5 research outputs found

    Incidentally Found Prostate Cancer and Influence on Overall Survival after Radical Cystoprostatectomy

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    Objectives. To determine incidentally found prostate cancer frequency and impact on overall survival after RCP. Patients and Methods. The records of 81 men who underwent cystoprostatectomy from January 2000 to December 2009 were reviewed. The vital status of the study group was assessed as on September 1, 2009, by passive followup, using data from the population registry. Results. The 81 men underwent RCP. The incidental prostate cancer was found in the specimens of 27 (33.3%) patients. 13 (48.1%) of 27 prostate cancer cases were clinically significant. For 3 patients (11.1%) an extraprostatic extension was found. For 2 patients (7.4%)—positive margins, for 1 patient (3.7%)—Gleason sum 8, and for the rest 7 patients bigger than 0.5 cm3 volume tumor, and Gleason sum 7 was found. The mean follow-up time was 39.2 ± 33.8 months (varies from 0.8 to 131.2 months). The patients with bladder cancer and incidentally found prostate cancer lived shorter (28.1 ± 27.5 and 45.5 ± 35.40 months). Higher overall survival (P = 0.03) was found in the patient group with bladder cancer without incidentally diagnosed prostate cancer. Conclusion. There are indications that in this small study prostate cancer has influenced on patients' survival with bladder cancer after radical cystoprostatectomy

    Prostatic biopsy technique. Historical review

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    This article contains histological review of prostate biopsies techniques from the digitally guided prostate biopsies to modern extended-core prostate biopsy protocols. The technique of transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) guided biopsy of the prostate has evolved considerably since the original description by K. K. Hodge and colleagues. A better understanding of the zonal anatomy of the prostate coupled with 3-D mapping of tumors in early stage prostate cancer has led to more laterally-directed biopsies and an increase in the number of cores obtained in a single setting. Most investigators recommend sampling between 10 and 12 areas, with particular focus on the lateral segments of the gland. Data gained from systematic extended-core biopsy protocols offer the hope of providing both diagnostic and prognostic information and may help urologists and patients make better informed decisions when facing with the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The first TRUS-guided sextant biopsy in Lithuania was performed at the Department of Urology, Institute Oncology of Vilnius University in 2000. Today the techniques used for TRUS-guided biopsies have evolved and now a protocol as a standard for an initial biopsy recommends obtaining 10 to 12 cores extended to lateral pattern

    Epidural and general anesthesia versus general anesthesia in radical prostatectomy

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    Induced hypotension with epidural anesthesia influences the intraoperative blood loss in prostate cancer patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. The aim of this study was to evaluate intraoperative blood loss and need of blood transfusions in patients who underwent radical prostatectomy under epidural/general anesthesia and general anesthesia. Two groups were selected: epidural/general anesthesia group (study group, 27 patients) received epidural anesthesia in association with general anesthesia, and general anesthesia group (control group, 27 patients) received general anesthesia alone. Epidural/general anesthesia was performed using 0.5% solution of bupivacaine and maintained by volatile anesthetic sevoflurane. General anesthesia was performed with endotracheal ventilation using sevoflurane and intravenous fentanyl. The present study showed that the mean blood loss in epidural/general anesthesia group was significantly lower in comparison with that of general anesthesia group (740±210 mL versus 1150±290 mL, P<0.001). In addition, less allogeneic blood was transfused in epidural/general anesthesia group: 0.19 blood units transfused versus 0.52 blood units in general anesthesia group (P=0.007). Our study proved that induced hypotension with epidural/general anesthesia reduced intraoperative blood loss and need of allogeneic blood transfusions in cancer patient undergoing open radical prostatectomy

    Prostatos urotelio karcinoma, diagnozuota atlikus biopsiją. Klinikinis atvejis ir literatūros apžvalga

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    Algimantas Sruogis1, Ugnius Mickys2, Tadas Petraitis1, Edita Kaubrienė3, Feliksas Jankevičius11 Vilniaus universiteto Onkologijos institutoUrologijos skyrius,Santariškių g. 1, LT-08661 VilniusEl paštas: [email protected] Lietuvos nacionalinis patologijos centras3 Vilniaus universiteto Onkologijos institutoIntervencinės echoskopijos irultragarsinės diagnostikos skyrius Tikslas Nustatyti diagnostinius prostatos urotelio karcinomos kriterijus, diferencijuojant urotelio karcinomą, peraugančią šlapimo pūslės kaklelį ir prostatą, nuo prostatos adenokarcinomos, peraugančios šlapimo pūslę. Atvejis Pacientas, 37 metų, trejus metus gydytas nuo lėtinio prostatito. Prostatos sekrete nustačius atipinių ląstelių, įtarus prostatos vėžį, ligonis nusiųstas į VU Onkologijos institutą. Tyrimo pro tiesiąją žarną, cistoskopijos, rentgenologinio, ultragarso ir serumo žymenų tyrimo duomenimis, diddesnių pokyčių nerasta. Atlikus transuretrinę šlapimo pūslės gleivinės biopsiją (TUR) iš šlapimo pūslės sienelių, kaklelio ir šlaplės prostatinės gleivinės, histologiškai nustatyti normalūs urotelio audiniai. Šlapimo citologinis tyrimas buvo neigiamas. Atlikus transrektalinę prostatos biopsiją, diagnozuotas prostatos urotelio navikas, imunohistochemiškai neigiamas PSA (prostatos specifiniam antigenui) ir teigiamas citokeratinams CK8 ir CK HMW. Pacientui buvo atlikta radikali cistoprostatektomija, pašalinti dubens limfmazgiai ir suformuotas šlapimo nuotėkis į ileum segmentą, išvestą į priekinę pilvo sieną (Brycker būdu). Morfologinė diagnozė – prostatos urotelio karcinoma. Taip pat diagnozuota prostatos adenokarcinoma ir prostatos intraepitelinė neoplazija. Po 15 mėnesių PSA lygis buvo 0,2 ng/ml, jokių ligos progresavimo požymių nepasireiškė. Remiantis šiuo klinikiniu atveju straipsnyje apžvelgiama literatūra, aiškinantis prostatos urotelio karcinomos ir adenokarcinomos skirtumus. Išvados Diagnozuojant prostatos urotelio karcinomą reikia vadovautis tam tikrais kriterijais: 1) prostatos urotelio karcinoma turi būti verifikuota makro-, mikroskopiškai ir imunohistocheminiais metodais, 2) neturėtų būti kitų urotelio karcinomos židinių organizme. Būtent prostatos biopsija leidžia patologui nustatyti tikslią diagnozę prieš operaciją. Imunohistocheminis tyrimas padeda atlikti diferencinę diagnostiką. Po operacijos tiriant pašalintus audinius, diagnozė patikslinama histomorfologiškai, naudojant imunohistocheminius tyrimus, net jei ir labai retai nustatoma prostatos urotelio karcinoma. Reikšminiai žodžiai: prostatos vėžys, urotelio karcinoma, prostatos urotelio karcinoma, prostatos biopsija Prostate urothelial carcinoma diagnosed on prostatic needle biopsy. Case report with literature overview Algimantas Sruogis1, Ugnius Mickys2, Tadas Petraitis1, Edita Kaubrienė3, Feliksas Jankevičius11 Vilnius University Institute of Oncology,Urology Department,Santariškių str. 1,LT-08661 Vilnius, LithuaniaE-mail: [email protected] Lithuanian National Centre of Pathology3 Vilnius University Institute of Oncology,Radiology Department Objective To establish criteria for the diagnosis of primary urothelial prostate carcinoma after the differential diagnosis including high-grade urothelial carcinoma extending into the bladder neck and prostate versus poorly differentiated prostate adenocarcinoma extending into the bladder. Case report The patient was a 37-year-old man with severe prostatism symptoms, who presented with an atypical seminal vesicles fluid cytological test result. The prostate was also normal by the digital examination, endoscopy, roentgenography, ultrasonography and serum markers. A diagnostic transurethral resection of bladder mucosa, bladder neck specimen revealed normal urothelial tissues. The urine cytological test result was negative. The transrectal biopsy of the prostate revealed an urothelial carcinoma with a negative staining of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) and positive of cytokeratins CK 8 and CK HMW. The patient subsequently underwent radical cystoprostatectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy with ileal conduit m. Brycker creation. The histological diagnosis was the urothelial carcinoma of the prostate. Also, the prostate showed foci of High Grade PIN and prostate adenocarcinoma. After 15 months the patient has a PSA level of 0.2 ng/mL, no symptoms, no evidence of progression. Based on this case of the urothelial carcinoma of prostate, the literature was reviewed and the morphological differentiation between urothelial carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the prostate was discussed. Conclusions The diagnostic criteria are the following: (1) the tumor should be a macro-, microscopically and imunohistochemically verified as urothelial carcinoma localized exclusively in the prostate gland; (2) there must be no other primary urothelial carcinoma in the body. These criteria can be readily applied when evaluating surgical resection specimens. With the use of radiologically guided or endoscopically derived biopsies, however, the pathologist is increasingly called upon to make a diagnosis before definitive surgical resection. In these circumstances, the pathologist will often resort to immunostains to help refine the differential diagnosis. Moreover, even when surgical resection specimens are evaluated, immunostains are still used in conjunction with histomorphology to confirm the diagnosis, particularly when a rare entity such as primary urothelial prostate carcinoma is encountered. Keywords: prostate cancer, urothelial carcinoma, prostate urothelial carcinoma, prostatic needle biops

    The Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patient’s management Lithuanian cancer center experience

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    The pandemic spread of the COVID-19 virus significantly affected daily life, but the highest pressure was piled on the health care system. Our aim was to evaluate an impact of COVID-19 pandemic management measures on cancer services at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of Lithuania. We assessed the time period from 1 February 2020 to 31 December 2020 and compared it to the same period of 2019. Data for our analysis were extracted from the NCI Hospital Information System (HIS) and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). Contingency table analysis and ANOVA were performed. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the cancer services provided by NCI. Reductions in diagnostic radiology (−16%) and endoscopy (−29%) procedures were accompanied by a decreased number of patients with ongoing medical (−30%), radiation (−6%) or surgical (−10%) treatment. The changes in the number of newly diagnosed cancer patients were dependent on tumor type and disease stage, showing a rise in advanced disease at diagnosis already during the early period of the first lockdown. The extent of out-patient consultations (−14%) and disease follow-up visits (−16%) was also affected by the pandemic, and only referrals to psychological/psychiatric counselling were increased. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the structure of cancer services by fostering the application of modified systemic anticancer therapy or hypofractionated radiotherapy. The most dramatic drop occurred in the number of patients participating in cancer prevention programs; the loss was 25% for colon cancer and 62% for breast cancer screening. Marked restriction in access to preventive cancer screening and overall reduction of the whole spectrum of cancer services may negatively affect cancer survival measures in the nearest future. Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; cancer management; national lockdown