138 research outputs found

    On Some Instructions Used In Cyber Security: Literature Based

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    The Hack computer's instruction set architecture (ISA) and derived machine language is sparse compared to many other architectures. Although the 6 bits used to specify a computation by the ALU could allow for 64 distinct instructions, only 18 are officially implemented in the Hack computer's ISA. Since the Hack computer hardware has direct support for neither integer multiplication (and division) or function calls, there are no corresponding machine language instructions in the ISA for these operations. These instructions are discussed in this paper

    Literature based Cyber Security Topics: Handbook

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    Cyber security is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyber attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. Cloud computing has emerged from the legacy data centres. Consequently, threats applicable in legacy system are equally applicable to cloud computing along with emerging new threats that plague only the cloud systems. Traditionally the data centres were hosted on-premises. Hence, control over the data was comparatively easier than handling a cloud system which is borderless and ubiquitous. Threats due to multi-tenancy, access from anywhere, control of cloud, etc. are some examples of why cloud security becomes important. Considering the significance of cloud security, this work is an attempt to understand the existing cloud service and deployment models, and the major threat factors to cloud security that may be critical in cloud environment. It also highlights various methods employed by the attackers to cause the damage. Cyber-attacks are highlighted as well. This work will be profoundly helpful to the industry and researchers in understanding the various cloud specific cyber-attack and enable them to evolve the strategy to counter them more effectively

    Literature based Note on Digital Transformation of Education and Sustainability

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    The goal for its implementation is to increase value through innovation, invention, customer experience or efficiency. Digitization is the process of converting analog information into digital form using an analog-to-digital converter, such as in an image scanner or for digital audio recordings. As usage of the internet has increased since the 1990s, the usage of digitization has also increased. Digital transformation, however, is broader than just the digitization of existing processes. Digital transformation entails considering how products, processes and organizations can be changed through the use of new, digital technologies. Digital transformation can be seen as a socio-technical programme

    Digital Transformation of Education for Quality Sustainability-Reference Based

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    Digital transformation (DX) is the adoption of digital technology by an organization to digitize non-digital products, services or operations. The goal for its implementation is to increase value through innovation, invention, customer experience or efficiency. Digitization is the process of converting analog information into digital form using an analog-to-digital converter, such as in an image scanner or for digital audio recordings. As usage of the internet has increased since the 1990s, the usage of digitization has also increased. Digital transformation, however, is broader than just the digitization of existing processes. Digital transformation entails considering how products, processes and organizations can be changed through the use of new, digital technologies. A 2019 review proposes a definition of digital transformation as "a process that aims to improve an entity by triggering significant changes to its properties through combinations of information, computing, communication, and connectivity technologies." Digital transformation can be seen as a socio-technical programme

    Review Focus On Computational Healthcare Tools For Sustainability

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    The medical industry is experiencing an increase in the amount of data generated in terms of complexity, diversity, and timeliness; the industry increasingly relies on the collection and analysis of data. Therefore, to make better decisions, we need to collect data and conduct effective analysis. The cloud is a good choice for on-demand services for storing, processing, and analyzing data. Medical data released and shared through the cloud are very popular in practice, and information and knowledge bases can be enriched and shared through the cloud. The revolution presented by the cloud and big data can have a huge impact on the healthcare industry, and a new healthcare system is evolving. This is why we need to design a more appropriate health care system to meet the challenges presented by this revolution. The diversity of data sources requires a uniform standard of heterogeneous data management. On the one hand, due to the diversification of medical equipment, the data formats and the amount of data generated by various devices may be quite different, which requires that the system support data access by various medical devices to ensure high scalability and satisfy actual medical needs. On the other hand, the system needs to convert the received data into a unified standard to improve the efficiency of data storage, query, retrieval, processing, and analysis. This paper presents Review Study On Existing Computational Healthcare Tools For Sustainability

    Reference Based Study On Global Business In View Of Lock Down Situation

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    Today, more than 90 percent of CEOs state that sustainability is important to their company’s success, and companies develop sustainability strategies, market sustainable products and services, create positions such as chief sustainability officer, and publish sustainability reports for consumers, investors, activists, and the public at large. In view of lock down situation, this trend will not abate anytime soon. Surveys show that 88 percent of business school students think that learning about social and environmental issues in business is a priority, and 67 percent want to incorporate environmental sustainability into their future jobs. To meet this demand, the percentage of business schools that need students to study a course dedicated to business management

    Review Study on Fintech A Topic of Cyber Security

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    Fintech, a portmanteau of "financial technology", refers to firms using new technology to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud computing, and big data are regarded as the "ABCD" (four key areas) of FinTech. The use of smartphones for mobile banking, investing, borrowing services, and cryptocurrency are examples of technologies designed to make financial services more accessible to the general public. Financial technology companies consist of both startups and established financial institutions and technology companies trying to replace or enhance the usage of financial services provided by existing financial companies. A subset of fintech companies that focus on the insurance industry are collectively known as insurtech or insuretech companies

    Digital Transformation of Education for Quality Sustainability-Reference Based

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    Digital transformation (DX) is the adoption of digital technology by an organization to digitize non-digital products, services or operations. The goal for its implementation is to increase value through innovation, invention, customer experience or efficiency. Digital transformation entails considering how products, processes and organizations can be changed through the use of new, digital technologies. Digital transformation can be seen as a socio-technical programme