688 research outputs found

    Volcanic Water Vapour Abundance Retrieved Using Hypespectral Data

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    In the present study a remote sensing differential absorption technique, already developed to calculate the atmospheric water vapour abundance, has been adapted to calculate water vapour columnar abundance in tropospheric volcanic plume. Water vapour is the most abundant gas of a volcanic plume released into the atmosphere from an active volcanic system. The technique is based on the correlation between the dip in the spectral curve measured by the spectrometer were water vapour absorptions bands are presents, and the precipitable water content in the column. Airborne and satellite remote sensing images in the infrared wavelength range were used. The technique has been applied to data acquired over two different degassing volcanoes. The Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) acquired data over the Hawaiian Pu’u’O’o Vent cone of the Kilauea volcano on April 2000. The Hyperion sensor on EO-1 satellite has been requested to acquire data on July 2003, during a ground-based measurements campaign on Mt. Etna (Italy). The result is the spatial distribution of water vapour abundance of the Mt. Etna and of the Pu`u` O`o Vent volcanic plumes. A comparison between the two results has been done, showing the differences in the volcanic activity. The algorithm produces reliable results compared to the ground based measurements in the plume area acquired during a measurements campaign over Mt. Etna

    The Role of Kynurenines Produced by Indolamine-2,3-Dioxygenase 1 in Sepsis.

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    BACKGROUND The enzyme indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) is the rate-limiting enzyme of the kynurenine (KYN) pathway and metabolizes the essential amino acid tryptophan to KYNs. The depletion of tryptophan and the generation of KYNs were shown to be involved in the global downregulation of the immune system during the later stages of sepsis, also referred to as sepsis-associated immunosuppression. SUMMARY The generation of KYNs by IDO1 leads to a depletion of effector T cells, including increased rate of apoptosis, decreased ability of T-cell proliferation and activation, and the generation of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells. Furthermore, KYN was shown a potent vasorelaxant during inflammation-induced hypotension. Experimental studies in murine sepsis models and in humans show promising data for using the activation of IDO1 both as a prognostic marker and potential drug target in sepsis

    Near real-time routine for volcano monitoring using infrared satellite data

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    An Advanced Very-High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) routine for hotspot detection and effusion rate estimation (AVHotRR) using AVHRR infrared space-borne images is presented here for the monitoring of active lava flow. AVHotRR uses directly broadcast National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-AVHRR remotely sensed data. The 2006 summit eruption of Mount Etna provided the opportunity to test the products generated by AVHotRR for monitoring purposes. Low spatial and high temporal resolution products can also be used as inputs of flow models to drive numerical simulations of lava-flow paths and thus to provide quantitative hazard assessment and volcanic risk mitigation

    Aerosol optical thickness of Mt. Etna volcanic plume retrieved by means of the Airborne Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer (MIVIS)

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    Within the framework of the European MVRRS project (Mitigation of Volcanic Risk by Remote Sensing Techniques), in June 1997 an airborne campaign was organised on Mt. Etna to study different characteristics of the volcanic plume emitted by the summit craters in quiescent conditions. Digital images were collected with the Airborne Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer (MIVIS), together with ground-based measurements. MIVIS images were used to calculate the aerosol optical thickness of the volcanic plume. For this purpose, an inversion algorithm was developed based on radiative transfer equations and applied to the upwelling radiance data measured by the sensor. This article presents the preliminary results from this inversion method. One image was selected following the criteria of concomitant atmospheric ground-based measurements necessary to model the atmosphere, plume centrality in the scene to analyse the largest plume area and cloudless conditions. The selected image was calibrated in radiance and geometrically corrected. The 6S (Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum) radiative transfer model was used to invert the radiative transfer equation and derive the aerosol optical thickness. The inversion procedure takes into account both the spectral albedo of the surface under the plume and the topographic effects on the refl ected radiance, due to the surface orientation and elevation. The result of the inversion procedure is the spatial distribution of the plume optical depth. An average value of 0.1 in the wavelength range 454-474 nm was found for the selected measurement day

    Insights into post-emplacement lava flow dynamics at Mt. Etna volcano from 2016 to 2021 by synthetic aperture radar and multispectral satellite data

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    Post-emplacement dynamics of lava flows is governed by several factors such as poroelastic deformation of the substrate; gravity-induced repacking and rearrangement of the vesicle-bearing fluid lava and other void spaces by superposed flows; lava densification processes; viscoelastic strain relaxation of the ground caused by the lava load; thermal cooling and contraction of the solid lava; and discrete motion of surface blocks. Here we investigate post-emplacement lava flow dynamics at the Mt. Etna volcano, and we infer on the possible causes by exploiting optical and radar satellite data. Synthetic aperture radar data from Sentinel-1 satellite mission provided high-resolution horizontal and vertical displacement rates and displacement time series of the lava flows emplaced on the Mt. Etna volcano summit from January 2016 to July 2021. Sentinel-2 multispectral data allowed to identify the lava flows boundaries emplaced during the December 2018 and May 2019 paroxysms. Finally, high resolution COSMO-SkyMed radar data allowed to account for the topographic changes generated by the lava emplacement by means of stereo radargrammetry technique. Such an unprecedented dataset provided a full picture of the lava flow dynamics, whose kinematics is governed lava cooling, which in turn produce thermal contraction of the lava body and viscous compaction of the underlying substrate. Both phenomena act at different periods, being the thermal contraction predominant for recent lava flows. Downslope sliding is also invoked, especially for recent lava flows emplaced on high slope areas

    Volcanic CO2 Abundance of Kilauea Plume Retrieved by Meand of AVIRIS Data

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    Absorbing the electromagnetic radiation in several regions of the solar spectrum, CO2 plays an important role in the Earth radiation budget since it produces the greenhouse effect. Many natural processes in the Earth s system add and remove carbon dioxide. Overall, measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide at different sites around the world show an increased carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. At Mauna Loa Observatory (Hawaii) the measured carbon dioxide increased from 315 to 365 ppm, in the period 1958 2000 [Keeling et al., 2001]. While at the large scale, the relationship between CO2 increase and global warming is established [IPCC, 1996], at the local scale, many studies are still needed to understand regional and local sources of carbon dioxide, such as volcanoes. The volcanic areas are particularly rich in carbon dioxide; this is due to magma degassing in the summit craters region of active volcanoes, and to the presence of fractures and active faults [Giammanco et al., 1998]. Several studies estimate a global flux of volcanic CO2 (34+/-24)10(exp 6) tons/day from effusive volcanic emissions, such as the tropospheric volcanic plume (Table 1) [McClelland et al., 1989]. Plumes are a turbulent mixture of gases, solid particles and liquid droplets, emitted continuously at high temperature from summit craters, fumarolic fields or during eruptive episodes. Inside the plume, water vapour represents 70 90% of the volcanic gases. The main gaseous components are CO2, SO2, HCl, H2, H2S, HF, CO, N2 and CH4. Other plume components are volcanic ash, aqueous and acid droplets and solid sulphur-derived particles [Sparks et al., 1997]. Volcanic gases and aerosols are evidences of volcanic activity [Spinetti et al., 2003] and they have important climatic and environmental effects [Fiocco et al., 1994]. For example, Etna volcano is one of the world s major volcanic gas sources [Allard et al., 1991]. New studies on volcanic gaseous emissions have pointed out that a variation of the gas ratio CO2/SO2 is related to eruptive episodes [Caltabiano et al., 1994]. However, measurements and monitoring of volcanic carbon dioxide are difficult and often hazardous, due to the high background presence of atmospheric CO2 and the inaccessibility of volcanic sites. Hyperspectral remote sensing is a suitable technique to overcome the difficulties of ground measurement. It permits a rapid, comprehensive view of volcanic plumes and their evolution over time, detection of all gases with absorption molecular lines within the sensor s multispectral range and, in general, measurement of all the volatile components evolving from craters. The molecular and particle plume components scatter and absorb incident solar radiation. The integral of the radiation difference composes the signal measured by the remote spectrometer. The inversion technique consists of retrieving the plume component concentrations, hence decomposing the signal into the different contributions. The accuracy of remote sensing techniques depends primarily on the sensor capability and sensitivity

    The OPERA magnetic spectrometer

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    The OPERA neutrino oscillation experiment foresees the construction of two magnetized iron spectrometers located after the lead-nuclear emulsion targets. The magnet is made up of two vertical walls of rectangular cross section connected by return yokes. The particle trajectories are measured by high precision drift tubes located before and after the arms of the magnet. Moreover, the magnet steel is instrumented with Resistive Plate Chambers that ease pattern recognition and allow a calorimetric measurement of the hadronic showers. In this paper we review the construction of the spectrometers. In particular, we describe the results obtained from the magnet and RPC prototypes and the installation of the final apparatus at the Gran Sasso laboratories. We discuss the mechanical and magnetic properties of the steel and the techniques employed to calibrate the field in the bulk of the magnet. Moreover, results of the tests and issues concerning the mass production of the Resistive Plate Chambers are reported. Finally, the expected physics performance of the detector is described; estimates rely on numerical simulations and the outcome of the tests described above.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, presented at the 2003 IEEE-NSS conference, Portland, OR, USA, October 20-24, 200

    Mt. Etna Volcanic Aerosol and Ash Retrievals using MERIS and AATSR Data

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    Envisat MERIS and AATSR data have been acquired in the framework of the Eurorisk-Preview project. The project addresses European civil protections and proposes to develop, at the European scale, new information services to support the risk management. In Italy one of the most important natural risks is due to the presence of volcanoes. Mt. Etna in Sicily, displays persistent activity, periodically interrupted by eruptions, which emit volcanic aerosol and ash to different altitudes in troposphere affecting the central Mediterranean area. In order to test the use of MERIS and AATSR data to derive emitted particles parameters as optical depth, effective radius and the ash mass of particles, the already developed remote sensing techniques has been adapted. MERIS and AATSR data acquired during the Mt. Etna 2002-2003 volcanic eruption has been chosen. The use of VIS and TIR bands of the two sensor demonstrates the potential to derive useful information on plume particles and to monitor the volcanic plume during eruption if frequent and high resolution data is available in near real time
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