39 research outputs found

    Influence of farmers educational level on comprehending, acting-upon and sharing of agro advisories

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    Although short messaging service (SMS) through mobile phones has quickly gained popularity among most other sectors in India, its potential is not fully realised in the agriculture sector as a cost effective service to reach farmers and elicit desirable action. Despite the cost effectiveness, mobile messaging has remained a challenge in the farming sector in terms of its end use and action as far as extension systems are concerned. While there could be many influencing factors affecting the utility of mobile messages, this study assumed that educational level of farmers could be a major factor. A telephone survey was conducted to ascertain the influence of farmers’ education on the level of utilisation of mobile-based advisories. Farmers with higher education level showed better comprehension of advisories, acted-upon the advisories more promptly and shared the information with fellow farmers more often than those with lower education level. There was a significant association between comprehending, sharing and acting upon advisories. This has implications to achieve enhanced extension reach with higher efficiency in terms of cost and time

    Impact of best management practices on sustainable crop production and climate resilience in smallholder farming systems of South Asia

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    CONTEXT: A host of best water and soil management practices (BMPs) hold promise in addressing water scarcity and land degradation to enable sustainable crop intensification in smallholder farming systems.OBJECTIVE This study quantifies the effect of BMPs on crop productivity, income, water saving and water balance components and identifies gaps for future research.METHODS: This paper synthesizes the performance of BMPs and the existing data gap by reviewing 108 published studies from the Indian subcontinent which capture a diverse range of rainfall and cropping systems.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In situ conservation measures helped enhance crop yields by 200-1000 kg/ha, reduced cost of cultivation and enhanced incomes by US$ 10-200/ha/year. The BMPs were helpful in enabling annual water saving in the range of 50 mm to 300 mm by either conserving residual soil moisture or saving irrigation water resulting in enhanced water productivity. Interventions such as direct seeded rice and laser land leveling were found most effective in terms of water saving and in reducing cost of cultivation. On the other hand, ex situ rainwater harvesting interventions helped enhance groundwater recharge by harvesting an additional 50-150 mm of surface runoff which helped increase crop yields, led to sustainable crop intensification and strengthened the number of ecosystem services. Most of the published literature on in situ conservation measures are studies that were carried out at research stations, which show promise of sustainable intensification. However, greater efforts are needed to document learnings from farmer/community scale interventions for effective scaling up. There is also a gap in data availability that hampers a clear understanding of the impact of ex situ rainwater harvesting interventions and ecosystem trade-offs; moreover the data available covers short pe- riods and only covers an area of up to 10 km(2). We recommend the monitoring of long-term system-level impact indicators to realize the potential of ex situ rainwater harvesting interventions in a systems perspective and better grasp the ecosystem trade-offs.SIGNIFICANCE: More importantly, the review revealed the ample scope of integrating in situ and ex situ in- terventions to build system-level resilience in smallholder farming systems in order to accelerate progress to- wards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    Impact of land use changes and management practices on groundwater resources in Kolar district, Southern India

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    Study region: This study analyzes the impact of land use changes on the hydrology of Kolar district in the state of Karnataka, India. Kolar receives on average 565 mm (σ = 130) rainfall during June to October and has a wide gap between its water supply and demand. Study focus: This research identifies the reasons and causes of the gap. A water balance model was successfully calibrated and validated against measurements of groundwater level, recharge and surface runoff. New hydrological insights for the region: The study revealed that between 1972 and 2011, there was a major shift from grass and rainfed crop lands to eucalyptus plantation and irrigated cultivation. About 17.7 % and 18 % of the district area converted into eucalyptus plantation and irrigated lands during this period, respectively. Eucalyptus plantations tended to cause large losses by ET leading to increase in soil moisture deficit and reduction in the recharge to groundwater and in surface runoff (approx. 30 %). The irrigation demand of the district increased from 57 mm (1972) to 140 mm (2011) which resulted in increased groundwater abstraction by 145 %. The expansion of the irrigated area is the major contributing factor for widening the demand-supply gap (62 %) of the freshwater availability. Results could help various stakeholders, including district and national authorities to develop the most suitable water management strategies in order to close the gap between water supply and demand

    Traditional Rainwater Management (Haveli cultivation) for Building System Level Resilience in a Fragile Ecosystem of Bundelkhand Region, Central India

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    This article presents the evidence on how the traditional rainwater management system (haveli system) has contributed toward rehabilitating degraded landscapes and changing them into a productive form in Bundelkhand region of Central India. The haveli system was the lifeline of the region for water security for the last 300 years. Farmers (~1-5%) situated at the upstream of the landscape were harvesting surface runoff in their fields during monsoon by constructing earthen embankments along with provision to drain out water after receding of the monsoon. Farmers traditionally cultivated only during the post-monsoon period, using residual soil moisture along with supplemental irrigation from shallow dug wells. However, this system became defunct due to apathy and poor maintenance. The traditional design of the havelis were also often malfunctioning due to new rainfall patterns and storm events. Farmers are facing new need for haveli rejuvenation and the traditional design and knowledge calls for new innovations, particularly from research and external expertise. In this context, ICRISAT and consortium partners have introduced an innovative approach for haveli rejuvenation by constructing masonry core wall along with outlet at a suitable location. Totally 40 haveli structures were constructed between 2010 and 2021 across seven districts of Bundelkhand region. One of the pilot sites (i.e., Parasai-Sindh) was intensively monitored in order to capture the landscape hydrology, change in land use, cropping intensity and crop productivity, between 2011 and 2017. Out of 750 mm rainfall received during July and September, generated surface runoff is about 135 mm (18% of rainfall) on average. However, rainfall below 450 mm (dry years) rarely generates surplus water as most of the rainfall received in such years are absorbed within the vadose zone, whereas, wet years with over 900 mm rainfall, generate runoff of about 250-300 mm (~30-35%). Rejuvenation of the haveli system created an opportunity to harvest surface runoff within farmers' fields which helped to improve groundwater levels in shallow dug wells (additionally by 2-5 m hydraulic head) which remained available during the following years. This has increased cropping intensity-by converting about 20% of permanent fallow lands into productive agriculture lands-and ensured irrigation availability especially during the critical crop growth stage. This enhanced land and water use efficiency of the system and increased household net income by two to three folds as compared to the baseline status. This article further establishes the link between landscape rejuvenation through haveli system, groundwater resource availability, production system and household income in the fragile ecosystem of Central India. The results are helpful for various stakeholders so that they can take informed decisions on sustainable natural resource management

    Productivity attributes of six desi cow breeds in Karnataka

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    Desi cows are playing crucial role in the national economy for their draught power, milk, dung, fuel and urine. It is a source of subsidiary income for many families in India especially the resource poor. The present study was carried out in six districts of Karnataka with higher population of each of the six desi breeds. Forty farmers served as respondents for each breed, making the total sample size of 240 farm households. Deoni productivity was the best with 3.85 L/anim./day followed by 3.07 in case of Krishna Valley. Daily net return per animal was ₹ 18.20 in Deoni and ₹ 15.51 in Krishna Valley, while it was lowest in Malnad Gidda. Without considering cost of fodder, net return (₹/anim./day) was the highest for Hallikar followed by Deoni and Krishna Valley. Draught power, dual purpose utility, quality and taste of milk, adaptability to harsh tropical climate, religious sentiments and social esteem were the important attributes of desi cows. Natural service, open grazing, feeding concentrates, green fodder and hay, closed housing system, vaccination, utility of dung and urine in the farm, full hand milking method were the management strategies adopted. Shrinking holding size, non-availability of grazing land, longer inter-calving period, and poor milk production were the important constraints perceived by farmers. Non-availability of superior quality breeding bulls and high price of cattle feed were perceived as causes for decreasing indigenous cattle population

    Experience of NICRA

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    Sending advisories is a one-way communication and has all the disadvantages of impersonal communication viz., limited feedback from receiver, lack of information about understanding of message by the receiver,and little or no control over timing of message. The feedback loop is a critical component of any project that uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and updating.Although short messaging service (SMS) through mobile phones has quickly gained popularity among most other sectors in India, its potential is not fully realised in the agriculture sector as a cost effective service to reach farmers and elicit desirable action. Despite the cost effectiveness, mobile messaging has remained a challenge in the farming sector in terms of its end use and action as far as extension systems are concerned. While there could be many influencing factors affecting the utility of mobile messages, this study assumed that educational level of farmers could be a major factor. A telephone survey was conducted to ascertain the influence of farmers’ education on the level of utilisation of mobile-based advisories. Farmers with higher education level showed better comprehension of advisories, acted-upon the advisories more promptly and shared the information with fellow farmers more often than those with lower education level. There was a significant association between comprehending, sharing and acting upon advisories. This has implications to achieve enhanced extension reach with higher efficiency in terms of cost and time.Not Availabl

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