225 research outputs found

    Oral History Interview with Rajendra Srivastava: Growing SMU

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    This is an abridged version of the original interview. Please contact the Library at [email protected] for access to the full version of the transcript and/or audio recording.</p

    A Comparative Clinical Study of Shamana Therapy and Shodhana Purvaka Shamana Therapy in the Management of Tamaka Shwasa w.s.r to Bronchial Asthma

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    Ayurveda is the science of life which deals with the prevention and cure of diseases. From the first breath of newly born till the last breath i.e, Shwasochhwasa Kriya is the sign of life. Any disturbance in this process leads to Shwasa Roga. Tamaka Shwasa is one of the important diseases of such disturbance. Shwasa is a Kapha-Vataja disease which is originated from Pittasthana. Tamaka Shwasa is very much similar to bronchial asthma in modern medicine which is a chronic disease of multifactorial origin. Ayurveda describes two type of management of all disease i.e. Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa. In present scenario Panchakarma therapy is the best way to effectively and safely manage the condition without any specific side effects. It is one of the most effective and complete therapy in the management of the chronic disease such as Tamaka Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma). In Ayurvedic classics both Vamana and Virechana have been described specifically in the management of Tamaka Shwasa. Considering the Ayurvedic concept of treatment of Tamaka Shwasa, in present study we have used Virechana therapy along with certain herbal preparation. In this study we concluded that the cases who were treated with herbal preparation along with Virechana got better relief than herbal preparation alone

    Determination of Acetonitrile-hexane Partition Coefficient of O,O'-dialkyl Methylphosphonates by NMR Spectroscopy for the Verification Analysis of Chemical Weapon Convention

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    The extractability of the O,O'-dialkyl methylphosphonates, (the important markers of nerve agents) included in the schedule 2B4 of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) has been studied by NMR, the aim being the optimisation of extraction protocols routinely used for the identification of Convention-related Chemicals (CRCs) during Official Proficiency Tests (OPTs) conducted by the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and for the off-site analysis of real field samples. The technique is easy to optimise, fast, nondestructive, and shows excellent reproducibility.Defence Science Journal, 2010, 60(5), pp.502-506, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.60.57

    An Expert System Approach to Audit Planning and Evaluation in the Belief-Function Framework

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    This is the author's final draft. The publisher's version is available from:

    Innovation: Does Asia need Newton or Edison?

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    Singapore’s growth story: Leadership and innovation

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    Market Orientation and Organizational Performance: Is Innovation a Missing Link?

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    In recent years, a market-oriented corporate culture increasingly has been considered a key element of superior corporate performance. Although organizational innovativeness is believed to be a potential mediator of this market orientation-corporate performance relationship, much of the evidence to date remains anecdotal or speculative. In this context, the authors present a systematic framework to test the postulated "market orientation-innovation-performance" chain. To this end, the direct causality assumption of market orientation on organizational performance is examined with Narver and Slater's (1990) market orientation framework. Moreover, the authors take a componentwise approach and examine how the three core components of market orientation (customer orientation, competitor orientation, and interfunctional coordination) affect the two core components of organizational innovativeness (technical versus administrative) en route to affecting corporate performance. Using banking industry data, the authors empirically test and substantiate innovation's mediating role in the market orientation-corporate performance relationship


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    Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) is the leading cause of the vision loss and blindness in people above 50 years of age. ARMD is characterised by central vision loss, distorted or blurred vision, decreased visual acuity, Central or para-central blind spot (scotoma). An almost similar clinical condition to ARMD is seen in Pitta Vidagdha Dristi. Dry ARMD is more prevalent (90%) and slower in progress than Wet ARMD. The Ayurvedic management of Pitta Vidagdha Drishti is similar to Pittaja Abhishyanda. With this background a specific line of treatment for the Pitta Vidagdha Drisht in Sushruta Samhita is adopted. In this study, total 22 patients, 12 in group A (Triphala Ghrita, Saptamrita Lauha, Rasayana Churna and Shatavari etc.) &amp; 10 in Group B (Control) were registered. The duration of therapy was of 3 months in both the groups. Group A showed better results on ARMD when compared with that of Group B especially on perception of flashes of light (72.23%) &amp; dim light adaptation problem (45.23%). So ARMD (Dry type) can be better managed by Ayurvedic treatment group than the Modern multivitamin group