84 research outputs found

    Tráfico de internet y desempeño de las empresas en sectores de alto costo: hay dos caras de la moneda

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    The importance of well-established and customer-friendly firms’ websites has increased in the context of the digitalization of the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a new driver for the development of Internet communications between manufacturers and consumers. This article explores the relationship between the Internet traffic of companies’ websites of and their sales volumes and profitability. We apply panel data regression analysis and model of Prais–Winsten regression with panel standard error adjustment, which provides conservative and reliable estimates. In the sample of 268 observations drawn from 67 Russian firms operating in the big-ticket industries of car manufacturing and real estate development during the period of 2017- 2022 characterized by a major exogenous shock, we demonstrate that internet traffic exerts a positive effect on firm sales. At the same time, this positive effect on sales is accompanied by a negative effect of internet traffic on firm profitability. The negative effect on profitability is particularly pronounced for younger firms that are likely to face severe resource constraints and can thus be said to sacrifice profitability to ensure sales. In such situation, application of cost-effective strategies may be critical for younger firms. Younger firms should pay particular attention to the contents of their websites to ensure that they provide enough adequate information that will help win the trust of new customers.En el contexto de la digitalización de la economía ha aumentado la importancia de los sitios web de las empresas, bien establecidos y fáciles de usar. La pandemia de COVID-19 se ha convertido en un nuevo motor para el desarrollo de las comunicacionespor internet entre fabricantes y consumidores. Este artículo explora la relación entre el tráfico de internetde los sitios web de las empresas y sus volúmenes de ventas y rentabilidad. Aplicamos el análisis de regresión de datos de panel y modelo de regresión de Prais-Winsten con ajuste de error estándar de panel, que proporciona estimaciones conservadorasy confiables. Sobre la muestra de 268 observaciones extraídas de 67 empresas rusas que operan en las industrias de gran valor de la fabricación de automóviles y el desarrollo inmobiliario durante el período 2017-2022 caracterizado porun gran impacto exógeno, demostramos que el tráfico de internet ejerce un efecto positivo en la empresa. Al mismo tiempo,este efecto positivo sobre las ventas va acompañado de un efecto negativo del tráfico de internet sobre la rentabilidad de la empresa. El efecto negativo sobre la rentabilidad es particularmente pronunciado para las empresas más jóvenes que probablemente enfrenten severas limitaciones de recursos y, por lo tanto, puede decirse que sacrifican la rentabilidad para asegurar las ventas. En esta situación, la aplicación de estrategias rentables puede ser fundamental para las empresas más jóvenes. Las empresas más jóvenes deben prestar especial atención a los contenidos de sus sitios web para asegurarse de que proporcionen suficiente información adecuada que ayude a ganar la confianza de nuevos clientes

    Design and experimentation of composite packages for optical sensor to measure strain in mechanical structures

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    In non-destructive health monitoring of composite materials optical sensors have been shown many advantages compared to the piezoelectrical transducers and electrical strain gauges. Some of their properties include light weight, tiny structures, remote sensing, electro-magnetic interference, and more importantly they are immune to any hazardous environment, particularly they can withstand a high temperatures up to over 1000° C, and they are immune to electro-magnetic interference. They can be easily embedded inside the materials like composites with minimum effect on their original structure. The light weight of composite materials makes optical sensors embedded in composite package very suitable for many applications including airspace industry. The composite packages can be tailored to achieve desired mechanical characteristics. Moreover, they can be applied as extra protection for embedded fiber optics. In this work, phase-modulated sensor, Michelson interferometer, was fabricated and embedded in composite package. Then the package was glued on an aluminum substrate. The resultant structure was used to measure strain in the aluminum substrate. The comprehensive study was performed in evaluating different lay-ups of the composite package in order to find the best match between the composite materials and the substrate in term of stiffness. ANSYS simulations were performed to study the influence of the resin pocket on the strain transmission to the optical sensor, dependence of the thickness of the adhesive layer on the strain readings on the composite package and on the optical sensor. The results of the simulations showed that optical sensor within resin pocket created by the resin and carbon fiber will give small alteration in strain readings between composite material and optical fiber. Static tensile tests were investigated on different lay-ups of the laminate, adhesives, composite materials, and thickness of the adhesive layers. Difference in strain readings between aluminum and optical sensor were smaller due to good transmission of the strain through epoxy adhesive layer with thickness a 100 om. The most successful lay-ups for composite package were [90/90/F(0)/90/90] for CYCOM5276-1 and for NCT301- [ 90/90/F(0)/90/90] and [-60/60/F(0)/60/-60]. The results showed that composite packages with less stiffness in x direction demonstrated better performance

    Tráfico de internet y desempeño de las empresas en sectores de alto costo: hay dos caras de la moneda

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    En el contexto de la digitalización de la economía ha aumentado la importancia de los sitios web de las empresas, bien establecidos y fáciles de usar. La pandemia de COVID-19 se ha convertido en un nuevo motor para el desarrollo de las comunicaciones por internet entre fabricantes y consumidores. Este artículo explora la relación entre el tráfico de internet de los sitios web de las empresas y sus volúmenes de ventas y rentabilidad. Aplicamos el análisis de regresión de datos de panel y modelo de regresión de Prais-Winsten con ajuste de error estándar de panel, que proporciona estimaciones conservadoras y confiables. Sobre la muestra de 268 observaciones extraídas de 67 empresas rusas que operan en las industrias de gran valor de la fabricación de automóviles y el desarrollo inmobiliario durante el período 2017-2022 caracterizado por un gran impacto exógeno, demostramos que el tráfico de internet ejerce un efecto positivo en la empresa. Al mismo tiempo, este efecto positivo sobre las ventas va acompañado de un efecto negativo del tráfico de internet sobre la rentabilidad de la empresa. El efecto negativo sobre la rentabilidad es particularmente pronunciado para las empresas más jóvenes que probablemente enfrenten severas limitaciones de recursos y, por lo tanto, puede decirse que sacrifican la rentabilidad para asegurar las ventas. En esta situación, la aplicación de estrategias rentables puede ser fundamental para las empresas más jóvenes. Las empresas más jóvenes deben prestar especial atención a los contenidos de sus sitios web para asegurarse de que proporcionen suficiente información adecuada que ayude a ganar la confianza de nuevos clientes.//The importance of well-established and customer-friendly firms’ websites has increased in the context of the digitalization of the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a new driver for the development of Internet communications between manufacturers and consumers. This article explores the relationship between the Internet traffic of companies’ websites of and their sales volumes and profitability. We apply panel data regression analysis and model of Prais–Winsten regression with panel standard error adjustment, which provides conservative and reliable estimates. In the sample of 268 observations drawn from 67 Russian firms operating in the big-ticket industries of car manufacturing and real estate development during the period of 2017- 2022 characterized by a major exogenous shock, we demonstrate that internet traffic exerts a positive effect on firm sales. At the same time, this positive effect on sales is accompanied by a negative effect of internet traffic on firm profitability. The negative effect on profitability is particularly pronounced for younger firms that are likely to face severe resource constraints and can thus be said to sacrifice profitability to ensure sales. In such situation, application of cost-effective strategies may be critical for younger firms. Younger firms should pay particular attention to the contents of their websites to ensure that they provide enough adequate information that will help win the trust of new customers

    Growth, Doping, and Characterization of ZnO Nanowires: Application in a Miniaturized Gas Ionization Sensor

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    ABSTRACT Growth, Doping, and Characterization of ZnO Nanowires: Application in a Miniaturized Gas Ionization Sensor Svetlana Spitsina, Ph. D. Concordia University, 2013 Semiconductor ZnO has been the subject of research for many applications for the past several years, because the material is nontoxic, biosafe, chemically stable, and biocompatible. In this work we report studies on ZnO nanowires (NWs), its fabrication and applications. Techniques are developed to control the morphology and distribution of ZnO Nanowires (NWs). We have also investigated the conductivity of nanowires and its manipulation using various doping materials and their concentrations. Fabricated nanowires have potential applications such as integration in nano optoelectronics, solar cells, gas or humidity sensors, and many other devices. In this thesis we have explored its application to develop a gas sensor based on the ionization of gases, so-called Gas Ionization Sensor (GIS). A GIS based on metallic nanowires (NWs) had been previously designed and developed in the Micro/Nano Laboratories in the ECE Department at Concordia University. However, the reported device suffered from very low durability. The high voltages induced at the NWs tips damage the apexes (due to their thin structure) and device loses its sensitivity after several episodes of usage. High performance GIS sensors demand specific morphology of NWs, uniform distribution, low density, and demand that NWs be made of highly conductive and chemically stable materials. In this work we have introduced ZnO nanowires to replace the metallic nanowires in the GIS. It is the core of thesis to fabricate ZnO NWs having the characteristics to improve the functioning of the GIS. In these investigations we have focused on the electrochemical synthesis of nanowires. We used this technique due to its advantages such as low cost, high throughput, repeatability, uniform and large area synthesis of NWs, strong adhesion of NWs to the substrate, ability to grow them with desired morphologies, as well as the possibility of effective doping during the growth. Effects of various growth parameters on the nanowire structures are investigated. Studies on doping the nanowires, p-type and n-type, were carried out. ZnO NWs with desired structures and conductivity were used to design and fabricate a GIS. The device was tested for various gases. Significantly improved performance of the GIS was demonstrated. GISs with p-type ZnO NWs illustrated high field enhancement factors because of the morphology, distribution, and conductivity of nanostructures. Also, the novel gas detectors illustrated superior sensitivity, reliability, and repeatability

    Public relations as element of national security of modern Russia

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    In article it is talked the state information policy, development of information and communicative technologies in information space of modern Russia, management of functioning of information streams for the purpose of prevention of increase of social tension in the Russian society.В статье говорится о государственной информационной политике, развитии информационно-коммуникативных технологий в информационном пространстве современной России, о необходимости управления функционированием информационных потоков с целью предотвращения нарастания социальной напряженности в российском обществе

    Assessment of Russian high-tech export to BRICS and EAEU countries

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    The article presents the study results of Russian high-tech export to BRICS (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, China, South Africa) and Eurasian Economic Union countries in January 2019–2022. In order to determine the high-tech export specifics in accordance with the Russian exports center’s classification, data on the cost of goods with 2-, 4- and 6-digit codes under the Eurasian Economic Union Customs Code was matched to the goods groups by the processing degree. The key commodity positions of Russian high-tech export to these countries within the export goods groups are determined. The trends of changes in the export cost structure to the considered countries are indicated. The role of high-tech products in the total volume of Russian exports is revealed. The proposed approach can be used to analyze Russian import and export by structural and cost components

    Socio-Psychological Crisis in Russia in the Turn of 1970-1980-ies: “Witch Hunt”

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    The article is devoted to the study of social consciousness in Russia during the political crisis of the late 1870-ies - early 1880-ies. Considering the social aspect of the crisis, the author pays special attention to the study of such characteristic trend in the crisis time as the exacerbation of social anxiety. Basing on official documents of the police department and the memoirs and testimonies of contemporaries, the author concludes that a marker of the rise of social disintegration was the anti-terrorist fever raged at this time in different strata of society. Its manifestations were not only the growth of mutual suspicion and widespread search for enemies of the existing state system, but also such phenomena of social life, as the proliferation of snitching, gossips going to the masses, and slanderous statements made in the mercenary purposes. The analysis of the manifestations of this kind of “witch hunt” helped to identify its dual social function. In terms of socio-political turmoil, the persecutions served as a simple way to make order in experiencing dissociation and at the same time offered opportunities for successful personal adaptation to it, allowed to derive personal benefits when one is ready to actively follow up the role settings and is able to take advantage of the situation

    Well-Being Indices Comparative Analysis: Russia And Foreign Countries

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    Using the OECD’s data, we study well-being indices comparison main areas for Russia and economically developed countries. The tendency of unleading countries to find mechanisms of economic growth by the welfare various aspects impact is noted. We used the method of complex efficiency estimation to solve the problem of economic well-being analysis. We assessed the effectiveness and optimality of economic well-being of the population. The effectiveness assessment of economic well-being in Russia revealed a significant gap from foreign countries by most indices. The optimality assessment of economic well-being did not reveal any major differences in values between men and women both in Russia and in foreign countries, but allowed to establish a greater gap between the values of indicators of leading and lagging groups in Russia than in other countries. Indicators ratio of lagging groups in Russia with foreign countries was worse than the ratio of indicators at the entire population level. The results of the economic well-being analysis are advisable to consider in the process of state regulation in Russia. State support of social services should be a priority of social and economic policy on the federal and regional authorities. Our analysis justifies the recommendation to reduce the gap between rich and poor groups of Russia's population by using various regulatory tools, including a progressive scale for a number of taxes

    Meaningful learning of semiotical competence and skills while training in mathematics

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    Here is presented some aspects of learning of semiotical competence and skills while training in mathematics.В докладе рассматриваются проблема обучения студентов элементам теории знаковых систем, как основы проектирования невербальных символьных средств коммуникации и управления. Предлагается с этой целью включать семиотические знания в процесс изучения курса математики