21 research outputs found

    Influence of apico-coronal positioning of tissue-level implants on marginal bone stability during supracrestal tissue height establishment: A multi-center prospective study

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    Introduction Supracrestal tissue height establishment is a crucial factor influencing peri-implant marginal bone modifications prior to prosthesis delivery. If mucosal thickness is insufficient, peri-implant marginal bone resorption occurs to allow appropriate supracrestal tissue height formation. This study evaluates if marginal bone resorption occurring around tissue-level implants before prosthetic loading could be compensated by adapting apico-coronal positioning to mucosal thickness. Methods Patients requiring placement of one single implant in the posterior mandible were treated with tissue-level implants with a 3-mm high transmucosal machined component and moderately rough implant body. Based upon vertical mucosal thickness measured after buccal flap reflection, implants were placed with the treated part: (group 1) 2 mm below crestal level in presence of thin mucosa (<2.5 mm); (group 2) 1 mm below the crestal level in presence of medium mucosa (2.5-3.5 mm); (group 3) at equicrestal level in presence of thick mucosa (>3.5 mm). Results Forty-nine implants, placed in 49 patients were included in final analysis (group 1: 18 implants; group 2: 16 implants; group 3: 15 implants). Mean marginal bone resorption after 5 months of healing was 0.66 +/- 0.49 mm, 0.32 +/- 0.41 mm, and 0.22 +/- 0.52 mm in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Inter-group analysis highlighted significant differences between the three groups after ANOVA test (p = 0.025). However, adaptation of apico-coronal implant positioning in relation to mucosal thickness, allowed to avoid early exposure of the treated surface in 100%, 93.7%, and 53.3% of the implants in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Conclusion During supracrestal tissue height formation, tissue-level implants inserted adapting apico-coronal positioning in relation to mucosal thickness exhibited greater marginal bone resorption at sites with thin mucosa than at sites with medium or thick mucosa. However, anticipating supracrestal tissue height establishment by adapting apico-coronal implant positioning in relation to mucosal thickness may effectively prevent unwanted exposure of treated implant surface

    Intraoperative complications and early implant failure after transcrestal sinus floor elevation with residual bone height ≤5 mm: A retrospective multicenter study.

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    OBJECTIVE Clinical indications for maxillary sinus floor elevation with transcrestal techniques have increased in recent years even in sites with minimal residual bone height (RBH). Nevertheless, limited information is currently available on incidence of intraoperative complications and early implant failure in these cases. MATERIAL AND METHODS This retrospective multicenter study was performed on anonymized clinical and radiographic records of patients who underwent transcrestal sinus floor elevation in seven clinical centers. Influence of different factors related to patient, and sinus anatomy and surgical technique on the incidence of intraoperative complications and early implant failure rate after transcrestal sinus lift were investigated. RESULTS A total of 430 patients treated with transcrestal sinus floor elevation for single-implant insertion in sites with RBH ≤5 mm were included in the final analysis. After 1 year of loading, 418 implants of 430 were satisfactorily in function. Early implant failure was recorded in 12 cases (2.8%); results were significantly associated with the presence of large sinus cavities and with the occurrence of membrane perforation. The following adverse events were recorded: membrane perforation (7.2%), acute sinusitis (0.9%), implant displacement into the sinus cavity (0.7%), oro-antral fistula (0.2%), and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (0.5% of osteotome cases). A strong direct correlation between sinus membrane perforation and bucco-palatal sinus width (p = .000) was demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS Early implant failure after transcrestal sinus elevation showed significant direct correlation with bucco-palatal maxillary sinus width and the presence of membrane perforation. Sinus membrane perforation was strongly associated with bucco-palatal sinus width (extremely low perforation rate in narrow and much higher incidence in wide sinuses)

    Descriptive retrospective study analyzing relevant factors related to dental implant failure

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    The objective of this retrospective descriptive study was to analyze the characteristics of incident reports provided by dentists while using a specific brand of dental implants. The study was carried out in collaboration with Oxtein Iberia S.L.®, with the company providing access to the incident database in order to evaluate the characteristics of incidents from January 2014 to December 2017 (a total of 917 over four years). The data sheet recorded different variables during each of the stages of implant treatment, from initial implant placement to subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation. These variables included age, sex, systemic pathologies, smoking habits, bone quality, implant type, prosthesis type, and type of load applied, among others. SPSS Statistics was used to perform statistical analysis of the qualitative variables (univariate logistic regressions, ?2 test, Haberman's adjusted standardized residuals). The total study sample consisted of 44,415 implants shipped from Oxtein® warehouses on the dates indicated, of which 917 implants (2.1%) were flagged due to reports of lack of primary stability, failed osseointegration, or implant failure within one year of placement. When analyzing incident reports, it was observed that 61.6% of incidents occurred in male patients, compared to 38.4% in female patients. The average age of patients in the reported cases was 56.12 ± 12.15 years. A statistically significant correlation was discovered between incidents of implant failure and tobacco use, diabetes, heart disease, poor oral hygiene, previous infection, poor bone quality, and bruxism (p < 0.05). A (statistically significant) higher rate of incidents was also observed in tapered, internal connection, Grade IV titanium, narrow, and short implants. Analysis of these implants reveals a higher rate of complication in short, tapered, internal connection and narrow-diameter implants. These data can help and encourage clinicians to use the utmost surgical precautions when placing these implants

    Potenzialit\ue0 clinico-terapeutiche del lembo a riposizionamento coronale

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    La ricopertura delle recessioni gengivali \ue8 diventata una parte rilevante della terapia parodontale dal momento che \ue8 in continuo aumento la richiesta di un risultato estetico da parte dei pazienti. Il lembo a riposizionamento coronale permette di trattare efficacemente anche recessioni gengivali multiple in presenza di un'adeguata quantit\ue0 di tessuto cheratinizzato apicalmente alle lesioni. Il caso presentato \ue8 stato trattato con due interventi di questo tipo in due settori diversi del cavo orale. Nel primo intervento, al lembo vestibolare \ue8 stato associato lo scollamento di un lembo palatino con la conservazione della papilla per trattare una tasca in quella zona; nel secondo intervento, il mese successivo, si \ue8 semplicemente abbinato al lembo un innesto di connettivo per compensare la perdita di sostanza dentaria radicolare associata alle recessioni. Nel caso presentato a distanza di 12 mesi si \ue8 ottenuta la completa ricopertura delle recessioni trattate

    Minimum Abutment Height to Eliminate Bone Loss: Influence of Implant Neck Design and Platform Switching

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    PURPOSE: This retrospective study quantitatively analyzed the minimum prosthetic abutment height to eliminate bone loss after 4.7-mm-diameter implant placement in maxillary bone and how grafting techniques can affect the marginal bone loss in implants placed in maxillary areas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two different implant types with a similar neck design were singularly placed in two groups of patients: the test group, with platform-switched implants, and the control group, with conventional (non-platform-switched) implants. Patients requiring bone augmentation underwent unilateral sinus augmentation using a transcrestal technique with mineralized xenograft. Radiographs were taken immediately after implant placement, after delivery of the prosthetic restoration, and after 12 months of loading. RESULTS: The average mesial and distal marginal bone loss of the control group (25 patients) was significantly more than twice that of the test group (26 patients), while their average abutment height was similar. Linear regression analysis highlighted a statistically significant inverse relationship between marginal bone loss and abutment height in both groups; however, the intercept of the regression line, both mesially and distally, was 50% lower for the test group than for the control group. The marginal bone loss was annulled with an abutment height of 2.5 mm for the test group and 3.0 mm for the control group. No statistically significant differences were found regarding marginal bone loss of implants placed in native maxillary bone compared with those placed in the grafted areas. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the shorter the abutment height, the greater the marginal bone loss in cement-retained prostheses. Abutment height showed a greater influence in platform-switched than in non-platform-switched implants on the limitation of marginal bone loss

    Influence of abutment height and vertical mucosal thickness on early marginal bone loss around implants: A randomised clinical trial with an 18-month post-loading clinical and radiographic evaluation

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    Abstract Purpose: To investigate the influence of vertical mucosal thickness on marginal bone loss around implants with short and long prosthetic abutments and the marginal bone loss progression rate up to 18 months after prosthetic loading. Materials and methods: Internal hex platform-switched implants were placed equicrestally using a two-stage protocol in the posterior mandible of two groups of patients with different vertical mucosal thickness, thin (≤ 2.0 mm) and thick (&gt; 2.0 mm). Elevated prosthetic abutments of different heights (1 mm or 3 mm) were randomly assigned for single screw-retained crowns in both groups. Mesial and distal marginal bone loss were measured at implant placement (T0) and crown delivery (after 4 months [T1]), and after 6 (T2), 12 (T3) and 18 months (T4) of functional loading. Results: Eighty implants were placed in eighty patients. Three patients dropped out at T2. At T4, 74 out of 77 implants were functioning, resulting in a 96% survival rate. Marginal bone loss (mean ± SE) at T2 was significantly greater in the 1-mm abutment groups (0.61 ± 0.09 mm with thin mucosa; 0.64 ± 0.07 mm with thick mucosa) than in the 3-mm abutment groups (0.32 ± 0.07 mm with thin mucosa; 0.26 ± 0.04 mm with thick mucosa). The marginal bone loss pattern over 18 months of loading showed that the greatest amount of marginal bone loss occurred during the first 6 months of function. Conclusions: Internal hex platform-switched implants placed equicrestally and restored with 1-mm abutments presented greater marginal bone loss than identical implants with 3-mm abutments, with vertical mucosal thickness having no significant influence. Keywords: abutment height; marginal bone loss; platform switching; vertical mucosal thickness