43 research outputs found

    Cyclic Coverings of genus 2 curves of Sophie Germain type

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    We consider cyclic unramified coverings of degree d of irreducible complex smooth genus 2 curves and their corresponding Prym varieties. They provide natural examples of polarized abelian varieties with automorphisms of order d. The rich geometry of the associated Prym map, has been studied in several papers, and the cases d=2, 3, 5, 7 are quite well-understood. Nevertheless, very few is known for higher values of d. In this article we investigate if the covering can be reconstructed from its Prym variety, that is, if the generic Prym Torelli Theorem holds for these coverings. We prove this is so for the so-called Sophie Germain prime numbers, that is, for d11d\ge 11 prime such that (d1)/2(d-1)/2 is also prime. We use results of arithmetic nature on GL2GL_2-type abelian varieties combined with theta-duality techniques

    First-trimester prediction of gestational hypertension through the bioelectrical impedance analysis of the body composition

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    OBJECTIVE: Obesity is a risk factor for the development of gestational hypertension, with important consequences for both the mother and fetus. This prospective observational study aims to propose an early prediction model of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy among obese women, through the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) at the first trimester, thus allowing early recognition of obese women that are at risk to develop gestational hypertension, in order to target preventive interventions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Singleton obese women (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) between the 9th and 12th week of pregnancy were included in the study. The exclusion criteria were chronic diseases, like type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and other medical pre-existing conditions. Eligible women were followed up at 20, 28, and 36 weeks of gestation by measuring blood pressure, weight, and body composition with the use of the BIA. The diagnosis of gestational hypertension was made after the 20th week of gestation. Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes were then recorded. RESULTS: Of the 479 women included in the study, 85 (17.7%) developed gestational hypertension; the remaining 394 (82.3%) resulted to be normotensive. A higher rate of nulliparous women was found in the hypertensive group (50.6% vs. 37.6%, p = 0.02), together with a higher rate of induction of labor (55.3% vs. 40.9%, p = 0.02) and of small for gestational age (SGA) newborns (12.9% vs. 6.9%, p = 0.03). Significant differences emerged in the body composition between the two groups already from the first trimester, indeed women developing gestational hypertension showed elevated values of Total body Mass, FM, FFM, TBW (p < 0.02), and of leg's FM, FFM (p < 0.006). At the multivariate logistics regression, the risk of developing gestational hypertension resulted higher in women with elevated total body water levels in the first trimester (OR 1.10 95% CI 1.04 -1.92). CONCLUSIONS: The BIA is a rapid, easy, non-invasive, and inexpensive tool to evaluate the body composition of obese pregnant women. It represents a promising predictor of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, which allows an early identification of the patients at risk of developing gestational hypertension, thus opening a window of opportunity for strictly monitoring and target preventive intervention

    Action of MK‐7264 (Gefapixant) at human P2X3 and P2X2/3 receptors and in vivo efficacy in models of sensitisation

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    Background & Purpose The P2X3 receptor is an ATP‐gated ion channel expressed by sensory afferent neurons, and is as a target to treat chronic sensitisation conditions. The first‐in‐class, selective P2X3 and P2X2/3 receptor antagonist, the diaminopyrimidine MK‐7264 (Gefapixant), has progressed to Phase III trials for refractory or unexplained chronic cough. We have used patch‐clamp to elucidate the pharmacology and kinetics of MK‐7264 and rat models of hypersensitivity and hyperalgesia to test efficacy in these conditions. Experimental Approach Whole‐cell patch‐clamp of 1321N1 cells expressing human P2X3 and P2X2/3 receptors was used to determine mode of MK‐7264 action, potency and kinetics. The analgesic efficacy was assessed using paw withdrawal threshold and limb weight distribution in rat models of inflammatory, osteoarthritic and neuropathic sensitisation. Key Results MK‐7264 is a reversible allosteric antagonist at human P2X3 and P2X2/3 receptors with IC50 values of 153 and 220nM, respectively. Experiments with the slowly desensitising P2X2/3 heteromer revealed concentration and state‐dependency to wash‐on, with faster rates and greater inhibition when applied before agonist compared to during agonist application. Wash‐on rate (τ value) for MK‐7264 at maximal concentrations was 19s and 146s when applied before and during agonist application, respectively. In vivo, MK‐7264 (30 mg/kg) displayed efficacy comparable to naproxen (20 mg/kg) in inflammatory and osteoarthritic sensitisation models, and gabapentin (100 mg/kg) in neuropathic sensitisation models, increasing paw withdrawal threshold and decreasing weight bearing discomfort. Conclusions and Implications MK‐7264 is a reversible and selective P2X3 and P2X2/3 antagonist, exerting allosteric antagonism via preferential activity at closed channels. Efficacy in rat models supports clinical investigation of chronic sensitisation conditions

    Molecular and functional properties of P2X receptors—recent progress and persisting challenges

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    Veicolo trasportatore

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    L'invenzione consiste in un veicolo per il trasporto individuale che aiuti l’utente a muoversi in spazi chiusi e delimitati, principalmente su superfici lisce; si tratta di una piattaforma di movimentazione leggera, dotata di propulsione elettrica, equipaggiata con batterie al litio. L’interfaccia utente è data da sensori di pressione posti in determinate zone della piattaforma, che permettono all’utente di guidare il veicolo mediante lo sbilanciamento del proprio peso corporeo

    Fault detection in roll angle estimation for two-wheeled vehicles

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    The knowledge of the lean angle represents a fundamental information to design a control system for the out-of-plane dynamics of 2-wheel vehicles. Recent papers has tackled successfully the problem of lean angle estimation by the use of inertial sensors. However, in real application, a control system needs not only the actual measure but also the information about its reliability, in order to drive a safety relevant action in the case of an improper information. This paper is focused on the study of the fault analysis of a lean angle estimation system based on the use of 4-deegre-of-freedom inertial sensor. In particular this paper adresses a fault taxonomy to analyze the fault-detection problem and presents a possible solution. Some tests on a real motorcycle, where both coherence and hardware faults are artificially generated, show the effectiveness of the aforementioned strategy

    Steam unit and gas turbine power station reliable control for network black-start-up

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    The aim of the paper is the analysis of the dynamic behavior of a thermoelectric power plant equipped with a steam unit and a gas turbine during the early phases ofa black-start-up maneuver for the network restoration. Models of different detail level for two production units and the relevant regulators have been implemented into two simulation tools. The paper contains the description of the different models, identifies the cases in which the two simulation codes predict similar results and presents the main characteristics, as well as the fields of application of the two codes. As an example, the paper presents also an application of simulators developed for the planning and the preparation of island operation and start up field tests of a power station

    Dietary fats, olive oil and respiratory diseases in Italian adults: A population-based study

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    BACKGROUND: Fat intake has been associated with respiratory diseases, with conflicting results. OBJECTIVE: We studied the association between asthma and rhinitis with dietary fats, and their food sources in an Italian population. METHODS: Clinical and nutritional information was collected for 871 subjects (aged 20-84) from the population-based multi-case-control study Genes Environment Interaction in Respiratory Diseases (GEIRD): 145 with current asthma (CA), 77 with past asthma (PA), 305 with rhinitis and 344 controls. Food intake was collected using the EPIC (European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) Food Frequency Questionnaire. The associations between fats and respiratory diseases were estimated by multinomial models. Fats and their dietary sources were analysed both as continuous variables and as quartiles. RESULTS: Monounsaturated fatty acids and oleic acid were associated with a reduced risk of CA in both continuous (RRR = 0.68, 95%CI: 0.48; 0.96; RRR = 0.69; 95%CI: 0.49; 0.97, per 10 g, respectively) and per-quartile analyses (p for trend = 0.028 and 0.024, respectively). Olive oil was associated with a decreased risk of CA (RRR = 0.80; 95%CI: 0.65; 0.98 per 10 g). An increased risk of rhinitis was associated with moderate total fat and SFA intake. CONCLUSIONS: High dietary intakes of oleic acid and of olive oil are associated with a lower risk of asthma but not of rhinitis