44 research outputs found

    Synergistic Solutions on MultiSets

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    Karp et al. (1988) described Deferred Data Structures for Multisets as "lazy" data structures which partially sort data to support online rank and select queries, with the minimum amount of work in the worst case over instances of size n and number of queries q fixed. Barbay et al. (2016) refined this approach to take advantage of the gaps between the positions hit by the queries (i.e., the structure in the queries). We develop new techniques in order to further refine this approach and take advantage all at once of the structure (i.e., the multiplicities of the elements), some notions of local order (i.e., the number and sizes of runs) and global order (i.e., the number and positions of existing pivots) in the input; and of the structure and order in the sequence of queries. Our main result is a synergistic deferred data structure which outperforms all solutions in the comparison model that take advantage of only a subset of these features. As intermediate results, we describe two new synergistic sorting algorithms, which take advantage of some notions of structure and order (local and global) in the input, improving upon previous results which take advantage only of the structure (Munro and Spira 1979) or of the local order (Takaoka 1997) in the input; and one new multiselection algorithm which takes advantage of not only the order and structure in the input, but also of the structure in the queries

    Encoding Two-Dimensional Range Top-k Queries Revisited

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    We consider the problem of encoding two-dimensional arrays, whose elements come from a total order, for answering Top-k queries. The aim is to obtain encodings that use space close to the information-theoretic lower bound, which can be constructed efficiently. For 2 x n arrays, we first give upper and lower bounds on space for answering sorted and unsorted 3-sided Top-k queries. For m x n arrays, with m <=n and k <=mn, we obtain (m lg{(k+1)n choose n}+4nm(m-1)+o(n))-bit encoding for answering sorted 4-sided Top-k queries. This improves the min{(O(mn lg{n}),m^2 lg{(k+1)n choose n} + m lg{m}+o(n))}-bit encoding of Jo et al. [CPM, 2016] when m = o(lg{n}). This is a consequence of a new encoding that encodes a 2 x n array to support sorted 4-sided Top-k queries on it using an additional 4n bits, in addition to the encodings to support the Top-k queries on individual rows. This new encoding is a non-trivial generalization of the encoding of Jo et al. [CPM, 2016] that supports sorted 4-sided Top-2 queries on it using an additional 3n bits. We also give almost optimal space encodings for 3-sided Top-k queries, and show lower bounds on encodings for 3-sided and 4-sided Top-k queries

    Encoding Two-Dimensional Range Top-k Queries

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    We consider various encodings that support range top-k queries on a two-dimensional array containing elements from a total order. For an m x n array, we first propose an almost optimal encoding for answering one-sided top-k queries, whose query range is restricted to [1 ... m][1 .. a], for 1 <= a <= n. Next, we propose an encoding for the general top-k queries that takes m^2 * lg(binom((k+1)n)(n)) + m * lg(m) + o(n) bits. This generalizes the one-dimensional top-k encoding of Gawrychowski and Nicholson [ICALP, 2015]. Finally, for a 2 x n array, we obtain a 2 lg(binom(3n)(n)) + 3n + o(n)-bit encoding for answering top-2 queries

    Biconnectivity, Chain Decomposition and st-Numbering Using O(n) Bits

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    Recent work by Elmasry et al. (STACS 2015) and Asano et al. (ISAAC 2014) reconsidered classical fundamental graph algorithms focusing on improving the space complexity. Elmasry et al. gave, among others, an implementation of depth first search (DFS) of a graph on n vertices and m edges, taking O(m lg lg n) time using O(n) bits of space improving on the time bound of O(m lg n) due to Asano et al. Subsequently Banerjee et al. (COCOON 2016) gave an O(m + n) time implementation using O(m+n) bits, for DFS and its classical applications (including testing for biconnectivity, and finding cut vertices and cut edges). Recently, Kammer et al. (MFCS 2016) gave an algorithm for testing biconnectivity using O(n + min{m, n lg lg n}) bits in linear time. In this paper, we consider O(n) bits implementations of the classical applications of DFS. These include the problem of finding cut vertices, and biconnected components, chain decomposition and st-numbering. Classical algorithms for them typically use DFS and some Omega(lg n) bits of information at each node. Our O(n)-bit implementations for these problems take O(m lg^c n lg lg n) time for some small constant c (c leq 3). Central to our implementation is a succinct representation of the DFS tree and a space efficient partitioning of the DFS tree into connected subtrees, which maybe of independent interest for space efficient graph algorithms

    On Succinct Representations of Binary Trees

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    We observe that a standard transformation between \emph{ordinal} trees (arbitrary rooted trees with ordered children) and binary trees leads to interesting succinct binary tree representations. There are four symmetric versions of these transformations. Via these transformations we get four succinct representations of nn-node binary trees that use 2n+n/(logn)O(1)2n + n/(\log n)^{O(1)} bits and support (among other operations) navigation, inorder numbering, one of pre- or post-order numbering, subtree size and lowest common ancestor (LCA) queries. The ability to support inorder numbering is crucial for the well-known range-minimum query (RMQ) problem on an array AA of nn ordered values. While this functionality, and more, is also supported in O(1)O(1) time using 2n+o(n)2n + o(n) bits by Davoodi et al.'s (\emph{Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A} \textbf{372} (2014)) extension of a representation by Farzan and Munro (\emph{Algorithmica} \textbf{6} (2014)), their \emph{redundancy}, or the o(n)o(n) term, is much larger, and their approach may not be suitable for practical implementations. One of these transformations is related to the Zaks' sequence (S.~Zaks, \emph{Theor. Comput. Sci.} \textbf{10} (1980)) for encoding binary trees, and we thus provide the first succinct binary tree representation based on Zaks' sequence. Another of these transformations is equivalent to Fischer and Heun's (\emph{SIAM J. Comput.} \textbf{40} (2011)) \minheap\ structure for this problem. Yet another variant allows an encoding of the Cartesian tree of AA to be constructed from AA using only O(nlogn)O(\sqrt{n} \log n) bits of working space.Comment: Journal version of part of COCOON 2012 pape