7 research outputs found
Spatio-temporal variations of cave-air CO2 concentrations in two Croatian show caves: Natural vs. anthropogenic controls
Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (CDC) plays an important role in karst processes, governing both carbonate deposition and dissolution, affecting not only natural processes, but also human activities in caves adapted for tourism. Its variations due to various controlling parameters was observed from 2017 to 2021 in two Croatian show caves (Manita peć and Modrič) where we examined inter- and within-cave correlation of internal aerology regarding the sources, sinks and transport mechanism of CDC in a karst conduit setting. In both caves, the main sources of CO2 are: i) plant and microbial activity i.e. root respiration and organic matter decay within soil horizons and fractured epikarst, and ii) degassing from CO2-rich percolation water. The main sink of CO2 is dilution with outside air due to cave ventilation. Chimney-effect driven ventilation controlled by seasonal differences between surface and cave air temperatures shows winter (ToutTcave ) ventilation regime, which are modulated by the geometry of cave passages, the transmissivity of the overlying epikarst, and occasionally by the external winds, especially the gusty north-eastern bora wind. In these terms, the Modrič Cave appears to be more confined and less ventilated, with a substantial CDC difference between the left (550-7200 ppm) and right (1475- >10,000 ppm) passages. The Manita peć Cave is, in contrast, ventilated almost year-round, having 7 months of CDC equilibrated with the outside atmosphere and the highest summer CDC values of ~1410 ppm. In both caves, at the current level of tourist use, anthropogenic CO2 flux is not a matter of concern for cave conservation. In turn, in the innermost part of the right Modrič Cave passage visitors’ health might be compromised, but the tourists are allowed only in the left passage.
Speleothem growth rate, recognized as a useful palaeoenvironmental proxy for speleothem-based palaeoclimate studies, strongly depends on CDC variations, so the high CDCs recorded in the Modrič Cave indicate the potential periods with no speleothem deposition due to the hampered degassing of CO2 from the dripping groundwater. The opposite effect i.e. enhanced ventilation (that supports calcite precipitation) during the windy glacials/stadials, as well as substantial vegetational changes must also be taken into consideration when interpreting environmental records from spelean calcite
Student work and studying - the experience of students at the University of Zadar
Ovaj diplomski rad predstavlja kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno među studentima i studenticama Sveučilišta u Zadru. Cilj istraživanja bio je prikupiti i analizirati iskustva studentskih poslova. Rezultati donose zanimljive podatke o izazovima usklađivanja studijskih i poslovnih obaveza i kako to utječe na normalno funkcioniranje studenata u svakodnevnom životu. Unatoč tome što studiranje uz rad može dovesti do sindroma izgaranja kod studenata, sugovornici ističu i mnoge pozitivne strane obavljanja studentskog posla. Osim financijskog olakšanja, širenje društvenih mreža i stjecanje radnih navika smatraju vrlo korisnim. Analizom financijskih aspekata studiranja dobiveni su rezultati kako studenti dnevno najviše troše na kave i hranu, a mjesečno na stanovanje i režije. Redovni studenti semestralno zanemaruju trošak upisnine od 100 kuna, dok izvanrednima semestar od nekoliko tisuća kuna predstavlja veliki trošak zbog čega su često primorani obavljati studentski posao. Zadarskim studentima najveći problem predstavlja pitanje stanovanja budući da je Zadar turističko odredište i da se smještaj u vrijeme ljetnih mjeseci iznajmljuje turistima, a smještajni kapacitet studentskog doma nije zadovoljavajući. Sve navedeno utječe na akademski uspjeh studenata i iz toga proizlazi i važnost ove teme.This thesis represents a qualitative research conducted among students at the University of Zadar. The aim of the research was to collect and analyze student job experiences. The results provide interesting data on the challenge of reconciling study and business responsibilities and how this affects students' normal functioning in daily life. Despite the fact that work-study can lead to student burnout syndrome, the interviewees also point out the many positives of doing student work. Aside from financial relief, expanding social networks and acquiring work habits are considered very beneficial. Analyzing the financial aspects of the study, the results were obtained that students spend the most on coffee and food per day, and monthly on housing and utilities. Students with full-time student status neglect the cost of a $ 100 enrollment fee, while students with outstanding status pay a few thousand kuna a semester, which is a huge expense for them, and they are forced to do student work for that reason. The biggest problem for Zadar students is the issue of housing, since Zadar is a tourist destination and that accommodation is rented out to tourists during the summer months. In addition, the accommodation capacity of the dormitory is not satisfactory. All of the above influences the academic success of students and this indicates the importance of this topic
Common everyday life in working collectives : Using nurses in the departement of hemodialysis as an example
U ovom istraživanju pozornost je posvećena radnoj organizaciji i interakciji šest medicinskih sestara koje čine radni kolektiv. Cilj ovog istraživanja je pokušati razumjeti, istražiti i opisati način zajedničkog rada kroz radnu svakodnevicu medicinskih sestara. Za tu je svrhu provedeno kvalitativno istraživanje utemeljeno na pregledu i analizi literature o svijetu rada žena, o karakteristikama rada medicinskih sestara te o timskom radu u zdravstvenim zanimanjima. Rad je utemeljen na polustrukturiranim intervjuima s medicinskim sestrama te grupnom intervjuu održanom nakon provedbe intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je u radnoj svakodnevici medicinskih sestara obavezna komunikacija, suradnja, znanje i iskustvo. Kohezivnost tima medicinskih sestara potvrđuje se kolektivnošću stavova sugovornica prema autoritetima. Osim toga, rezultati pokazuju kako nepovoljne uvjete na radnom mjestu kompenzira zajedništvo sestara i njihovo zadovoljstvo radnom atmosferom.In this research I will focus on working organization and interaction among six nurses who together create working collective. The aim of this research is to try to understand, analyze and describe the way of mutual work through working everyday life of nurses. For that purpose, qualitative research was used based on review and literature analysis about women’s working world, about working characteristics of nurses and about teamwork in medical field. The work is based on halfstructured interviews with nurses and group interview held after the interview. The results of the research show that communication, cooperation, knowledge and experience. That the team of nurses is cohesive is shown by the fact that the speakers have a common attitude towards authorities. Except that, the results show that the nurses’ well-being and their satisfaction with the work atmosphere overall are good enough to compensate the unfavorable conditions at the work place
Monitoring of the cave enviromental settings in Modrič cave
U radu su prikazani podaci prethodnih istraživanja u špilji Modrič te podaci dobiveni u istraživanju u razdoblju 2018.-2019. koje je provedeno za potrebe ovog diplomskog rada. Monitoring okolišnih uvjeta špilje Modrič podrazumijevao je praćenje sljedećih parametara: temperatura i relativna vlažnost zraka, intenzitet prokapavanja u špilji te koncentracije plinova radona i ugljikovog dioksida koji mogu ugroziti ljudsko zdravlje. Na istom mjestu na kraju desnog kanala mjerena je temperatura zraka s različitim instrumentima. Kontinuiranim mjerenjima s uređajima s većim rasponom mjerenja, većom točnošću i memorijom, prikupljeni su kvalitetniji podaci u usporedbi s prijenosnim instrumentom na čiju točnost utječe istraživač prilikom pojedinačnih mjerenja. Relativna vlažnost zraka gotovo na svim mjernim mjestima u špilji varira od 95 do 100%, ovisno o varijacijama temperature zraka. Temperatura zraka najmanje varira u unutrašnjosti na krajevima kanala, a najpromjenjivija je neposredno u blizini ulaza u špilju. Mjesta s najmanjim varijacijama temperature zraka važno su zbog pogodnosti za paleoklimatska istraživanja. Različit intenzitet prokapavanja na tri mjesta mjerenja koja su međusobno na vrlo maloj udaljenosti dokazuje heterogenost krškog vodonosnika. Međutim, preostala dva mjesta ujednačeno prokapavaju, a intenzitet prokapavanja u špilji je praćen upravo s ciljem pronalaska mjesta koja imaju uravnotežen i stabilan režim prokapavanja. Naime, sige koje su prihranjivanje u stabilnim uvjetima pogodne su za uzorkovanje u paleookolišnim istraživanjima. Varijacije koncentracija štetnih plinova CO2 i radona pokazuju sličnosti. Koncentracija oba plina povišena je u vrijeme ljetnih mjeseci kada je i broj turista koji posjećuju špilju najviši. Osim sezonskih varijacija, koncentracija CO2 varira i prostorno. Tako vrijednosti rastu od ulaza prema unutrašnjosti kanala, ali se i razlikuju u lijevom i desnom kanalu. Uzrok tome je morfologija špilje. Naime, desni kanal je uži i u njemu su zabilježene veće koncentracije CO2 za razliku od lijevog koji je prostraniji i u kojem je protok zraka jači. Sve navedeno upućuje na važnost sustavnog provođenja monitoringa špiljskih uvjeta.The paper presents the data of previous research in the Modrič cave and data obtained during the period 2018-2019. carried out for the purposes of this graduate thesis. Monitoring of the environmental conditions of the cave Modric implied monitoring of the following parameters: temperature and relative humidity of the air, the intensity of cave discharge and concentration of radon and carbon dioxide levels that could harm human health. The obtained results show that the data of temperature and relative humidity of the air from the previous researches are better than the data from the research conducted in the period 2018-2019. due to the use of more accurate and expensive measuring devices. The relative humidity of the air at almost all measuring points in the cave ranges from 95 to 100%, depending on the variations in the air temperature. The most variations in the air temperature are close to the entrance to the cave. Inside the cave, further from the entrance. the atmospheric conditions are stable. The drip discharge intensity is monitored with the aim of finding sites that have stable discharge. Such sites are suitable for sampling in paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Besides that, monitoring of Modrič Cave hydrological behavior via drip discharge revealed substantial heterogeneity of the karst aquifer. Variations in the concentration of harmful gases CO2 and radon show similar behavior. The concentration of both gases is increased during the summer months when the number of tourists visiting the cave is highest. In addition to seasonal variations, the CO2 concentration varies and spatially. The values increase from the entrance to the cave to the inside of the channels. There is also big difference between the values of the concentration in these channels due to the morphology of the cave. To be specific, the right channel is less spacious and it has a higher CO2 concentration. All this indicates the importance of systematic monitoring of cave conditions
Common everyday life in working collectives : Using nurses in the departement of hemodialysis as an example
U ovom istraživanju pozornost je posvećena radnoj organizaciji i interakciji šest medicinskih sestara koje čine radni kolektiv. Cilj ovog istraživanja je pokušati razumjeti, istražiti i opisati način zajedničkog rada kroz radnu svakodnevicu medicinskih sestara. Za tu je svrhu provedeno kvalitativno istraživanje utemeljeno na pregledu i analizi literature o svijetu rada žena, o karakteristikama rada medicinskih sestara te o timskom radu u zdravstvenim zanimanjima. Rad je utemeljen na polustrukturiranim intervjuima s medicinskim sestrama te grupnom intervjuu održanom nakon provedbe intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je u radnoj svakodnevici medicinskih sestara obavezna komunikacija, suradnja, znanje i iskustvo. Kohezivnost tima medicinskih sestara potvrđuje se kolektivnošću stavova sugovornica prema autoritetima. Osim toga, rezultati pokazuju kako nepovoljne uvjete na radnom mjestu kompenzira zajedništvo sestara i njihovo zadovoljstvo radnom atmosferom.In this research I will focus on working organization and interaction among six nurses who together create working collective. The aim of this research is to try to understand, analyze and describe the way of mutual work through working everyday life of nurses. For that purpose, qualitative research was used based on review and literature analysis about women’s working world, about working characteristics of nurses and about teamwork in medical field. The work is based on halfstructured interviews with nurses and group interview held after the interview. The results of the research show that communication, cooperation, knowledge and experience. That the team of nurses is cohesive is shown by the fact that the speakers have a common attitude towards authorities. Except that, the results show that the nurses’ well-being and their satisfaction with the work atmosphere overall are good enough to compensate the unfavorable conditions at the work place
Common everyday life in working collectives : Using nurses in the departement of hemodialysis as an example
U ovom istraživanju pozornost je posvećena radnoj organizaciji i interakciji šest medicinskih sestara koje čine radni kolektiv. Cilj ovog istraživanja je pokušati razumjeti, istražiti i opisati način zajedničkog rada kroz radnu svakodnevicu medicinskih sestara. Za tu je svrhu provedeno kvalitativno istraživanje utemeljeno na pregledu i analizi literature o svijetu rada žena, o karakteristikama rada medicinskih sestara te o timskom radu u zdravstvenim zanimanjima. Rad je utemeljen na polustrukturiranim intervjuima s medicinskim sestrama te grupnom intervjuu održanom nakon provedbe intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je u radnoj svakodnevici medicinskih sestara obavezna komunikacija, suradnja, znanje i iskustvo. Kohezivnost tima medicinskih sestara potvrđuje se kolektivnošću stavova sugovornica prema autoritetima. Osim toga, rezultati pokazuju kako nepovoljne uvjete na radnom mjestu kompenzira zajedništvo sestara i njihovo zadovoljstvo radnom atmosferom.In this research I will focus on working organization and interaction among six nurses who together create working collective. The aim of this research is to try to understand, analyze and describe the way of mutual work through working everyday life of nurses. For that purpose, qualitative research was used based on review and literature analysis about women’s working world, about working characteristics of nurses and about teamwork in medical field. The work is based on halfstructured interviews with nurses and group interview held after the interview. The results of the research show that communication, cooperation, knowledge and experience. That the team of nurses is cohesive is shown by the fact that the speakers have a common attitude towards authorities. Except that, the results show that the nurses’ well-being and their satisfaction with the work atmosphere overall are good enough to compensate the unfavorable conditions at the work place