8 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 007 Sungai Kubu Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research is motivated by lowyields social studies students, with agrade average of 68.83. While the completeness criteria Minimum value (KKM)IPS is 65 Among students who were 30 only 15 students who achieve KKM withclassical completeness 50%. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR)conducted aiming to improve science learning outcomes Elementary Schoolfourth grade students 007 Kubu River by implementing cooperative learningmodel TSTS. Data collection instruments in this thesis is the sheet activities ofteachers and students and learning outcomes. This thesis presents the resultsobtained by studying the average learning outcome measures 68.83 before rising12.84% to 77.67 in cycle I. In the second cycle increased by 17.20% to an averageof 80.67. activities of teachers in the first cycle the first meeting of the percentageobtained 55% with unfavorable category, the second meeting had become62.50%. Furthermore, the first meeting of the second cycle activity scoreincreased by 87.50% of teachers either category, at the second meeting increasedto 100% with a very good category. The results of the data analysis of studentactivity in the first cycle to 50% with the category is not very good, at the secondmeeting of 57.50% In this cycle students already understand the application ofcooperative learning activities with the type TSTS. And the second cycle activityscore of 77.50% of students increased with both categories. At the second meetingincreased to 97.50% with very good category. The results of the study at 007River Elementary School fourth grade faction proved that the application ofcooperative learning model to improve learning outcomes NHT IPS 007 fourthgrade students of SDN Sungai Kubu


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    The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pathology Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University from February to June 2013. The purpose of study was to evaluate the survival of T. harzianum and T. virens after cohabiting with soil borne pathogenic fungi (Fusarium sp, Rhigidoporus sp, and Sclerotium sp) as well as the type of interaction. Trichoderma fungi and fungal pathogens were grown on PDA in vitro, and then observed their growth after being reisolated on 3 different growth zones. The results showed that T. harzianum and T. virens  growing with Fusarium sp were capable to grow over the space. It was evident from the results of reinoculation on a petridish B (border zone) and C (zone Trichoderma) colonies, that T. harzianum and T. virens regrew, while the pathogens were not able to regrow. When cohabiting with Sclerotium sp and Rhigidoporus sp, antagonistic fungus regrew after reisolation but pathogens also grew on Petridis B (border zone). It indicates that on the contact area (petri dish B), Sclerotium sp and Rhigidoporus sp conduct defense over the competition. Regrowth of fungal pathogens on contact area (border) indicates that the fungus has a high level of competition. Antagonist agents such as T. virens and T. harzianum were able to survive and regrow after cohabiting with fungal pathogens and showed type A interaction (against Fusarium sp), while cohabiting with Sclerotium sp and Rhigidoporus sp showed the type B interaction

    Shigella spp. surveillance in Indonesia: the emergence or reemergence of S. dysenteriae.

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    From June 1998 through November 1999, Shigella spp. were isolated in 5% of samples from 3,848 children and adults with severe diarrheal illness in hospitals throughout Indonesia. S. dysenteriae has reemerged in Bali, Kalimantan, and Batam and was detected in Jakarta after a hiatus of 15 years

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring dan Kontrol Suhu pada Mesin Penetas Telur Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler Esp8266

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    Unggas merupakan salah satu induk yang mampu menetaskan hingga empat telur pada masa inkubasi, dan ini dirasa kurang efektif untuk produktifitas memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, untuk mengatasi dengan mengganti peran mesin yang menetaskan telur secara konvensional yang meningkatkan kemampuannya menjadi mesin inkubator telur yang otomatis sehingga dalam proses penetasan telur menjadi lebih mudah, hemat, dan praktis. Tujuan penelitian untuk merancang mesin penetas telur otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler ESP8266. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mikrokontroler ESP8266 untuk mendapatkan hasil penetasan telur dengan akurat, adanya sebuah mesin penetasan konvesional mempunyai prinsip kerja dengan memanfaatkan bohlam dalam ruang inkubator sabagai sumber panas dan termostat yang bekerja berdasarkan prinsip pemuaian sebagai pemutus arus pada bohlam, termometer sebagai pengukur suhu ruang inkubator. Diharapkan pembacaan sensor dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan memberikan inputan pada mikrokontroler untuk menampilkan pada layar LCD. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu suhu / kelembaban untuk kebutuhan penetasan telur, dengan pengujian sensor DHT11 dimana mengetahui kebutuhan suhu pada inkubator penetas, pada Relay dilakukan pengujian berupa keaktifan dalam menerima perintah dari mikrokontroler dalam menjalankan sebagai pemutus baik dalam keadaan ON 5 menit maupun OFF 7 menit. Kesimpulan hasil dari kerja alat mesin penetas telur bekerja dengan efisien dengan suhu yang ditentukan dari suhu 39ºC - 40ºC

    Biological control of cacao diseases

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    This chapter discusses the advances in biological control of cacao diseases over the last 15 years. Most attention has been focused on biological control of frosty pod rot (Moniliophthora roreri), witches' broom (Moniliophthora perniciosa) and black pod disease (Phytophthora spp.). Research on biocontrol of other diseases in the cacao phyllosphere or rhizosphere is scarce or in its infancy. There is, however, a steady increase in information regarding the factors influencing and the mechanisms underlying biological control of cacao diseases as well as practical aspects such as inoculum production, formulation and application. There has been a clear shift away from inundative approaches using epiphytic BCAs towards more classical biocontrol approaches using bacterial and fungal endophytes as well as vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza. These have the advantage that they can permanently establish themselves in the cacao tree. Moreover, besides direct competition for space and nutrients, antibiosis and mycoparasitism, through induced resistance and growth promotion, endophytes have a larger arsenal of mechanisms through which they can help protect their host. Endophytic BCAs could thus provide more effective and sustainable disease control. Recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms through which endophytic biocontrol agents can reduce pest and disease impact provide possibilities for innovative disease control strategies, including combination therapies together with natural or chemical products. Continued work on production, formulation and application is also necessary in order for biocontrol to become economically interesting. However, biological control will not become a stand-alone solution for disease control but should become part of integrated pest management strategies, with cultural management as a central and reinforcing pillar. (Résumé d'auteur