17 research outputs found

    Uso dei lembi liberi microvascolari nella ricostrzione del terzo distale della gamba

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    Lo studio della vascolarizzazione della cute, condotto a partire dagli anni Settanta, ha portato alla formulazione del concetto di angiosoma: unità anatomica mono o pluritissutale sostenuta da un preciso peduncolo vascolare (costituito da un’arteria e una vena). In chirurgia plastica l'angiosoma viene impiegato sotto forma di lembo locale o libero. I lembi liberi sono trapianti autologhi di tessuti che vengono prelevati dalla loro sede di origine (sito donatore) e trapiantati nell'area da ricostruire (sito ricevente). Il peduncolo vascolare viene anastomizzato con vasi preventivamente selezionati e isolati nell’area ricevente. La progressiva diffusione delle tecniche microchirurgiche e l’elevata qualità delle tecnologie e dei materiali, rendono oggi routinario l'uso di tali lembi in Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva. Si ricorre a queste tecniche per ricostruire ampie perdite di sostanza secondarie a gravi traumi o asportazioni di tumori. Daniel e Taylor (31) pubblicarono il primo rapporto sull'utilizzo di un lembo libero cutaneo (Groin Flap) utilizzato per coprire un difetto nel terzo distale dell’arto inferiore. Un lembo inguinale fu anche usato da O’Brien e altri per ricostruire una grosso difetto cutaneo del piede. Nel 1974 Harii e altri descrissero l’utilizzo di differenti tipi di lembi liberi microvascolari. (53) Il lavoro analizza la tecnica e i risultati dell’uso di questi lembi in 35 pazienti che riportavano una perdita di sostanza di varia natura nel terzo distale della gamba. I pazienti sono stati operati presso la Sezione di Microchirurgia dell'U.O. di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva di Pisa tra il 2001 e il 2008

    Totally robotic vs 3D laparoscopic colectomy: A single centers preliminary experience

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    AIM: To compare robotic and three-dimensional (3D) laparoscopic colectomy based on the literature and our preliminary experience. METHODS: This retrospective observational study compared operative measures and postoperative outcomes between laparoscopic 3D and robotic colectomy for cancer. From September 2013 to September 2014, 24 robotic colectomies and 23 3D laparoscopic colectomy were performed at our Department. Data were analyzed and reported both by approach and by colectomy side. Robotic left colectomy (RL) vs laparoscopic 3D left colectomy (LL 3D) and Robotic right colectomy (RR) vs laparoscopic 3D (LR 3D). Rectal cancer procedures were not included. RESULTS: There were 18 RR and 11 LR 3D, 6 RL and 12 LL 3D. As regards LR 3D, extracorporeal anastomosis (EA) was performed in 7 patients and intracorporeal anastomosis (IA) in 4; the RR group included 14 IA and 4 EA. There was no mortality. Median operative time was higher for the robotic group while conversion rate (12.5% vs 13%) and lymph nodes removed (14 vs 13) were similar for both. First flatus time was 1 d for RR and 2 d the other patient groups. Oral intake was resumed in 1 d by LR and in 2 d by the other patients (P = 0.012). Overall cost was €4950 and €1950 for RL and LL 3D, and €4450 and €1450 for RR and LR 3D, respectively. CONCLUSION: There were no differences between RR and LR 3D, except that IA was easier with RR, and probably contributed with the learning curve to the longer operative time recorded. Both techniques offer similar advantages for the patient with significantly different costs. In left colectomies robotic colectomy provided better outcomes, especially in resections approaching the rectum

    Iatrogenic Barotrauma in COVID-19-Positive Patients: Is It Related to the Pneumonia Severity? Prevalence and Trends of This Complication Over Time

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    COVID-19 has attracted worldwide attention ever since the first case was identified in Wuhan (China) in December 2019 and was classified, at a later time, as a public health emergency of international concern in January 2020 and as a pandemic in March 2020. The interstitial pneumonia caused by COVID-19 often requires mechanical ventilation, which can lead to pulmonary barotrauma. We assessed the relationship between pneumonia severity and the development of barotrauma in COVID-19-positive patients mechanically ventilated in an intensive care unit; we therefore analyzed the prevalence of iatrogenic barotrauma and its trends over time during the pandemic in COVID-19-positive patients undergoing mechanical ventilation compared to COVID-19-negative patients, making a distinction between different types of ventilation (invasive mechanical ventilation vs. noninvasive mechanical ventilation). We compared CT findings of pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax in 104 COVID-19-positive patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit and 101 COVID-19-negative patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in the period between October 2020 and December 2021. The severity of pneumonia was not directly correlated with the development of barotrauma. Furthermore, a higher prevalence of complications due to barotrauma was observed in the group of mechanically ventilated COVID-19-postive patients vs. COVID-19-negative patients. A higher rate of barotrauma was observed in subgroups of COVID-19-positive patients undergoing mechanical ventilation compared to those treated with invasive mechanical ventilation. The prevalence of barotrauma in COVID 19-positive patients showed a decreasing trend over the period under review. CT remains an essential tool in the early detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of the clinical course of SARS-CoV2 pneumonia; in evaluating the disease severity; and in the assessment of iatrogenic complications such as barotrauma pathology

    Is the Age of Developmental Milestones a Predictor for Future Development in Down Syndrome?

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    Down Syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic alteration responsible for intellectual disability, which refers to deficits in both intellectual and adaptive functioning. According to this, individuals with Down Syndrome (DS) reach developmental milestones (e.g., sitting, walking, and babbling) in the same order as their typically developing peers, but later in life. Since developmental milestones are the first blocks on which development builds, the aims of the current study are to: (i) expand the knowledge of developmental milestone acquisition; and (ii) explore the relationship between developmental milestone acquisition and later development. For this purpose 105 children/adolescents with DS were involved in this study, divided in two groups, Preschoolers (n = 39) and School-age participants (n = 66). Information on the age of acquisition of Sitting, Walking, Babbling, and Sphincter Control was collected, together with cognitive, motor, and adaptive functioning. Sitting predicted later motor development, but, with age, it became less important in predicting motor development in everyday life. Babbling predicted later language development in older children. Finally, Sphincter Control emerged as the strongest predictor of motor, cognitive, language, and adaptive skills, with its role being more evident with increasing age. Our data suggest that the age of reaching the milestones considered in the study has an influence on successive development, a role that can be due to common neural substrates, the environment, and the developmental cascade effect

    Table_8_Zinc metabolism and its role in immunity status in subjects with trisomy 21: chromosomal dosage effect.docx

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    IntroductionTrisomy 21 (T21), which causes Down syndrome (DS), is the most common chromosomal aneuploidy in humankind and includes different clinical comorbidities, among which the alteration of the immune system has a heavy impact on patient’s lives. A molecule with an important role in immune response is zinc and it is known that its concentration is significantly lower in children with T21. Different hypotheses were made about this metabolic alteration and one of the reasons might be the overexpression of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene, as zinc is part of the SOD1 active enzymatic center.MethodsThe aim of our work is to explore if there is a linear correlation between zinc level and immune cell levels measured in a total of 217 blood samples from subjects with T21. Furthermore, transcriptome map analyses were performed using Transcriptome Mapper (TRAM) software to investigate whether a difference in gene expression is detectable between subjects with T21 and euploid control group in tissues and cells involved in the immune response such as lymphoblastoid cells, thymus and white blood cells.ResultsOur results have confirmed the literature data stating that the blood zinc level in subjects with T21 is lower compared to the general population; in addition, we report that the T21/control zinc concentration ratio is 2:3, consistent with a chromosomal dosage effect due to the presence of three copies of chromosome 21. The transcriptome map analyses showed an alteration of some gene’s expression which might explain low levels of zinc in the blood.DiscussionOur data suggest that zinc level is not associated with the levels of immunity cells or proteins analyzed themselves and rather the main role of this ion might be played in altering immune cell function.</p

    Table_4_Zinc metabolism and its role in immunity status in subjects with trisomy 21: chromosomal dosage effect.xlsx

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    IntroductionTrisomy 21 (T21), which causes Down syndrome (DS), is the most common chromosomal aneuploidy in humankind and includes different clinical comorbidities, among which the alteration of the immune system has a heavy impact on patient’s lives. A molecule with an important role in immune response is zinc and it is known that its concentration is significantly lower in children with T21. Different hypotheses were made about this metabolic alteration and one of the reasons might be the overexpression of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene, as zinc is part of the SOD1 active enzymatic center.MethodsThe aim of our work is to explore if there is a linear correlation between zinc level and immune cell levels measured in a total of 217 blood samples from subjects with T21. Furthermore, transcriptome map analyses were performed using Transcriptome Mapper (TRAM) software to investigate whether a difference in gene expression is detectable between subjects with T21 and euploid control group in tissues and cells involved in the immune response such as lymphoblastoid cells, thymus and white blood cells.ResultsOur results have confirmed the literature data stating that the blood zinc level in subjects with T21 is lower compared to the general population; in addition, we report that the T21/control zinc concentration ratio is 2:3, consistent with a chromosomal dosage effect due to the presence of three copies of chromosome 21. The transcriptome map analyses showed an alteration of some gene’s expression which might explain low levels of zinc in the blood.DiscussionOur data suggest that zinc level is not associated with the levels of immunity cells or proteins analyzed themselves and rather the main role of this ion might be played in altering immune cell function.</p

    DataSheet_1_Zinc metabolism and its role in immunity status in subjects with trisomy 21: chromosomal dosage effect.xlsx

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    IntroductionTrisomy 21 (T21), which causes Down syndrome (DS), is the most common chromosomal aneuploidy in humankind and includes different clinical comorbidities, among which the alteration of the immune system has a heavy impact on patient’s lives. A molecule with an important role in immune response is zinc and it is known that its concentration is significantly lower in children with T21. Different hypotheses were made about this metabolic alteration and one of the reasons might be the overexpression of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene, as zinc is part of the SOD1 active enzymatic center.MethodsThe aim of our work is to explore if there is a linear correlation between zinc level and immune cell levels measured in a total of 217 blood samples from subjects with T21. Furthermore, transcriptome map analyses were performed using Transcriptome Mapper (TRAM) software to investigate whether a difference in gene expression is detectable between subjects with T21 and euploid control group in tissues and cells involved in the immune response such as lymphoblastoid cells, thymus and white blood cells.ResultsOur results have confirmed the literature data stating that the blood zinc level in subjects with T21 is lower compared to the general population; in addition, we report that the T21/control zinc concentration ratio is 2:3, consistent with a chromosomal dosage effect due to the presence of three copies of chromosome 21. The transcriptome map analyses showed an alteration of some gene’s expression which might explain low levels of zinc in the blood.DiscussionOur data suggest that zinc level is not associated with the levels of immunity cells or proteins analyzed themselves and rather the main role of this ion might be played in altering immune cell function.</p

    DataSheet_2_Zinc metabolism and its role in immunity status in subjects with trisomy 21: chromosomal dosage effect.docx

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    IntroductionTrisomy 21 (T21), which causes Down syndrome (DS), is the most common chromosomal aneuploidy in humankind and includes different clinical comorbidities, among which the alteration of the immune system has a heavy impact on patient’s lives. A molecule with an important role in immune response is zinc and it is known that its concentration is significantly lower in children with T21. Different hypotheses were made about this metabolic alteration and one of the reasons might be the overexpression of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene, as zinc is part of the SOD1 active enzymatic center.MethodsThe aim of our work is to explore if there is a linear correlation between zinc level and immune cell levels measured in a total of 217 blood samples from subjects with T21. Furthermore, transcriptome map analyses were performed using Transcriptome Mapper (TRAM) software to investigate whether a difference in gene expression is detectable between subjects with T21 and euploid control group in tissues and cells involved in the immune response such as lymphoblastoid cells, thymus and white blood cells.ResultsOur results have confirmed the literature data stating that the blood zinc level in subjects with T21 is lower compared to the general population; in addition, we report that the T21/control zinc concentration ratio is 2:3, consistent with a chromosomal dosage effect due to the presence of three copies of chromosome 21. The transcriptome map analyses showed an alteration of some gene’s expression which might explain low levels of zinc in the blood.DiscussionOur data suggest that zinc level is not associated with the levels of immunity cells or proteins analyzed themselves and rather the main role of this ion might be played in altering immune cell function.</p

    Table_6_Zinc metabolism and its role in immunity status in subjects with trisomy 21: chromosomal dosage effect.docx

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    IntroductionTrisomy 21 (T21), which causes Down syndrome (DS), is the most common chromosomal aneuploidy in humankind and includes different clinical comorbidities, among which the alteration of the immune system has a heavy impact on patient’s lives. A molecule with an important role in immune response is zinc and it is known that its concentration is significantly lower in children with T21. Different hypotheses were made about this metabolic alteration and one of the reasons might be the overexpression of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene, as zinc is part of the SOD1 active enzymatic center.MethodsThe aim of our work is to explore if there is a linear correlation between zinc level and immune cell levels measured in a total of 217 blood samples from subjects with T21. Furthermore, transcriptome map analyses were performed using Transcriptome Mapper (TRAM) software to investigate whether a difference in gene expression is detectable between subjects with T21 and euploid control group in tissues and cells involved in the immune response such as lymphoblastoid cells, thymus and white blood cells.ResultsOur results have confirmed the literature data stating that the blood zinc level in subjects with T21 is lower compared to the general population; in addition, we report that the T21/control zinc concentration ratio is 2:3, consistent with a chromosomal dosage effect due to the presence of three copies of chromosome 21. The transcriptome map analyses showed an alteration of some gene’s expression which might explain low levels of zinc in the blood.DiscussionOur data suggest that zinc level is not associated with the levels of immunity cells or proteins analyzed themselves and rather the main role of this ion might be played in altering immune cell function.</p