5,072 research outputs found

    Environmental Impact on the Southeast Limb of the Cygnus Loop

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    We analyze observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory of the southeast knot of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant. In this region, the blast wave propagates through an inhomogeneous environment. Extrinsic differences and subsequent multiple projections along the line of sight rather than intrinsic shock variations, such as fluid instabilities, account for the apparent complexity of the images. Interactions between the supernova blast wave and density enhancements of a large interstellar cloud can produce the morphological and spectral characteristics. Most of the X-ray flux arises in such interactions, not in the diffuse interior of the supernova remnant. Additional observations at optical and radio wavelengths support this account of the existing interstellar medium and its role in shaping the Cygnus Loop, and they demonstrate that the southeast knot is not a small cloud that the blast wave has engulfed. These data are consistent with rapid equilibration of electron and ion temperatures behind the shock front, and the current blast wave velocity v_{bw} approx 330 km/s. Most of this area does not show strong evidence for non-equilibrium ionization conditions, which may be a consequence of the high densities of the bright emission regions.Comment: To appear in ApJ, April 1, 200

    Can guidelines improve referral to elective surgical specialties for adults? A systematic review

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    Aim To assess effectiveness of guidelines for referral for elective surgical assessment. Method Systematic review with descriptive synthesis. Data sources Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL and Cochrane database up to 2008. Hand searches of journals and websites. Selection of studies Studies evaluated guidelines for referral from primary to secondary care, for elective surgical assessment for adults. Outcome measures Appropriateness of referral (usually measured as guideline compliance) including clinical appropriateness, appropriateness of destination and of pre-referral management (eg, diagnostic investigations), general practitioner knowledge of referral appropriateness, referral rates, health outcomes and costs. Results 24 eligible studies (5 randomised control trials, 6 cohort, 13 case series) included guidelines from UK, Europe, Canada and the USA for referral for musculoskeletal, urological, ENT, gynaecology, general surgical and ophthalmological conditions. Interventions varied from complex (“one-stop shops”) to simple guidelines. Four randomized control trials reported increases in appropriateness of pre-referral care (diagnostic investigations and treatment). No evidence was found for effects on practitioner knowledge. Mixed evidence was reported on rates of referral and costs (rates and costs increased, decreased or stayed the same). Two studies reported on health outcomes finding no change. Conclusions Guidelines for elective surgical referral can improve appropriateness of care by improving prereferral investigation and treatment, but there is no strong evidence in favour of other beneficial effects

    Binaries and the dynamical mass of star clusters

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    The total mass of a distant star cluster is often derived from the virial theorem, using line-of-sight velocity dispersion measurements and half-light radii, under the implicit assumption that all stars are single (although it is known that most stars form part of binary systems). The components of binary stars exhibit orbital motion, which increases the measured velocity dispersion, resulting in a dynamical mass overestimation. In this article we quantify the effect of neglecting the binary population on the derivation of the dynamical mass of a star cluster. We find that the presence of binaries plays an important role for clusters with total mass M < 10^5 Msun; the dynamical mass can be significantly overestimated (by a factor of two or more). For the more massive clusters, with Mcl > 10^5 Msun, binaries do not affect the dynamical mass estimation significantly, provided that the cluster is significantly compact (half-mass radius < 5 pc).Comment: Comments: 2 pages. Conference proceedings for IAUS246 'Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems', ed. E. Vesperini (Chief Editor), M. Giersz, A. Sills, Capri, Sept. 200

    Optimal Occulter Design for Finding Extrasolar Planets

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    One proposed method for finding terrestrial planets around nearby stars is to use two spacecraft--a telescope and a specially shaped occulter that is specifically designed to prevent all but a tiny fraction of the starlight from diffracting into the telescope. As the cost and observing cadence for such a mission will be driven largely by the separation between the two spacecraft, it is critically important to design an occulter that can meet the observing goals while flying as close to the telescope as possible. In this paper, we explore this tradeoff between separation and occulter diameter. More specifically, we present a method for designing the shape of the outer edge of an occulter that is as small as possible and gives a shadow that is deep enough and large enough for a 4m telescope to survey the habitable zones of many stars for Earth-like planets. In particular, we show that in order for a 4m telescope to detect in broadband visible light a planet 0.06 arcseconds from a star shining 101010^{10} times brighter than the planet requires a specially-shaped occulter 50m in diameter positioned about 72,00072,000 km in front of the telescope.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 15 subfigure

    What's age got to do with it? Supreme Court appointees and the long run location of the Supreme Court median justice

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    For approximately the past forty years, Republican Presidents have appointed younger Justices than have Democratic Presidents. Depending on how one does the accounting, the average age difference will vary, but will not go away. This Article posits that Republicans appointing younger justices than Democrats may have caused a rightward shift in the Supreme Court. We use computer simulations to show that if the trend continues the rightward shift will likely increase. We also produce some very rough estimates of the size of the ideological shift, contingent on the size of the age differential. In addition, we show that the Senate’s role in confirming nominated Justices has a significant moderating effect on the shift. Last, we consider the interaction between our results and the oft-proposed eighteen year staggered terms for Supreme Court Justices. We show that such an institutional change would almost completely wipe out the ideological effect of one Party appointing younger Justices

    What’s age to do with it? Supreme Court appointees and the long run location of the Supreme Court median justice

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    First exit times and residence times for discrete random walks on finite lattices

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    In this paper, we derive explicit formulas for the surface averaged first exit time of a discrete random walk on a finite lattice. We consider a wide class of random walks and lattices, including random walks in a non-trivial potential landscape. We also compute quantities of interest for modelling surface reactions and other dynamic processes, such as the residence time in a subvolume, the joint residence time of several particles and the number of hits on a reflecting surface.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Construction of the factorized steady state distribution in models of mass transport

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    For a class of one-dimensional mass transport models we present a simple and direct test on the chipping functions, which define the probabilities for mass to be transferred to neighbouring sites, to determine whether the stationary distribution is factorized. In cases where the answer is affirmative, we provide an explicit method for constructing the single-site weight function. As an illustration of the power of this approach, previously known results on the Zero-range process and Asymmetric random average process are recovered in a few lines. We also construct new models, namely a generalized Zero-range process and a binomial chipping model, which have factorized steady states.Comment: 6 pages, no figure
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