1,399 research outputs found

    Repositório de Recursos de Informação da Rede de Agricultura de Precisão da Embrapa (Rede AP): manual do usuário: Versão 1.0.

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    Geração de mapas georreferenciados para visualização de dados de campo para auxílio na tomada de decisão em irrigação de precisão.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um aplicativo computacional capaz de gerar mapas georreferenciados úteis para a tomada de decisão em irrigação de precisão. Para tanto, foram utilizadas as bibliotecas TerraLib e SOMCode, ambas de código aberto e escritas na linguagem C++, desenvolvidas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) e pela Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros (CPATC), respectivamente. Os dados utilizados para a geração desses mapas foram obtidos por uma grade de sensores de uma unidade piloto da plataforma Irrigap, desenvolvida pela Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária (CNPDIA), dados esses referentes a medidas horárias de umidade e temperatura do solo e temperatura do ar. Diferentes métodos de interpolação foram utilizados, com o intuito de verificar qual a melhor maneira de se gerar mapas que possibilitem a visualização de áreas com o mesmo comportamento com relação às variáveis de solo e climatológicas, as chamadas zonas de manejo agrícolas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que é possível a identificação dessas zonas, desde que sejam utilizados os algoritmos corretos para cada situação. Além disso, aplicativos para a geração de mapas temáticos utilizando dados reais podem se tornar importantes para a tomada de decisão em agricultura de precisão, proporcionando benefícios como a economia de água e energia durante o período de irrigação

    Performance evaluation of 5G access technologies and SDN transport network on an NS3 simulator

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    In this article, we deal with the enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) service class, defined within the new 5G communication paradigm, to evaluate the impact of the transition from 4G to 5G access technology on the Radio Access Network and on the Transport Network. Simulation results are obtained with ns3 and performance analyses are focused on 6 GHz radio scenarios for the Radio Access Network, where an Non-Standalone 5G configuration has been assumed, and on SDN-based scenarios for the Transport Network. Inspired by the 5G Transformer model, we describe and simulate each single element of the three main functional plains of the proposed architecture to aim a preliminary evaluation of the end-to-end system performances

    Magnetic fabric of Pleistocene continental clays from the hanging-wall of an active low-angle normal fault (Altotiberina Fault, Italy)

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    Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) represents a valuable proxy able to detect subtle strain effects in very weakly deformed sediments. During the last decades a large number of AMS studies have documented that in compressive tectonic settings the maximum susceptibility axes (i.e. the magnetic lineations) are parallel to fold axes (and thrust faults) and local bedding strikes, while in extensional regimes they are perpendicular to the normal faults and, thus, parallel to the strata dip directions. One of the most striking active tectonic structures of the northern Apennines is represented by the Altotiberina Fault (ATF), a NE-dipping low-angle normal fault bounding the High Tiber Valley. The ATF represents a primary detachment of the Plio-Quaternary extensional tectonics affecting the Apennine belt. The long-lasting activity of the ATF produced 5 km of total displacement and up to 1200-m-thick basin infill of syn-tectonic, sandy-clayey continental succession. Thus, the AMS analysis of the sediments lying above the ATF represents a unique opportunity to document the strain field affecting the hanging-wall of low-angle normal faults. We collected 129 oriented cores at 12 different localities within the High Tiber Valley, and measured the AMS with a spinner Multi-Function Kappabridge. Most of the sites show a magnetic fabric typical of sediments at the earliest stages of deformation, characterized by oblate AMS ellipsoids and a well defined magnetic lineation, while prolate AMS ellipsoids at two sites are suggestive of pervasive tectonic effects. The magnetic lineation is well-developed at all sites and 20 has a prevailing N-S direction. At five sites the bedding is tilted and the magnetic lineation is subparallel to local bed-strikes, implying that these sites underwent a maximum horizontal shortening along an E-W direction. At two sites the magnetic lineation is sub-perpendicular to the trend of the ATF, and may be related to extensional strain. Our results reveal the existence of both compressional and extensional structures at the hangingwall of the ATF, and suggest that the early Pleistocene sequence of the High Tiber Valley is arranged in gently, local folds (hardly visible in the field) ~N-S trending. We interpret these compressivestructures as the result of local superficial stress induced by irregularities of the fault plane at depth. Accordingly, the strain field we documented from the High Tiber Valley can not be used to infer the regional tectonic regime acting during the ATF activity. We conclude that the long-lasting debate on the extensional vs. compressional Plio-Quaternary tectonics of the Apennines orogenic belt should be revised evaluating the importance of compressional structures resulting by local effects

    Magnetic fabric of Pleistocene continental clays from the hanging-wall of an active low-angle normal fault (Altotiberina Fault, Italy)

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    Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) represents a valuable proxy able to detect subtle strain effects in very weakly deformed sediments. In compressive tectonic settings, the magnetic lineation is commonly parallel to fold axes, thrust faults, and local bedding strike, while in extensional regimes, it is perpendicular to normal faults and parallel to bedding dip directions. The Altotiberina Fault (ATF) in the northern Apennines (Italy) is a Plio-Quaternary NNW–SSE low-angle normal fault; the sedimentary basin (Tiber basin) at its hanging-wall is infilled with a syn-tectonic, sandy-clayey continental succession. We measured the AMS of apparently undeformed sandy clays sampled at 12 sites within the Tiber basin. The anisotropy parameters suggest that a primary sedimentary fabric has been overprinted by an incipient tectonic fabric. The magnetic lineation is well developed at all sites, and at the sites from the western sector of the basin it is oriented sub-perpendicular to the trend of the ATF, suggesting that it may be related to extensional strain. Conversely, the magnetic lineation of the sites from the eastern sector has a prevailing N–S direction. The occurrence of triaxial to prolate AMS ellipsoids and sub-horizontal magnetic lineations suggests that a maximum horizontal shortening along an E–W direction occurred at these sites. The presence of compressive AMS features at the hanging-wall of the ATF can be explained by the presence of gently N–Strending local folds (hardly visible in the field) formed by either passive accommodation above an undulated fault plane, or rollover mechanism along antithetic faults. The long-lasting debate on the extensional versus compressive Plio-Quaternary tectonics of the Apennines orogenic belt should now be revised taking into account the importance of compressive structures related to local effects

    Uma ferramenta para cadastro e visualização de metadados em Agricultura de Precisão utilizando GeoNetwork.

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    A Rede Agricultura de Precisão (RedeAP) consiste em um sistema que pode ser descrito como uma estratégia de gestão dos dados produzidos nas Unidades Piloto, e é fundamentalmente constituído de três componentes inter-relacionados entre si, sendo eles: Bancos de Dados, Política de Acesso e uso dos Dados, e Aplicação. O componente de Aplicação se trata de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas para a Web baseado no software livre i3Geo com o aplicativo de catalogação de dados geoespaciais GeoNetwork (QUEIROS et al., 2011). A adição de novos registros no catálogo do GeoNetwork pode ser feita utilizando o próprio editor de metadados ou pela ferramenta de importação dos dados no formato XML. Em ambos os casos, o usuário deve ser, no mínimo, registrado como editor no grupo correspondente. Contudo, o controle de usuários, perfis e níveis de acesso deve ser feito pelo próprio sistema RedeAP, utilizando, assim, o GeoNetwork somente para a visualização dos metadados catalogados. Baseado nesse contexto, surgiu a necessidade da criação de uma ferramenta que fizesse a catalogação dos metadados com o objetivo de mantê-los armazenados no banco de dados do sistema e também possibilitar sua visualização nos padrões de exibição do GeoNetwork

    Roles of age, gender and psychological difficulties in adolescent mentalizing

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    INTRODUCTION: Adolescence is a critical period for the development of mentalizing – the imaginative capacity to understand one's own and others' behaviour in terms of underlying mental states. Yet, factors and mechanisms underlying individual differences in adolescent mentalizing remain poorly understood. This exploratory study examined whether and how a) age and gender and b) psychological difficulties correlate with mentalizing performance in adolescents from the general population. METHODS: 89 adolescents from Geneva, Switzerland (54 females, age 12–17 years) completed a computerized task of mentalizing and a self-report measure of psychopathology. RESULTS: Mentalizing performance improved with age. Males showed lower scores on the mentalizing task and made more hypermentalizing errors than females. The main findings revealed a negative association between mentalizing performance and self-reported attention problems. Post-hoc analyses further demonstrated that self-reported attentional difficulties were particularly associated with weaker scores on items requiring mentalizing about intentions, while self-reported withdrawal/depression symptoms were particularly associated with weaker scores on items requiring mentalizing about emotions and thoughts. CONCLUSION: The present study highlights a negative association between attentional difficulties and mentalizing performance in community adolescents. Moreover, it provides preliminary evidence suggesting that age, gender and psychological difficulties can be distinctively associated with patterns of correct and incorrect mentalizing in community adolescents. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed

    Dopamine: The Neuromodulator of Long-Term Synaptic Plasticity, Reward and Movement Control

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    Dopamine (DA) is a key neurotransmitter involved in multiple physiological functions including motor control, modulation of affective and emotional states, reward mechanisms, reinforcement of behavior, and selected higher cognitive functions. Dysfunction in dopaminergic transmission is recognized as a core alteration in several devastating neurological and psychiatric disorders, including Parkinson's disease (PD), schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and addiction. Here we will discuss the current insights on the role of DA in motor control and reward learning mechanisms and its involvement in the modulation of synaptic dynamics through different pathways. In particular, we will consider the role of DA as neuromodulator of two forms of synaptic plasticity, known as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in several cortical and subcortical areas. Finally, we will delineate how the effect of DA on dendritic spines places this molecule at the interface between the motor and the cognitive systems. Specifically, we will be focusing on PD, vascular dementia, and schizophrenia