617 research outputs found

    Spectral density affects the intelligibility of tone-vocoded speech: Implications for cochlear implant simulations

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    For small numbers of channels, tone vocoders using low envelope cutoff frequencies are less intelligible than noise vocoders, even though the noise carriers introduce random fluctuations into the crucial envelope information. Here it is shown that using tone carriers with a denser spectrum improves performance considerably over typical tone vocoders, at least equalling, and often surpassing, the performance possible with noise vocoders. In short, the spectral sparseness of tone vocoded sounds for low channel numbers, separate from the degradations introduced by using only a small number of channels, is an important limitation on the intelligibility of tone-vocoded speech

    A Shotgun Proteomic Method for the Identification of Membrane-Embedded Proteins and Peptides

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    Integral membrane proteins perform crucial cellular functions and are the targets for the majority of pharmaceutical agents. However, the hydrophobic nature of their membrane-embedded domains makes them difficult to work with. Here, we describe a shotgun proteomic method for the high-throughput analysis of the membrane-embedded transmembrane domains of integral membrane proteins which extends the depth of coverage of the membrane proteome

    Examination of the temporal variation of peptide content in decomposition fluid under controlled conditions using pigs as human substitutes

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    We report the preliminary observations of the peptide content of decomposition fluid produced under controlled laboratory conditions and in the absence of a soil matrix. Four domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) cadavers were used to model human decomposition over a four-week trial period; physical characteristics were recorded and the peptide components of decomposition fluid was analysed using high performance liquid chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry. Preliminary data analysis indicated that a range of peptides were consistently detected across the course of the trial period and 27 of these were common to all four cadavers; 22 originating from haemoglobin. The peptides associated with haemoglobin subunit alpha and beta displayed a breakdown pattern that remained consistent for all cadavers for the duration of the trial. Though identification of peptides during decomposition has potential for estimating the time since death, quantification of selected peptides is likely to be essential to identify time-dependent trends

    Infrared and Raman screening of seized novel psychoactive substances:a large scale study of >200 samples

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    The potential of IR absorption and Raman spectroscopy for rapid identification of novel psychoactive sub- stances (NPS) has been tested using a set of 221 unsorted seized samples suspected of containing NPS. Both IR and Raman spectra showed large variation between the different sub-classifications of NPS and smaller, but still distinguishable, differences between closely related compounds within the same class. In initial tests, screening the samples using spectral searching against a limited reference library allowed only 41% of the samples to be fully identified. The limiting factor in the identification was the large number of active compounds in the seized samples for which no reference vibrational data were available in the libraries rather than poor spectral quality. Therefore, when 33 of these compounds were independently identified by NMR and mass spectrometry and their spectra used to extend the libraries, the percentage of samples identified by IR and Raman screening alone increased to 76%, with only 7% of samples having no identifiable constituents. This study, which is the largest of its type ever carried out, therefore demon- strates that this approach of detecting non-matching samples and then identifying them using standard analytical methods has considerable potential in NPS screening since it allows rapid identification of the constituents of the majority of street quality samples. Only one complete feedback cycle was carried out in this study but there is clearly the potential to carry out continuous identification/updating when this system is used in operational settings

    The lncRNA landscape of breast cancer reveals a role for DSCAM-AS1 in breast cancer progression.

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    Molecular classification of cancers into subtypes has resulted in an advance in our understanding of tumour biology and treatment response across multiple tumour types. However, to date, cancer profiling has largely focused on protein-coding genes, which comprise <1% of the genome. Here we leverage a compendium of 58,648 long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) to subtype 947 breast cancer samples. We show that lncRNA-based profiling categorizes breast tumours by their known molecular subtypes in breast cancer. We identify a cohort of breast cancer-associated and oestrogen-regulated lncRNAs, and investigate the role of the top prioritized oestrogen receptor (ER)-regulated lncRNA, DSCAM-AS1. We demonstrate that DSCAM-AS1 mediates tumour progression and tamoxifen resistance and identify hnRNPL as an interacting protein involved in the mechanism of DSCAM-AS1 action. By highlighting the role of DSCAM-AS1 in breast cancer biology and treatment resistance, this study provides insight into the potential clinical implications of lncRNAs in breast cancer

    Novel Human Parechovirus 3 Diversity, Recombination, and Clinical Impact Across 7 Years: An Australian Story

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    BACKGROUND A novel human parechovirus 3 Australian recombinant (HPeV3-AR) strain emerged in 2013 and coincided with biennial outbreaks of sepsis-like illnesses in infants. We evaluated the molecular evolution of the HPeV3-AR strain and its association with severe HPeV infections. METHODS HPeV3-positive samples collected from hospitalized infants aged 5-252 days in 2 Australian states (2013-2020) and from a community-based birth cohort (2010-2014) were sequenced. Coding regions were used to conduct phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses. A recombinant-specific polymerase chain reaction was designed and utilized to screen all clinical and community HPeV3-positive samples. RESULTS Complete coding regions of 54 cases were obtained, which showed the HPeV3-AR strain progressively evolving, particularly in the 3' end of the nonstructural genes. The HPeV3-AR strain was not detected in the community birth cohort until the initial outbreak in late 2013. High-throughput screening showed that most (>75%) hospitalized HPeV3 cases involved the AR strain in the first 3 clinical outbreaks, with declining prevalence in the 2019-2020 season. The AR strain was not statistically associated with increased clinical severity among hospitalized infants. CONCLUSIONS HPeV3-AR was the dominant strain during the study period. Increased hospital admissions may have been from a temporary fitness advantage and/or increased virulence

    Razvoj i biofarmaceutsko vrednovanje pripravka za povećano oslobađanje tramadol hidroklorida na principu osmotske tehnologije

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    Extended release formulation of tramadol hydrochloride (TRH) based on osmotic technology was developed and evaluated. Target release profile was selected and different variables were optimized to achieve the same. Formulation variables like level of swellable polymer, plasticizer and the coat thickness of semipermeable membrane (SPM) were found to markedly affect the drug release. TRH release was directly proportional to the levels of plasticizer but inversely proportional to the levels of swellable polymer and coat thickness of SPM. Drug release from developed formulations was independent of pH and agitation intensity but dependent on osmotic pressure of the release media. In vivo study was also performed on six healthy human volunteers and various pharmacokinetic parameters (cmax, tmax, AUC0-24, MRT) and relative bioavailability were calculated. The in vitro and in vivo results were compared with performance of two commercial tablets of TRH. The developed formulation provided more prolonged and controlled TRH release as compared to marketed formulation. In vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) was analyzed according to Wagner-Nelson method. The optimized formulation (batch IVB) exhibited good IVIV correlation (R = 0.9750). The manufacturing procedure was found to be reproducible and formulations were stable during 6 months of accelerated stability testing.U radu je opisana priprava i evaluacija pripravaka tramadol hidroklorida (TRH) na principu osmotske tehnologije. Da bi se postigao željeni profil oslobađanja mijenjane su različite varijable. Pokazalo se da najveći utjacaj na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari imaju udjeli polimera koji bubri, plastifikatora i debljina ovojnice polupropusne membrane (SPM). TRH oslobađanje bilo je proporcionalno udjelu plastifikatora, a obrnuto proporcionalno udjelu polimera i vrijednosti SPM. Oslobađanje ljekovite tvari bilo je neovisno o pH i intenzitetu miješanja, a ovisno o osmotskom talku medija. U in vivo studiji provedenoj na šest zdravih volontera određeni su farmakokinetički parametri (cmax, tmax, AUC0-24, MRT) i izračunata relativna bioraspoloživost. Rezultati dobiveni u pokusima in vitro i in vivo uspoređeni su s dvije vrste komercijalno dostupnih tableta TRH: oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz pripravka razvijenog u ovom radu bilo je dulje i više kontrolirano. In vitro-in vivo korelacija (IVIVC) je analizirana prema Wagner-Nelsonovoj metodi. Optimizirani pripravak (IVB) pokazao je dobru IVIV korelaciju (R = 0,9750). Proizvodni proces je bio reproducibilan i pripravci su bili stabilni tijekom 6 mjeseci u uvjetima ubrzanog starenja