358 research outputs found


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    Rock’n’roll has specific aesthetic — a set of invisible rules that each young rock musician accepts as a given. If one examines the history of rock’n’roll starting from 1950s, one will notice that there was a clear division in rock that separates the rock’n’roll of 1950s from rock of the second half of the 1960s and beyond—the rock that we know today. This thesis investigates how the visual aesthetic of rock’n’roll evolved from its origins in the 1950s blues tradition, how it was formed in the second half of the 1960s, and how it was modified in the first half of the 1970s. In particular, it focuses on the role played by the British band Rolling Stones as mediators between the 1950s early rock aesthetics rooted in the blues tradition and the Beats’ ideology and the subsequent generations of American rockers who emerged in the 1970s, such as the band New York Dolls. The final section of the thesis investigates how the New York Dolls adopted and transmitted the aesthetics of authenticity pioneered by the Stones to the new wave of punk and grunge bands. Although the thesis considers the music produced within this milieu, its primary focus is on the visual presentation and promotion of the new aesthetic through stage performances, publicity and the medium of television

    What is the Pulsed Cathodoluminescence?

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    A pivotal feature of the vulnerability of families, in which there are persons who use psychoactive substances, is that such persons develop dependent behavior. It leads to serious violations of physical and mental health, loss of social contacts, etc. The roots of the addictive mechanisms of any addition should be sought in the childhood, in the peculiarities of upbringing, in the behavior of parents or one of them. The purpose of this article is to determine and substantiate the risk factors for the formation of addictive behavior in children and young people from the use of psychoactive substances. The results of the expert survey authors have joined a group of risk factors for developing children and young dependent behavior of the use of a couple of groups of "biological factors", "psychological factors", "family", "impact of peers", "impact of educational institution", "social influence" as well as proposed protective mechanisms for each of the groups. The study brings results of our own research in this area. A well-founded theory served as the basis for collecting data both at the theoretical level and at the level of processing the results of expert interviews. Determined by expert interviews risk factors for developing children and young people dependent on substance use behavior made it possible to develop a model needs assessment and decision on the future of social work with people who use psychoactive substances and their families


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    The purpose of this article is to provide recommendations for social workers and social field practitioners of state and non-governmental organizations working with families affected by HIV/AIDS. The article identifies a series of crisis stages of families affected by HIV/AIDS. Families caring for HIV-positive children go through four crisis stages. The first stage comes after the report about an unconfirmed possibility that a child has HIV. The second stage is when the diagnosis confirms the child’s HIV positive status. The third stage coincides with the first signs of opportunistic infections in the child. The fourth stage is associated with the progression of the disease and the development of the fourth clinical stage of HIV infection. At each of these stages, families need medical, psychological, and social support. In line with professional support, an effective method of assistance and a way to overcome a crisis can be self-help groups, in which people learn to voice their difficulties and problems, seek support or provide it to other families. Using the results of the study gained through focus groups with social work practitioners from various regions of Ukraine, the authors developed recommendations on supporting families affected by HIV/AIDS.

    Traditional Culture in Confrontation to Globalization Crisis

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    The article briefly describes the phenomenon of world culture as a traditional (folk) culture. Some of the possibilities of its use in the modern socio-cultural, educational, economic, political space for opposition to the globalization crisis are highlighted

    Comparison of the proteomic profile of pork byproducts during their storage

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    In this article, the proteomic profiles of pork by-products (snout, tongue, liver, kidney, spleen) were studied by comparative method on the first day and the fifth day of their storage. Two-dimensional electrophoresis according to O’Farrell was used for the aims of this article, while the results were further processed in ImageMaster software. Proteomic maps of by-products showed clear changes in protein composition after visualization and images analysis. There was a decrease and increase in manifestation intensity of some proteins. The study of the obtained electrophoregrams with the help of references resources allowed identifying various compounds in the by-products. 9 protein fractions with various intensity of manifestation were found on the day 1st and 5th. On the 1st day the following substances were intensively manifested: in the liver — glutathione peroxidase 4 (22.3 kDa), LEAP-2 (8.8 kDa); in the kidneys — quinone oxidoreductase (34.9 kDa); in the spleen — glycoprotein CD59 (13.7 kDa), in the patch — protein flint (49.07 kDa). It is noted that these proteins play their role in stopping certain processes in cells, like oxidation, microbial activity, and accumulation of toxic substances. These processes can worsen the quality of raw materials, and further lead to spoilage of the food product. On the 5th day of storage the highest intensity of manifestation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (35.8 kDa) in the liver was observed; superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (15.8 kDa) was noted in the kidneys, colony-stimulating factor (16.2 kDa) was observed in the spleen and glutaredoxin –1 (11.8 kDa) in the tongue. In its turn, on the fifth day these chemical processes manifested themselves more intensely, as the fatty acids and glucose broke down. To obtain more accurate results, the proteins were compared by their volume. Among the identified fractions the highest expression was observed in LEAP 2 (8.8 kDa) on the first day, and in glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (35.8 kDa) on the fifth day. The least change in the intensity of manifestation was noted for superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (15.8 kDa), which volume increased during storage by 13% for 5 days. The analysis of the obtained electrophoregrams allowed identifying various compounds, tracing the changes in the qualitative composition of protein in by-products during various periods of their storage. The obtained data demonstrate the transformation of protein molecules during storage, which makes it possible to determine the changes and quality of the food products.In this article, the proteomic profiles of pork by-products (snout, tongue, liver, kidney, spleen) were studied by comparative method on the first day and the fifth day of their storage. Two-dimensional electrophoresis according to O’Farrell was used for the aims of this article, while the results were further processed in ImageMaster software. Proteomic maps of by-products showed clear changes in protein composition after visualization and images analysis. There was a decrease and increase in manifestation intensity of some proteins. The study of the obtained electrophoregrams with the help of references resources allowed identifying various compounds in the by-products. 9 protein fractions with various intensity of manifestation were found on the day 1st and 5th. On the 1st day the following substances were intensively manifested: in the liver — glutathione peroxidase 4 (22.3 kDa), LEAP-2 (8.8 kDa); in the kidneys — quinone oxidoreductase (34.9 kDa); in the spleen — glycoprotein CD59 (13.7 kDa), in the patch — protein flint (49.07 kDa). It is noted that these proteins play their role in stopping certain processes in cells, like oxidation, microbial activity, and accumulation of toxic substances. These processes can worsen the quality of raw materials, and further lead to spoilage of the food product. On the 5th day of storage the highest intensity of manifestation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (35.8 kDa) in the liver was observed; superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (15.8 kDa) was noted in the kidneys, colony-stimulating factor (16.2 kDa) was observed in the spleen and glutaredoxin –1 (11.8 kDa) in the tongue. In its turn, on the fifth day these chemical processes manifested themselves more intensely, as the fatty acids and glucose broke down. To obtain more accurate results, the proteins were compared by their volume. Among the identified fractions the highest expression was observed in LEAP 2 (8.8 kDa) on the first day, and in glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (35.8 kDa) on the fifth day. The least change in the intensity of manifestation was noted for superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (15.8 kDa), which volume increased during storage by 13% for 5 days. The analysis of the obtained electrophoregrams allowed identifying various compounds, tracing the changes in the qualitative composition of protein in by-products during various periods of their storage. The obtained data demonstrate the transformation of protein molecules during storage, which makes it possible to determine the changes and quality of the food products


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    The purpose of this article is to study the relevance of the use of sensory branding in higher education and the development of an algorithm for educational brand, based on the use of the senses of the consumer: hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.Methods. As a methodological basis author uses methods of scientific abstraction, modeling, analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of system analysis. Results. This article discusses the main directions of methodology for higher educational brand formation through the involvement of educational services’ consumers by using different sensory organs. The author presents the main advantages of the sensory branding over conventional not focused on the senses of consumers.Scientific novelty. The author proves the need for innovative approaches to educational branding in economy of values. Market congestion with advertising messages and information noises makes it impossible to win the commitment of consumers of educational services on the basis of the functional characteristics (high-quality education), focusing only on the vision or hearing of consumers (video and print advertising). It is necessary to focus on other senses of the consumer, such as touch, smell, taste. This will enhance the emotional connection with the consumer, make it possible to expand the range of services using an existing brand, and also allow defending against competitors. Multi-sensory branding creates a strong link with the consumer, since emotional commitment is stronger than functional. In other words, a sense of interaction with the brand persists much longer than simple physical satisfaction of needs.Practical significance. The author proposes a system of sensory perception channels of educational brand and their influence on the formation of the image of the higher education institution in the minds of consumers. The author also offers the algorithm of creation the educational brand, based on the five senses of consumers, consisting of six interrelated stages: audit of the sensory elements of brand, the search for ideas, the choice of scenario, creating an image, the implementation of something intended, and the results evaluation. Stage of realization also consists of a series of interrelated steps: creating a brand touch points of contact with the consumer, testing each sensor element of the brand, the integration of different sensory elements of the brand, testing of the system of sensory elements of the brand with the prototype, and testing the sensory elements of the brand in the real world


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    Volunteering is popular among young people in Ukraine. This is especially important for the communities, neighboring the area of the Joint Forces Operation in the East of Ukraine. However, one of the current challenges for the volunteer program development has been quarantine restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main goal of the article is to analyze the participation of young people in volunteer programs during the quarantine restrictions related to COVID-19, in the communities neighboring the area of the Joint Forces Operation in the East of Ukraine. The authors of the study used the "rapid appraisal" technique. Thus, in May 2020, the authors interviewed 22 representatives of state and non-government organizations of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine which implemented youth volunteer projects. The study revealed challenges caused by quarantine restrictive measures which have been grouped by authors into two groups: organizational and methodological. The answers of the respondents provided the basis to identify the positive outcomes caused by the change of the usual format of youth volunteer programs and its development: mastering of distant forms of communication by employees; development of qualitatively new ideas and introducing training programs for volunteers; increasing the ability to use the Internet to promote volunteer programs; practicing online volunteering.

    The role of the health system in improving the quality of human capital of the Russian Federation

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    Рассматривается система российского здравоохранения, как основной инструмент повышения качества и уровня жизни граждан, а так же роль системы здравоохранения в повышении конкурентоспособности российского человеческого капитала.Russian health care system is considered as the main instrument to improve the quality and standard of living, as well as the role of the health care system to improve the competitiveness of the Russian human capital

    Structural models of phraseological units characterizing power in the English, German and Russian languages

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The article is devoted to the structural grammatical analysis of substantive, verbal, adverbial and the phraseological units with the structure of a sentence characterizing power in English, German and Russian languages. The analysis of phraseological units shows significant similarity of structural-grammatical organization of English, German and Russian phraseological units. Common features are caused by universal laws of thought, physiological and psychological qualities of a person. Structural differences of phraseological units are explained by specific grammatical forms of each language and peculiarities of their functioning