22 research outputs found

    Presence of antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptides in patients with 'rhupus': a cross-sectional study

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    'Rhupus' is a rare condition sharing features of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). If rhupus is a distinctive entity, an overlap between RA and SLE or a subset of SLE is currently debated. This study was performed to explore the prevalence of antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP antibodies) in rhupus. Patients meeting American College of Rheumatology criteria for RA, SLE, or both were included. Clinical and radiographic features were recorded and sera were searched for anti-CCP antibodies, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibodies, anti-extractable nuclear antigens, and antibodies against double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA antibodies). Seven patients for each group were included. Clinical and serological features for RA or SLE were similar between rhupus and RA patients, and between rhupus and SLE patients, respectively. Values for anti-CCP antibodies obtained were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in RA (6/7) and rhupus (4/7) than in SLE patients (0/7) and healthy subjects (0/7). Our data support the possibility that rhupus is an overlap between RA and SLE, because highly specific autoantibodies for RA (anti-CCP) and for SLE (anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm) are detected in coexistence

    Catechol-O-methyltransferase gene haplotypes in Mexican and Spanish patients with fibromyalgia

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    Autonomic dysfunction is frequent in patients with fibromyalgia (FM). Heart rate variability analyses have demonstrated signs of ongoing sympathetic hyperactivity. Catecholamines are sympathetic neurotransmitters. Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), an enzyme, is the major catecholamine-clearing pathway. There are several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the COMT gene associated with the different catecholamine-clearing abilities of the COMT enzyme. These SNPs are in linkage disequilibrium and segregate as 'haplotypes'. Healthy females with a particular COMT gene haplotype (ACCG) producing a defective enzyme are more sensitive to painful stimuli. The objective of our study was to define whether women with FM, from two different countries (Mexico and Spain), have the COMT gene haplotypes that have been previously associated with greater sensitivity to pain. All the individuals in the study were female. Fifty-seven Mexican patients and 78 Spanish patients were compared with their respective healthy control groups. All participants filled out the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Six COMT SNPs (rs2097903, rs6269, rs4633, rs4818, rs4680, and rs165599) were genotyped from peripheral blood DNA. In Spanish patients, there was a significant association between three SNPs (rs6269, rs4818, and rs4680) and the presence of FM when compared with healthy controls. Moreover, in Spanish patients with the 'high pain sensitivity' haplotype (ACCG), the disease, as assessed by the FIQ, was more severe. By contrast, Mexican patients displayed only a weak association between rs6269 and rs165599, and some FIQ subscales. In our group of Spanish patients, there was an association between FM and the COMT haplotype previously associated with high pain sensitivity. This association was not observed in Mexican patients. Studies with a larger sample size are needed in order to verify or amend these preliminary results

    Cytokine and microbiota profiles in obesity-related hypertension patients

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    BackgroundSystemic arterial hypertension is linked to a heightened risk of cardiovascular diseases on a global scale. In Mexico, nearly half of adults in vulnerable conditions experience hypertension. Imbalance in the oral and intestinal microbiota composition has been observed in patients with hypertension, documented by a decrease of bacteria producing short-chain fatty acids, which play a critical role in blood pressure regulation.AimTo examine the cytokines’ profile and assess the characteristics of oral and gut microbiota in obesity-related hypertension in Mexican patients.MethodsA cross-sectional, observational, and analytical study was carried out. Twenty-two patients were categorized by their body mass index (BMI) as overweight and obese, and the diagnosis of primary hypertension. DNA from supragingival dental plaque and feces samples was used to carry out 16S rRNA sequencing. Additionally, 13 cytokines were quantified.ResultsIn the oral microbiota, Kluyvera was found to be significantly enriched in obese compared to overweight patients. Instead, the gut microbiota was dominated by Firmicutes. However, the correlation between certain genera and proinflammatory cytokines was noted.ConclusionThis exploratory study provides insights into the complex relationship between the oral and gut microbiota and their association with systemic inflammation in obesity-related hypertension

    Acute coronary syndrome and acute kidney injury: role of inflammation in worsening renal function

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    Abstract Background Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), a common complication of acute coronary syndromes (ACS), is associated with higher mortality and longer hospital stays. The role of cytokines and other mediators is unknown in AKI induced by an ACS (ACS-AKI), leading to several unanswered questions. The worsening of renal function is usually seen as a dichotomous phenomenon instead of a dynamic change, so evaluating changes of the renal function in time may provide valuable information in the ACS-AKI setting. The aim of this study was to explore inflammatory factors associated to de novo kidney injury induced by de novo cardiac injury secondary to ACS. Methods One hundred four consecutive patients with ACS were initially included on the time of admission to the Coronary Unit of the Instituto Nacional de Cardiología in Mexico City, from February to May 2016, before any invasive procedure, imaging study, diuretic or anti-platelet therapy. White blood count, hemoglobin, NT-ProBNP, troponin I, C-reactive protein, albumin, glucose, Na+, K+, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, creatinine (Cr), endothelin-1 (ET-1), leukotriene-B4, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, resolvin-D1 (RvD1), lipoxin-A4 (LXA4), interleukin-1β, −6, −8, and −10 were measured. We finally enrolled 78 patients, and subsequently we identified 15 patients with ACS-AKI. Correlations were obtained by a Spearman rank test. Low-rank regression, splines regressions, and also protein–protein/chemical interactions and pathways analyses networks were performed. Results Positive correlations of ΔCr were found with BUN, admission Cr, GRACE score, IL-1β, IL-6, NT-ProBNP and age, and negative correlations with systolic blood pressure, mean-BP, diastolic-BP and LxA4. In the regression analyses IL-10 and RvD1 had positive non-linear associations with ΔCr. ET-1 had also a positive association. Significant non-linear associations were seen with NT-proBNP, admission Cr, BUN, Na+, K+, WBC, age, body mass index, GRACE, SBP, mean-BP and Hb. Conclusion Inflammation and its components play an important role in the worsening of renal function in ACS. IL-10, ET-1, IL-1β, TnI, RvD1 and LxA4 represent mediators that might be associated with ACS-AKI. IL-6, ET-1, NT-ProBNP might represent crossroads for several physiopathological pathways involved in “de novo cardiac injury leading to de novo kidney injury”

    Association of the Heart Rate Variability Response to Active Standing with the Severity of Calcific Aortic Valve Disease: Novel Insights of a Neurocardiovascular Pathology

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    The aim of this work was to obtain insights of the participation of the autonomic nervous system in different stages of calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) by heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. Studying subjects with no valve impairments and CAVD patients, we also sought to quantify the independent contribution or explanatory capacity of the aortic valve echocardiographic parameters involved in the HRV changes caused by active standing using hierarchical partitioning models to consider other variables or potential confounders. We detected smaller adjustments of the cardiac autonomic response at active standing caused specifically by the aortic valve deterioration. The highest association (i.e., the highest percentage of independent exploratory capacity) was found between the aortic valve area and the active standing changes in the short-term HRV scaling exponent &alpha;1 (4.591%). The valve&rsquo;s maximum pressure gradient echocardiographic parameter was present in most models assessed (in six out of eight models of HRV indices that included a valve parameter as an independent variable). Overall, our study provides insights with a wider perspective to explore and consider CAVD as a neurocardiovascular pathology. This pathology involves autonomic-driven compensatory mechanisms that seem generated by the aortic valve deterioration

    LncRNA MALAT1 in Keratinocyte function: A review of recent advances

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    Keratinocytes, the principal epidermal cells, play a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of the skin. Beyond their protective role, keratinocytes are key contributors to the process of wound healing, as they migrate to injury sites, proliferate, and generate new layers of epidermis, facilitating tissue repair and remodeling. Moreover, keratinocytes actively participate in the skin's immune responses, expressing pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) to detect microbial components and interact with immune cells to influence adaptive immunity. Keratinocytes express a diverse repertoire of signaling pathways, transcription factors, and epigenetic regulators to regulate their growth, differentiation, and response to environmental cues. Among these regulatory elements, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as essential players in keratinocyte biology. LncRNAs, including MALAT1, play diverse roles in gene regulation and cellular processes, influencing keratinocyte proliferation, differentiation, migration, and response to environmental stimuli. Dysregulation of specific lncRNAs such as MALAT1 can disrupt keratinocyte homeostasis, leading to impaired differentiation, compromised barrier integrity, and contributing to the pathogenesis of various skin disorders. Understanding the intricate interplay between lncRNAs and keratinocytes offers promising insights into the molecular underpinnings of skin health and disease, with potential implications for targeted therapies and advancements in dermatological research. Hence, our objective is to provide a comprehensive summary of the available knowledge concerning keratinocytes and their intricate relationship with MALAT1

    In vivo assessment of hemocompatibility of a ventricular assist device in healthy swine

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    Objective: To assess the hemocompatible performance of a novel implantable pneumatic ventricular assist device (VAD, Innovamédica, México) in healthy swine. The aim of this pilot study was first, to determine if short-term VAD implantation elicited a remarkable inflammatory response above that expected from surgical trauma; and second, to assess if heparinized or passivated VAD coatings, in combination with systemic anticoagulant or antiaggregant therapies, modified the VAD's hemocompatible performance. Methods: Hemodynamic, physiologic, inflammatory and histological parameters were measured in 27 pigs receiving VAD support for six hours, testing combinations of heparinized or passivated VAD coatings and systemic anticoagulant/ antiaggregant therapies. Mean concentrations of interleukin-1 &#946; (IL-16), interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), or thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT) complexes (coagulation indicator) were measured from blood. ANOVA statistics were employed. Results: No substantial increases in mean IL-1&#946;, IL-6, CRP, or TAT were obtained during VAD support. Hemodynamic and physiologic parameters were normal. We found no evidence of thromboembolisms or micro-infarctions in heart and lung samples. No major coaguli/deposits were found in VAD compartments. Overall, no remarkable differences in measurements were found using heparinized, passivated, or uncoated VAD, or with systemic anticoagulation, antiaggregant therapy, or no treatment. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate, firstly, that during the time-period tested, the VAD elicited negligible inflammation above the effects of surgical trauma; and secondly, that little coagulation was observed upon VAD support in any of the cases tested. Contemplating further validation studies, our data indicate that the Innovamédica VAD is a highly hemocompatible system

    Impacto intraoperatorio de la ultrafiltración modificada en pacientes pediátricos sometidos a cirugía cardíaca con circulación extracorpórea

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    Introducción y objetivos: Es controversial el uso de ultrafiltración modificada en cirugía cardíaca pediátrica con bomba de circulación extracorpórea (CEC) para disminuir la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, hemoconcentrar y remover el exceso de líquido. El objetivo de este estudio es demostrar en el período intraoperatorio la utilidad de este método para la remoción de sustancias proinflamatorias desencadenadas por la bomba en pacientes pediátricos no neonatales operados por cardiopatías congénitas simples. Adicionalmente, se pretende averiguar su efecto sobre la hemoconcentración y la remoción del exceso de líquido y lactato. Métodos: Se diseñó un ensayo clínico en pacientes pediátricos no neonatales con peso > 5 kg con cardiopatías congénitas simples que se operaron con el uso de bomba en el período de un año. En forma aleatoria, se conformó un grupo problema (con ultrafiltración modificada) y un grupo control (sin ella), y se tomaron muestras para medir concentraciones de interleucinas (IL) (6 y 10) y de fracciones 3d y 4d del complemento, en los siguientes tiempos: basal, antes de bomba, después de bomba, después de la ultrafiltración y del ultrafiltrado, y al salir de quirófano. Los efectos finales se definieron en términos de morbimortalidad, remoción de sustancias proinflamatorias, lactato, balance hídrico y hemoconcentración. Resultados: Se enroló a 13 pacientes al grupo problema y 15 al grupo control. Observamos una menor concentración sérica de IL-6, IL-10 y lactato post-CEC en el grupo problema, al igual que una mayor remoción de líquido, lactato y de C4d en el ultrafiltrado. Conclusiones: La ultrafiltración modificada puede beneficiar a los pacientes pediátricos no neonatales con cardiopatía congénita operados con bomba porque es capaz de disminuir la concentración sérica de IL-6, IL-10 y lactato post-CEC. Adicionalmente, puede ayudar a filtrar C4d y a remover el exceso de líquido que promovería una mayor hemoconcentración, por lo que se recomienda su uso rutinario cuando las condiciones hemodinámicas lo permitan