12,703 research outputs found

    Congruences and Canonical Forms for a Positive Matrix: Application to the Schweinler-Wigner Extremum Principle

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    It is shown that a N×NN\times N real symmetric [complex hermitian] positive definite matrix VV is congruent to a diagonal matrix modulo a pseudo-orthogonal [pseudo-unitary] matrix in SO(m,n)SO(m,n) [ SU(m,n)SU(m,n)], for any choice of partition N=m+nN=m+n. It is further shown that the method of proof in this context can easily be adapted to obtain a rather simple proof of Williamson's theorem which states that if NN is even then VV is congruent also to a diagonal matrix modulo a symplectic matrix in Sp(N,R)Sp(N,{\cal R}) [Sp(N,C)Sp(N,{\cal C})]. Applications of these results considered include a generalization of the Schweinler-Wigner method of `orthogonalization based on an extremum principle' to construct pseudo-orthogonal and symplectic bases from a given set of linearly independent vectors.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figure

    Variational Monte Carlo and Configurational Interaction Studies of C60C_{60} and its Fragments

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    The C60C_{60} molecule and its fragments are studied using Configuration Interaction (CI) and Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) techniques, within the Hubbard model. Using benzene as a test case, we compare the results of the approximate calculations with exact calculations. The fragments of C60C_{60} studied are pyracylene, fluoranthene and corannulene. The energies, bond orders, spin-spin and charge-correlation functions of these systems are obtained for various values of the Hubbard parameter, UU. The analysis of bond orders and correlation functions of these individual molecules allow us to visualise pyracylene as a naphthalene unit with two ethylenic moieties and fluoranthene as weakly bridged benzene and naphthalene units. Corannulene is the largest fragment of C60C_{60} that we have studied. The hexagon-hexagon(h-h) bond orders are slightly larger than those of the hexagon-pentagon bonds(h-p), a feature also found in other fragments. We also find bonds between two co-ordinated carbon sites to be stronger than bonds involving three coordinated carbon sites. In C60C_{60}, the h-h bonds are stronger than in corannulene and the h-p bonds weaker than in corannulene for all correlation strengths. Introducing bond alternation in the buckyball enhances this difference.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures available on request, to appear in J. Phys. Che

    Hilbert von Neumann modules

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    We introduce a way of regarding Hilbert von Neumann modules as spaces of operators between Hilbert space, not unlike [Skei], but in an apparently much simpler manner and involving far less machinery. We verify that our definition is equivalent to that of [Skei], by verifying the `Riesz lemma' or what is called `self-duality' in [Skei]. An advantage with our approach is that we can totally side-step the need to go through CC^*-modules and avoid the two stages of completion - first in norm, then in the strong operator topology - involved in the former approach. We establish the analogue of the Stinespring dilation theorem for Hilbert von Neumann bimodules, and we develop our version of `internal tensor products' which we refer to as Connes fusion for obvious reasons. In our discussion of examples, we examine the bimodules arising from automorphisms of von Neumann algebras, verify that fusion of bimodules corresponds to composition of automorphisms in this case, and that the isomorphism class of such a bimodule depends only on the inner conjugacy class of the automorphism. We also relate Jones' basic construction to the Stinespring dilation associated to the conditional expectation onto a finite-index inclusion (by invoking the uniqueness assertion regarding the latter).Comment: 20 page

    Schwinger's Propagator Is Only A Green's Function

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    Schwinger used an analytic continuation of the effective action to correctly compute the particle production rate per unit volume for QED in a uniform electric field. However, if one simply evaluates the one loop expectation value of the current operator using his propagator, the result is zero! We analyze this curious fact from the context of a canonical formalism of operators and states. The explanation turns out to be that Schwinger's propagator is not actually the expectation value of the time-ordered product of field operators in the presence of a time-independent state, although it is of course a Green's function. We compute the true propagator in the presence of a state which is empty at x+=0x_+ = 0 where x+(x0+x3)/2x_+ \equiv (x^0+x^3)/\sqrt{2} is the lightcone evolution parameter. Our result can be generalized to electric fields which depend arbitrarily on x+x_+.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX 2 epsilo

    Tracked Vehicle Performance Evaluation using Multi Body Dynamics

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    The objective of the study was to shorten the design cycle and evaluate the performance of infantry fighting vehicle using advanced multi body dynamics (MBD) environment before physical prototypes built. The MBD model is built with tracked vehicle module consisting of tracks (Links), sprocket, Support rollers, and hydro pneumatic suspension with suitable connections. Hull, turret are characterised by mass and inertial properties. The dynamic analysis was carried out for different field conditions i.e. trench crossing, step and ramp climbing, etc., to extract the hull forces at joints, power required to manuever, track tension forces to determine overall vehicle stability and look for possible design modifications. Recommendations were then suggested for power train, number of track segments, tensioner force, etc to ensure proper behavior during different manuevers. The MBD results are used in FEA to determine structural response in terms of stress, deformation, fatigue etc., and reflects in design modification before physical prototype made and are validated with base level analytical results