y Chinchíllidos), aves, anfibios y reptiles. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, se propone que algunas de estas especies fueron incorporadas al sitio por la acción humana (con el propósito de consumirlos y utilizar sus distintos subproductos), mientras que otras ingresaron por diversas causas tafonó- micas, tales como la acción de predadores y factores eto-ecológicos (incluyendo la presencia por muerte natural, roedores vinculados a eventos de comensalismo y animales fosoriales que pudieron modificar e incorporarse al registro arqueológico).This paper analyzes the small vertebrate fauna from the site of Piedras Blancas (Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina) in order to inquire on the role it played in the economy of the local people, as well as its relevance as taphonomic agents in the formation of the site. Piedras Blancas is an open air site located in the depressed sector of the Ambato Valley, which was identified as a single elite residential unit. Based on radiocarbon dates, the period of occupation of the site can be located between 574 and 1225 (1σ) AD, during Aguada times. From the anatomical and taxonomic identification of faunal remains and their subsequent quantification, it was possible to confirm the presence of a considerable variety of species, including didelphids, dasypodids, carnivores, rodents of the Cricetidae, Caviidae, Ctenomyidae and Chinchillidae families, birds, amphibians and reptiles. The results allow us to propose that some of these species were incorporated into the site by human activities (in order to consume them and to use their different products), while others went in through taphonomic causes such as the action of predators and eto-ecological factors (including natural deaths, commensalism events and fossorial animals that could modify and eventually become incorporated into the archaeological deposits).Fil: Dantas, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades. Museo de Antropologia; ArgentinaFil: Srur, Maria Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades. Museo de Antropologia; Argentin

    Hacia un nuevo modelo social

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    Estudio de factibilidad para la localización de una estación intermodal en la zona noroeste de la ciudad de Córdoba

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    Práctica Supervisada (IC)--FCEFN-UNC, 2018Trata de la elección de un lugar más factible para la construcción de un centro de transferencia intermodal para la zona nor-oeste de la ciudad de Córdoba. Busca mejorar el sistema de transporte adecuándolo a la demanda existente y prevista, de manera de lograr una movilidad urbana segura, fluida y confiable que permita mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la ciudad

    State policy and law in relation to land alienation in Ethiopia

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    The thesis examines the nature and mechanisms of land alienation in the context of Ethiopia's history of land relations and the role of national and global actors. In consideration of these themes, the study has adopted a contextual analysis of law and policy. Data from fieldwork has informed the core themes. It has also involved a combination of doctrinal legal research and documentary policy research augmented by quantitative data. The research considers issues of land alienation in the situation where the main relevant perspectives argue for the abolition of the people's ownership of land approach embodied in the country's 1995 Constitution and its replacement by private ownership of land (privatization perspective) or for its modification to allow alienation of land use rights (revisionist perspective) or for its change into village ownership of land with a possibility of market transfer of land use rights (associative ownership perspective). In addition to their promotion of one or another form of land alienation, the above three perspectives focus on consideration of ways to break the bureaucratic power of the State over land. This study contends that a focus on these issues has prevented the perspectives from fully identifying and thus explaining features of the ongoing land alienation in Ethiopia including the position of international institutions. This thesis therefore claims that there is an underlying shift towards marketable property in land in favor of actors who are assumed to be 'better land improvers. This is happening in a dual context of significant land poverty and economic growth.' Land alienation is being manifested in rural land expropriation laws, administrative and judicial endorsement of kontract, absence of recognition of communal lands and transfer by the State of the communal rural lands to large-scale farmers through the deployment of discourses such as 'empty land' and the 'tragedy of the commons.' This gravitation clashes with the people's ownership of land approach that provides for agricultural land for peasants and pastoralists, security of their landholdings and a ban on land alienation. The tilt has resulted in another tension between federal and regional governments where the Centre claims that efficiency demands that it handle land transfers to developers whereas the regions assert their constitutional power over land. Similarly, global institutions are involved in a contradiction because they prescribe land rights to the poor as a strategy to reduce poverty in Ethiopia and at the same time they encourage large-scale land grants in accordance with `principles of responsible agricultural investment.' The thesis proposes an affirmation of the constitutional principles concerning land with a proper form of constitutionality