10,794 research outputs found

    Five experiments in materials science for less than $10.00

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    Diffusion, twinning, fatigue, acoustic emission, and aging can be studied using readily available materials and the household oven. Each experiment can be expanded to a more extensive investigation of the properties of the material investigated, as well as other materials, and offers an opportunity for the student to learn about the relationship between engineering, science, society, and politics

    Ending Neglect of older people in the response to Humanitarian Emergencies

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    Older people make up a significant and growing number of those affected by humanitarian crises, yet they are often not sought out or prioritised within the humanitarian response. Humanitarian agencies, donors, and international bodies neglect older people's health and nutrition. The gaps in knowledge and research about the needs of older people in emergencies are considerable. Older people are not monitored in emergencies and they are not prioritised despite evidence of disproportionate mortality and morbidity in this group. We call for policy changes by humanitarian agencies and donors to ensure that the needs of this vulnerable group are met

    An automated system for creep testing

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    A completely automated data collection system was devised to measure, analyze, and graph creep versus time using a PC, a 16 channel multiplexed analog to digital converter, and low friction potentiometers to measure length. The sampling rate for each experiment can be adjusted in the software to meet the needs of the material tested. Data is collected and stored on a diskette for permanent record and also for later data analysis on a different machine

    Recent Changes in the Illinois Forcible Entry and Detainer Act Regarding Condominium Property

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    Self-Similar Blowup Solutions to the 2-Component Camassa-Holm Equations

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    In this article, we study the self-similar solutions of the 2-component Camassa-Holm equations% \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array} [c]{c}% \rho_{t}+u\rho_{x}+\rho u_{x}=0 m_{t}+2u_{x}m+um_{x}+\sigma\rho\rho_{x}=0 \end{array} \right. \end{equation} with \begin{equation} m=u-\alpha^{2}u_{xx}. \end{equation} By the separation method, we can obtain a class of blowup or global solutions for σ=1\sigma=1 or −1-1. In particular, for the integrable system with σ=1\sigma=1, we have the global solutions:% \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array} [c]{c}% \rho(t,x)=\left\{ \begin{array} [c]{c}% \frac{f\left( \eta\right) }{a(3t)^{1/3}},\text{ for }\eta^{2}<\frac {\alpha^{2}}{\xi} 0,\text{ for }\eta^{2}\geq\frac{\alpha^{2}}{\xi}% \end{array} \right. ,u(t,x)=\frac{\overset{\cdot}{a}(3t)}{a(3t)}x \overset{\cdot\cdot}{a}(s)-\frac{\xi}{3a(s)^{1/3}}=0,\text{ }a(0)=a_{0}% >0,\text{ }\overset{\cdot}{a}(0)=a_{1} f(\eta)=\xi\sqrt{-\frac{1}{\xi}\eta^{2}+\left( \frac{\alpha}{\xi}\right) ^{2}}% \end{array} \right. \end{equation} where η=xa(s)1/3\eta=\frac{x}{a(s)^{1/3}} with s=3t;s=3t; ξ>0\xi>0 and α≥0\alpha\geq0 are arbitrary constants.\newline Our analytical solutions could provide concrete examples for testing the validation and stabilities of numerical methods for the systems.Comment: 5 more figures can be found in the corresponding journal paper (J. Math. Phys. 51, 093524 (2010) ). Key Words: 2-Component Camassa-Holm Equations, Shallow Water System, Analytical Solutions, Blowup, Global, Self-Similar, Separation Method, Construction of Solutions, Moving Boundar

    Electrocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methane

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    A room-temperature electrocatalytic process that effects the overall chemical reaction CO2 + 2H2O yields CH4 + 2O2 has been investigated as a means of removing carbon dioxide from air and restoring oxygen to the air. The process was originally intended for use in a spacecraft life-support system, in which the methane would be vented to outer space. The process may also have potential utility in terrestrial applications in which either or both of the methane and oxygen produced might be utilized or vented to the atmosphere. A typical cell used to implement the process includes a polymer solid-electrolyte membrane, onto which are deposited cathode and anode films. The cathode film is catalytic for electrolytic reduction of CO2 at low overpotential. The anode film is typically made of platinum. When CO2 is circulated past the cathode, water is circulated past the anode, and a suitable potential is applied, the anode half-cell reaction is 4H2O yields 2O2 + 8H(+) + 8e(-). The H(+) ions travel through the membrane to the cathode, where they participate in the half-cell reaction CO2 + 8H(+) + 8e(-) yields CH4 + 2H2O

    Hidden markets in the chemical industry:illusion or growth opportunity?

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    The article discusses the chemical-pharmaceutical industry in Germany based on the assumption that there is a niche or hidden market driving its growth. Topics include the structure of the industry that is dependent on multinational enterprises and small firms, the role of innovations in industry growth and risks involved in engaging in international trade. A study which explored the existence of hidden markets which effect trends, field of applications and critical success factors is offered

    Design and construction of a tensile tester for the testing of simple composites

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    The following is a design for a tensile tester which will be used to test the tensile strength and anisotropic properties of simple composites. These simple composites are suspected to be anisotropic primarily in a single plane. When the composites undergo a tensile force, they will undergo deformation, causing movement either to the left or right. The composites are suspect due to their method of construction. Each sample has a single layer of unidirectional continuous fibers embedded in a rubbery resin. It has been well established that a serious limitation of unidirectional fiber composites is the very large in-plane anisotropy. The design presented here incorporates a single degree of freedom such that distortion (to the left or right) due to anisotropic tendencies may be measured. The device will spend the vast majority of its time in an undergraduate materials lab. As a result, ease of use and durability are valued more highly than research grade accuracy. Additional concerns focus on the fact that this machine will be built as a student project. Issues which are dealt with during this design include: specimen configuration or shape; a method of applying consistent, linear tension force; a method of gripping specimen without affecting its overall properties; a method of collecting data; repeatability of data; ease of use; ease of construction; and cost. After the device has been constructed, it will be used to test the simple composites which were fabricated in house. A comparison will be made between composites manufactured using aluminum screening as the strengthening fibers and those manufactured using fiberglass screening

    An automated digital data collection and analysis system for the Charpy Impact Tester

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    The standard Charpy Impact Tester has been modified by the addition of a system of hardware and software to improve the accuracy and consistency of measurements made during specimen fracturing experiments. An optical disc, light source, and detector generate signals that indicate the pendulum position as a function of time. These signals are used by a computer to calculate the velocity and kinetic energy of the pendulum as a function of its position
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