49 research outputs found

    The Long Noncoding MALAT-1 RNA Indicates a Poor Prognosis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and Induces Migration and Tumor Growth

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    Introduction:The functions of large noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) have remained elusive in many cases. Metastasis-Associated-in-Lung-Adenocarcinoma-Transcript-1 (MALAT-1) is an ncRNA that is highly expressed in several tumor types.Methods:Overexpression and RNA interference (RNAi) approaches were used for the analysis of the biological functions of MALAT-1 RNA. Tumor growth was studied in nude mice. For prognostic analysis, MALAT-1 RNA was detected on paraffin-embedded non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue probes (n = 352) using in situ hybridization.Results:MALAT-1 was highly expressed in several human NSCLC cell lines. MALAT-1 expression was regulated by an endogenous negative feedback loop. In A549 NSCLCs, RNAi-mediated suppression of MALAT-1 RNA suppressed migration and clonogenic growth. Forced expression of MALAT-1 in NIH 3T3 cells significantly increased migration. Upon injection into nude mice, NSCLC xenografts with decreased MALAT-1 expression were impaired in tumor formation and growth. In situ hybridization on paraffin-embedded lung cancer tissue probes revealed that high MALAT-1 RNA expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung was associated with a poor prognosis. On genetic level, MALAT-1 displays the strongest association with genes involved in cancer like cellular growth, movement, proliferation, signaling, and immune regulation.Conclusions:These data indicate that MALAT-1 expression levels are associated with patient survival and identify tumor-promoting functions of MALAT-1

    Prognostic Impact of Bcl-2 Depends on Tumor Histology and Expression of MALAT-1 lncRNA in Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

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    IntroductionApoptosis is a crucial pathway in tumor growth and metastatic development. Apoptotic proteins regulate the underlying molecular cascades and are thought to modulate the tumor response to chemotherapy and radiation. However, the prognostic value of the expression of apoptosis regulators in localized non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is still unclear.MethodsWe investigated the protein expression of apoptosis regulators Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, Mcl-1, and pp32/PHAPI, and the expression of the lncRNA MALAT-1 in tumor samples from 383 NSCLC patients (median age: 65.6 years; 77.5% male; paraffin-embedded tissue microarrays). For statistical analysis correlation tests, Log rank tests and Cox proportional hazard models were applied.ResultsTumor histology was significantly associated with the expression of Bcl-2, Bcl-xl and Mcl-1 (all p < 0.001). Among the tested apoptotic markers only Bcl-2 demonstrated prognostic impact (hazard ratio = 0.64, p = 0.012). For NSCLC patients with non-adenocarcinoma histology, Bcl-2 expression was associated with increased overall survival (p = 0.036). Besides tumor histology, prognostic impact of Bcl-2 was also found to depend on MALAT-1 lncRNA expression. Gene expression analysis of A549 adenocarcinoma cells with differential MALAT-1 lncRNA expression demonstrated an influence on the expression of Bcl-2 and its interacting proteins.ConclusionsBcl-2 expression was specifically associated with superior prognosis in localized NSCLC. An interaction of Bcl-2 with MALAT-1 lncRNA expression was revealed, which merits further investigation for risk prediction in resectable NSCLC patients

    Оптимизация параметров лазерного излучения для воздействия на пигменты на основе диоксида титана (TiO2)

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    В настоящее время не существует методики, позволяющей быстро и безопасно удалять татуировки и перманентный макияж, содержащие пигменты на основе диоксида титана. Тема работы является актуальной в связи с растущим спросом на такие услуги в сфере эстетической медицины, а данный пигмент является базой для широкого спектра пастельных и натуральных оттенков чернил. Объектом исследования являются дисперсные растворы диоксида титана. Целью данной работы является изучение влияния лазерного излучения на пигменты на основе диоксида титана. Полученные данные послужат основой для разработки методов удаления белых пигментов в татуировках и повысят эффективность удаления перманентного макияжа.Currently, there is no method to quickly and safely remove tattoos and permanent makeup containing titanium dioxide pigments. The topic of work is relevant in connection with the growing demand for such services in the field of aesthetic medicine, and this pigment is the base for a wide range of pastel and natural shades of ink. The object of the research are titanium dioxide dispersive solutions. The purpose of this work is to explore the effects of laser radiation on pigments based on titanium dioxide by changing its parameters. The obtained data will serve as the foundation for the development of methods for removing white pigments in tattoos and will increase the effectiveness of permanent makeup removal

    Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray

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    The dense AlpArray network allows studying seismic wave propagation with high spatial resolution. Here we introduce an array approach to measure arrival angles of teleseismic Rayleigh waves. The approach combines the advantages of phase correlation as in the two-station method with array beamforming to obtain the phase-velocity vector. 20 earthquakes from the first two years of the AlpArray project are selected, and spatial patterns of arrival-angle deviations across the AlpArray are shown in maps, depending on period and earthquake location. The cause of these intriguing spatial patterns is discussed. A simple wave-propagation modelling example using an isolated anomaly and a Gaussian beam solution suggests that much of the complexity can be explained as a result of wave interference after passing a structural anomaly along the wave paths. This indicates that arrival-angle information constitutes useful additional information on the Earth structure, beyond what is currently used in inversions

    Ambient-noise tomography of the wider Vienna Basin region

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    We present a new 3-D shear-velocity model for the top 30 km of the crust in the wider Vienna Basin region based on surface waves extracted from ambient-noise cross-correlations. We use continuous seismic records of 63 broad-band stations of the AlpArray project to retrieve interstation Green’s functions from ambient-noise cross-correlations in the period range from 5 to 25 s. From these Green’s functions, we measure Rayleigh group traveltimes, utilizing all four components of the cross-correlation tensor, which are associated with Rayleigh waves (ZZ, RR, RZ and ZR), to exploit multiple measurements per station pair. A set of selection criteria is applied to ensure that we use high-quality recordings of fundamental Rayleigh modes. We regionalize the interstation group velocities in a 5 km × 5 km grid with an average path density of ∼20 paths per cell. From the resulting group-velocity maps, we extract local 1-D dispersion curves for each cell and invert all cells independently to retrieve the crustal shear-velocity structure of the study area. The resulting model provides a previously unachieved lateral resolution of seismic velocities in the region of ∼15 km. As major features, we image the Vienna Basin and Little Hungarian Plain as low-velocity anomalies, and the Bohemian Massif with high velocities. The edges of these features are marked with prominent velocity contrasts correlated with faults, such as the Alpine Front and Vienna Basin transfer fault system. The observed structures correlate well with surface geology, gravitational anomalies and the few known crystalline basement depths from boreholes. For depths larger than those reached by boreholes, the new model allows new insight into the complex structure of the Vienna Basin and surrounding areas, including deep low-velocity zones, which we image with previously unachieved detail. This model may be used in the future to interpret the deeper structures and tectonic evolution of the wider Vienna Basin region, evaluate natural resources, model wave propagation and improve earthquake locations, among others

    Shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Dinarides from the inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion

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    Highlights • Rayleigh-wave phase velocity in the wider Dinarides region using the two-station method. • Uppermost mantle shear-wave velocity model of the Dinarides-Adriatic Sea region. • Velocity model reveals a robust high-velocity anomaly present under the whole Dinarides. • High-velocity anomaly reaches depth of 160 km in the northern Dinarides to more than 200 km under southern Dinarides. • New structural model incorporating delamination as one of the processes controlling the continental collision in the Dinarides. The interaction between the Adriatic microplate (Adria) and Eurasia is the main driving factor in the central Mediterranean tectonics. Their interplay has shaped the geodynamics of the whole region and formed several mountain belts including Alps, Dinarides and Apennines. Among these, Dinarides are the least investigated and little is known about the underlying geodynamic processes. There are numerous open questions about the current state of interaction between Adria and Eurasia under the Dinaric domain. One of the most interesting is the nature of lithospheric underthrusting of Adriatic plate, e.g. length of the slab or varying slab disposition along the orogen. Previous investigations have found a low-velocity zone in the uppermost mantle under the northern-central Dinarides which was interpreted as a slab gap. Conversely, several newer studies have indicated the presence of the continuous slab under the Dinarides with no trace of the low velocity zone. Thus, to investigate the Dinaric mantle structure further, we use regional-to-teleseismic surface-wave records from 98 seismic stations in the wider Dinarides region to create a 3D shear-wave velocity model. More precisely, a two-station method is used to extract Rayleigh-wave phase velocity while tomography and 1D inversion of the phase velocity are employed to map the depth dependent shear-wave velocity. Resulting velocity model reveals a robust high-velocity anomaly present under the whole Dinarides, reaching the depths of 160 km in the north to more than 200 km under southern Dinarides. These results do not agree with most of the previous investigations and show continuous underthrusting of the Adriatic lithosphere under Europe along the whole Dinaric region. The geometry of the down-going slab varies from the deeper slab in the north and south to the shallower underthrusting in the center. On-top of both north and south slabs there is a low-velocity wedge indicating lithospheric delamination which could explain the 200 km deep high-velocity body existing under the southern Dinarides

    Crustal Thinning From Orogen to Back-Arc Basin: The Structure of the Pannonian Basin Region Revealed by P-to-S Converted Seismic Waves

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    We present the results of P-to-S receiver function analysis to improve the 3D image of the sedimentary layer, the upper crust, and lower crust in the Pannonian Basin area. The Pannonian Basin hosts deep sedimentary depocentres superimposed on a complex basement structure and it is surrounded by mountain belts. We processed waveforms from 221 three-component broadband seismological stations. As a result of the dense station coverage, we were able to achieve so far unprecedented spatial resolution in determining the velocity structure of the crust. We applied a three-fold quality control process; the first two being applied to the observed waveforms and the third to the calculated radial receiver functions. This work is the first comprehensive receiver function study of the entire region. To prepare the inversions, we performed station-wise H-Vp/Vs grid search, as well as Common Conversion Point migration. Our main focus was then the S-wave velocity structure of the area, which we determined by the Neighborhood Algorithm inversion method at each station, where data were sub-divided into back-azimuthal bundles based on similar Ps delay times. The 1D, nonlinear inversions provided the depth of the discontinuities, shear-wave velocities and Vp/Vs ratios of each layer per bundle, and we calculated uncertainty values for each of these parameters. We then developed a 3D interpolation method based on natural neighbor interpolation to obtain the 3D crustal structure from the local inversion results. We present the sedimentary thickness map, the first Conrad depth map and an improved, detailed Moho map, as well as the first upper and lower crustal thickness maps obtained from receiver function analysis. The velocity jump across the Conrad discontinuity is estimated at less than 0.2 km/s over most of the investigated area. We also compare the new Moho map from our approach to simple grid search results and prior knowledge from other techniques. Our Moho depth map presents local variations in the investigated area: the crust-mantle boundary is at 20–26 km beneath the sedimentary basins, while it is situated deeper below the Apuseni Mountains, Transdanubian and North Hungarian Ranges (28–33 km), and it is the deepest beneath the Eastern Alps and the Southern Carpathians (40–45 km). These values reflect well the Neogene evolution of the region, such as crustal thinning of the Pannonian Basin and orogenic thickening in the neighboring mountain belts