1,377 research outputs found

    Dirac phase leptogenesis

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    I present here a concise summary of the preprint arXiv:0707.3024, written in collaboration with A. Anisimov and P. Di Bari. There we discuss leptogenesis when {\em CP} violation stems exlusively from the Dirac phase in the PMNS mixing matrix. Under this assumption it turns out that the situation is very constrained when a hierarchical heavy right-handed (RH) neutrino spectrum is considered: the allowed regions are small and the final asymmetry depends on the initial conditions. On the other hand, for a quasi-degenerate spectrum of RH neutrinos, the {\em CP} asymmetry can be enhanced and the situation becomes much more favorable, with no dependence on the initial conditions. Interestingly, in the extreme case of resonant leptogenesis, in order to match the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe, we obtain a lower bound on \sin \q_{13} which depends on the lightest active neutrino mass m_1.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the TAUP 07 conference, Sep. 11-15, Sendai, Japa

    Axino dark matter in brane world cosmology

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    We discuss dark matter in the brane world scenario. We work in the Randall-Sundrum type II brane world and assume that the lightest supersymmetric particle is the axino. We find that the axinos can play the role of cold dark matter in the universe, provided that the five-dimensional Planck mass is bounded both from below and from above. This is possible for higher reheating temperatures compared to the conventional four-dimensional cosmology due to a novel expansion law for the universe.Comment: 1+11 pages, version submitted to JCA

    Classical Cosmological Tests for Galaxies of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    Images of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field are analyzed to obtain a catalog of galaxies for which the angular sizes, surface brightness, photometric redshifts, and absolute magnitudes are found. The catalog contains a total of about 4000 galaxies identified at a high signal-to-noise ratio, which allows the cosmological relations angular size{redshift and surface brightness-redshift to be analyzed. The parameters of the evolution of linear sizes and surface brightness of distant galaxies in the redshift interval 0.5-6.5 are estimated in terms of a grid of cosmological models with different density parameters. The distribution of photometric redshifts of galaxies is analyzed and possible superlarge inhomogeneities in the radial distribution of galaxies are found with scale lengths as large as 2000 Mpc.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Exact Polynomial Eigenmodes for Homogeneous Spherical 3-Manifolds

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    Observational data hints at a finite universe, with spherical manifolds such as the Poincare dodecahedral space tentatively providing the best fit. Simulating the physics of a model universe requires knowing the eigenmodes of the Laplace operator on the space. The present article provides explicit polynomial eigenmodes for all globally homogeneous 3-manifolds: the Poincare dodecahedral space S3/I*, the binary octahedral space S3/O*, the binary tetrahedral space S3/T*, the prism manifolds S3/D_m* and the lens spaces L(p,1).Comment: v3. Final published version. 27 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum corrections to the inflaton potential and the power spectra from superhorizon modes and trace anomalies

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    We obtain the effective inflaton potential during slow roll inflation by including the one loop quantum corrections to the energy momentum tensor from scalar curvature and tensor perturbations as well as quantum fluctuations from light scalars and light Dirac fermions generically coupled to the inflaton. During slow roll inflation there is a clean and unambiguous separation between superhorizon and subhorizon contributions to the energy momentum tensor. The superhorizon part is determined by the curvature perturbations and scalar field fluctuations: both feature infrared enhancements as the inverse of a combination of slow roll parameters which measure the departure from scale invariance in each case.Fermions and gravitons do not exhibit infrared divergences. The subhorizon part is completely specified by the trace anomaly of the fields with different spins and is solely determined by the space-time geometry. The one-loop quantum corrections to the amplitude of curvature and tensor perturbations are obtained to leading order in slow-roll and in the (H/M_PL)^2 expansion. This study provides a complete assessment of the backreaction problem up to one loop including bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. The result validates the effective field theory description of inflation and confirms the robustness of the inflationary paradigm to quantum fluctuations. Quantum corrections to the power spectra are expressed in terms of the CMB observables:n_s, r and dn_s/dln k. Trace anomalies (especially the graviton part) dominate these quantum corrections in a definite direction: they enhance the scalar curvature fluctuations and reduce the tensor fluctuations.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Cosmic Reionisation by Stellar Sources: Population II Stars

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    We study the reionisation of the Universe by stellar sources using a numerical approach that combines fast 3D radiative transfer calculations with high resolution hydrodynamical simulations. Ionising fluxes for the sources are derived from intrinsic star formation rates computed in the underlying hydrodynamical simulations. Our mass resolution limit for sources is M~ 4.0 x 10^7 h^-1 M_sol, which is roughly an order of magnitude smaller than in previous studies of this kind. Our calculations reveal that the reionisation process is sensitive to the inclusion of dim sources with masses below ~10^9 h^-1 M_sol. We present the results of our reionisation simulation assuming a range of escape fractions for ionising photons and make statistical comparisons with observational constraints on the neutral fraction of hydrogen at z~6 derived from the z=6.28 SDSS quasar of Becker and coworkers. Our best fitting model has an escape fraction of ~20% and causes reionisation to occur by z~8, although the IGM remains fairly opaque until z~6. In order to simultaneously match the observations from the z=6.28 SDSS quasar and the optical depth measurement from WMAP with the sources modeled here, we require an evolving escape fraction that rises from f_esc=0.20 near z~6 to f_esc>~10 at z~18.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figure

    Statistical Isotropy violation of the CMB brightness fluctuations

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    Certain anomalies at large angular scales in the cosmic microwave background measured by WMAP have been suggested as possible evidence of breakdown of statistical isotropy(SI). Most CMB photons free-stream to the present from the surface of last scattering. It is thus reasonable to expect statistical isotropy violation in the CMB photon distribution observed now to have originated from SI violation in the baryon-photon fluid at last scattering, in addition to anisotropy of the primordial power spectrum studied earlier in literature. We consider the generalized anisotropic brightness distribution fluctuations, Δ(k,n^,τ)\Delta(\vec{k}, \hat{n}, \tau) (at conformal time τ\tau) in contrast to the SI case where it is simply a function of k|\vec{k}| and k^n^\hat{k} \cdot \hat{n}. The brightness fluctuations expanded in Bipolar Spherical Harmonic (BipoSH) series, can then be written as Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) where L>0L > 0 terms encode deviations from statistical isotropy. We study the evolution of Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) from non-zero terms Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau_s) at last scattering. Similar to the SI case, power at small spherical harmonic (SH) multipoles of Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k},\tau_s) at the last scattering, is transferred to Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) at larger SH multipoles. The structural similarity is more apparent in the asymptotic expression for large values of the final SH multipoles. This formalism allows an elegant identification of any SI violation observed today to a possible origin in the SI violation present in the baryon-photon fluid (eg., due to the presence of significant magnetic field).Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, added illustrative example of SI violation in baryon-photon fluid, matches version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The dynamical viability of scalar-tensor gravity theories

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    We establish the dynamical attractor behavior in scalar-tensor theories of dark energy, providing a powerful framework to analyze classes of theories, predicting common evolutionary characteristics that can be compared against cosmological constraints. In the Jordan frame the theories are viewed as a coupling between a scalar field, \Phi, and the Ricci scalar, R, F(\Phi)R. The Jordan frame evolution is described in terms of dynamical variables m \equiv d\ln F/d\ln \Phi and r \equiv -\Phi F/f, where F(\Phi) = d f(\Phi)/d\Phi. The evolution can be alternatively viewed in the Einstein frame as a general coupling between scalar dark energy and matter, \beta. We present a complete, consistent picture of evolution in the Einstein and Jordan frames and consider the conditions on the form of the coupling F and \beta required to give the observed cold dark matter (CDM) dominated era that transitions into a late time accelerative phase, including transitory accelerative eras that have not previously been investigated. We find five classes of evolutionary behavior of which four are qualitatively similar to those for f(R) theories (which have \beta=1/2). The fifth class exists only for |\beta| < \sqrt{3}/4, i.e. not for f(R) theories. In models giving transitory late time acceleration, we find a viable accelerative region of the (r,m) plane accessible to scalar-tensor theories with any coupling, \beta (at least in the range |\beta| \leq 1/2, which we study in detail), and an additional region open only to theories with |\beta| < \sqrt{3}/4.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure