6 research outputs found

    A pilot study on the prevalence of DNA palindromes in breast cancer genomes

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    Background DNA palindromes are a unique pattern of repeat sequences that are present in the human genome. It consists of a sequence of nucleotides in which the second half is the complement of the first half but appearing in reverse order. These palindromic sequences may have a significant role in DNA replication, transcription and gene regulation processes. They occur frequently in human cancers by clustering at specific locations of the genome that undergo gene amplification and tumorigenesis. Moreover, some studies showed that palindromes are clustered in amplified regions of breast cancer genomes especially in chromosomes (chr) 8 and 11. With the large number of personal genomes and cancer genomes becoming available, it is now possible to study their association to diseases using computational methods. Here, we conducted a pilot study on chromosomes 8 and 11 of cancer genomes to identify computationally the differentially occurring palindromes. Methods We processed 69 breast cancer genomes from The Cancer Genome Atlas including serum-normal and tumor genomes, and 1000 Genomes to serve as control group. The Biological Language Modelling Toolkit (BLMT) computes palindromes in whole genomes. We developed a computational pipeline integrating BLMT to compute and compare prevalence of palindromes in personal genomes. Results We carried out a pilot study on chr 8 and chr 11 taking into account single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions and deletions. Of all the palindromes that showed any variation in cancer genomes, 38% of what were near breast cancer genes happened to be the most differentiated palindromes in tumor (i.e. they ranked among the top 25% by our heuristic measure). Conclusions These results will shed light on the prevalence of palindromes in oncogenes and the mutations that are present in the palindromic regions that could contribute to genomic rearrangements, and breast cancer progression

    Identifying Molecular Signatures of Distinct Modes of Collective Migration in Response to the Microenvironment Using Three-Dimensional Breast Cancer Models

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    Collective cell migration is a key feature of transition of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) among many other cancers, yet the microenvironmental factors and underlying mechanisms that trigger collective migration remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated two microenvironmental factors, tumor-intrinsic hypoxia and tumor-secreted factors (secretome), as triggers of collective migration using three-dimensional (3D) discrete-sized microtumor models that recapitulate hallmarks of DCIS-IDC transition. Interestingly, the two factors induced two distinct modes of collective migration: directional and radial migration in the 3D microtumors generated from the same breast cancer cell line model, T47D. Without external stimulus, large (600 µm) T47D microtumors exhibited tumor-intrinsic hypoxia and directional migration, while small (150 µm), non-hypoxic microtumors exhibited radial migration only when exposed to the secretome of large microtumors. To investigate the mechanisms underlying hypoxia- and secretome-induced directional vs. radial migration modes, we performed differential gene expression analysis of hypoxia- and secretome-induced migratory microtumors compared with non-hypoxic, non-migratory small microtumors as controls. We propose unique gene signature sets related to tumor-intrinsic hypoxia, hypoxia-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), as well as hypoxia-induced directional migration and secretome-induced radial migration. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) and protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis revealed enrichment and potential interaction between hypoxia, EMT, and migration gene signatures for the hypoxia-induced directional migration. In contrast, hypoxia and EMT were not enriched in the secretome-induced radial migration, suggesting that complete EMT may not be required for radial migration. Survival analysis identified unique genes associated with low survival rate and poor prognosis in TCGA-breast invasive carcinoma dataset from our tumor-intrinsic hypoxia gene signature (CXCR4, FOXO3, LDH, NDRG1), hypoxia-induced EMT gene signature (EFEMP2, MGP), and directional migration gene signature (MAP3K3, PI3K3R3). NOS3 was common between hypoxia and migration gene signature. Survival analysis from secretome-induced radial migration identified ATM, KCNMA1 (hypoxia gene signature), and KLF4, IFITM1, EFNA1, TGFBR1 (migration gene signature) to be associated with poor survival rate. In conclusion, our unique 3D cultures with controlled microenvironments respond to different microenvironmental factors, tumor-intrinsic hypoxia, and secretome by adopting distinct collective migration modes and their gene expression analysis highlights the phenotypic heterogeneity and plasticity of epithelial cancer cells

    Potentially repurposable drugs for schizophrenia identified from its interactome

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    We previously presented the protein-protein interaction network of schizophrenia associated genes, and from it, the drug-protein interactome which showed the drugs that target any of the proteins in the interactome. Here, we studied these drugs further to identify whether any of them may potentially be repurposable for schizophrenia. In schizophrenia, gene expression has been described as a measurable aspect of the disease reflecting the action of risk genes. We studied each of the drugs from the interactome using the BaseSpace Correlation Engine, and shortlisted those that had a negative correlation with differential gene expression of schizophrenia. This analysis resulted in 12 drugs whose differential gene expression (drug versus normal) had an anti-correlation with differential expression for schizophrenia (disorder versus normal). Some of these drugs were already being tested for their clinical activity in schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Several proteins in the protein interactome of the targets of several of these drugs were associated with various neuropsychiatric disorders. The network of genes with opposite drug-induced versus schizophrenia-associated expression profiles were significantly enriched in pathways relevant to schizophrenia etiology and GWAS genes associated with traits or diseases that had a pathophysiological overlap with schizophrenia. Drugs that targeted the same genes as the shortlisted drugs, have also demonstrated clinical activity in schizophrenia and other related disorders. This integrated computational analysis will help translate insights from the schizophrenia drug-protein interactome to clinical research - an important step, especially in the field of psychiatric drug development which faces a high failure rate

    EAF2 and p53 Co-Regulate STAT3 Activation in Prostate Cancer

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    The tumor suppressor genes EAF2 and p53 are frequently dysregulated in prostate cancers. Recently, we reported that concurrent p53 nuclear staining and EAF2 downregulation were associated with high Gleason score. Combined loss of EAF2 and p53 in a murine model induced prostate tumors, and concurrent knockdown of EAF2 and p53 in prostate cancer cells enhanced proliferation and migration, further suggesting that EAF2 and p53 could functionally interact in the suppression of prostate tumorigenesis. Here, RNA-seq analyses identified differentially regulated genes in response to concurrent knockdown of p53 and EAF2. Several of these genes were associated with the STAT3 signaling pathway, and this was verified by significantly increased p-STAT3 immunostaining in the Eaf2−/−p53−/− mouse prostate. STAT3 knockdown abrogated the stimulation of C4-2 cell proliferation by concurrent knockdown of EAF2 and p53. Furthermore, immunostaining of p-STAT3 was increased in human prostate cancer specimens with EAF2 downregulation and/or p53 nuclear staining. Our findings suggest that simultaneous inactivation of EAF2 and p53 can act to activate STAT3 and drive prostate tumorigenesis

    Peptide vaccine immunotherapy biomarkers and response patterns in pediatric gliomas

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    Low-grade gliomas (LGGs) are the most common brain tumor affecting children. We recently reported an early phase clinical trial of a peptide-based vaccine, which elicited consistent antigen-specific T cell responses in pediatric LGG patients. Additionally, we observed radiologic responses of stable disease (SD), partial response (PR), and near-complete/complete response (CR) following therapy. To identify biomarkers of clinical response in peripheral blood, we performed RNA sequencing on PBMC samples collected at multiple time points. Patients who showed CR demonstrated elevated levels of T cell activation markers, accompanied by a cytotoxic T cell response shortly after treatment initiation. At week 34, patients with CR demonstrated both IFN signaling and Poly-IC:LC adjuvant response patterns. Patients with PR demonstrated a unique, late monocyte response signature. Interestingly, HLA-V expression, before or during therapy, and an early monocytic hematopoietic response were strongly associated with SD. Finally, low IDO1 and PD-L1 expression before treatment and early elevated levels of T cell activation markers were associated with prolonged progression-free survival. Overall, our data support the presence of unique peripheral immune patterns in LGG patients associated with different radiographic responses to our peptide vaccine immunotherapy. Future clinical trials, including our ongoing phase II LGG vaccine immunotherapy, should monitor these response patterns