189 research outputs found
Exploring the Relationship Between Faith and the Experience of Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Compassion Satisfaction for Hospice Workers During a Global Pandemic: A Multidisciplinary Study
Individuals who work within hospice and palliative care experience unique stressors while providing care to patients and families at the end of life. The COVID-19 global pandemic provides additional stressors, personal and professional, which may affect these individuals. Research lacks data to understand how this pandemic affects individuals working in hospice care. Most current research focuses on individual disciplines, with the highest number of studies focusing on a nurse\u27s experiences. Additionally, the recent research provides conflicting relationships on faith\u27s influence on burnout, compassion fatigue, and compassion satisfaction. Biblical guidance on burnout and compassion highlights the importance of addressing this phenomenon from a Christian worldview. This study sought to fill several gaps within research by comparing the experiences of multiple disciplines within hospice and palliative care through gathering quantitative data from the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) scale, the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale (DSES), and the COVID-19 Perceived Stress Scale (COVID-PSS-10). It solicited participation from all disciplines and gathered organizational data. This study found a small positive correlation between daily spiritual experiences and burnout and a small negative correlation between daily spiritual experiences and compassion satisfaction. Additionally, a small positive correlation was found between the perceived stress from COVID-19 and compassion fatigue. These data are significant and provide a framework for future research within larger populations
Understanding Correlation between Christian and Non-Christian Servant Organizational Leadership and Pre-Licensure Baccalaureate Nursing Student Caring Dimensions
The purpose of this study was to understand if a relationship exists between Midwest baccalaureate Christian and Non-Christian nursing programsâ organizational servant leadership characteristics and pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing studentsâ caring dimensions. This study utilized a quantitative approach to a correlational design using survey methodology for data collection. The first sample consisted of four Christian pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programsâ Faculty/Staff, Supervisors, and the nursing programâs Top Leadership, along with their pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing students. The second sample consisted of three Non-Christian pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programsâ Faculty/Staff, Supervisor, and nursing program Top Leadership and their pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing students. Many nursing studies reveal a persistent culture of incivility that begins in academia and continues into the graduate nurseâs bedside practice, where nurses are known to âeat their youngâ (Palumbo, 2018, p. 144; Katz, 2014, p. 1-2). Incivility is a problem in nursing because a toxic environment can adversely affect patient care. This study sought to discern whether servant organizational leadership offered a means to resolve incivility in nursing by producing nursing students who care more. Therefore, this study measured whether servant organizational leadership theory explained the relationship between a Christian and Non-Christian servant leadership organization as measured by the servant Organizational Leadership Assessment - Standard Version (OLA-SV) instrument and the pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing studentâs caring dimensions as measured by the Caring Dimensions Inventory - 25 (CDI-25) instrument
Dynamic simulation model of trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pump application for boosting low temperature distribution networks in dwellings
This research investigates the role of new hybrid energy system applications for developing a new plant refurbishment strategy to deploy small scale smart energy systems. This work deals with a dynamic simulation of trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pump application for boosting low temperature distribution networks to share heat for dwellings. Heat pumps provide high temperature heat to use the traditional emission systems. The new plant layout consists of an air source heat pump, four trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pumps (CO2-HPs), photovoltaic arrays, and a combined heat and power (CHP) for both domestic hot water production and electricity to partially drive the heat pumps. Furthermore, electric storage devices adoption has been evaluated. That layout has been compared to the traditional one based on separated generation systems using several energy performance indicators. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis on the primary energy saving, primary fossil energy consumptions, renewable energy fraction and renewable heat, with changes in building power to heat ratios, has been carried out. Obtained results highlighted that using the hybrid system with storage device it is possible to get a saving of 50% approximately. Consequently, CO2-HPs and hybrid systems adoption could be a viable option to achieve Near Zero Energy Building (NZEB) qualification
Lâintegrazione dei dati per la digitalizzazione del patrimonio immobilare in ottica NZEB
La tesi di dottorato si colloca allâinterno di un lavoro di ricerca realizzato nellâambito del Progetto PRIN 2015 (Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) che ha visto per 36 mesi la collaborazione di dodici universitĂ Italiane, allo scopo di realizzare un network di ricerca per la riqualificazione del parco edilizio esistente in ottica nZEB (nearly zero energy buildings). Gli studi, le sperimentazioni e i progetti pilota di edifici ad alta efficienza energetica sono importanti al fine di accelerare i processi verso la realizzazione di edifici autosufficienti, fornendo esempi ed esperienze pratiche sulle prestazioni, le tecnologie, i costi, e dove possibile le esperienze degli utenti. Inoltre, lâadozione di sistemi ibridi di energia in grado di combinare combustibili fossili con fonti di energia rinnovabile Ăš considerata una valida soluzione per il risparmio di energia primaria negli edifici. Sulla scia del contesto energetico, la ricerca si inserisce in un quadro procedurale in corso di sviluppo nei ultimi anni, identificato come Building Information Modelling (BIM), che implica una gestione informativa e una digitalizzazione automatica dellâedificio. La pubblicazione della UNI 11337 avvenuta nel gennaio del 2017, e la serie ISO 19650 avvenuta nel mese di dicembre 2018, stabiliscono i primi passi da rispettare per supportare tutte le parti nel raggiungimento dei propri obiettivi qualitativi ed economici, fissando lâobbligo di utilizzo del BIM per le opere pubbliche e private. Il tema prevede un insieme di tecnologie, processi e politiche che consentono a piĂč parti interessate di progettare, costruire e gestire in modo collaborativo un immobile. Su questi aspetti, la creazione, la manipolazione e l'analisi dei dati, rappresentano il ruolo predominante per far fronte ai cambiamenti di innovazione tecnologica. Nel presente elaborato si vuole dimostrare lâefficacia in termini di trasparenza del dato proveniente da una modellazione parametrica BIM, fino alla simulazione in un software energetico, la successiva gestione del dato in un database PostgreSQL, e la visualizzazione semplificata in un sistema geo referenziato Cesium. La ricerca Ăš stata portata avanti su tre casi applicativi di differente entitĂ , il caso Test (base) per lâapproccio al tema, il caso semplice per la verifica della procedura e il caso complesso, dotato di sistema impiantistico avanzato. Lâimpianto ibrido investigato allâinterno dellâultimo caso studio contribuisce a sostenere lâapproccio orientato alla riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 e al risparmio in termini di energia primaria, il quale, unito alle nuove tecnologie procedurali contribuisce al raggiungimento di un futuro piĂč sostenibile e autosufficiente. Per dimostrare le possibilitĂ offerte dallâinnovazione sono state considerate due tipi analisi, la simulazione energetica e di illuminamento, e due formati di interscambio, il file gbxml e il file IFC. Alla fine di questa prima fase sono state valutate le risposte sia dal punto di vista di trasmissione del dato che di validitĂ delle simulazioni. Successivamente, i dati geometrici sono stati referenziati in un sistema geo-spaziale e, insieme alle informazioni energetiche, sono stati ospitati e manipolati allâinterno di un Database gestionale in grado di archiviare le fonti e interrogarle per mezzo di servizi WEB
New Insights on the Effects of Methylphenidate in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
This narrative review describes an overview of the multiple effects of methylphenidate (MPH) in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its potential neurobiological targets. It addressed the following aspects: 1) MPH effects on attention and executive functions in ADHD; 2) the relation between MPH efficacy and dopamine transporter gene (DAT) polymorphism; and 3) the role of MPH as an epigenetic modulator in ADHD. Literature analysis showed that MPH, the most commonly used psychostimulant in the therapy of ADHD, acts on multiple components of the disorder. Marked improvements in attentional and executive dysfunction have been observed in children with ADHD during treatment with MPH, as well as reductions in neurological soft signs. MPH efficacy may be influenced by polymorphisms in the DAT, and better responses to treatment were associated with the 10/10 genotype. Innovative lines of research have suggested that ADHD etiopathogenesis and its neuropsychological phenotypes also depend on the expression levels of human endogenous retrovirus (HERV). In particular, several studies have revealed that ADHD is associated with HERV-H over-expression and that MPH administration results in decreased expression levels of this retroviral family and a reduction in the main symptoms of the disorder. In conclusion, there is a confirmed role for MPH as an elective drug in the therapy of ADHD alone or in association with behavioral therapy. Its effectiveness can vary based on DAT polymorphisms and can act as a modulator of HERV-H gene expression, pointing to targets for a precision medicine approach
Electrical and microstructural characterization of ceramic gadolinium-doped ceria electrolytes for ITSOFCs by sol-gel route
Background: Gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC) is a promising alternative as a solid electrolyte for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (ITSOFCs) due to its low operating temperature and its high electrical conductivity. The traditional synthesis processes require extended time for powder preparation. Sol-gel methodology for electrolyte fabrication is more versatile and efficient. Methods: In this work, nanocrystalline ceria powders, with 10 and 20 mol% of gadolinium (Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 and Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9) were synthesized by a modified sol-gel technique, featuring a nitrate-fuel exothermic reaction. GDC tablets were prepared from powders and sintered at 1500°C with a dwell time of 3 hours. The sintered pellets' microstructure (by SEM) and electrical conductivity (by EIS) were evaluated. The powder properties, such as crystalline structure (by XRD), thermal properties (TGA/DTA), particle size and morphology (TEM) and textural properties (BET method) were determined and, in addition, for the first time an accurate chemical structural evolution (FTIR) was studied. Results: Sintered GDC0.8 samples exhibited the maximum theoretical density of 97% and an average grain size of 700 nm. The electrical conductivity vs. temperature showed values ranging from 1.9â10-2 to 5.5â10-2 S·cm-1 at 600°C and 800°C for GDC with 20 mol% of gadolinium. Conclusions: The methodology investigated showed reduced reaction time, a better control of stoichiometry and low cost. Characterization results demonstrated that these materials can be applied in ITSOFCs due to high conductivity, even at 550°C-600°C. The increased conductivity is related to the improved mobility of gadolinium ions in a high-density structure, with nanometric grains
Effect of the mineralizer solution in the hydrothermal synthesis of gadolinium-doped (10% mol Gd) ceria nanopowders
Background: Gadolinium-doped ceria is an attractive electrolyte material for potential application in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at intermediate temperatures typically with 10%-20% substitution of Ce+4 by Gd+3. In particular, 10% gadolinium-doped ceria seems to have the highest values of conductivities among the other dopant compositions. Methods: Nanosized powders of gadolinium-doped ceria were prepared by hydrothermal treatment using coprecipitate as a precursor and in the presence of 3 different mineralizer solutions. The powders obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and thermal analysis, while the electrical behavior of the corresponding pellets were ascertained by AC impedance spectroscopy. Results: Nanocrystalline gadolinium-doped ceria powders with fluorite cubic crystal structure were obtained by hydrothermal treatment. Independent of the mineralizer used, these powders were able to produce very dense ceramics, especially when selecting an optimized sintering cycle. In contrast, the electrical behavior of the samples was influenced by the mineralizer solution, and the samples synthesized in the neutral and alkaline solutions showed higher values of electrical conductivity, in the range of temperatures of interest. Conclusions: By the coprecipitation method, it has been possible to synthesize nanosized gadolinium-doped cerium oxide in a fluorite structure, stable in a wide range of temperatures. Hydrothermal treatment directly on the as-synthesized coprecipitates, without any drying step, had a very positive effect on the powders, which can be sintered with a high degree of densification, especially with an optimized sintering cycle. Furthermore, the electrical behavior of these samples was very interesting, especially for the samples synthesized using neutral mineralizer solution and basic mineralizer solution
Synthesis of easily sinterable ceramic electrolytes based on Bi-doped 8YSZ for IT-SOFC applications
Ceramic electrolytes formed by Bi (4 mol%)-doped 8YSZ, i.e., Y2O3 (8 mol%)-doped ZrO2, were synthesized by a simple co-precipitation route, using ammonia solution as precipitating agent. The amorphous as-synthesized powders convert into zirconia-based single phase with fluorite structure through a mild calcination step at 500 \ub0C. The calcined powders were sintered at very low temperatures (i.e., 900-1100 \ub0C) achieving in both cases very high values of relative densities (i.e., > 95%); the corresponding microstructures were highly homogeneous and characterized by micrometric grains or sub-micrometric grains for sintering at 1100 \ub0C and 900 \ub0C, respectively. Very interesting electrochemical properties were determined by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in the best samples. In particular, their total ionic conductivity, recorded at 650 \ub0C, are 6.06
7 10-2S/cm and 4.44
7 10-2S/cm for Bi (4 mol%)-doped 8YSZ sintered at 1100 \ub0C and 900 \ub0C, respectively. Therefore, Bi was proved to be an excellent sintering aid dopant for YSZ, highly improving its densification at lower temperatures while increasing its total ionic conductivity
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