214 research outputs found

    Cubierta plegada para el templo Beth Torah

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    Quite recently, at the North Miami Beach Jewish park in Florida, a new temple has been completed, which is remarkable because of its metal roof structure, which is quite original, within present day trends of contemporary architecture. It has been sought to convey the impression that this roof floats on its supports, which consist of stone walls and four stiffeners. The folds shown by the roof externally are also visible from the inside. The building extends along two axes, which coincide with the two gables; along which run two beams made up of laminated sections reinforced by four angle sections. At certain points the roof cantilevers nearly 8 metres beyond its supports. The main entrance consists of a kind of arch closed with a panel into which a number of star shaped openings have been left. This is an arrangement that has both charm and an obvious symbolism. The building was initiated by setting up the gable beams with the aid of an auxiliary scaffolding, and the rest of the structure was erected in subsequent stages.El nuevo parque judío de North Miami Beach, en Florida, Estados Unidos, cuenta recientemente con un nuevo templo con cubierta de estructura metálica, muy original y, arquitectónicamente, dentro de las actuales tendencias. El sistema ha sido calificado de cubierta plegada por unos y de estructura especial por otros; aparte su denominación, una vez terminada, presenta un aspecto agradable y una interesante aplicación. Se ha tratado el conseguir dar la sensación de que esta cubierta flota sobre sus apoyos, constituidos por muros de mampostería y cuatro estribos. En el interior el techo acusa los pliegues que aparecen en el exterior. El edificio presenta dos direcciones principales, cuyos ejes coinciden con los de los caballetes Las vigas que constituyen las dos cumbreras son perfiles laminados reforzados con cuatro angulares. Algunas partes de la cubierta vuelan hasta 7,9 m, en forma de ménsulas. La entrada principal está constituida por una especie de arco, cerrado con una pantalla en la que se han dejado unos huecos en forma de estrella que tienen gracia y simbolismo indudables. La construcción se inició montando las cumbreras convenientemente apoyadas con un entramado auxiliar y siguiendo después el montaje del resto de los elementos estructurales

    TONS: A Guide to Teaching On-line Sales Courses

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    Purpose of the Study: This study describes a creative solution to teaching on-line sales(TONS). On-line education is increasingly in demand; yet, many sales instructors are unsure of how to transfer this interactive, skills-based course from face-to-face to an on-line format. The on-line course is described in detail, with weekly topics, assignments, rubrics, and teaching materials available. The skills-based active learning format develops student knowledge and know-how while building to a final project. Importantly, the technological and time considerations for instructors are kept to a minimum. Method/Design and Sample: This study tests the use of the on-line TONS teaching method through qualitative and quantitative student responses and evaluations from three classes. Qualitative data was analyzed to identify themes of learning and satisfaction. Quantitative course evaluations provide a comparison between on-line and in-person introductory sales classes. Results: Qualitative results show that the TONS innovation was successful in promoting experiential learning in the on-line format. Identified themes indicate on-line students learned key aspects of the sales process, valued the interaction provided, and believed the course resulted in cumulative learning and was applicable to their employment. Quantitative evaluations show that on-line courses were rated equally to a comparable in-person course. Value to Marketing Educators: As educators are pushed toward on-line, blended, and otherwise virtual course formats, it is critical that student learning not suffer. Also important is the need to minimize instructor time investment in course preparation and teaching. This study provides detailed instruction of how any instructor can use TONS to deliver experiential learning on-line

    Congruence between Course Modality and Professor Communication: A Study of Pedagogical Impact using Sales Techniques

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    Purpose of the Study: Given the similarities between influencing others when teaching and when selling, this work explores student perceptions of selling techniques used by professors. This work investigates faculty instructional methods informed by the prospecting and follow-up sales process’s steps to positively affect student perceptions, and to attract and retain students in online and traditional formats. Selling efforts are developed, described, and examined to see how prospecting and follow-up can be used to increase course learning, retention, and subsequent course enrollment. Method/Design and Sample: The study used a 2 (Professor Communication Type: Face-to-face vs. Virtual) by 2 (Selling Stage: Prospecting vs. Follow-up) within subjects experimental design with a third between subjects factor measuring Student Modality Type (Online vs. Ground). Student modality refers to the students’ preference for online or in-person classes. 274 completed surveys were collected from online and traditional business school students from two large U.S. universities in the southeast. Results: The results suggest that applying steps of the sales process in the classroom positively impacts student perceptions relating to instructor responsiveness, pedagogical affect, and likelihood to enroll. These findings endure across course formats, before or during a class, and virtually or in-person. Importantly, we find if faculty match their communication methods (Face to face vs. Virtual) to the course modality type (Ground vs. Online) there is higher pedagogical affect from the sales techniques utilized. Value to Marketing Educators: This work proposes a starting point for faculty engagement within the higher education marketing effort by utilizing personal selling techniques to appeal to online and traditional ground students. Examples of how educators can use sales techniques in the classroom are shared. The findings guide administrators in applying marketing concepts to higher education as a solution for enrollment and retention issues without micromanaging teaching methods, and also provide guidance for engaging student learning, using prospecting and follow-up techniques

    Great Expectations: The role of the wig stylist (sheitel macher) in orthodox Jewish salons

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    Wigs are curious liminal objects that hover somewhere between the categories of prosthesis and clothing and offer a variety of possibilities from transformation to hair substitution, covering and disguise. In this article I focus on the particular demands and expectations placed upon the sheitel (Yiddish term for wig) worn by increasing numbers of married Jewish women who identify as frum (Torah-observant). Based on research in Jewish wig salons in Britain and the United States and on Jewish online forums, internet discussions and blogs with a wider geographic reach, this article sets out to show the complex web of material, social, emotional, aesthetic and moral concerns that cluster around the sheitel and to highlight the role of the sheitel macher (wig stylist) in managing these anxieties and expectations. If all wigs are fraught with expectations in terms of their capacity to enable successful social performances, sheitels, it is argued, carry a particularly high burden of expectations owing to their contested and multivalent role as material embodiments of religious commitment, social status and fashion competence and owing to the ambivalent feelings many Jewish women have towards their wigs

    The Effects of Self-Construal on Consumers Likelihood and Attitude towards Self-Gifting

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    This research explicates the role of self-construal in consumers\u27 attitudes towards and likelihood to self-gift. The empirical evidence presented in the current study demonstrate that the people with Independent Self Construal have a more favorable attitude towards selfgifting and are more likely to self-gift than those with Interdependent Self Construal. Thus, the managers who are marketing their products and brands across the globe cannot standardize the message appeals, which are based on self-gifting. They have to take into account self-construal of the general population in the target country. Moreover, the results of this analysis provide some direction to marketers as to what appeals they should use. Both groups, Independents and Interdependents are more likely to self-gift in reward scenarios, and less likely in therapy ones. Therefore, marketers should avoid using therapeutic scenarios when trying to encourage self-gifting. In addition, though independents have a significantly more favorable attitude towards self-gifting and are more likely to self-gift than interdependents, the data suggests that they do not think terribly of selfgifts. This, taken together with their positive evaluation of the slogan one for him, one for me implies that the right appeal, can encourage interdependents to self-gift as well. More specifically, in light of present study\u27s findings, marketers even in USA should use the slogans and messages that emphasize family and friends and their happiness while targeting people with interdependent self-construal rather than merely using communications that emphasize the worth of the individual, (i.e. You deserve it) only

    I Self Gift Therefore I Am: an Examination of Self-Construal and Consumers Attitudes Towards Self-Gifting

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    By definition, one of the predominant aspects of self-gifting is the direct focus on the self. Clearly, if people view the self differently, they will react differently to self-gifting. In the domain of study of 'self' the received view holds that individuals differ on the way they perceive the 'self'. We draw on the relevant psychological research and demonstrate that consumers' self-construal will have an impact on their attitude and likelihood to self-gift. We show that people with an independent self-construal are more likely to self-gift as compared to those with interdependent self-construal and present the explanations for this difference