41 research outputs found

    Median rhomboid glossitis-developmental or candidal?

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    A male patient aged 20 years, visited us for routine oral examination. Incidentally, a well-demarcated reddish area of depapillation, of size 6X3 cm, was found on the dorsum of tongue near the midline. It was located 1 cm anterior to the circumvallate papillae and was roughly diamond shaped. Its surface was smooth, raised and fissured; the opposing palatal mucosa was nonerythematous (kissing lesion was absent). History revealed that it was stable since childhood and was occasionally associated with burning sensation. The patient was otherwise healthy, with no history of tobacco usage or diabetes. Based on history and clinical examination, a diagnosis of “median rhomboid glossitis” was arrived. The patient was given fluconazole (50mg, 1 time/day for 14 days) to rule out candidiasis, but, the lesion did not regress. Median rhomboid glossitis is also known as “central papillary atrophy of the tongue”. It is a benign lesion that shows a marked male predilection and occurs in less than 1% of adult population. Initially, it was believed to be developmental in origin, but, during the recent years, it has been considered as a variant of candidiasis. The differential diagnosis includes erythroplakia, geographic tongue, granular cell tumor. Patients with this condition should be reassured about its harmless nature and no treatment is required for asymptomatic cases.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Implementation of the environment of a practical work in a computational intelligence course

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    El Aprendizaje Automático y la Inteligencia Artificial son actualmente las tecnologías de vanguardia que pueden ayudar a resolver los diversos problemas presentes en el mundo actual en el que vivimos. Hay una necesidad de ingenieros / investigadores de AI / ML que puedan aprender, codificar e implementar tecnologías impulsadas por AI para resolver tales problemas. Las universidades como UPC-FIB ofrecen cursos en el mismo campo para ayudar a los estudiantes a obtener los conocimientos necesarios para resolver problemas con ML / AI. El plan de estudios de un curso no está completo sin conocimientos prácticos. Uno necesita experiencia práctica con la codificación para entender y dominar realmente los conceptos. Mi proyecto tiene como objetivo proporcionar un entorno práctico para el curso de "Inteligencia computacional" que se imparte en la UPC-FIB. El objetivo del trabajo práctico es entrenar diferentes modelos de inteligencia computacional que puedan jugar diferentes juegos simples. El entorno de trabajo práctico debe permitir a los estudiantes codificar y probar varios modelos de inteligencia que hayan aprendido en clase. La idea es hacer que el curso práctico sea lo más intuitivo e interesante posible. Por lo tanto, este proyecto implicará el uso de videojuegos como un método para generar interés. El estudiante tendrá que desarrollar modelos de inteligencia para capacitar al agente del juego para que juegue un videojuego con desempeño a nivel humano. Todos los modelos de inteligencia que se implementarán están de acuerdo con el plan de estudios del curso. El entorno debe permitir que el alumno juegue el juego manualmente. Debería tener la implementación de la función generate_data, que debería permitir al alumno elegir el juego y seleccionar la cantidad de datos que se generarán para la capacitación. El principal interés del entorno son las funciones automáticas de simulador de juego. Estas son las funciones que se utilizan para controlar el juego mediante un modelo de inteligencia computacional. Estas funciones deben ser completadas por los estudiantes como el trabajo práctico para el curso. El estudiante puede elegir entre varios modelos de inteligencia (Perceptrones multicapa, Algoritmos evolutivos, Sistemas de inferencia difusos, etc.) para controlar el juego. Estos modelos están en línea con el plan de estudios del curso de teoría. El entorno también debe contener modelos ideales de buen desempeño que puedan ser utilizados por los estudiantes para comparar y evaluar sus modelos.Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence are currently the cutting edge technologies that can help solve the various problems present in the current world we live in. There is a need for AI/ML engineers/researchers who can learn, code and deploy technologies powered by AI to solve such problems. Colleges like UPC-FIB provide courses in the same field to help students gain the required knowledge to solve problems with ML/AI. A course curriculum isn't complete without practical knowledge. One needs hands-on experience with coding to truly understand & master the concepts. My project aims to provide a practical environment for the "Computational Intelligence" course taught at UPC-FIB. The aim of the practical work is to train different Computational Intelligence models that are able to play different simple games. The practical work environment should allow the students to code and test various intelligence models that they've learned in class. The idea is to make the practical course as intuitive and interesting as possible. Hence, this project will involve the use of Video Games as a method to generate interest. The student will have to develop Intelligence models to train the game agent to play a video game with human-level performance. All the intelligence models that are to be implemented are in accordance with the course curriculum. The environment should allow the student to play the game manually. It should have the implementation of the function generate_data, which should allow the student to choose the game and select the amount of data to generate for training. The main interest of the environment is the automatic game simulator functions. These are the functions that are used to control the game using a computational intelligence model. These functions are to be completed by the students as the practical work for the course. The student can choose from various intelligence models (Multilayer Perceptrons, Evolutionary Algorithms, Fuzzy Inference Systems, etc) to control the game. These models are in line with the syllabus of the theory course. The environment should also contain ideal good performing models that can be used by the students to compare and evaluate their models

    Periodicity of ideals of minors in free resolutions

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of the ideals of minors in minimal free resolutions over local rings. In particular, we prove that such ideals are eventually 2-periodic over complete intersections and Golod rings. We also establish general results on the stable behavior of ideals of minors in any infinite minimal free resolution. These ideals have intimate connections to trace ideals and cohomology annihilators. Constraints on the stable values attained by the ideals of minors in many situations are obtained, and they can be explicitly computed in certain cases.Comment: 28 page

    Implementation of the environment of a practical work in a computational intelligence course

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    El Aprendizaje Automático y la Inteligencia Artificial son actualmente las tecnologías de vanguardia que pueden ayudar a resolver los diversos problemas presentes en el mundo actual en el que vivimos. Hay una necesidad de ingenieros / investigadores de AI / ML que puedan aprender, codificar e implementar tecnologías impulsadas por AI para resolver tales problemas. Las universidades como UPC-FIB ofrecen cursos en el mismo campo para ayudar a los estudiantes a obtener los conocimientos necesarios para resolver problemas con ML / AI. El plan de estudios de un curso no está completo sin conocimientos prácticos. Uno necesita experiencia práctica con la codificación para entender y dominar realmente los conceptos. Mi proyecto tiene como objetivo proporcionar un entorno práctico para el curso de "Inteligencia computacional" que se imparte en la UPC-FIB. El objetivo del trabajo práctico es entrenar diferentes modelos de inteligencia computacional que puedan jugar diferentes juegos simples. El entorno de trabajo práctico debe permitir a los estudiantes codificar y probar varios modelos de inteligencia que hayan aprendido en clase. La idea es hacer que el curso práctico sea lo más intuitivo e interesante posible. Por lo tanto, este proyecto implicará el uso de videojuegos como un método para generar interés. El estudiante tendrá que desarrollar modelos de inteligencia para capacitar al agente del juego para que juegue un videojuego con desempeño a nivel humano. Todos los modelos de inteligencia que se implementarán están de acuerdo con el plan de estudios del curso. El entorno debe permitir que el alumno juegue el juego manualmente. Debería tener la implementación de la función generate_data, que debería permitir al alumno elegir el juego y seleccionar la cantidad de datos que se generarán para la capacitación. El principal interés del entorno son las funciones automáticas de simulador de juego. Estas son las funciones que se utilizan para controlar el juego mediante un modelo de inteligencia computacional. Estas funciones deben ser completadas por los estudiantes como el trabajo práctico para el curso. El estudiante puede elegir entre varios modelos de inteligencia (Perceptrones multicapa, Algoritmos evolutivos, Sistemas de inferencia difusos, etc.) para controlar el juego. Estos modelos están en línea con el plan de estudios del curso de teoría. El entorno también debe contener modelos ideales de buen desempeño que puedan ser utilizados por los estudiantes para comparar y evaluar sus modelos.Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence are currently the cutting edge technologies that can help solve the various problems present in the current world we live in. There is a need for AI/ML engineers/researchers who can learn, code and deploy technologies powered by AI to solve such problems. Colleges like UPC-FIB provide courses in the same field to help students gain the required knowledge to solve problems with ML/AI. A course curriculum isn't complete without practical knowledge. One needs hands-on experience with coding to truly understand & master the concepts. My project aims to provide a practical environment for the "Computational Intelligence" course taught at UPC-FIB. The aim of the practical work is to train different Computational Intelligence models that are able to play different simple games. The practical work environment should allow the students to code and test various intelligence models that they've learned in class. The idea is to make the practical course as intuitive and interesting as possible. Hence, this project will involve the use of Video Games as a method to generate interest. The student will have to develop Intelligence models to train the game agent to play a video game with human-level performance. All the intelligence models that are to be implemented are in accordance with the course curriculum. The environment should allow the student to play the game manually. It should have the implementation of the function generate_data, which should allow the student to choose the game and select the amount of data to generate for training. The main interest of the environment is the automatic game simulator functions. These are the functions that are used to control the game using a computational intelligence model. These functions are to be completed by the students as the practical work for the course. The student can choose from various intelligence models (Multilayer Perceptrons, Evolutionary Algorithms, Fuzzy Inference Systems, etc) to control the game. These models are in line with the syllabus of the theory course. The environment should also contain ideal good performing models that can be used by the students to compare and evaluate their models

    On The Integral Closure of Radical Towers in Mixed Characteristic

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    We study the Cohen-Macaulay property of a particular class of radical extensions of an unramified regular local ring having mixed characteristic.Comment: 14 page

    The possible influence of noise frequency components on the health of exposed industrial workers - A review

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    Noise is a common occupational health hazard in most industrial settings. An assessment of noise and its adverse health effects based on noise intensity is inadequate. For an efficient evaluation of noise effects, frequency spectrum analysis should also be included. This paper aims to substantiate the importance of studying the contribution of noise frequencies in evaluating health effects and their association with physiological behavior within human body. Additionally, a review of studies published between 1988 and 2009 that investigate the impact of industrial/occupational noise on auditory and non-auditory effects and the probable association and contribution of noise frequency components to these effects is presented. The relevant studies in English were identified in Medknow, Medline, Wiley, Elsevier, and Springer publications. Data were extracted from the studies that fulfilled the following criteria: title and/or abstract of the given study that involved industrial/occupational noise exposure in relation to auditory and non-auditory effects or health effects. Significant data on the study characteristics, including noise frequency characteristics, for assessment were considered in the study. It is demonstrated that only a few studies have considered the frequency contributions in their investigations to study auditory effects and not non-auditory effects. The data suggest that significant adverse health effects due to industrial noise include auditory and heart-related problems. The study provides a strong evidence for the claims that noise with a major frequency characteristic of around 4 kHz has auditory effects and being deficient in data fails to show any influence of noise frequency components on non-auditory effects. Furthermore, specific noise levels and frequencies predicting the corresponding health impacts have not yet been validated. There is a need for advance research to clarify the importance of the dominant noise frequency contribution in evaluating health effects

    Electronic Voting- A Survey

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    As the world watched the electoral drama unfold in Florida at the end of 2000, people started wondering, “Wouldn’t all our problems be solved if they just used Internet Voting?”. People all over the world soon started taking a hard look at their voting equipment and procedures, and trying to figure out how to improve them [1]. There is a strong inclination towards moving to Remote Internet Voting – at least among the politicians – in order to enhance voter convenience, increase voter confidence and voter turnout. However, as will be seen later in this paper, there are serious technological and social aspects that make Remote Internet Voting infeasible in the visible future. Therefore, many technologists have suggested that remote poll-site electronic voting, where the voter can vote at any poll-site (not only his home county poll-site), seems to be the best step forward as it provides better voter convenience, but at the same time, does not compromise security. This paper presents a survey of the state of the art in Electronic Voting, including the various works done in Internet Voting (and the arguments against its use), as well as in electronic poll-site voting. Electronic voting refers to the use of computers or computerized voting equipment to cast ballots in an election. Sometimes, this term is used more specifically to refer to voting that take