586 research outputs found

    Studi Kelimpahan Juvenil Ikan Pada Ekosistem Padang Lamun Di Perairan Karimunjawa, Kabupaten Jepara

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    Seagrass ecosystem of high organic productivity, with a high diversity of biota. On these ecosystems, diverse marine life such as fish juvenile, crustaceans, mollusks (Pinna sp, Lambis sp, Strombus sp), echinoderms (Holothuria sp, sp Synapta, Diadema sp, Arcbaster sp, Linckia sp) and worms (Polichaeta) (Bengen, 2001). The research was conducted at 10 stations. Sampling was conducted two times each observation station parallel to the shoreline and perpendicular to the shoreline using a small beam trawl. The results showed that the juvenile was found 27 species from 14 family. abundance average - average is 0.484 ind/m2 juvenile fish and the highest abundance at station 9 with the abundance of juvenile fish reaching ind/m2 1.40 and the lowest abundance found at station 3 and station 10 to the abundance of only 0.04 ind/m2 . The pattern of distribution of juvenile fish species tend to be random this is because in each station has similar characteristics

    Monitoring Dan Analisis Trafik Di Jaringan USM Menggunakan Multi Router Traffic Grapher

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    Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FTIK) USM is one of the faculty are experiencing rapid development both of the number of students and the amount of infrastructure. FTIK occupying the building M and Q as lectures and laboratory building for student. FTIK is growth oriented faculty of Information Technology, of the entire student FTIK and academic staff need internet access to support existing teaching and learning process. When the researchers were in building M and Q, Our will compete for free internet access is provided USM because the bandwidth is allocated evenly to rent USM. The fact that there are today, when researchers were on the 2nd floor of building A, as home base for the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, researchers gain access internet very easily. This is contrary to the conditions in the building M and Q, whereas the number of students in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology , not as much as in FTIK.Based on the above problems, reserchers are interested to observe, analyze the access bandwidth at USM that occured during the period of active classes and the end of the course by means of internet access at USM monitoring using NDLC (Network Development Life Cycle) and will appear in the display MRTG.Objectives to be achieved by theresearcher is output obtained from a study that is able to provide inout to the wisdom of allocating bandwidth has been hired can be used optimally by the entire academic community USM

    Dukungan Sosial Pada Mahasiswa Yang Sedang Menyusun Skripsi ( Studi Fenomenologis Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Undip )

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    As a mandatory part of an undergraduate degree in almost all universities, students are required to write their undergraduate thesis in order to receive their degree. It is not an easy job, because there are many challenges and problems while planning and writing their paper. Many students are quite frustrated and tensed as their degree depends on their final thesis submission. On the other hand, the process are not always cause the student become depresssed and fail. The condition is due to the support from the people around them. This study took a qualitative approach to explain that fenomena. The formalized question of the study is how the social support experiences impact the paper writing process. There are six (6) student of the Faculty of Psychology that participated in the study. Each respondent has a different experience with social support that they had received, and not all of them have a positive effect. Social support received by students from a variety of sources and different types of social support benefits more. Students who were interviewed stated that between parents and friends, have just as great a role but they have differences in the type of social support that fit with the students

    Aspek Sosio-budaya dalam Pengembangan Program Penyediaan Air Bersih dan Penyehatan Lingkungan di Propinsi Timor Timur

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    A cross sectional study was conducted in four regencies of East Timor province in 1988. The purpose of the study was to obtain data on sociocultural aspects of a sampled population in relation to water supply and sanitation. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires. A household was selected as sampling unit and the head of the household was chosen as respondent. Of the 760 respondents interviewed, 603 (79.76%) were illiterate, 560 (73.68%) did not speak Bahasa Indonesia, and 604 (79.47%) of them were farmers. Most of the respondents lived in temporary houses, 65 (79.60%), however, 100 (13.16%) and 55 (7.24%) lived in semi-permanent and permanent houses respectively. The number of the households that had their own water supply, facilities were 156 (20.53%), 540 (71.05%) used public facilities and 57 (7.57%) used neighbour's facilities. Of the households that used latrines, 189 (25.10%) had their own facilities, and 57 (7.57%) used public facilities. The rest 565 (67.33%) defecated at improper places. Even though most of the socio-economic variables were still poor, there were several cultural variables which could support extended water supply and sanitation programme, e.g. the local existing organization, the role of informal and formal leaders of the village, and the cooperative spirit

    Konsep Hunian Vertikal Sebagai Alternatif Untuk Mengatasi Masalah Permukiman Kumuh, Kasus Studi Kampung Pulo

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    Menurut UN-HABITAT, permukiman kumuh merupakan area dalam kota yang ditandai dengan permukiman yang tidak memenuhi syarat, kemiskinan dan kekurangan rasa aman terhadap hak milik tanah ataupun bangunan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan permukiman kumuh dapat dilakukan perbaikan lingkungan permukiman untuk menyediakan lingkungan hidup dan hunian yang layak. Salah satu caranya dengan memindahkan warga permukiman kumuh ke dalam hunian vertikal. Kampung Pulo merupakan salah satu permukiman kumuh yang berada di Kelurahan Kampung Melayu, Kecamatan Jatinegara, Jakarta. Kampung Pulo memiliki kepadatan penduduk 1130 jiwa/ha pada tahun 2015 dan mengalami bencana banjir tahunan. Kajian ini menggunakan metode observasi lapangan dan identifikasi kawasan permukiman kumuh. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan konsep hunian vertikal sebagai alternatif untuk mengatasi permukiman kumuh di Kampung Pulo
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