61 research outputs found

    With angels and archangels the background, form and function of the sanctus in the eucharistic prayer

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    With angels and archangels the background, form and function of the sanctus in the eucharistic prayer.The origin of the sanctus as a constituent element in the eucharistic prayer is one of the unsolved mysteries of Christian liturgy. In a Prolegomena, certain specific older theories are rejected. The use of the qeduasah in Judaism, from its biblical setting to its use in Jewish liturgy and mysticism is examined, and the continuity of these usages in Christian non-eucharlstic contexts is illustrated. From this wider background, the study examines the setting and function of the sanctus in the anaphoras of East and West to the seventh century, showing that the earliest attestations and the most logical use of the sanctus both originate in Syria and Palestine. In the peculiar Egyptian anaphoral family, it is used within Intercessions, and at Rome it appears to be a late fourth century addition, which was never given a logical setting in the canon missae. Possible origins are the Jewish Synagogue berakot, the Jewish mystical tradition, or some biblically-minded celebrants. But these possible origins are better accounted for when a variety of models for early eucharistic prayers is accepted, rather than the single model of the Birkat ha-mazon. The development of the sanctus in later Eastern and Western traditions is examined, noting the proliferation of angelological speculation in West Syria, the innovatory uses of Luther and Cranmer, and the interesting nineteenth century Reformed usage. In modern anaphoral composition it appears to be a sine qua non. Finally, the sanctus is examined in a wider theological context, defending a variety of logical doxological usages, with more than one position in the anaphora, and possibly wider variations of the biblical/liturgical form

    The Eucharistic liturgy in the English independent, or congregational, tradition: a study of its changing structure and content 1550 - 1974

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    The Independent tradition emerged as a distinct movement in the 1640’s but its background must be sought in the Puritan and Separatist Movements of the previous century. During the history of this tradition the attitude towards liturgical forms has varied from total opposition to any form of set prayer to the advocacy of a directory form of worship. The Eucharistic liturgy in this tradition originates with the Puritan rites derived from Calvin and h Lasco, adaptations of the Book of Common Prayer, and the Separatist rites. Another source of inspiration seems to have been the liturgy of the Dutch Reformed Church. In 1645 the Westminster Directory was a compromise between Independent and Presbyterian practices. After the Restoration the Independents rejected written forms their Eucharistic rites being similar to that of the Directory, but shorn of the Presbyterian concessions. In the nineteenth century the changing status of dissenters contributed to a liturgical revival, and the Book of Common Prayer was adopted by some Congregational Churches. John Hunter's Devotional Services became particularly popular within the denomination, providing the first Congregational liturgy worthy of the name. Without much influence, but remarkable on account of its Catholic character was Dr. W. E. Orchard's Divine Service of 1919 and 1926.The Congregational Union itself produced liturgies in 1920 and 1956, the latter being heavily influenced by Liberal Theology. Since 1948 a 'Genevan' or Neo-orthodox Movement, together with the influence of the Liturgical and Ecumenical Movements, has resulted in Eucharistic rites based upon liturgical history and theology. The study of this wide variety of rites can benefit the Liturgical Movement and the denomination's own understanding of its Eucharistic liturgical tradition

    Subsurface interactions of actinide species and microorganisms: Implications for the bioremediation of actinide-organic mixtures

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    Sacred games. A history of Christian worship

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