72 research outputs found

    Development of preliminary design concept for multifunction display and control system for Orbiter crew station. Task 3: Concept analysis

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    The access schema developed to access both individual switch functions as well as automated or semiautomated procedures for the orbital maneuvering system and electrical power and distribution and control system discussed and the operation of the system is described. Feasibility tests and analyses used to define display parameters and to select applicable hardware choices for use in such a system are presented and the results are discussed

    Application of multi-function display and control technology

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    The NASA orbiter spacecraft incorporates a complex array of systems, displays, and controls. The incorporation of discrete dedicated controls into a multifunction display and control system (MFDCS) offers the potential for savings in weight, power, panel space, and crew training time. Technology identified as applicable to a MFDCS is applied to the orbiter orbital maneuvering system (OMS) and the electrical power distribution and control system (EPDCS) to derive concepts for a MFDCS design. Several concepts of varying degrees of performance and complexity are discussed and a suggested concept for further development is presented in greater detail. Both the hardware and software aspects and the human factors considerations of the designs are included

    Survey of multi-function display and control technology

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    The NASA orbiter spacecraft incorporates a complex array of systems, displays and controls. The incorporation of discrete dedicated controls into a multi-function display and control system (MFDCS) offers the potential for savings in weight, power, panel space and crew training time. The technology applicable to the development of a MFDCS for orbiter application is surveyed. Technology thought to be applicable presently or in the next five years is highlighted. Areas discussed include display media, data handling and processing, controls and operator interactions and the human factors considerations which are involved in a MFDCS design. Several examples of applicable MFDCS technology are described

    Development of preliminary design concept for a multifunction display and control system for the Orbiter crew station. Task 4: Design concept recommendation

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    Application of multifunction display and control systems to the NASA Orbiter spacecraft offers the potential for reducing crew workload and improving the presentation of system status and operational data to the crew. A design concept is presented for the application of a multifunction display and control system (MFDCS) to the Orbital Maneuvering System and Electrical Power Distribution and Control System on the Orbiter spacecraft. The MFDCS would provide the capability for automation of procedures, fault prioritization and software reconfiguration of the MFDCS data base. The MFDCS would operate as a stand-alone processor to minimize the impact on the current Orbiter software. Supervisory crew command of all current functions would be retained through the use of several operating modes in the system. Both the design concept and the processes followed in defining the concept are described

    Deuteron Elastic Scattering from He3 and H3

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    The elastic scattering of deuterons from He3 and H3 has been studied for bombarding energies up to 11 MeV. The excitation curves obtained show a broad resonance in the scattering cross section corresponding to an excitation energy of 20±0.5 MeV in both He5 and Li5. These data, together with H3(d, n)He4 and He3(d, p)He4 data from other sources, tend to indicate that D waves are responsible for the anomaly

    Fatores Estressores entre Estudantes do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.O estresse pode ser definido como um estado de percepção de estímulos capazes de gerar excitação emocional que perturbam a homeostasia, levando a um processo de adaptação caracterizado por manifestações sistêmicas, distúrbios fisiológicos e psicológicos. Objetivos: Identificar os principais fatores estressores entre os alunos regularmente matriculados no Curso de Graduação em Odontologia da UFSC. Metodologia: Os dados dessa pesquisa foram coletados através do Questionáiro Estresse no Ambiente Odontológico e de um Questonário Sociodemográfico, com alunos de 1ª a 10ª fase, entre 27 de março e 24 de abril de 2015, posteriormente analisados através de medidas estatísticas descritivas e pela ANOVA: One-way. Resultados: Participaram desta pesquisa 282 alunos, com uma sendo maior parte do sexo feminino (70,21%), entre 28-23 anos (80,50%), residindo com pais ou parentes (42,55%), proveniente de Santa Catarina (84,4%), sem trabalho (89,36%) ou renda (88,65%), nunca tendo reprovado (73,40%), estudando de 4 a 7 h/ semana (34,40%). A média dos fatores foi de 2,43, com pico na Etapa Clínica (2,61). Os fatores estressores mais frequentes foram: “Provas e Notas”, “Medo de reprovar em uma matéria ou perder o ano”, “Atraso ou falta dos pacientes”, “Conciliar vida pessoal com as rotinas da faculdade”, “Falta de tempo para relaxar ou para lazer”. Conclusão: Este estudo permitiu a identificação dos principais fatores estressores entre alunos do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia da UFSC, contribuindo como uma pesquisa inicial sobre o estresse nos estudantes de odontologia da universidade. Os autores sugerem a necessidade de maiores pesquisas para identificar as diferenças no estresse entre os alunos e as possíveis influências que estes fators causam na formação acadêmica dos estudantes de odontologia da UFSC.Stress can be defined as a perception state of stimuli capable of generate an emotional excitement that disturbs the homeostasis, leading to ana adaptation process characterized by systemic manifestations and psychological and physiological disturbances. Aim: Identify stress factors among the dental graduation students of UFSC. Methods: the data of this research was obtained by the Dental Environmental Stress questionnaire and by a sociodemographic questionnaire, applied to academics from the 1st to 10th semester, between March 27th and April 24th. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA: One-Way method. Results: 282 dental students participated in this study, most of whom were women (70,21%), between 18-23 years (80,50%), living with family (42,55%), from Santa Catarina (84,4%), not working at the moment (89,36%), without income(88,65%), who did not fail (73,40%), and studying among 4 to 7 hours a week(34,40%). The stress factors overall was 2,43, being higher in the Clinic Phase (2,61). The most frequent stress factors were “Examinations and Grades”, “Fear of failing course or year”, “Patients being late or not showing for their appointments”, “Reconcile personal life issues with dental school routines”, “Lack of time for relaxation”. Conclusion: This study lead to the identification of the main stress factors among undergraduate dental students from UFSC, contributing as an initial research about stress among these students. The authors suggest that more research is required to identify the differences in the stress among the students and its influence

    Scattering of He3 by He4 and of He4 by tritium

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    The differential elastic scattering cross section has been measured for the scattering of He3 from He4 and the scattering of He4 from tritium for bombarding energies of 5 to 18 and 4 to 18 MeV, respectively. Data were also obtained for the reactions He4(He3,p)Li6, He4(He3,p′)Li6*, H3(α,n)Li6, and H3(α,n′)Li6*. Levels are seen at 4.65, 6.64, 7.47, and 9.7 MeV in Li7, and at 4.57, 6.73, 7.21, and 9.3 MeV in Be7. A phase-shift analysis suggests assignments of 7/2- and 5/2- for the two lower levels in Li7, confirms the 5/2- assignment of the 7.47 level, and suggests a 7/2- assignment for the new level at 9.7 MeV. Similarly in Be7, the assignments of 7/2- and 5/2- for the lower two levels are confirmed, and an assignment of 7/2- is suggested for the new level at 9.3 MeV. The reduced widths for α and nucleon emission were determined by fitting the phase shifts near each level with a single- and/or double-level formula from the R-matrix formalism of Lane and Thomas. The results of the analysis are discussed and compared with predictions of recent nuclear-model calculations

    Alpha scattering and capture reactions in the A = 7 system at low energies

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    Differential cross sections for 3^3He-α\alpha scattering were measured in the energy range up to 3 MeV. These data together with other available experimental results for 3^3He +α+ \alpha and 3^3H +α+ \alpha scattering were analyzed in the framework of the optical model using double-folded potentials. The optical potentials obtained were used to calculate the astrophysical S-factors of the capture reactions 3^3He(α,γ)7(\alpha,\gamma)^7Be and 3^3H(α,γ)7(\alpha,\gamma)^7Li, and the branching ratios for the transitions into the two final 7^7Be and 7^7Li bound states, respectively. For 3^3He(α,γ)7(\alpha,\gamma)^7Be excellent agreement between calculated and experimental data is obtained. For 3^3H(α,γ)7(\alpha,\gamma)^7Li a S(0)S(0) value has been found which is a factor of about 1.5 larger than the adopted value. For both capture reactions a similar branching ratio of R=σ(γ1)/σ(γ0)0.43R = \sigma(\gamma_1)/\sigma(\gamma_0) \approx 0.43 has been obtained.Comment: submitted to Phys.Rev.C, 34 pages, figures available from one of the authors, LaTeX with RevTeX, IK-TUW-Preprint 930540

    An Investigation of the Compound Nuclei ⁷Li and ⁷Be

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    The differential elastic scattering cross section has been measured for the scattermg of 3He from 4He and the scattering of 4He from tritium. Incident particle energies of 5 to 18 MeV and 4 to 18 MeV, respectively, were used. Gas targets were used and solid state silicon detectors were employed to detect the scattered particles. Data were also obtained for the reactions 4He3He,p)6Li, 4He3He,p1)6Li*, 3H(α,n)6Li and 3H(α,n1)6Li*. Levels are seen at 4.65, 6.64, 7.47 and 9.7 MeV in 7Li and at 4.57, 6.73, 7.21 and 9.3 MeV in 7Be. A phase shift analysis suggests assignments of 7-/2 and 5-/2 for the two lower levels in 7Li, confirms the 5-/2 assignment of the 7.47 level and suggests a 7-/2 assignment for the new level at 9.7 MeV. Similarly in 7Be, the assignment of 7-/2 and 5-/2 for the lower two levels is reconfirmed and an assignment of 7-/2 is suggested for the new level at 9.3 MeV. The reduced widths for α and nucleon emission were determined by fitting the phase shifts near each level with a single and/or double level formula from the R-matrix formalism of Lane and Thomas (1958). The results of the analysis are discussed and compared with predictions of some recent nuclear model calculations

    O ensino de graduação em odontologia na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina: um estudo crítico-reflexivo

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia, Florianópolis, 2017.Objetivou-se promover uma reflexão crítica sobre o ensino de graduação em Odontologia na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), por meio de uma metodologia mista. O estudo dividiu-se em dois principais momentos: uma análise teórico-reflexiva sobre as vertentes do ensino e da educação em Odontologia e uma análise contextual do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia da UFSC, produzindo quatro manuscritos e uma prospectiva de ensino. O primeiro manuscrito buscou uma reflexão teórica, pela revisão bibliográfica sobre a fragmentação moderna no contexto do ensino em Odontologia, em uma abordagem educacional clássica. Avaliaram-se publicações de 2013-2016 na base de dados SciElo, evidenciando a possibilidade de melhorias na reflexão sobre a atuação do cirurgião-dentista ao embasar seu ensino em virtudes morais e intelectuais, ampliando a cooperação professor-aluno e as ferramentas cognitivas do Trivium. Pela Gramática, pode-se compreender diferentes símbolos e suas apresentações. Pela Lógica, descobre-se a forma de conhecer o mundo, transformar e validar conceitos, fundamentando competências críticas e se capacitando para a tomada de decisão. Por meio da Retórica, pode tornar-se hábil no papel de indivíduo comunicativo. O segundo manuscrito abordou o uso de práticas reflexivas no ensino de graduação em Odontologia, através de uma revisão integrativa, em um método de seis etapas: (1) identificação do tema e formulação da pergunta de pesquisa Quais são as práticas reflexivas utilizadas no ensino de graduação em Odontologia? ; (2) estabelecimento dos critérios de inclusão (texto publicado em inglês, português ou espanhol; e texto disponível completo) e de exclusão (falta de relação direta com o tema; avaliação de outras áreas ou níveis de ensino em saúde) e busca na literatura; (3) definição das informações a serem extraídas dos estudos selecionados; (4) avaliação dos estudos incluídos; (5) interpretação dos resultados; e (6) apresentação da síntese do conhecimento. Por meio dos termos e operadores booleanos: Reflective Learning (AND) Dental Education (OR) Dental Students (OR) Dentistry, uma busca foi conduzida nas bases: PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Cochrane Library, SciElo, Scopus, de janeiro à março de 2017, resultando em 261 estudos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão/exclusão, avaliaram-se 43 artigos, que destacaram as práticas: textuais, diálogos, debates, comunitárias, mídias, narrativas, as tutorias e autoavaliações. Entre as dificuldades estão: resistência, tempo e critérios, indicando a necessidade de pesquisas para compreender melhor as limitações e aplicabilidades destas práticas. O terceiro manuscrito promoveu uma análise organizacional da graduação em Odontologia da UFSC, por uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, documental e analítica, com dados secundários coletados em sites institucionais e de documentos oficiais. A gestão do curso é composta por Coordenação, Núcleo Docente Estruturante e Colegiado do Curso. O Projeto Político-Pedagógico do Curso (PPC) objetiva contextualizar, investigar e ensinar os fazeres e saberes da Odontologia, pela formação generalista e produtora de saúde, em bases morais, éticas, filosóficas, científicas, voltadas para a realidade brasileira, e estruturado nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN), articulando ensino, pesquisa e extensão. O currículo atual apresenta 66 disciplinas obrigatórias, entre Ciências Odontológicas (43,94%), Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (27,27%), Estágio Curricular Obrigatório (13,64%), Ciências Humanas e Sociais (9,09%), Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (6,06%). A carga-horária é de 5076 horas-aula, concentrada em Ciências Odontológicas (45,74%), Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (23,76%), e Estágios Curriculares (20,92%). O curso oferece estágio não-obrigatórios, projetos de extensão, de pesquisa, e monitorias, e integra três Centros de Ensino e 12 Departamentos O quarto manuscrito, fomentou uma análise descritiva da produção acadêmica do corpo docente do curso entre 2012-2017, por uma metodologia exploratória, descritiva e documental, através dos sites institucionais e da Plataforma Lattes, com um instrumento adaptado do Relatório de Avaliação Trienal 2010 da Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. 3151 produções foram contabilizadas, sendo predominantes os 1426 resumos (45,25%) e os 1403 artigos (44,53%). Identificaram-se 137 linhas de atuação, sendo 74 de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (54,01%), 45 de Ciências Odontológicas (32,85%) e 18 da Saúde Coletiva, Humanas e Sociais (13,14%), evidenciando o caráter de produção-pesquisa nas áreas básicas e laboratoriais. Destes manuscritos, elaborou-se uma prospectiva para o ensino integral em Odontologia, embasada na integração entre os quatro níveis da atenção em saúde (promoção, prevenção, tratamento e reabilitação), e em perfis históricos e culturais da profissão. As habilidades e competências previstas nas DCN foram consideradas por diálogos que a circundam, capacidades cognitivas que nelas predominam, e modelos de aprendizagem que com ela se relacionam, visando possibilitar a ressignificação da prática odontológica para o estudante, ordenando-o para a prática verdadeiramente vocacional.Abstract : This study aimed at promoting critic-reflection over the Undergraduate Dental Education in Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), adopting a mix-method approach. The study was divided in two main moments: a theoretical-reflective analysis of learning approaches and a contextual analysis of UFSC Dental Undergraduate School, resulting in four manuscripts and one educational prospective. The first manuscript was aimed at producing a theoretical reflection of the fragmentation of modern-man in the context of dentistry, with a classical liberal education approach. A search was conducted for articles published in the 2013-2016 range in SciElo database. Results point to the possibility of improvements in dental practice through focus learning in moral and intellectual virtues, enlarging the cooperating among students and professors and the cognitive tools of Trivium. By the study of Grammar, the student is able to understand different symbols and their representations. With Logic, component of knowledge, students discover themselves in the way of knowing the world, transforming and validating concepts, constructing critical competences for decision-making ability. The Rhetoric development is related to the development of communication skills subject. The second manuscript was related to reflective practices in the development of knowledge in Dental Undergraduate Schools, by means of a integrative review, with a six-steps method: (1) identifying the theme and formulating the research question what are the reflective practices utilized in undergraduate dental teaching? ; (2) defining inclusion criteria (texts in English, Portuguese or Spanish; full text available) and exclusion (lack of relation with the theme; measurement of other areas or degrees of education) and literature search; (3) definition of the extracting data; (4) evaluation of the include studies; (5) interpretation of the results; (6) summarizing the knowledge. Were used as search terms: Reflective Learning (AND) Dental Education (OR) Dental Students (OR) Dentistry, among PubMed, BVS, Cochrane Library, SciElo, Scopus, between January and March 2017. A total of 261 articles were found, and, from those, 43 were included in the final analysis. Related reflective practices were: textual, dialogues debates, communities-based dentistry, medias, narratives, tutorship, self-assessments. The mainly related difficulties were resistance, lack of time and lack of criteria. Future researches are required to better understand the limitations and the use of reflective practices. The third manuscript was an organizational analysis of UFSC Dental School, with a descriptive, exploratory, documental and analytic research. Secondary data was collected through institutional websites and official documents. The management staff of the course is composed by the Coordination, the Structuring Faculty Core and the Course Staff. The Political-Pedagogical Project (PPC) aims contextualizing, investigating and teaching dentistry by means of a general approach of dental practice, as health promoting, based on moral, ethical, philosophical, scientific basis, and focused on Brazilian reality. The National Curricular Guidelines (DCN) structure the PPC, and the PPC articulates teaching, research and extension (complementary courses). The present curriculum has 66 mandatory disciplines, among Dental Sciences (43.94%), Biological and Health Sciences (27.27%), Mandatory Curricular Internship (13.64%), Health and Human Sciences (9.09%) and Monography (6.06%). The total workload is 5076 class-hours, concentrated among Dental Sciences (45.74%) and Biological and Health Sciences (23.76%). The course offers also non-mandatory internships, extension projects, research projects and teaching assistantships. Three Learning Centers and twelve departments are integrated by the course. The fourth manuscript was about an descriptive analysis of Dental Staff academic production between 2012-2017. An exploratory, descriptive and documental methodology was adopted. Data were obtained by means of institutional websites and by Lattes Platform, associated with a data collector instrument adapted from Triannual Assessment Report of Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. 3151 productions were observed, predominantly abstracts (1426, 42.25%) and articles (1403, 44.53%). 137 areas of work were identified: seventy-four from Health and Biological Sciences (54.01%), forty-five from Dental Sciences (32.85%) and eighteen from Public Health and Human or Social Sciences (13.14%). There is an evident focus of this academic production over basic and laboratorial researches. From these manuscripts, a learning prospective emerged, as a proposal for a integral dental education, based on the four levels of health care: promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, where different historical and cultural dentistry profiles are in touch for a integrative unity. Each competence and skill proposed by the DCN is considered by different speech and cognitive levels and with the learning-models that best approaches from it. This method was conceived in order to permit a way of recovering the lost meaning of dental practices in learning, helping the student in the process of ordinating dental practices for a true vocational practice