135 research outputs found

    Néhány adat a Keleti-Cserhát és tágabb környéke edényes flórájának ismeretéhez.

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    Jelen közlemény az elmúlt időszak során, elsősorban alkalmi terepbejárások alkalmával, valamint a Magyar Flóratérképezés program során gyűjtött érdekesebb adatainkat tartalmazza. Adataink a Keleti-, vagy Központi-Cserhát területéről, illetve ettől távolabbi és szomszédos, más természetföldrajzi egységekbe sorolható területekről (Ipoly-völgy, Cseres-hegység magyarországi része, Litke-Etesi-dombság, Zagyvavölgy) származnak. A terület természetföldrajzi jellemzését és a botanikai kutatás történetét HARMOS és mtsai (2001) és CSIKY és mtsai (1999) vázolta

    Az Ophrys fuciflora komplex filogeográfiai vizsgálata = Phylogeographical investigations on Ophrys fuciflora species complex

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    Az Ophrys fuciflora fajkomplex 77 faja közül 47 faj 126 populációjának nrITS régióját elemeztünk azért, hogy a komplex filogenetikai viszonyaiba betekintést nyerjünk. A direkt szekvenálások során kapott nrITS ribotípusok kiterjedt varrat zónát alkottak a közép-európai térségben. Ezért innen származó populációk egy-egy egyedét klónozással tovább vizsgáltuk. Ennek során 479 klón nrITS szekvenciával dolgoztunk, melyek gyakoriak (dominánsak), ritkák (szubdominánsak), vagy - többségében - akcidentálisak volt. LaJeunesse & Pinzón (2007) meglátásának megfelelően csak a domináns és szubdomináns klónokat vizsgáltuk tovább, mert ezeket véljük ortológ géneknek, míg a többi filogenetikai szignál nélküli paralóg. Vizsgálatainkban elemeztük ezen ortológ ribotípusok földrajzi elterjedését, filogenetikai viszonyait. Megállapítottuk, hogy a poszméhbangóktól távolabbi rokonságba sorolhatók a köldökbangók, és ezen belül egy természetvédelmi szempontból kiemelkedő jelentőségű faj (O. kotschyi) filogenetikai viszonyait körültekintően tisztáztuk. A maradék poszméhbangókon belül négy kládot különíthetünk el, melyek közt erőteljes génáramlást tapasztalunk. A négy klád közül egy az Ibériai-félszigethez, kettő az Appennini-félszigethez, egy pedig a Balkánhoz kötődik. Ezek a glaciális refúgiumokkal esnek egybe, melyben szeparálódhatott a négy klád egymástól, majd a posztglaciális klímajavulással északi irányba vándorolva keveredtek, kialakítva a most érzékelt varratzónát. | We have analysed126 populations of 47 species from the 77 species of the Ophrys fuciflora species-complex in order to gain insight into the phylogenetic relationships of this complex. The nrITS ribotypes from the direct sequencings formed an extended suture zone in the Central European region. One specimen from these populations was studied further by cloning. This has yielded 479 clone sequences, out of which many were common (domineering), some were rare (subdomineering), and most of them occurred only once. According to LaJeunesse & Pinzón (2007) only the (sub)domineering ribotypes were further studied, because these can be said to be orthologous copies, while the other are paralogous copies without phylogenetic signal. Our researches focused on the geographic distribution and phylogenetic relationships of the ortholog ribotypes. The O. umbilicata group was turned out to be distantly related to the rest. We cleared up the phylogenetic position of a species (O. kotschyi) from the Umbilicata group which bears special conservation importance. In the rest of the O. fuciflora group, four clades were found, between which a significant gene-flow was observed. Out of the four clades one can be connected to the Iberian Peninsula, two to the Apennine Peninsula, one to the Balkans. These territories coincide with the main glacial refugia, which could separate the four clades. In the postglacial era the separated lineages have intermingled forming the suture zone in Central Europe

    In situ morphometric survey elucidates the evolutionary systematics of the Eurasian Himantoglossum clade (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae)

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    Background and Aims The charismatic Himantoglossum s.l. clade of Eurasian orchids contains an unusually large proportion of taxa that are of controversial circumscriptions and considerable conservation concern. Whereas our previously published study addressed the molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography of every named taxon within the clade, here we use detailed morphometric data obtained from the same populations to compare genotypes with associated phenotypes, in order to better explore taxonomic circumscription and character evolution within the clade. Methods Between one and 12 plants found in 25 populations that encompassed the entire distribution of the Himantoglossum s.l. clade were measured in situ for 51 morphological characters. Results for 45 of those characters were subjected to detailed multivariate and univariate analyses. Key Results Multivariate analyses readily separate subgenus Barlia and subgenus Comperia from subgenus Himantoglossum, and also the early-divergent H. formosum from the less divergent remainder of subgenus Himantoglossum. The sequence of divergence of these four lineages is confidently resolved. Our experimental approach to morphometric character analysis demonstrates clearly that phenotypic evolution within Himantoglossum is unusually multi-dimensional. Conclusions Degrees of divergence between taxa shown by morphological analyses approximate those previously shown using molecular analyses. Himantoglossum s.l. is readily divisible into three subgenera. The three sections of subgenus Himantoglossum—hircinum, caprinum and formosum—are arrayed from west to east with only limited geographical overlap. At this taxonomic level, their juxtaposition combines with conflict between contrasting datasets to complicate attempts to distinguish between clinal variation and the discontinuities that by definition separate bona fide species. All taxa achieve allogamy via food deceit and have only weak pollinator specificity. Artificial crossing demonstrates that intrinsic sterility barriers are weak. Although we have found evidence of gene flow among and within the three sections of subgenus Himantoglossum, reports of natural hybrids are surprisingly rare, probably because putative parents are sufficiently similar to questionably warrant the status of species. Phenological separation and increased xeromorphy characterise the origin of subgenus Barlia. Several individual morphological characters show evidence of parallel acquisition, and loss of features is especially frequent in floral markings among members of section caprinum. Detailed patterns of gain and loss demonstrate that several different categories of flower markings are inherited independently. Along with the dimensions of labellar lobes, these pigmentation characters have been over-emphasised in previous taxonomic treatments. Increased plant vigour was a crucial element of the origin of the genus, but vegetative characters underwent remarkably little subsequent evolution. Attempts to reconstruct hypothetical ancestors at internal nodes of the phylogeny are weakened by (a) uncertain placement of Steveniella as sister to Himantoglossum s.l. and (b) uncertain relationships among subtly different putative species within section caprinum. Nonetheless, heterochronic/allometric trends, ultimately limited by functional constraints, clearly dictate transitions between contrasting flower sizes and complex labellum shapes
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