1,533 research outputs found

    Surface EM waves on 1D Photonic Crystals

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    We study surface states of 1D photonic crystals using a semiclassical coupled wave theory. Both TE and TM modes are treated. We derive analytic approximations that clarify the systematics of the dispersion relations, and the roles of the various parameters defining the crystal.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Classical picture of post-exponential decay

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    Post-exponential decay of the probability density of a quantum particle leaving a trap can be reproduced accurately, except for interference oscillations at the transition to the post-exponential regime, by means of an ensemble of classical particles emitted with constant probability per unit time and the same half-life as the quantum system. The energy distribution of the ensemble is chosen to be identical to the quantum distribution, and the classical point source is located at the scattering length of the corresponding quantum system. A 1D example is provided to illustrate the general argument

    Influência da superfície sedimentar na dinâmica das macroalgas verdes e da sua macroepifauna associada na Ria Formosa

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    O sistema lagunar, conhecido vulgarmente por Ria Formosa, desenvolve-se na costa meridional Portuguesa, desde o Ancão a ocidente até Cacela a oriente. Com extensão, de aproximadamente 55 km, apresenta a sua maior largura, de 6 km, no sector Norte-Sul entre Faro e o Cabo de Santa Maria. Este sistema é um conjunto de ilhas-barreira que proteje a zona lagunar adjacente à plataforma litoral algarvia, da invasão marinha. A área total do Parque Natural da Ria Formosa é aproximadamente de 163 km2, sendo 48 km2 cobertos por sapal e 32 km2 ocupados por canais, esteiros e baixios (Teixeira & Alvim, 1978). Durante as marés vivas, as áreas intertidais expostas são de aproximadamente 50 km2. Estas áreas são predominantemente cobertas por plantas de sapal (Spartina maritima), angiospérmicas marinhas (Zostera e Cymodocea) e mantos de macroalgas (Entermorpha, Ulva e Fucus). 20 km2 do sistema são ocupados por salinas e aquaculturas (CCRA, 1984)

    Biperiodic superlattices and the transparent state

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    Coquelin et al. studied biperiodic semiconductor superlattices, which consist of alternating cell types, one with wide wells and the other narrow wells, separated by equal strength barriers. If the wells were identical, it would be a simply periodic system of N=2nN = 2n half-cells. When asymmetry is introduced, an allowed band splits at the Bragg point into two disjoint allowed bands. The Bragg resonance turns into a transparent state located close to the band edge of the lower(upper) band when the first(second) well is the wider. Analysis of this system gives insight into how band splitting occurs. Further we consider semi-periodic systems having N=2n+1N= 2n+1 half-cells. Surprisingly these have very different transmission properties, with an envelope of maximum transmission probability that crosses the envelope of minima at the transparent point.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures Version 2: improved figures using colour, and some small improvements in the text, in response to referee comments Version 3: incorporates changes which arose in proofs stag