421 research outputs found

    Satellite Coastal and Oceanographic Research Inter-comparison Exercise (SICOME)

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    INCOIS is coordinating Satellite Coastal and Oceanographic Research (SATCORE) project SATCORE programme since XIth plan with an aim of long-term measurements of bio-optical properties in the Indian coastal waters. The principal aim of these measurements is continuous measurement of in situ bio-optical data for validation of existing ocean color algorithms, improvement, development of new bio-optical algorithms in coastal waters of India. INCOIS had identified 12 time series sampling transects along east and west of India for continuous measurement of bio-optical parameters. Regular in situ sampling and analysis at time series stations are carried out by sub-projects sanctioned under SATCORE program to various Research and Academic &D Institutions: Junagadh Agricultural University (Off Okha), NIO, Goa (Off Goa), Goa University (Off Goa), Mangalore University (Off Mangalore), CIFT, Kochi (Off Kochi), Annamalai University (Off Parangipettai), IIT Madras (Off Chennai), Andhra University (Off Visakhapatnam), CSBoB, Andhra University (Off Visakhapatnam), Berhampur University (Off Gopalpur), Jadavpur University (Off Frazergunj), CARI (ICAR) (A & N Islands). To ensure the accuracy of the parameters measured at vasrious laboratories at different time-series locations, Satellite Coastal and Oceanographic Research-Inter-comparison Exercises (SICOME) were conducted during 2014 and 2015. During SICOME samples of Optically Active Substances i.e chlorophyll-a (chl-a), coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and total suspended matter (TSM) were collected from one location. The master samples were immediately analyzed and duplicate samples were sent to different SATCORE laboratories. All the fluorometers were calibrated with teh standards for chlorophyll-a, Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Turbidity. All five Radiometers were also operated simultaneously to estimate the instrument bias. The document provides results of the instrument and analytical bias for same samples analyzed at various SATCORE laboratories so as to maintain the data quality for international standard

    Near real-time determination of earthquake source parameters for tsunami early warning from geodetic observations

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    Exemplifying the tsunami source immediately after an earthquake is the most critical component of tsunami early warning, as not every earthquake generates a tsunami. After a major under sea earthquake, it is very important to determine whether or not it has actually triggered the deadly wave. The near real-time observations from near field networks such as strong motion and Global Positioning System (GPS) allows rapid determination of fault geometry. Here we present a complete processing chain of Indian Tsunami Early Warning System (ITEWS), starting from acquisition of geodetic raw data, processing, inversion and simulating the situation as it would be at warning center during any major earthquake. We determine the earthquake moment magnitude and generate the centroid moment tensor solution using a novel approach which are the key elements for tsunami early warning. Though the well established seismic monitoring network, numerical modeling and dissemination system are currently capable to provide tsunami warnings to most of the countries in and around the Indian Ocean, the study highlights the critical role of geodetic observations in determination of tsunami source for high-quality forecasting

    The Enriched Object Oriented Software processes for Software Fault Prediction

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    A software fault prediction is a demonstrated strategy in accomplishing high software unwavering quality. Prediction of fault-inclined modules gives one approach to help software quality designing through enhanced booking and venture control. Quality of software is progressively imperative and testing related issues are getting to be noticeably pivotal for software. This requires the need to build up a constant evaluation procedure that groups these progressively created frameworks as being faulty/sans fault. An assortment of software fault predictions procedures have been proposed, In fact different methodologies created by the numerous researchers, they may not be optimal while predication of faults. In this approach we are presenting the fault prediction approach with OO metrics alongside cyclomatic complexity and nested block depth, in acceptance testing, each capacity determined in the plan report can be freely tried, that is, an arrangement of experiments is produced for each capacity, not for every work process module or other module/segment. Our test results demonstrate the productive fault prediction with our algorithm parameters. Our approach predominantly focuses on the tally of faults before testing, expected number of faults, our classification which includes algorithmic and handling, control, rationale and succession, typographical Syntax blunders i.e. off base spelling of a variable name, customary cycle of articulations, off base instatement proclamations per module, this proposed classification approach demonstrates optimal results while analyzing the metrics with preparing tests after estimation

    Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness in East Coast of India through Mock drill conducted on 26 September, 2015

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    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami resulted in catastrophic losses of life and property and demonstrated how destructive the tsunamis can be. In India, the tsunami took away nearly 16,000 lives of the people living in the coastal areas and caused lot of damage to the property. The reason for such a great loss to lives and property is due to lack of awareness and preparedness to tsunamis. Keeping this in view and to avoid further future losses, the Government of India has established the Indian Tsunami Early Warning System at INCOIS, Hyderabad under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. While a tsunami cannot be prevented, its impact can be mitigated through community and emergency preparedness, timely warnings, effective response, and public education. The Tsunami drills evaluates the ability of warning centre and disaster offices to respond to a tsunami. The drills not only emphasize the testing of communications from warning centre to its stakeholders, but also provide an opportunity for testing national/state/local chains of command and decision-making, including the alerting and evacuation of people from selected coastal communitie

    Coastal Multi-hazard vulnerability mapping: A case study along the coast of Nellore District, East Coast of India

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    The study area coastal zone of Nellore district is experiencing frequent inundation by natural disasters. The current study is focused on generating Multi-hazard vulnerability map using the parameters historical storm surge heights, future sea level, future shoreline and high resolution coastal topography. The area is experiencing the severe coastal erosion up to 7 m/y along some stretches poses a threat. An area totaling 1708.36 sq. km. is found to fall under the multi-hazard zone and the coastal population are under threat due to future storms, erosion, accelerated sea level rise, etc. The image enhancement, interpretation and GIS overlay techniques along with data used here are effective to produce Multi-hazard vulnerability maps. These Maps are become vital tools for the coastal disaster management during an event and to take suitable decision on the future developments

    Utility of Sea Surface Height anomaly (SSHa)in determination of Potential Fishing Zones

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    Physical processes in the oceans can be monitored by altimeters well before a radiometer can in terms of temperature or chlorophyll concentration. Herein we show the importance of Sea Surface Height anomaly (SSHa, retrieved with altimeter) in demarcating potential fishing zones. We also show how SSHa can help predict tuna movements, horizontally as well as vertically in the water column. Moreover, we prove these prediction with positively correlating SSHa to tuna hooking rates. In the end, we list out present and potential future sources from where SSHa can be retrieved in order to provide improved fishery advisories

    Generation of Groundwater Quality Index Map: A Case Study

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    Reliance on groundwater has been rapidly increasing, especially in the arid and semiarid regions, resulting in its overexploitation leading to deterioration of quality. Kurmapalli Vagu basin of Andhra Pradesh, a semi-critical region with respect to the stage of groundwater development is a good example. Its monitoring and assessment is imperative for devising preventive measures against health hazards. Groundwater samples from twenty five locations were collected and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters in terms of Water Quality Index (WQI) to determine its suitability for drinking purposes. Seven locations were found to have WQI value within the limits. High values of WQI were mostly due to high content of Fluorides. WQI Contour map was generated to study spatial distribution of quality of groundwater. Suitable remedial measures and groundwater augmenting structures are proposed in the study area to improve the quality of groundwater. Keywords: Groundwater, WQI, Fluorosis, Groundwater augmenting structures

    Beneficial Role of Hydro-alcoholic Seed Extract of Trigonella foenum graecum on Bone Structure and Strength in Menopause Induced Osteopenia

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    BACKGROUND: The current strategies to prevent and treat menopausal osteoporosis are hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, the long-term use of hormone replacement therapy is limited due to its side-effects. Alternately, use of phytoestrogens has been implicated. Trigonella foenum graecum (TFG) seeds are rich in phytoestrogen and known traditional medicine to treat menopause induced hyperlipidemia. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the role of dietary TFG seed extract on bone structure and mechanical properties in ovariectomized rats.METHODS: Twenty four female Wistar rats were randomly allocated into four groups; 1) control, 2) ovariectomized, 3) ovariectomized + TFG seed extract and 4) ovariectomized + 17β-estradiol. TFG seed extract/17β-estradiol was administered for 30 days, 14 days after ovariectomy. After the treatment, right femora were collected to measure the length and biomechanical properties, and left femora were gathered to study the micro architectural changes while tibia were collected to measure the dry weight.RESULTS: Maximum flexor load to break femur bone was significantly low in ovariectomized rats in comparison with control rats (P<0.05). Supplementation with TFG significantly improved the maximum flexor load (P<0.05) and tibia dry weight (P<0.01) compared to ovariectomized untreated rats. TFG administration also significantly preserved the trabecular (P<0.01) and cortical bone (P<0.05) thickness compared to ovariectomized rats.CONCLUSION: This study found that dietary intake of TFG seeds can improve the bone structure and biomechanical properties in ovariectomized rats indicating that TFG may be an alternative treatment strategy to prevent the menopause induced osteopenia.

    Cyclone Phailin enhanced the productivity following its passage: evidence from satellite data

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