27 research outputs found

    First principles modeling of 3d-metal doped three-layer fluorite-structured TiO2 (4,4) nanotube to be used for photocatalytic hydrogen production

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    This study has been supported by the EC ERA.Net RUS Plus project No. 237 WATERSPLIT, Russian Basic Research Foundation No. 16-53-76019, and additionally by the IMIS2 Program (Latvia). The authors are also indebted to R. A. Evarestov and O. Lisovski for stimulating discussions as well as to A. Chesnokov for technical assistance.We have estimated theoretically the photocatalytic suitability of thinnest single-wall fluorite-structured titania (4,4) nanotube (NT) possessing three layers each (O-Ti-O) and doped by Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn atoms substituted for host Ti atoms. For this goal, we have performed large-scale ab initio calculations on TiO2 NTs with three-layer morphology doped by 3d transition metals, using (i) the method of linear combination of atom-centered Gaussian-type orbitals (LCAO) based on the hybrid density functional theory (DFT) incorporating the Hartree-Fock (HF) exchange contribution (DFT+HF) and (ii) the method of linearized augmented cylindrical waves (LACW) with the muffin-tin approximation based on the local density functional approach (LDA). We have compared the ground state electronic structure, particularly the one-electron densities of states (DOSs) from the LCAO and LACW calculations for periodic arrangements of the 3d-metal dopant atoms. The results show clear evidence for a potential photocatalytic application for water splitting in the case of the Sc-doped titania nanotubes only. These NTs show both a reduced band gap of 2.0 eV relative to the pristine NT and an absence of defect-induced levels between the redox potentials of hydrogen and oxygen, so that electron-hole recombination becomes unlikely. Other 3d dopants with higher atomic number, although their band gap also covers the favorable green to orange region of the solar spectrum, are unsuitable because their defect-induced levels are positioned between the redox potential of oxygen and hydrogen, which can be expected to lead to rapid electron-hole recombination.--//--Dmitry Bocharov, Sergei Piskunov, Yuri F. Zhukovskii, Eckhard Spohr, Pavel N. D'yachkov, First principles modeling of 3d-metal doped three-layer fluorite-structured TiO2 (4,4) nanotube to be used for photocatalytic hydrogen production, Vacuum, Volume 146, 2017, Pages 562-569, ISSN 0042-207X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2017.05.002.EC ERA.Net RUS Plus project No. 237 WATERSPLIT; Russian Basic Research Foundation No. 16-53-76019; IMIS2 Program (Latvia); Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017 TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2

    Why Silver Deposition is so Fast: Solving the Enigma of Metal Deposition

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    A perfect match: Silver deposition is one of the fastest electrochemical reactions, even though the Ag+ ion loses more than 5 eV solvation energy in the process. This phenomenon, an example of the enigma of metal deposition, was investigated by a combination of MD simulations, DFT, and specially developed theory. At the surface, the Ag+ ion experiences a strong interaction with the sp band of silver, which catalyzes the reaction.Fil: Pinto, Leandro M. C.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho. Facultad de Filosofia E Ciencias-campus de Marilia; Brasil. Universitat Ulm; AlemaniaFil: Spohr, Eckhard. Universitat Duisburg - Essen; AlemaniaFil: Quaino, Paola Monica. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Programa de Electroquímica Aplicada E Ingeniería Electroquímica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Santos, Elizabeth del Carmen. Universitat Ulm; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto de Física "Enrique Gaviola"; ArgentinaFil: Schmickler, Wolfgang. Institute Of Theoretical Chemistry; Alemania. Universitat Ulm; Alemani

    Comparison of charged sheets and corrected 3D Ewald calculations of long-range forces in slab geometry electrolyte systems with solvent molecules

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    Two methods of calculating long-range intermolecular potentials are compared for an approximately 3 M aqueous electrolyte solution confined between two charged surfaces. We investigate the ionic density profiles using the charged sheets method and the corrected-3-D Ewald method at two different system sizes and also compare the Coulomb forces directly. The corrected-3-D Ewald method is recommended for the calculation of long-range potentials in systems of this nature because it is less system size dependent than the charged sheets method and the resultant forces are more consistent with periodic boundaries. However, the charged sheets method for estimating long-range potentials in coulombic systems may be useful for certain applications, and the corrected-3-D Ewald method also shows some system size vulnerability

    First-Principles Evaluation of the Morphology of WS2 Nanotubes for Application as Visible-Light-Driven Water-Splitting Photocatalysts

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    This study was supported by the EC ERA.Net RUS Plus project No. 237 WATERSPLIT as well as Russian Basic Research Foundation No. 16-53-76019. S.K. and E.S. furthermore gratefully acknowledge computing time granted by the Center for Computational Sciences and Simulation (CCSS) of the Universitaẗ Duisburg-Essen and the supercomputer magnitUDE (DFG grants INST 20876/209-1 FUGG, INST 20876/243-1 FUGG) provided by the Zentrum für Informations-und Mediendienste (ZIM). E.S. is also grateful for support by the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (EXC1069) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.One-dimensional tungsten disulfide (WS2) single-walled nanotubes (NTs) with either achiral, i.e., armchair (n, n) and zigzag-type (n, 0), or chiral (2n, n) configuration with diameters dNT > 1.9 nm have been found to be suitable for photocatalytic applications, since their band gaps correspond to the frequency range of visible light between red and violet (1.5 eV 1.9 nm, the condition ϵVB < ϵO2/H2O < ϵH2/H2O < ϵCB is fulfilled. The values of ϵVB and ϵCB have been found to depend only on the diameter and not on the chirality index of the nanotube. The reported structural and electronic properties have been obtained from either hybrid density functional theory and Hartree-Fock linear combination of atomic orbitals calculations (using the HSE06 functional) or the linear augmented cylindrical waves density functional theory method. In addition to single-walled NTs, we have investigated a number of achiral double-walled (m, m)at(n, n) and (m, 0)at(n, 0) as well as triple-walled (l, l)at(m, m)at(n, n) and (l, 0)at(m, 0)at(n, 0) nanotubes. All multiwalled nanotubes show a common dependence of their band gap on the diameter of the inner nanotube, independent of chirality index and number of walls. This behavior of WS2 NTs allows the exploitation of the entire range of the visible spectrum by suitably tuning the band gap.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft INST 20876/243-1 FUGG,INST 20876/209-1 FUGG,EXC1069; Russian Foundation for Basic Research 16-53-76019; EC ERA.Net RUS Plus project No. 237 WATERSPLIT; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Double layer effects in a model of proton discharge on charged electrodes

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    We report first results on double layer effects on proton discharge reactions from aqueous solutions to charged platinum electrodes. We have extended a recently developed combined proton transfer/proton discharge model on the basis of empirical valence bond theory to include specifically adsorbed sodium cations and chloride anions. For each of four studied systems 800–1000 trajectories of a discharging proton were integrated by molecular dynamics simulations until discharge occurred. The results show significant influences of ion presence on the average behavior of protons prior to the discharge event. Rationalization of the observed behavior cannot be based solely on the electrochemical potential (or surface charge) but needs to resort to the molecular details of the double layer structure

    Advanced Computer Simulations of Nafion / Water Systems

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    Les membranes fluorées sont utilisées en particulier dans les dénommées piles à combustible à membrane électrolyte polymère. Grâce à sa grande mobilité en protons, le célèbre ionomer Nafion® (Dupont) est un matériau de référence pour les applications liées aux piles à combustible. En présence d eau ou d autres solvants hydrophiles la membrane se sépare en une matrice polymérique hydrophobe et une sous-phase aqueuse contenant des clusters d eau et ions, dont les tailles et la connectivité augmente quand la quantité d eau augmente [1]. Quelle est la morphologie du Nafion et la structure du solvant, dans de tels systèmes?Il a été récemment montré [2] sur des simulations de large systèmes que plusieurs modèles morphologiques reproduisent les données expérimentales de diffusion, évoquant l incapacité des mesures de diffusion seules à élucider la véritable structure du Nafion.Néanmoins, un modèle aléatoire décrit dans [2], c est à dire l unique modèle étudié sans présumer d une structure initiale particulière, n a pas pu reproduire les données expérimentales.Générer en simulations moléculaires des configurations du système qui soient vraiment décorrélées de la configuration initiale reste un vrai défi statistique. Les échelles de temps réalisables ne permettent simplement pas d obtenir des mouvements significatifs du polymère (comme des transitions de conformations, repliements de chaînes, etc.). Nous proposons ainsi dans cette étude un nouveau modèle de Nafion à morphologie aléatoire. Un algorithme récemment développé est utilisée pour générer des chaînes de Nafion avec des chemins et des points de départ aléatoires. Une différence majeure avec le modèle aléatoire dans [2] est que nous ne construisons pas nos systèmes à une densité proche de la densité finale. Pour ne pas démarrer avec des chaînes trop enchevêtrées, les systèmes sont initialement préparés à une densité en dessous de la référence expérimentale. La densité après équilibration est de nouveau proche de l expérience. Bien qu il soit facilement envisageable d améliorer les nouveaux algorithmes, nous démontrons ici qu avec la présente version plusieurs séries de configurations compatibles avec les données expérimentales de diffusion disponibles peuvent être générées et équilibrées. Douze large systèmes de Nafion à morphologie aléatoire sont construits avec des positions initiales des atomes ainsi que des quantités d eau et des longueurs de chaînes (Nafion/Hyflon) différentes. Ils sont équilibrés puis simulés sur plusieurs dizaines de nanosecondes. Après équilibration, les structures sont, comme indiqué ci-dessus,compatibles avec les données expérimentales de diffusion. En plus nous étudions un modèle ressemblant à celui de Schmidt-Rohr and Chen [3], c est à-dire le plus récent modèle morphologique. Avec ce modèle, les données expérimentales sont également reproduites de manière satisfaisante, d où la prolongation du débat sur la structure du Nafion. La cohésion entre les valeurs calculées et celles mesurées expérimentalement incite à des analyses plus en détails de ces configurations obtenues. Nous caractérisons et analysons les structures locales, intermédiaires et à grande échelle avec divers paramètres structuraux et distributions des tailles de domaines. Nous calculons donc, par exemple, des fonctions de distribution radiale (rdf), des facteurs de structure (S(q)) totaux et partiels tout comme des nombres et des tailles de clusters hydrophiles (selon la définition d un cluster). La dynamique de diverses espèces dans le système est également examinée,par exemple au travers des déplacements carrés moyens (msd) et des coefficients de diffusion. Ces simulations sont probablement à la limite de ce qui est réalisable aujourd hui avec des simulations full-atom du type MD. Nous espérons que ce travail fera avancer le débat sur la structure et la dynamique de ces matériaux importants.Perfluorinated membranes are used in particular in polymer electrolyte fuel cells(PEFC). The well-known ionomer Nafion® (Dupont) is, due to its high proton mobility,a reference material for fuel cell applications. In water or other hydrophilic solvents themembrane segregates into a hydrophobic backbone matrix and a hydrophilic sub-phasecontaining clusters of both water and ions, where the cluster sizes and connectivity increasewith increasing water content [1].What is the Nafion morphology and the structure of the solvent in such systems? It hasbeen shown recently [2] on large simulated systems that several morphological modelsfit the experimental scattering data, suggesting the inability of scattering experimentsalone to elucidate the true structure of Nafion. However, a random model describedin [2], i.e. the only explored model that did not assume a particular initial structure,could not reproduce the experimental data.It remains a real computational challenge to generate in molecular simulations systemconfigurations which are really decorrelated from the initial one. The time scales thatcan be achieved simply do not allow to obtain significant motions of the polymer (e.g.conformational changes, folding, etc.). We thus propose in this work a new randommodel of Nafion. A newly developped algorithm is used to generate Nafion chains withrandom growth paths and random starting points. A significant difference with therandom model in [2] is that we do not build our systems at a density close to the finalone. In order not to start with too much entangled chains, the systems are initiallybuilt at a density below the experimental one. The density after equilibration is againclose to the experimental one.Even though further improvements of the new algorithms can easily be envisaged,we demonstrate here that with the present version several sets of configurations thatare compatible with the available scattering data can be generated and equilibrated.Twelve large random Nafion systems are built with different initial positions of theatoms as well as different water contents and side chain lengths (Nafion/Hyflon). Theyare equilibrated and then simulated for several ten nanoseconds. After equilibration,the structures are, as mentioned, compatible with the experimental scattering data. Inaddition we study a model similar to the one by Schmidt-Rohr and Chen [3], i.e. thenewest morphological model of Nafion. The experimental scattering data are also satisfactorilyreproduced with this model, hence, the prolonged debate over the structureof Nafion.This agreement gives confidence that a more detailed analysis of the so-obtained configurationsis scientifically warranted. We characterize and analyze the local, intermediateand large-scale structures by various structural parameters and domain size distributions.We therefore compute, for example, radial distribution functions (rdf), total andpartial structure factors (S(q)) as well as numbers and sizes of hydrophilic clusters (dependingon the definition of a cluster). The dynamics of various species in the systemis also investigated, e.g. via the computation of the mean square displacements (msd)and the self-diffusion coefficients. These simulations are probably at the limit of whatcan today be achieved with all-atom molecular simulations of the MD type. We hopethat this work will advance the ongoing debate on the structure and dynamics of theseimportant materials.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    2-propanol decomposition at the Co3O4 (001)/H2O Interface: Influence of Temperature, Surface Composition and Electrochemical Environment

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    Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of a single hydrated 2-propanol molecule were performed to study the role of temperature, surface structure and electrochemical environment for the oxidation of 2-propanol to acetone at the Co3 O4 (001)/H2 O interface. On the A-terminated and B-terminated surfaces, which differ in the relative number of Co2+ and Co3+ ions at the surface, 2-propanol adsorbs molecularly on the Co2+ and Co3+ sites, respectively. In both cases, no C-H bond cleavage is observed at room temperature. However, under oxidative conditions, which are modeled here by partial dehydrogenation of the mixed hydroxyl/water adsorbate layer, dehydrogenation of the alcoholic OH group is observed on both surface terminations. As a result, adsorbed 2-propanolate is formed. The reaction on the less hydroxylated B- terminated surface further proceeds with C-H bond cleavage at the 2-carbon atom. The oxidation product acetone remains adsorbed on the Co3+ site during the simulation period of approximately 20 ps. Both deprotonation steps are aided by the presence of the adsorbed hydroxyl groups in the vicinity of the adsorbed alcohol molecule, because both hydrogen atoms from the reac- tand molecule are transferred as protons to form adsorbed water molecules. Different from the case of the partially dehydrogenated environment, raising the system temperature from 300 to 450 K, which can be considered a simple model for high temperature thermal catalysis, does not lead to oxidation via C-H dehydrogenation of the 2-propanol molecule

    Probing the structures of hydrated nafion in different morphologies using temperature-accelerated molecular dynamics simulations

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    We perform combined temperature-accelerated and standard molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to elucidate the atomistic structure of hydrated Nafion (hydration level lambda = 6.5) in the slab and cylinder morphologies. Our samples are initially made of elongated Nafion strands with a relatively small fraction of gauche defects. Our simulations show that even very long (>50 ns) "brute force" MD simulations are insufficient to reach equilibrated structures. In fact, similar to 30-40 ns long temperature-accelerated molecular dynamics (TAMD) simulations started from the same initial conditions explore more stable (lower potential energy) stationary structures. The effect of TAMD is to allow a rearrangement of the backbone consisting of an increase in gauche defects, which cannot be obtained by "brute force" MD because the trans-gauche transition is a rare event at room temperature. Associated with the backbone rearrangement, we observe a change in the structure of the water layers/tubes as measured by the size and number of bulk (four-fold coordinated water molecules) and surface-like water clusters. At equilibrium, the mean size of bulk-like water clusters is small, typically between 10 and 20 molecules, depending on the morphology. Larger clusters are also present in our samples, the largest being made of similar to 350 molecules, but even the latter is too small for percolation. This suggests that the proton transport through each morphology might be a two-step process: Grotthuss-like within bulk-like water clusters and of a different type (e.g., diffusive or even transport across fluctuatively opening necks) between clusters