339 research outputs found

    The MESUR Mission

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    The MESUR mission will place a network of small, robust landers on the Martian surface, making a coordinated set of observations for at least one Martian year. MESUR presents some major challenges for development of instruments, instrument deployment systems, and on board data processing techniques. The instrument payload has not yet been selected, but the straw man payload is (1) a three-axis seismometer; (2) a meteorology package that senses pressure, temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, and sky brightness; (3) an alphaproton-X-ray spectrometer (APXS); (4) a thermal analysis/evolved gas analysis (TA/EGA) instrument; (5) a descent imager, (6) a panoramic surface imager; (7) an atmospheric structure instrument (ASI) that senses pressure, temperature, and acceleration during descent to the surface; and (8) radio science. Because of the large number of landers to be sent (about 16), all these instruments must be very lightweight. All but the descent imager and the ASI must survive landing loads that may approach 100 g. The meteorology package, seismometer, and surface imager must be able to survive on the surface for at least one Martian year. The seismometer requires deployment off the lander body. The panoramic imager and some components of the meteorology package require deployment above the lander body. The APXS must be placed directly against one or more rocks near the lander, prompting consideration of a micro rover for deployment of this instrument. The TA/EGA requires a system to acquire, contain, and heat a soil sample. Both the imagers and, especially, the seismometer will be capable of producing large volumes of data, and will require use of sophisticated data compression techniques

    Formation of the layered deposits in the Valles Marineris, Mars

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    Evidence is presented for large standing bodies of water on Mars during past epochs. It is noted that the origin of the horizontally-layered deposits in the Valles Marineris can be best explained by formation in standing bodies of water. These lakes, if they existed, were most likely covered by ice. There are several geologically feasible mechanisms that could have led to formation to thick deposits in ice covered paleolakes in the Valles Marineris. Present data are insufficient to choose conclusively among the various possibilities

    Formation of the layered deposits in the Valles Marineris, Mars

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    Thick sequences of layered deposits are found in the Valles Marineris, which exhibit fine, nearly horizontal layering, and are present as isolated plateaus of what were once more extensive deposits. It was argued that the morphology of the deposits is most consistent with origin in standing bodies of water. The conditions necessary for the existence of ice-covered Martian paleolakes are examined in detail and mechanisms for sediment deposition in them are considered. It was concluded that there are several geologically feasible mechanisms that could have led to the formation of thick deposits in ice-covered paleolakes in the Valles Marineris. Present data are insufficient to choose conclusively among the various possibilities. Several types of data from the Mars Observer mission will be useful in further characterizing the deposits and clarifying the process of their origin. The deposits should be considered important targets for a future Mars sample return mission

    The Spirit Rover's Athena Science Investigation at Gusev Crater, Mars

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    The viscosity of Miranda

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    Voyager 2 images of Miranda revealed a significant history of geological activity. Overlying an apparently ancient cratered terrain are assemblages of concentric ridges, scarps, and dark banded material. The problems that evolutionary thermal and structural modes of Miranda must face, to provide a convincing explanation for such topographic complexity, are examined

    Reconstruction of eolian bed forms and paleocurrents from cross-bedded strata at Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars

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    Outcrop exposures imaged by the Opportunity rover at Victoria Crater, a 750 m diameter crater in Meridiani Planum, are used to delineate sedimentary structures and further develop a dune-interdune depositional model for the region. The stratigraphy at Victoria Crater, observed during Opportunity's partial traverse of its rim, includes the best examples of meter-scale eolian cross bedding observed on Mars to date. The Cape St. Mary promontory, located at the southern end of the rim traverse, is characterized by meter-scale sets of trough cross bedding, suggesting northward migrating sinuous-crested bed forms. Cape St. Vincent, which is located at the opposite end of the traverse, shows tabular-planar stratification indicative of climbing bed forms with meter- to decameter-scale dune heights migrating southward. Promontories located between Cape St. Mary and Cape St. Vincent contain superposed stratigraphic units with northward and southward dipping beds separated by outcrop-scale bounding surfaces. These bounding surfaces are interpreted to be either reactivation and/or superposition surfaces in a complex erg sea. Any depositional model used to explain the bedding must conform to reversing northward and southward paleomigration directions and include multiple scales of bed forms. In addition to stratified outcrop, a bright diagenetic band is observed to overprint bedding and to lie on an equipotential parallel to the preimpact surface. Meter-scale cross bedding at Victoria Crater is similar to terrestrial eolian deposits and is interpreted as a dry dune field, comparable to Jurassic age eolian deposits in the western United States

    Recent Results From the Opportunity Rover's Exploration of Endeavour Crater, Mars

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    The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity is beginning its 11th year of exploration and as of sol 3535 (1/3/14 UTC) has traversed 38,729 m (based on wheel turns) across the plains of Meridiani and the rim of the approx. 22 km wide Noachian Endeavour Crater. Opportunity has investigated ancient sulfate-rich sand-stones (Burns formation) that dominate the plains and formed in ancient playa and dune environments, characterized impact breccias (Shoemaker formation) and their aqueous alteration on Endeavour's Cape York rim segment, and investigated extensive aqueous alteration of rocks on Cape York's Matijevic Hill that stratigraphically underlie Shoemaker formation and predate the Endeavour-forming event. In this abstract results from Opportunity's recent exploration of Endeavour's rim are covered, focusing on comparing what was found on Matijevic Hill with observations acquired on Murray Ridge, where Opportunity will spend its sixth winter at Cook Haven

    Life on ice, Antarctica and Mars

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    The study of the origin of life and the prospects for human exploration of Mars are two themes developed in a new 57-minute film, Life on Ice, Antarctica, and Mars, produced by the InnerSpace Foundation and WHRO Television for broadcast by the Public Broadcasting System (PBS). A brief explanation of the film and how it relates to the future human exploration of space is presented

    PYTi-NiCr Signatures in the Columbia Hills are Present in Certain Martian Meteorites

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    Uniquely high levels of phosphorus and titanium were observed in several samples [1-3] by the APXS x-ray fluorescence measurements as the MER Spirit rover climbed Husband Hill (Columbia Hills, Gusev crater, Mars). A careful study of many such samples and their geochemical variability has revealed additional elements in this pattern, and that the derived multi-element signature is also unambiguously manifested in several martian meteorites

    Spectral, mineralogical, and geochemical variations across Home Plate, Gusev Crater, Mars indicate high and low temperature alteration

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    Over the last ~ 3 years in Gusev Crater, Mars, the Spirit rover observed coherent variations in color, mineralogy, and geochemistry across Home Plate, an ~ 80 m-diameter outcrop of basaltic tephra. Observations of Home Plate from orbit and from the summit of Husband Hill reveal clear differences in visible/near-infrared (VNIR) colors between its eastern and western regions that are consistent with mineralogical compositions indicated by Mössbauer spectrometer (MB) and by Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini-TES). Pyroxene and magnetite dominate the east side, while olivine, nanophase Fe oxide (npOx) and glass are more abundant on the western side. Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) observations reveal that eastern Home Plate has higher Si/Mg, Al, Zn, Ni, and K, while Cl and Br are higher in the west. We propose that these variations are the result of two distinct alteration regimes that may or may not be temporally related: a localized, higher temperature recrystallization and alteration of the east side of Home Plate and lower temperature alteration of the western side that produced npOx